The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I picked the 3rd Chapter because I thought the writing was better and it didn’t have as many geographical, race, and language references. Thought it stood on it’s own better.

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LOL will have loved see it as unplayable NPC opponent in Gief story

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Some Poison talk along again with the Amiga stuff.

I like that he include some info about arcade machine like in Alaska.

Few Maki!!

And Matt was right FF-Revenge was weird but during those time, FGs were trying to find a new way to be loved and appeal.That’s why KOF were different those time.

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Sadly, until Capcom can demonstrate that they have done literally anything after Kage other than costumes, we haven’t got much else to discuss. If they even had 1 full time employee putting a fraction of their work into some kind of story content (‘member Side Readers?), we would be miles ahead of where we are now.

It doesn’t need to be much. I’d be down with just a monthly “Ryu meets this character” type story that is only a few paragraphs. Just something to flesh out those little bits of the world we don’t quite see in game.


Do you think Capcom is cooking up another fighter this gen? Or do you think they’re just gonna wait till next gen?

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How many games do Capcom release per year?

I think there’s no chance of a new Capcom fighting game anytime soon.

No way they launch a fighter when Next Gen is next year.


Agreed, I was hoping the story readers were going to continue. Those were great.

This. This please. So much. I need it for phone wallpaper

The next gen has backward capabilities so probably they are just measuring now where to go using free SFV promos.

They might have already a SF6 plan or they might be starting with it since it’s 2019 qnd were close to 2020.

Capcom might have been really still giving a chance to SFV because of the constant free promo but it’s up to the new players interest to know if SFV is still worth it and measured it along side with the consistent players drop rates but if free SFV gets more “new” players they may change plans.

A Capcom X Capcom is a dream it’s not unlikely to hapen but they probably won’t contest themselves against their own brand new flagship titles if there is a SF6.

Honestly, there’s a not-insignificant chance Capcom might just stop making fighting games for a while. Keep in mind that the last 3 fighting games they released were SFxT (abysmal launch that basically killed the game), SFV (still an abysmal launch, only survived because it’s a mainline SF game), and MvCI (no explaination needed). That is a terrible track record.

To be honest, I don’t think Capcom SHOULD make a fighting game for a while. They’re making staff changes right now, and I’d rather they clear all the bad eggs out of their fighting game department and then start on something that isn’t going to get rushed out.

All recent events have pointed to Capcom proper just not being all that interested in making fighting games lately. Compared to titles that were actually pretty risky in some way (RE7 changing gameplay, Monster Hunter World on a series that was never too big outside of Japan, and DMC5 after the DmC mess), SFV has had a laughable amount of money and effort put into it. Ono practically had to beg in order to get SF4 made, and Capcom had so little interest in SFV that they probably wouldn’t have even tried if Sony wasn’t putting down money for development.


They should announce SF6 for 2020 and call it a wrap on SF5. As long as there is something to look forward too people won’t lament lack of further SF5 content. It got a long, good run and is ready for retirement.

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SFVI isn’t coming in 2020. 2021 at the earliest. They are going to want the PS5 to build a bit of user base first. The CPT is still going strong. Tournaments have been straight fire this season.


I think they are still have a trust in SFV that why they are struggling to make something of it. This is probably the guys doing crosspromotion and offered many free SFV. To know if SF V is worth playing for along with modern age fighters

Yet resources are obviously in a tight situation but the player base retention will determine everything.

If you would look into the past SF4 struggle also with this that’s why we had Ultra which according to Combofiend that they want to give something better for SF4 and make it the best. Yet the negativity towards Decapre was meh to begin with that instead of people giving them a praise they were hit by negative stance ar it. Decapre was a Bonus that they struggle to fight for.

Tbh i hope SF6/next FG are as far as possibile

As usually it took so long to reach this level of contents in SF and likely/hopefully we will get one more big upgrade when this bullshit secret “S4” reveal finally come out

Idk i want to believe at E3 they will say something, but we know them, they are fully capable to never mentioned SF for the whole event then do an announcement 4 days after when nobody care outside us lol

I ever found absurd that when finally a SF game reach his ultimate “true” form the spotlight it’s almost over

Example i LOVED get VT2s, i will love just the same if we get CA2s next

Essentially i still want more SFV over get a SF6
I hope for “S4” to be real, and still some shit in 2020, even just a couple of cheap chars

Will love to see SFV to get something like Omega mode, was cool to see Capcom guys free to add stuff and develop more theyr vision of the char without get limited by strict balancement


Maybe they will do a Resident Evil fighting game.

What will be the next Capcom fighting game?
Highest chances have, IMO:

  • A licensed fighter. Let’s be honest, Capcom’s fighters ran out of gas, maybe next time they could adapt some anime or any other franchise into a fighting game (a Godzilla fighting game? Who knows). Who knows, they could do a “Marvel Superheroes 2” video game to try to regain the graces of its audience.
  • A new “Vs.” game. Marvel vs Capcom don’t look like a good idea anytime soon, and let’s not say anything about Capcom Vs SNK. Highest chance they have is grabbing another company to do a bigass crossover. ASW vs Capcom?
  • Darkstalkers reboot. They could do it darker, less anime and grittier, to try to appeal more to a Western audiences, similar to what Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct did. It should include like 6 new characters or so, at least.
  • Rival School 3 for Nintendo Switch. If they do it as a budget title aimed to the Japanese audience, that also includes a lot of minigames/casual game modes, this could happen. Rival Schools 1+2 remaster could concur too.

I’d rather have Darkstalkers stay dead than this, to be brutally honest.


Old fans are skin to be shed in order to revive.

All I want is for Capcom to put the same amount of love and effort into their next fighter that they put into Monster Hunter World, Remake 2, and DMC5.