The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

SFV is dead.


I hope Shak and Ces squash it. I consider both of them the best when it comes to locating ancient sources (that no one else could’ve found) of information and somehow relating it to SF.

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Then the rest of the games at Final Round are deep trouble. SFV outdrew their combined viewership totals.


I tend to ignore the topic, pls don’t call me in :smiley:

To not ruin everybody’s time and not waste mine i’m literally ignoring him as in the good old forum “ignore” function lol, not much i can do beyond that

I see he drop these hours of walltext i don’t even read or reply to, must be an harsh life LOL

If help, i invite @The_Shakunetsu from now to send all next messages to me directly to PM area, i will still not read, but the habitat will benefit greatly from that

@bakfromon Remember the stage bios from the AASFZ3 guide? How many of those were actually done? I nearly forgot all about that one.

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@Midgardsorm first of all

My recent comment wasn’t personal with cestus.

So why is that recent not personal with cestus to clarify?

My argument, opinion and stand is the same with other discussion(SFV thread in SRK) that has the similar recent topic regarding the event it is even prior and alike with the explanation of others.

I was just being frank with that opinion and it wasn’t a change of tune because I was talking with cestus.

Actually it was always more of cestus being PERSONAL most of the time when he can’t handle criticism and can’t defend his arguments.

I never even criticize most of his recent ideas in this discussion like the SFV cinematic changes even I had my own personal ideas too, because there is nothing wrong with it.

Same thing like the truck. It was good and I like it too. TBH

Credits for being good at sports references

Yet I am vigilant with this things and not cestus.

  1. that want to alter character personality, techniques and skills using ever-changing trends, personal interest, and external sources.
  • So that includes using realism to change the fiction powers and abilities the character
  1. that alter art direction like color palettes, facial mold and etc.

  2. that would complicate the connection with SF3

  3. that would kill a character

  4. and being unfair against Capcom (I was that in most of the other threads not just here)

So this probably clashes most of the time with cestus which like cool stuff he find in the internet and things that he likes.

The thing is even how he talks on he like old capcom art and critize newer artist like udon.
-It cannot hide the fact that he wants CHANGE that fitted his favorites and what he is a fan of like sports and other anime.-

Along with his obsession of having another bragging rights after the first taste of SFV Ken update, while insulting Capcom then calling himself as a genius. which turned him arrogant in request threads.

While I’m the guy which is more concern on making thing work together, simple, clear, consistency and compromised with each other in both narrative, art and gameplay.

I don’t had problems with criticism and feedback, it’s easier for me to welcome correction from conflicting reference because I had no interest on making things different or changing things, I don’t after any kind of bragging rights and I prioritize things to be coherent and compromising to each other instead. So if some would notice I agree with @DarthEnder after sensible answer.

Actually I could twist and persist that by dropping images from other FG and trendy reference as an excuse, misled and confuse the discussion like cestus does but it is wrong and would just complicate things IMHO.

Because I myself just wanted different references sync-in and compromised with each other in SF before proceeding beyond SF3. He even likes to reference my ideas because he knows it is better. lol

I don’t even persist to win arguments that is wrong, I choose to let go more of times and that’s another common wrong with cestus sometimes he would resort on creating stories like copying skeleton in 3D. lol

He hated to be corrected and to lose. When he can’t defend his opinion and the other that he tries to argue with would do the “same thing he does” like dragging picture references from anime, games and movies.

Instead of catching up, He would resort on belittling people arguments using baseless straw-man remarks like they dont know character design? that they want pussies? that they like this because they want pussies in the character request thread.

Because he was overly confident and underestimating individuals in request threads for believing he was superior that he thought character design was exclusive to him as a someone in SRK and because of his SFV Ken as his bragging rights that was included in his sig.

While for me the first time was “why would capcom believe a random guy in the internet?” in the request thread then the classic you don’t know character design then lately a new one this guy is obsesses with me. lol

^Those were the example why cestus is the guy that ATTACKS MORE PERSONALLY. He resort to straw-man arguments from baseless remarks like “this guy is just that guy and his this so don’t believe him” because of being too confident, desperation of winning an argument and fear of criticism.

For year we have been in different thread he even try to provoke me by suddenly hating on shinkero recently after me posting a new-year card and sometimes disagreeing with me for the sake of disliking me lol

He has as evolve and change his tune recently to “sound” friendly but he can’t hide the insecurity and bitterness in the way he talks. Nowadays he frequently tags @Daemos, I don’t know if he hopes to intimidate me with that or he feels helpless now when being criticize with his ideas unlike before.

And I do handle my own conflict alone in threads without the need of crying to someone else to talk me out of a situation or to drag them.

I usually had disagreement with people that unfairly hates Capcom, a studio or an artist same with those that want radical change, but I don’t take them personally other than criticizing their opinions, activities and arguments.

Well, @Doctrine_Dark, if you mean the backstories… I did a translation of Ryu’s castle Suzaku two years ago (gosh!), but nothing else since that; I started doing Ken and then work kept piling up… I know I let down many (@bakfromon in particular…), and I’m sorry, but there’s not much I can actually do at the moment.
@The_Shakunetsu I understand, but there’s no point in keeping writing down walls of text that neither @Cestus_II nor anyone else is going to read anyway. You are trolled only if you let yourself feeling that way.


