The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Tbh I would say fuck Marvel characters and have Capcom never make a Marvel again :smiley:
The only thing i ever found intriguing was the capcom style redesign of first marvel titles… but that thing is gone 2 chapters ago, together with old Capcom spirit

And if capcom want disown who and what they was, i got no interest in Capcom vs Capcom either

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Maybe they’re readjusting things so that the events of Rivals Schools wasn’t that long ago, so if Sakura’s like 20 now, maybe Akira is too? Not sure, but that’s my best guess.

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I just assumed that would be the case. When the devs said she was classmates with Sakura, that implied, at least to me , that she wouldn’t be in high school anymore.


And won’t admit you’d rather just be playing Mortal Kombat.

The irony…

Maybe she is. She’s dressed like a biker chick and not a schoolgirl, so it’s not like her outfit would have to change if she was grown up.

And I hate it, because it’s not this:

Not a fan of the turtle thing either

I would appreciate it if the turtle acts like a disruption flavor like pets in samsho not something that distract him.

I still didn’t see the gimmick but I more as a tradition guy

Hopefully It would pan out, I have my expectation.

MVC is never the same with a Capcom ALL STAR title a like


a game like CVS2 and CFE is more a like to the flagship title SF with Allstar vibe but not the MVC series LOL

Team Turtle.


Well, when i did that i had a bit a different approach
I wanted make a 2nd costume for a jap fighter who’s a fucking monster but appear old and weak, Shibukawa came to my mind

But i must admit the direction they took ever more far from traditions make sense, he does’nt run a dojo (well, not a conventional one :smiley: ) and decade after decade gone so far with his inner development that he lost all connection with his origins and culture.

He’s an hermit living in a cave with a turtle and a dog in a brazilian jungle, i can see why japanese culture/traditions does’nt mean anything to him anymore
For what we know last time he lived in japan was like 1910

The creepy crazy hermit side make more sense than the traditional martial artist vibe

Curious to see his alts

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I think they will ignore Sakura’s link to RS and make RS universe as if it’s happening now, so RS chars are still highschool age

For what’s worth here they seem still close to their former self

Plus we will get a RS stage, likely filled with cameos… i doubt they will erase the whole RS higschool age cast, they just retcon the timeline

Last but not last
I would not expect timeline coherence from SFV

  • SFV Alex looks older (ok, beacuse ugy model too) than he should be

  • On other hand at same time Sean looks at least a couple of years younger

  • R.Mika play still the very young rookie part (compare with Ibuki), yet she already was in SFA… wich was fuckton time ago

  • Lucia is the worst offender of all
    She was gritty woman already in FF time (wich is placed BEFORE SFA),
    somehow she turned like this in theyr concepts

    wtf, is like they ignored most of what the char was supposed to be
    Ironically SFV lucia could fit FAR MORE being a younger sister or even daughter of FF Lucia

Returning to Akira
She may end up older, her design was rare case that never relied on highschool imagery, so young woman Akira can look more or less the same as her younger girl version, she just need her biker costume to be identified as Akira
They may go that route if they feel so, what i’m saying is just to not rely on timeline, because they already ignored it few times

Devs didn’t say Akira was classmates with Sakura, they said she was acquaintance with Sakura.

I don’t see the point of doing that. Not like being a high school student definite her like it did Sakura. Seeing how SFV has moved everyone forward it would uncharacteristic to have Akira remain stagnant.


Maybe they want to release more RS games, set in high school, of course.

Seems like you did’nt read the whole post

They CAN make an older Akira and indeed it will not change her nature by much, as she was’nt strong connected with highschool theme

Just don’t be surprised if they don’t, as said SFV has been already inconsistent with age of the characters


They can still run the theme as college students :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t think so. The Japanese trope is HIGH SCHOOL students. Wouldn’t work otherwise.

Here we fucking go. Years without listening to that tune :slight_smile: They better create a few Combo Music Videos with that next year.

Making Sakura gap so different to Akira would just complicated the setting. They should keep Sakura connection a some point with the other RS characters but ignore a lot of the events that took place in RS. By treating the RS characters present in SFV as an alternate parallel and not the same RS.


