The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Dan – Ok addition. He’s a fun guy. There may be characters I’d prefer, but it would be unfair to blame Dan for taking their spot when the SFV roster has way more questionable choices imo. He deserves to be in a 45 character roster.

Rose – She’s one of my least favorite SF characters because of her non-fighter design and prophesizing role that tries to seem deeper than it actually is. I know some people like her, but meh.

Oro – Good addition, but I don’t like the turtle balancing thing that has been mentioned. Sounds like an unnecessarily goofy and gimmicky design choice.

Akira – Fantastic choice. I can only hope she’s not a schoolgirl and they don’t give her a stupid personality. If they do it right and play with her background she’s an awesome character. I don’t want Rival Schools characters to start arriving into Street Fighter, but she’s fantastic and she was the one RS character I wanted. She can fit in any game.

? - Sounds like Haggar, a new boss character, a tie-in to SF6… I want to think they won’t repeat the Decapre mistake and hype a question mark for a year only to reveal a disappointing character. Please don’t be Ingrid.


That probably would end mahvel series :frowning:

You are right.

I don’t know if I missed read it or read another interview article in the past.

but here is what I dig so far

When they get there, they’ll be greeted by some amazing visuals. I enjoyed playing SFIV , but I enjoyed watching it perhaps even more. Seeing the cartoonish cel-shaded visuals in still screens is one thing, but watching them move is quite another. I observed, standing there, that they looked like the illustrations in the classic Super Nintendo instruction manuals come to life. As it turned out, this was exactly Ono’s goal.

“Capcom has a history of great artists, and the paintings we have for the characters are really compelling. What we wanted to see if we could do with this was make a game that looked like those paintings, moving before your eyes,” says Ono.

The challenge, of course, was replicating those paintings in 3-D. SFIV 's gameplay takes place entirely on a 2-D plane, but the graphics are in three glorious dimensions. “There was a lot of back and forth between the art director and the tech guys about what the (cel shading) should look like, finding a middle ground between too much realism and too much cartoon,” says Ono.

To perfect the look, the tech team used a game design technique that Ono says he hasn’t used in the last 20 years, not since the days of drawing pixel art by hand. “We had a picture that the (art guy) had drawn on the left-hand side of the monitor, and they were trying to imitate it on the screen by tweaking the shaders,” he says. “It was fun to do that, but it took forever.”

Looks like still the failed intention of an Okami like SF. That I have read in some article also

I want Haggar too, but lowering my expectation now. a Slammaster character would be alright too, It’s like a Neo Shadaloo character by now or a New Character. Ingrid would be a shocker but something like a DS character would be terrible also.

It’s a dream to see the final fight boys in one game, like Haggar, Guy, Cody but it would never happen in SF history.

Might have promote him and recommend him as one of the unsung heroes of metro city that save it from the mad gear.

I feel bad for Ono, it’s like the fake rumor give more negative thoughts on the guy

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Looks like his ass got fired or he was pushed out

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I mean, this information was floating around days before Ono made this announcement, which lends a bit more credibility I think. I can’t say anyone outside of Capcom knows the full extent in Ono’s role in the various projects over his career, but either there are some serious management issues at his level, directly above him, or Ono is just one of the unluckiest AAA producers ever.

CFAS was one of his first projects, and that got outright canceled. He was given enough of a chance to go on to do SF4 and show Capcom that people will actually buy their fighters, but I think he never really caught a break past that. Most of the other games he had a hand in were critically and commercially unremarkable, and all the shitshow that was SFxT and SFV had to have hurt his reputation within Capcom as well as the fans themselves. The timeline with his resignation, Season 5, and the SF6 rumors seem to work with each other.

This isn’t to say all of the blame rests on him, as Capcom corporate did kind of hand him a raw deal several times with budgeting for fighting games and forcing really stupid ideas in. Producer roles vary wildly in responsibility between companies and teams, but even if you look entirely at the marketing side of things there are still some very clear blunders he had to have signed off on (SFxT 2v2 play being cut on Xbox without any warning, Decapre reveal, generally poor communication with the community between major updates) and it’s hard to see him as having done everything right on his end either.


Sounds like he’s moving on. This is not unusual for Capcom.


For what I am seeing here is Ono just resigned, the guy has been criticize badly for other stuff he wasn’t in-charge directly in.

He acted most like to be the guy that promote stuff and talked stuff in public so everything would be directed towards him. He is a producer and he is also like an acting spokesperson. His job is not just to promote but also is to defend the team he is assigned with

This isn’t the same case of the function in MVCi.

Obviously he resigned before the reveal. I don’t think this had something to do with the rumor of SF6, I believe the resignation post was to clarify.

What happened to SFXTK was something of a disaster, I don’t think the risk and gamble was his responsibility.

Actually I am now worried with the future titles beyond SF5 if there would be something next or would go further.

If the rumor guy was right, he would had said in advance that Ono is done with SF not demoted.


I just hope Ono can have some real rest now.


