The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

There might not be a picture teaser at all due to Ryozo Tsujimoto. It’s also worth mentioning Ono has still not said anything about Blanka’s pocket.

To be fair, they didn’t really change icons until after Kage was announced. They did change it to a blank background, but it didn’t become the Kage symbol until after he was announced and released.

I think 26/03 we will get some stuff, i doubt it’s only the new stage

Also Extra Battle alts end they cycle with this week, so i guess some new will start next week

They did change the icon a couple of days before the Kage reveal. Although there was a blank background, it was still a Kage teaser since we can see a shadow around the SFV logo. Shadow = Kage.

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Oh I love it. The genie pose is kind of tongue in cheek, but what makes it funny is that as he looks so still he’s actually kicking the shit out of his opponent. Couldn’t love it any more XDD


I won’t say its last or something, but keep the low expectations were in 2019 already.

The last 2 stage that were revealed recently seems amazing, Yet looking closely to it isn’t as tedious to assemble compare to the previous stages reveal no wonder the last one is cheaper than the regular.

I’m hoping we hear something this weekend, but I won’t hold my breath.

On another topic, I was checking out an artist I follow on Twitter. They always make Street Fighter stuff, but this piece got me thinking:

One thing that I’m sad that seems to have been totally avoided is Charlie and Chun Li’s closeness. I’m not talking romance, but given their mutual justice seeking, posing as a couple and time as leading anti-Shadaloo alpha protagonists, I thought that from win quotes, or even a brief scene there’d be something more. I dunno, just thinking, but man, I’m really still bummed Chuckles is gone so soon. I would’ve liked to see him interact with more people before dying…or at least find a new story angle for him moving forward and have a grumpybro friendship with Rashid.


Ryu: “Welp…”



That was incredible.

That commentator sounds like Narancia…

Well…it’s over, dang. Nothing announced. :c


Never believing anything that prick Logansama says again.


I have no words.

Again, there was no Honda.

Enough good news to be thankful.

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People interest shift into something that just need to hear something.

Like everybody suddenly wanting honda recently, and now they would probably wanting anyone for the sake of having something at least.

TBH if I want Honda part of a default roster that would just an SF2 remake and nothing more.

So at this point, I think one of two things is happening.

Either they’re done releasing characters, which is why the last character was on it’s own and a clone character.

Or two, they’re actually going to do, like, a Super SF4 thing. And just release the entire season of characters all as one huge update.

I feel like the whole “Show Sagat and G at EVO and then say they’re coming out next week” thing went over really well, so they might be looking to do that again this year, but with the entire season.


Marketing retards doing what they do best LOL

Even if they wanted release a big fucking nothing, they should have released an interview where they declare to NOT expect announcements at the event, as even having minimum connection with fanbase/internet sites they will have known there was expectation behind this weekend

It’s like theyr job know these things

Fun thing is that i think they will still release some contents at 26/03 together with SFA stage, wich make everything more absurd

It’s a while that i’m thinking this, something that got me thought in that direction is the FM nerf too

They may drop a 500kFM update with 5 chars with no option of unlock single chars.
This will push people to spend actual $$$ as 5 char is juicy and they don’t have 500kFM, while on other side capcom can say no promise was broken as they still gave the “free” unlock option

This will be a cool marketing move and the best scenario to me as a fan, as after all these months will be glad to wait two more and get a 5 pack where it’s likely i will like at least 1 or 2, rather than get tomorrow another single character that can fail to catch my interest like the kage crap

Problem is even imagining this super optimistic scenario as true, they’re still handling it like the marketing retards we got used to

If the big plan was release on May or June, they could have avoided fuckton of internet negativity by making clear to not expect news on this or that event

Or even point directly, like “keep enjoying SFV and look forward for next E3!”

Instead they gone
“We’re doing things differently this year, so we’re eager to share the details with you soon! Thank you for all the continued support. We can’t wait to show off what’s next in 2019!”

Can’t wait

That was 17 december 2018 LOL

Feel bad for these capcom managers with a brain that see it as full crap and can’t do nothing due superior orders LOL
That UK guy who said “SFV story it’s not over” had to shut mouth quickly or they will have slapped him lol, depressing think my most loved brand is in these hands


People hating the current FM? Yet see new character as a solutions? lol wtf?

That’s dumb.

lol why should they announce something that there is no announcement, lol that’s so wrong in many levels. Is that even a joke?

First of all there is no cancelled or scheduled announcement declared. SO manage your expectations.

Those kind statements were only done when people are misled by fake sources claiming to be official.

They are obligated to release something and they did, and it was the stage and probably other new upcoming stage and costumes in SFV throughout 2019.

BUT they never even said before that they would make an announcement at this said event or day so. So that’s unfair to Capcom.

Even the statement “SFV story it’s not over” is already hinting SFV is near over. So they are just release stuff before they cut support on it till 2020.

I might be wrong, but I have a slight impression that you are in some sort of personal crusade against @Cestus_II.