The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Bison: “Attention SRK members. This is only the beginning. A tournament is in progress where only the strong will survive and serve me. All other weaklings will wallow in despair in hopelessness. Come forth and test the limits of your strength. Face me, if you dare. Where there is evil, there is the Mighty Bison…”


Cape Bison!!

I’ve always enjoyed the serious, menacing look on Bison more than his sinister grin. That model looks lots better than his SFV character select screen model.

Rosanov is great and I would welcome him into the canon with open arms


Zubaz for season 4!

Zubaz is in divekick tho…

I miss @Daemos :pensive:


Bison is trash.

@Daemos Put me in check for the disrespect.


Damn, i want this as Kolin stage, with this camera angle too, so it will need to be wider
Very cool atmosphere

And this for Urien

Some more cool stage pics from that site

Kanzuki’s beach mansion

Successfully infiltrated in Dhalsim stage, despite being clearly an African Elephant

Kanzuki’s dining and armors rooms

Another angle of Guile stage

Temple Ascension statues

Bank detail

Ninja detail lol


Is there any good “alternate Franken-Nash design” mod you like you could recommend me?

He probably just taking a break.

I just hope he is in a fortunate situation or if there was something unlikely I hoping it would be ease sooner.

WIth all of the talk of Capcom making profiles for US cartoon characters and even Sawada from the 1994 Movie, I think Capcom has shown to be more lighthearted on those kinda adaptations/media depictions in later years (they even have the Bison dollars in an ending from SFV). And to be honest, now that Im in my 30s I kinda enjoy those references, my edgelord self from my teens and early 20s would’ve probably scoffed at Capcom for such references :sweat_smile:


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That’s “The Baz” who resembles, but is legally distinct from, Zubaz.

References are fine, as long as there’s no way to mistake them as canon.

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What’s wrong with them being canon?
They dont have any impact on the larger plot. I am loving this.

Also, I can’t get over how lame Maggio is. Please god dont ever become playable.


The only consideration Maggio has for me to be tolerable if his 30s when had real combat discipline and not skinny then ditch the Yoyo.

Its too cringe and looks like forced similar to the anime made to sell a toy merchandise like Let’s Go Tamiya 4WD or YugiOh.

Plus we had bunch of skinny teens and early 20s already in the playable before SF.

I just hope Capcom would avoid making non-martial artist type of characters with that has a fighting style based on a not fighting style in reality, that is only justified by some weird supernatural sensationalized plot shield for household stuff.

Marz using laptop even it’s charged with psycho power it looks kind lame and meh.

What’s next ki infused golf clubs or this Ki charged characters like this?


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I agree with you on the fact I wouldn’t have a problem if those references were canon, loving them too…as I said before I would’ve hated that years before but not now :ok_hand:

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The game already has Menat. The door is already open.

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Hoping that would be the last

Because if they start making things from the cartoon canon, people will think everything from the cartoon is canon. And if people start showing up here talking about how Charlie is Blanka, I’m going to eat a gun.