Really? Geez. I’ll try to upload to another site.

Allow me to answer that. I’m doing a MAJOR reorganization in the guide, and, as far as I can tell, only a few were done. Mostly we have the fashion and the fighting style sections (the AASFZ3 text is divided in fashion style, fighting style and description of the stage itself).
Fashion Style
Gouki/Akuma, Cammy, Charlie/Nash, Juli, Juni, Ken, Ryu
Fighting Style
Gouki/Akuma, Ken, Ryu
Stage story

However, I already have the translation for Vega/M. Bison, Juni and Juli. Which will be added to the Guide.

@bakfromon or @Midgardsorm, guys, when any of you have some free time, would you mind translating the tiny descrition of the following artwork? I guess those are early concepts?


1: Tom
2: (Alex’s trainer)
3: Chun-Li’s dad
4: (*Design idea)
5: Blanna
6: (*Unintroduced character)

Yes, I gather these were early concepts.


Wow! That was fast!

Thanks a lot @Midgardsorm!
I see, so Blanna wasn’t introduced… at least not yet.

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Is cestus crying already in PMs begging for help lol? Is he dragging out people into his argument because he can’t tag Daemos.

I didn’t troll cestus because that exactly how I talk in the other thread, before I posted here. It wasn’t even personal and offensive. I never had any stuff “personal” like ad hominem and straw man argument.

@midgardsorm. let him be man enough to stand for his arguments alone, my comments about capcom announcement isn’t trolling or personal because that’s the same thing with the other thread which I did also said.

Amazing all of this years he was the most arrogant and troll in request threads devolve into a coward nowadays that cries and drag others after provoking others and can’t handle confrontation and criticism “that even not bad”. Is this how he had turned sensitive? despite the way he used a lot of shonnen reference he likes?

He even went ass licking a fake leaker many times in a desperate attempt to troll and bait me before it reveals himself lol.

The last time time he attempt to troll was suddenly hating Shinkiro.

The truth is he can’t handle criticism, he is a snowflakes and wants bragging rights acting and wanting a facade of an internet tough guy by being misogynistic and douche. but that truth is he can’t even handle the consequences of his foolishness.

The last time was Ken costume in an art? and now my response in a Capcom announcement?

As for the wall of text, It’s just a reminder how cestus, who was in like doing personal those kinds of remarks, Cestus is just playing v-card anyway dragging someone else after being expose with his antics.

In how he argue, how he is easily offended and how cowardly he is, So the next time he’ll do those patterns arise he is easily predicted.

He even mock ideas of people but referenced from them then claims to be his while proclaiming to be a genius and insult Capcom. that’s how sleazy cestus is.

Actually, WE are crying OPENLY for help.
Sorry for the bluntness, but the thread could really benefit if you stop attacking someone who already repeatedly said he ignores you. Cestus didn’t ask for that… but I wonder if you’ll even believe me, at this point.
Anyway, Tom’s early design was even more reminiscent of The Professional than his regular outfit:


Rare Darkstalkers image, artist unknown it looks Bengus-esque but the face of the female characters makes me think otherwise


This Tom looks much better than the other one Kiki did

But i can see easily it being Standard and Story alt, love the Leon vibe

Must be also said Kiki make chars look super weak, i think SF3’s badass Tom could rock both looks

Still my most wanted new char if we ever get more characters


Yeah at some point he wear this wich aside turtleneck is even closerimmagine

Battle alt :smiley:

But joke aside will not want to see 3 out 3 on Leon figure, will like one to cover the MMA istructor thing, i like at least one alt to represent the style

But we need THIS as crossover lol

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First of all I wasn’t attacking him, I was disagreeing with his opinion, I never did disagree with his other recent post like the SFV cinematic topic and the Truck bonus stage, So I’m not attacking him personally or trolling him.

I did disagree with others in the other SFV thread and I speak in a similar fashion.

People that followed the other thread that witnessed my post there and I won’t even tag them because I’m not desperate like the other.

Actually I still do even put a heart on cestus post like his recent drawing that he want to show everyone.

I don’t purposely disagree with an idea or something that is right because I just i went with numerous argument with that person.

Okay I believe you, I just wonder because usually at this point when he is in fear he usually tag Buddy Daemos, I don’t know if he is trying to intimidate me or he feels helpless. lol.

Ken costume in an art with spoonman in the discussion he became offended and now Capcom announcement? People can cite any ad hominem and strawman in my comment about Capcom announcement from where this started…

cestus had turned into a baby despite the facade of projecting toughness lol that cannot be disagreed and handle criticize with decent and average arguments like the capcom announcement.

Okay moving on

Mine Yoshizaki?



Nell Goldstein & Young Nicoletta Goldstein By Japanese manga artist and illustrator Shirow Miwa.


Hey no hard feelings we’re all doing our best here.

This is great I can’t wait to actually see these come to fruition.

Like @midgardsorm mentioned only Ryu’s story was able to be completed upon special request. They are larger files so it definitely takes a dedicated amount of time to actually translate everything and put it into context. They are large files to translate plus the fact there are over 30 or so of them.


SF might be going dark with MK11 on the immediate horizon. It doesn’t behoove them to get overshadowed by MKX while also drawing attention away from the DMC5 freight train that is running wild right now


You haven’t let down anyone. You do great translation work on your own free time. We all know you have less of that now.