The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Bears, bulls and kagaroo has been used by humans to showcased their strenght and excibit their combat prowess but still they are not something that should be considered even Tekken is doing such. Tekken was simply more of a parody of characters from pop culture movies. It even had Mokujin. What others in the similar genre makes doesn’t instantly validate the other, the same also as throwing references.

Imagine an SF with Lions, Robots, Spirits, Angels, Bear, Panda, Kangaroo and Skinny guy with mystical yoyo, megaphone, camera or whatever meme like fighter you can imagine. It’s basically losing it’s ideal theme from the title of what SF is known for years or how they were in Alpha, SF2 and SF3.

But it’s not something SF should adopt to occupy space for selectable characters. Since their are plenty more characters that are in the background that deserve the slot.

With those Oyama and Bull fighting mentions, I was reminded of the movie Fighter in the Wind, really cool Oyama Biopic.

By the way, very random but recently after many years I re watched the anime movie Street Fighter Alpha Generations, I recall not liking the movie back when it was released, I gotta say I’ve changed my tune now and enjoyed it for what it was, the only little thing I still don’t like is the implication of Akuma being Ryu’s father or Sakura’s objectification / bath scene (I don’t see Sakura in that light, personally). Hopefully Capcom releases that film in HD/Blu Ray and edit out those two nonsense, I would get an HD version of the movie if so.

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I thought you was talking about “style” on general, as that was the argument.
Stylistically i find it very SF-compatible, and that’s good to me, as i find SF to be the Bible to do fighting game right

Gameplay it’s more about tastes i guess, i’m not a tekken fan or player myself, i just like some of theyr design/characters, just as it is for some SNK ones

If Capcom came up with some of the good TK character designs for SF, it will have been welcome to me, they did some great stuff too on the jap fighting games formula

Magegg said that because it was wrong and improper to begin with.

The argument is even BS hate to begin lol

Especially if someone that reads has decent knowledge to tell what is wrong even how hard you try to make it sound appealing even with the combination of numerous multi post along wall of pictures and text combined.

Not a big Tekken fan but I have to admit it meshed well stylistically with SF in SFxT, oh my what a missed opportunity that game was if only it didn’t have the stupid Gems system and the whole on disc DLC debacle. Gameplay and presentation wise I really enjoyed the game.


It was the gameplay mechanic that made SFxTekken worked not really the Tekken characters they were even mostly change on how their special moves work to able them to fit SF some even get’s a projectile like move like Jin for example.

Well as someone not really versed on Tekken I didn’t know the particulars on what they really changed on SFxT to be honest, but I mostly liked the end result (sans Gems system).

SfxTK’s gameplay wasn’t good. I didn’t like their tag mechanics at all, Pandora kind of sucked, the tag supers were a big missed chance (tag in name only). I’d have killed to have the option to play 1v1.

Also, aesthetics were kind of poor, that “electric copper” artistic choice for character models I found annoying. Alt costumes were garbage, of course, but that’s really become the standard for Street Fighter from IV onwards.

Best thing it brought was a good adaptation of the Tekken characters and, of course, bringing Rolento and Elena into Street Fighter IV.

Yeah the pandora was suck.

Not saying the rest of the mechanic being bad or good, but to be specific of which gameplay mechanic I was talking about it is the combo system specially the juggles that made it “fun” for certain demographic.

Which also made them worked together in a game and play along with each other and without it Tekken characters will be out of place totally in a 2D plane that they even need to majorly overhaul their moves to fit the environment.

I loved SFxT gameplay, but seeing as I don’t give even the feintest fuck about Tekken, it always pissed me off that the resources for all those characters and mechanics were put into that game. I’d have taken 20 more characters in SF4 plus a Tag Team mode (which wouldn’t have been as in-depth as the crossover’s but who cares, it should just be fun).

I really liked playing the game as it was, but it always felt a bit… pointless, dare I say, and wasn’t able to keep my attention for too long. SF4 and T6 were well recieved and some of the best entries in their respective franchises… I guess the time was good for a crossover, but there’s no way I can see it working, even without the whole gem/DLC debacle.

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I’m big fan of Tekken. The series is my favorite 3D fighter. It would be cool to see SF incorporate some Tekken like character design. Particularly when it comes to young characters.


Tekken has some good to great character designs, I agree… too bad Namco decides to change their design every game to go with whatever trend is in vogue and try to be just flashier and flashier, instead of sticking with a pure good timeless design.

Some of the characters look very interesting, for example Bryan Fury… but all my interest disappears when I remember only a couple guys from the games have actual special techniques/superpowers. For the most, it’s only boring punches and kicks and nothing else… impossible for me to find it interesting or appealing.


Actually that’s one of the things I like about Tekken. Changing the character design is good way to show their growth. I would lose interest in their characters if they remained static.

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Nothing will ever be as good as Mark of the Wolves.


And yet you love Mortal Kombat :joy:

Truer words have never been spoken.

On another note, I really don’t want the gorilla as a playable character. Just make the beard guy playable with the gorilla as a helper, problem solved.

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I truly loved MotW (Gato imho one of best SNK char ever), but tbh Fatal Fury cast shit over It in my opinion

It was a cool sequel, but imho did’nt delivered many great memorabile chars…
Gato and Tizoc were great, but that’s It imho

But may be just my tastes, as FF got a much more SFish style, while i never been a fan of the more urban/jpop route SNK took after FF/AoF

Same goes for Tekken and the bullshit arika did recently on SFEX cast

Well, to some extent i can say the same for SF3 team when they jumped the shark to distance themselves at all cost from King SF2’s shadow

PS: really loved that sprite art though

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The thing was that for theyr money gain they were willing to invest more in a new game they can sell rather than upgrade an existing product, it make sense even if for us fans it sucks

If help, i share same feeling for Marvel bullshit

No I don’t. I can’t even play it. But, when it comes to character dynamics, you gotta recognize a great job done, they truly give the fans something they can be interested in, every game.

I loved Marco Rodriguez and Hotaru Futaba as well. Marco referenced Willie “Bear killer” Williams (again with the gimmick of fighting bears, that Williams also did in real life), while Hotaru was a gigantic Studio Ghibli reference, particularly Sheeta from Castle in the Sky.