The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I wonder what happened to the supposed live action series. Last week Mike Moh posted stuff on his FB a guy ask him if he’ll do SF. He likes the post but didn’t answer.

Im also waiting for the animated stuff by otaking I wonder what happen. Maybe it was his schedule…

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I’m not sure. I just follow UDON and some of their artists on twitter and sometimes they’ll drop some teasers

It almost like the SFII Live Action movie, Legend of Chun Li, and Assassin’s Fist combined to make a sequel combing elements from each one which unfortunately makes it two-thirds garbage.


Oh…oh no. I heard about this news this morning and thought it’d be worth a look, but from your reactions, I’m…quite concerned. Is this just a concept trailer or are they really developing this thing?

Putting this out there to anyone: Does anyone know / have a high resolution of the G tarot card image by anychance?

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I’ve always suspected that Mike Moh’s working schedule (as in more work opportunities) would change after he was cast as Bruce Lee in the Tarantino movie, maybe putting in doubt his involvement in future Live Action SF, pure speculation on my part of course.

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HD found it nowhere, best i could do is photoshoop the “SAMPLE” word out of the biggest i found

Click and then click again for real size

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I usually 50% agree and 50% call bullshit on this guy, but on Kage he’s mostly right… well, if you’re calling kage crap is hard to have me disagree lol

But i disagree on critic the headband as “scarf” being a bad thing to specifically criticize on (of all crap kage is composed lol), actually it was probably the BEST detail Kage got

He searched a parallel inside the cast (why?) to “justify” it, but the detail link (as most of SF designs) outside… in this case he did’nt even had to watch that far… just in Akuma’s stage

A stripe cloth on the neck area is part of the imagery
Also it got a nice symbolic meaning, as if Ken’s “seal” on Ryu got lose and fallen down from the head… like to represent SnH broke free from it, it offer an “unchained” image

Another hint of the importance of traditional statues on kage’s design is watching his Battle Alt

Also Kage animations nice support that link, even on little details

Where he should have attacked is that kage is nothing more than evil ryu served with a different sauce, so a boring design by default lol

They got the chance to make something actually original, interessing and worth the slot when they considered design it as a demonic ghost/shadow (kage=shadow)

and they should have gone from there… keeping maaaaaybe an “evil Ryu” alt as DLC shit, but not standard look

He missed to point at that, actually even gone saying essentially that “previous” evil ryu were better (as if Kage should have been an eviryu in his opinion too), wich is exactly the path that was wrong to begin with lol
If done honest the change of name should have gone with an actual absolute deviation from what evil ryu was to create a brand new SnH character and remove the cheap clone taste from the mouth

Will also have helped show his spiritual level existence (he/it links with opponents spirit and “fight” them inside theyr mind/soul) wich current design failed to, even in a fans place like this thread a % of people think kage is made of flesh and can walk to Walmart to buy some doritos


But they got to feed the crap-eating evil ryu fanbase that wanted see the character in no matter what, so we got the amazing kage

PS: i liked the suggestion (and in this thread many of us called it many times) of have it as Ryu’s VT. it will have solved all that crap.
But tbh i will have liked it as “special” VT3, as i like faaar more current VT1 and VT2 Ryu over any evilryu shit.
Only alt solution i will have liked will have been if they somehow merged VT1-VT2 abilities in same VT (to left the other to evilryu), but i guess that will have been broken… awesome but broken LOL

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Thanks man

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I miss story related content. I’m always thirsty for new discussions pertaining to the lore.

Seems like forever.


Nah, Cestus calling the guy bullshit the fact that Cestus didn’t even know animation principles before I brought it in the thread lol.

The first time I did bring it Cestus tried to bury my post with photo spam and multiple wall text like he usually do lol.

I even did discuss the parallel of Kage and what’s with the blue skin the first time in his first month.

I know the guy wasn’t as good in terms of references but at least his not just another part of the echo chamber that want to sound familiar by seasonally parrots everything that had been discussed to death and many many times or heard from others.

He doesn’t even tries to be a cringe hipster that throws opinion for the sake of being unique and different. What he does is to analytical on the details that he is familiar which is better and rather than spamming references to justify a wishlist for the sake of bragging rights lol.

I like that he discussed it looking into animation practices and movement. It’s kinda new to the community. I myself can do the same but I’m not as focus in that area and more on the preservation of branding and consistency.

Throwing references had been down in the ages especially from the site of aerialgroove that was originally part of the previous thread. Those were the days when things were done rightfully because they were new or someone is asking.

To be fair. It’s okay to bring past references if someone is asking or needed answer but not for the sake of persisting a wishlist to justify a means or a self interest kinda lol.

Me I don’t play along. I just do my thing. Yes I do wall text that hurts fan boys of the one that access capcom server but I do compress them in one whole post if some believe multiple post, flooding, ignoring, burying and spamming works, You don’t have any idea with those stuff lol.

It’s like the annoying guy that I once came a cross the con that keeps talking about sheng long origin every time. It’s like a joke that had been told a dozen of times just to cry for attention and bragging rights. lol

I just hope they would continue the CFN or sometime release a book that is something like sf universe or SF world thing as a compilation with stories, updated profiles or even retcon that is more fitting for SF canon from the previous profiles along with those kiki CFN illustration.

From the YouTube description, this is a real thing unfortunately, though Capcom supposedly have nothing to do with this. This is going to be so bad.

You have no idea how much we need this.


Yeah the story team in the thread had been doing an amazing job compiling this previous gems, I just like to see some areas that Capcom would bring into since they probably know which works and what are the complicated stuff as of now. Because it’s like they would be the one always to confirm where things should be headed. When it’s them it’s undebatable because they are official especially if its from japan sources.

They could solve unnecessary information like making things not happen but still making something that is more fan service(in a nostalgic way) and had a lot of call back in a cohesive and not complicated way.

Not SF related, but I could let you read an except from the crappy book I’m attempting to write. :wink:


I’m down.

Probably will have to wait until after Endgame. Going right after work.


Will a paragraph work? I could use my OneDrive copy part of Chapter 3.

That’s fine.

Check your PM. I gave you a bigger chunk of Chapter 3 than a paragraph. I know my grammar is ass but let me know what you think.

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That was a pretty cool read. I’d like to see the previous two chapters whenever you can send them. All I could think about was the strange job that they had just completed. Good work.

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