I don’t think they’ll add anymore “new” characters to SFV now it’ll likely be a returning character but the question mark does raise well… questions

I really want it to be either Necro or Sodom. The latter is the only Alpha character who hasn’t made the jump to 3D. Poor guy.

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Well, he DID make his jump to 3D.

Jokes aside, he has always been one of my all-time favorite Street Fighter playable characters, so, yes, it hurts me a little he didn’t have a chance to be back.
But I also know one can’t have everything one’s wishes, in general I’m very happy with the SFV roster. And Akira was a great cherry on top <3

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I gotta say that personally I believe the rumors, I mean the rumors were more on the development side of things, is not like Dusk and Max HAD TO KNOW that Ono was about to leave, in the end the rumors lined up way to thightly with todays events, and I for one dont believe in coincidences.

Now, here is my final thougts on Ono.

The positives: As history has already demonstrated, he was the right guy for the job at the right time in order to revive the SF series, his passion and ideas were what was needed to bring SF back into the limelight…and boy did he delivered, I dont know there is much I can say about the success of SF4 and what it brought into the FGC and its revival.

The negatives: I hate the term fluke, but it was kind of that. What I mean is that, hindsight being 20-20 and all, I can say that, even if Ono was the right man to revive SF, he was just not the man to lead SF into a continued grow and success, in other words, he did not have the right instincts for the postion.

Anyway, I will always be greatful for what he did brining SF back in a big way and wish him the best on his future projects (whatever he chooses to do).


Turn over took a month or more, especially in the development and technical side, I don’t know if that was the same with Japan or with the position Ono was held into.

They probably heard the resignation through some but Yet I don’t believe the SF6 and SF Tag Team story. IMHO

Don’t forget this too


His one of my S1-S2 wishlist characters but I am hoping something better for the last character.

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There’s no character better than Sodom in SF. Never, ever.

We all have deduced the Slam Masters COMPLETE absence from any Capcom material (not even artbooks or card games) has to do with rights issues with Tetsuo Hara who designed the characters.

But who knows, maybe now that Ono is gone these new guys could be willing to sort the rights thing? IIRC, Ono had to solve some right issues with Karin because she was created by some mangaka. So, maybe this can actually happen one day.
I have an unapalled love to Slam Masters… but sadly, no one else does (unlike Rival Schools, which is always remembered fondly and has a decent fanbase). There are still some really awesome characters there, of course, even if they never make a new game I’d LOVE some of them to integrate to other franchises.

I still feel a dagger on my heart when someone talks smack about Ring Of Destruction:


I would welcome Sodom or Necro, but i fail to see why they would get that mysterious treatment when a far more surprising/special addition (Akira) got spoiled without problems

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Who would have thought someone of my dream list made it in? -.- I’m still crying in joy.

Hah hah, who knows. SF, RS and DS are the three biggest and classic Capcom fg series (aside of Marvel because, you know, they no longer have the rights).
Jon Talbain would be kind of cool. Human Talbain, maybe?

I quote myself with my list of options for the 5th character:

I no longer think they’ll fumle it again with a palette-swap revealed to be the final character (they should know better by now, after what happened with Decapre). So, my top choices are:

  1. A brand new character (I give it like a 75-80% chance)
  2. Haggar
  3. Goutetsu
  4. A Tekken character (not too much probable because SF has abstained so far from guest/3rd party characters… but they have a good relation with Namco, so maybe it’s probable we get Heihachi or Kazuya or something)

I really wanted Necro for SFV but Dhalsim was announced very soon. Necro won’t be the 5h character, no doubt. I just think he will become the ‘default stretchy guy’ on SF6, just like he was in SF3.

I don’t know but I think SF6 will somewhat recover the SF3NG roster and make it become the base roster again (with a couple of those characters taking a break maybe). I also think SF6 will launch packed with characters (like 24+ characters or something), they gotta avoid repeating the same mistakes SF5 made.

Necro and Sean would be quickly confirmed to be in SF6 for launch, I’m pretty sure. Along with new classics like Alex, Urien, Ibuki, Dudley, Yun (maybe without Yang); maybe Elena and Makoto come along too.

Ono had the right insight into overall fan desire for Street Fighter. At the same time, his instincts for A LOT in Street Fighter was wrong. Very wrong. All the time. And he’d keep doubling down.

I wish Ono well. I don’t bare him any ill will because he seems like a nice, enthusiastic and friendly guy. Hope everything goes awesome for him but I am VERY happy that we get the chance to have a new lead voice for Street Fighter. Hopefully someone not to obsessed with goofy nonsense that ends up massively and repeatedly hurting the brand.


By the way, don’t you think it’s kind of an insult Capcom hasn’t given the characters from Season 1 FOR FREE to everyone who bought vanilla SFV?

We all know the game was VERY incomplete at launch. They should give for free AT LEAST the S1 characters to everyone who supported the game at launch…

I think Max brought out the theory in his stream that the final character is supposed to bridge into the next fighting game project (be it SF6 or something else), hence Capcom is holding off on the reveal for a bigger info drop.