Then ignore some RS cast bellow that is not very SF in fighting style.

How? by turning them to ordinary people not as fighters

This is just simple like mentioned in the earlier post

Since Sakura had a different blood type from her SF counterpart to the RS counterpart,

Which a huge different for japanese culture it’s like a somekind of horoscope.

Capcom can do as easy like something they had done in CFN.

Capcom already had done this

The CFN Ruby in SF which is isnt the same Ruby Heart in MVC2. which has a magical ship and the other didn’t have.

And the Kyle in CFN in SF which isn’t the same Kyle Travers that is a brother of Cody Traver

They may have been inspired by the other character and having the same name but they aren’t the same exact character.

Just treat them like SF own version of that character.

and probably the same thing with


Inconsistencies are sometimes simple mistakes, other times they’re artistic choices.

You can’t say Ken is not the same as SF4’s Ken only because they have different colored eyes.

Anyway, they SF canon is very flexible, and if we go with the ‘SF Extended Universe’, it’ll be even more. So much it doesn’t even matter.

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They have inconsistency but they are not intended to be different personalities, its the same ken. While the case of Ruby and Ruby Heart is intentional same goes with Kyle from CFN and the Kyle from streetwise.

Frankly, I feel the exact same way.

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I REALLY wonder how Haggar managed to put Cody as the mayor. Was he his vice or something?

Yes. Ken dyes his hair. It seems he started doing it in high school when his parents got divorced (I still need the source for that). If I’m not mistaken, in Japan, it seems that hair dying is a form of being rebel.

They have already done it to Ryu too in one of the Eternal Challenger covers…

What? Is that true? There isn’t anything goofy on the old SNES/SFC manuals.
Maybe he meant the SF2 World Warrior Gamest Special (no 64). There, most of the character’s japanese stories were somewhat goofy. They even call Dhalsim a clown and Balrog/Vega wanting to rub Honda’s smooth plump calves for good luck…

I wonder if Akira will make any reference to Nagare Namikawa on her winning quote against Gill (and/or Urien) for both fighting only in undergarments (thong for Gill and Urien and a speedo [that the front part resembles more a jockstrap or fundoshi] for Nagare).

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Tbh i think Cody had close to ZERO training to become Mayor, Haggar put Marlow next to him as a guide for the technical part… i guess for Haggar the very most important thing is that MC mayor have to be a strong and not corruptible person, and he trust only Cody for that… he knows despite 99 flaws he still have the heart at the right place

There was also Guy, but Guy have his own path with bushinryu and ninja shit

I also believe for Haggar, who for sure grow attached to Cody (he even saved his daughter) this his a way to give him a meaning in life and don’t end up in trouble again
Essentially he gave MC to Cody just as much he gave Cody to MC

Yeah, see also in anime how the dyed blond kid is almost ever the hothead
A perfect example is Takashi Mitsuhashi one of the two main char of Kyō kara ore wa!!

In first episode literally was (copypaste from wiki)
“Two boys, Takashi Mitsuhashi and Shinji Itō meet each other at a hair salon. It turns out both boys are transferring to a new school and decide to take the opportunity to reinvent themselves. No longer will they be run of the mill high school students, they will become the biggest delinquents Japan has ever seen!”

Essentially they get there haircut, instant become rebel and hooligan their way in the highschool scene lol :smiley:

I guess the meaning is double:
One side, you break out of the norm and of rigid japanese image of a “good” boy
On the other, you break the shy/unconfrontional vibe many japanese have and stand up to anybody want trouble/mess with you, your flashy look itself it’s like a challenge, like “i’m here, i’m not hiding or shy away, come at me”

Fun thing it’s not that far from how hings worked here back in the late 90s when i was teenager :smiley:
Dyed hair also here (got it lol), gold chain (come take it if you can), tank top/tight shirt to show off muscle and so on. The point is to stand out

The irony is that capcom started from japanese school boy mindset, but being Ken american and likely going to american school i doubt anybody gave fucks about his blond hair LOL

But for sure Ken caused troubles, pushing his dad to ask Gouken to teach him discipline