The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

As much i suffer at say good things about that mediocrity called Falke, i have to be fair and admit “bojutsu” is just usual generic/poor profiles striking again

Think Abel not having Sambo all over again
Somehow who actually design the characters movesets does his reasearch far better than who write profiles, and the latter does’nt even bother ask lol

Or they just write these straight wrong on purpose because they feel general public will understand better… not sure wich is worse lol

Bojutsu mean a generic “staff techniques” in japanese style while at it, Falke moveset is way more designed to replicate an european style, La Canne in particular

She still suck though :smiley:

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I like having FANG and Hakan around; part of the reason I never really could get into SF2/Alpha is that I just found the whole cast really damn boring, with the exception of Dee Jay as a meme character. I could make the argument that SF as a series kinda feels one-dimensional, but I accept that it’s mostly my own bias at work.

Uuuh… guys, it’s been rumored SF6 was delayed because Ono was focusing too much on a “team mechanics”.

What do you think does that mean? How would have been a team SF game?

Two-people teams? Three-people teams? Ratio-based?

I would instantly think in a SFxTK gameplay, but I guess Ono would have learned from his mistakes.

My personal choice would be a Rival Schools-like gameplay (turn-based team gameplay, with team supers), and not an MvC gameplay with assists and such, because that would be too intrusive.
CFE is another option, but doesn’t sound a lot like “team mechanics”, does it?

But I simply think SF should never be a team based game. Leave that to KOF and Rival Schools and such.
I also think the roster would suffer a bit if you’re forced to add the characters in ‘packages’ of 2 or 3 for plot’s sake.

I don’t put too much stock in the rumor because according to it the tag/team aspect is what made it a mess. I’m suppose to believe Capcom can somehow fuck up team mechanics when that’s the beard and butter of their crossover games? The mechanic has no place in a mainline SF game but I refuse to believe they can fuck up a mechanic they innovated and perfected.

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Who knows, another opinion was that it was probably going to be a supplementary mode like MK9 had.

Or would it be a ‘dramatic battle’ thing? A 4-players thing? Maybe fighting in two different planes like in Fatal Fury, and being able to switch opponent?

It would be kinda cool if the dramatic battles from Alpha made a comeback. It was a fun side mode for those games.

There was a tag team mechanic (“Variable Battle”) in SFA3 MAX if I remember correctly.

It was kind of like KOF XI.

I thought it was cool.

Wasn’t there some tag/team mechanics in SFEX3?

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Dramatic battles and tag are major aspects of EX3. Being a spinoff game it can get away with stuff like that.

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I LOVE how you took the time to make points for every new character for SFIV and SFV.

It goes without saying that while I don’t agree with 100% of your assessment, I do like seeing your POV of the new characters.

Thanks for that.


A multiplayer centric core matches are not good of SF.

I do like that game along with 2003 even though they are not widely appreciated

How I wished that ALPHA 3 would had additional expansion with those all fun modes

and with new modes and characters

Any chance the ‘fifth character’ will be Yun&Yang?

I don’t think they are better on being interchange in one match

The character were like designed since before waiting for each others turn.

You can always see that in stage backround.

It’s waiting for each other turn a mutual respect and faith to each other skill

unlike the dolls and ryu with ken against bison.

What if they’re the 5th and 6th characters (separate), and they didn’t say they would be two because probably people would be disappointed of having two palette swaps?

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we don’t know but making them tag defeats their establish characterization. that aspect makes them entirely unique compare to the other pairing known in sf like juri and juli, ryu and ken or




  • Retsu
  • Mike
  • Geki


  • Ryu
  • Ken
  • Chun-Li
  • Guile


  • Sodom
  • Sakura
  • Karin


  • Alex
  • Ibuki
  • Elena
  • Necro
  • Dudley
  • Oro
  • Sean
  • Yang


  • Rufus
  • Abel
  • C. Viper
  • Juri


  • Rashid
  • Laura
  • Menat
  • Ed
  • Kolin
  • G
  • Akira


  • Goutetsu
  • Victor Ortega
  • Stingray
  • Myserious Budo
  • Astro/Scorpion
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Of these Honda is surely the best, considering there will be two winners i hope at least one will be that

No preference on who get 2nd slot, watching some of the stuff that did’nt made the finals i’m a bit confused on how they chosen these 12

Ok, I understand. When I talk about character design, I tend to include everything in the design, not only the visual design but also the backstory, the moveset and even the stage as everything should be tied together.
So if we’re talking visual only, I mostly agree with everything you say. Indeed Abel and Juri are very good designs, and while I can consider Laura on par with Abel, more or less, both lack the little originality that Juri has that makes her something more.
I would say that Zeku has this little something, but yeah, it’s only the aged version of Zeku that is really good, the strider version s cool and all but not as good, so it would have been better, maybe, to not include his transformation.

I disagree, however, on Laura, I find her default outfit to be largely better, both in term of colors, and characterization, it might not be authentic, but it gives the right impression to make the link with Gracie Jitsu in general. I also don’t think her vest makes sense for the battle outfit.

Rufus was too round, too caricatural, and on the other hand, Fang is too thin, so I can understand the comparaison. I hated Rufus initially. He grew on me, but his fighting style still makes no sense for his body, it’s cartoony and not grounded into any reality anymore, it undermines what could have been a decent if weird design. Fang doesn’t have this issue. Yes, he’s ridiculous on purpose and some moves are really over the top, like when he’s lying like a bird, but in general it makes some sense. I would compare him more to Hakan.

I find this strange because FANG and Hakan are both characters that gives me a lot of SF2 vibes, more than any other newcomer. They certainly are on the weirdest part of SF2, with Blanka and Dhalsim but they fit.

So do I. Despite all its flaws, alpha 3 remains one of my favourites.

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A switch expansion would be fun for alpha 3

this look good but didn’t make the cut :frowning:

and some were better in a way


Sakura’s costume so pretty!!


I do took character design, production and also had animation classes for 2D and 3D.

And I agree.

It’s not what the visual is, visual is just surface level of the argument next is backstory. Yet in fighting games, it’s more than just visual and backstory it’s more of the gameplay and interaction with other characters and how it fits the theme.