The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

How many unique characters were there in the animated cartoon?

Quite a few, I guess, since the cartoon mostly consists of individual episodes with little overarching plot, so it’s common to see characters appear in just one or two episodes with a closed plot.

For reference:

but there’s also background characters like that robot and shit. Also the Warrior King which I suppose belongs to the tv network that aired those episodes and to be honest would fit better in Mortal Kombat.

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I would legit love to see Satin Hammer from the cartoon as a playable character.

Oh god no…at least Area isn’t cannon.

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The original concept art definitely supports your hypothesis

I believe that initial concept for Blanka served as the basis for King Rastamon from Slam Masters.

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Which was a less stupid design for a beastman character.

Maybe, but I guess Akiman and Nishitani’s intention was for Blanka to really stickout from the cast, which I guess they succeeded at.


And they succeeded. I mean, after all these years, even the casuals or people with passing knowledge of Street Fighter and fighting games, he stands out. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Realism is overrated hah.


Totally agree, there is a reason the SF2 cast actually reached to pop culture, heck I believe my dad has passing knowledge of who Blanka is, I would not have it any other way either, Akiman and Nishitani stroke gold in terms of the SF2 cast IMO.


Agree, Even generic person not into videos games in the 90s without knowing Blanka’s inspiration from Brazil he had became the one of the most iconic and memorable cast along with Chun li and Claw.

DUDE!!! Thank you so much for posting this, that’s fantastic!

Ok, that is awesome!

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Yeah i guess after all Gorilla-man got a bigger role in Blanka’s inspiration than i initially thought
Sorry if i can’t find it in english but his story is essentially the one i said (a recycle of Tarzan’s), very close to Blanka’s… specially in the trait that behind his fierce/savage appearance he developed to survive in the jungle, he’s not evil and essentially a big child able to have an emotional reaction and cry

But as fighter he does’nt link much, as he was essentially a giant type wrestler 100% based on size/strenght, with nothing of Blanka’s speed/agility/claws/fangs… that was all HnK Madara

Still cool to find new stuff, SF universe just keep deliver

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The influence of HnK and Jojo can NOT be overstated when it comes to Street Fighter (and fighting games as a whole)


Got the vibe that IF they add Maggio (i doubt) it will be JoJoesque as fuck lol

I’d go as far as say the entire Martial Arts genre.

Probably even some kung fu movies and 90s hollywood.

Gaawwd please no maggio. Even grodd would be a better option.


No. Just no. No damn animals in SF. Save that for Bloody Roar.


Blanka is pretty much an animal though. Watch that gorilla be more intelligent and well spoken than Blanka.