The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Roughly as believable as anything else I’ve heard.

Of course people believe this. People believe anything that gives them a clear culprit, actual proofs be damned. It’s the basis for any conspiracy theory.
The best part, which never fails to give me a smile, is “the goofy tone of RECENT Street Fighter”.
Yeah, recent.
Because SF always has been serious.

Very serious.


Deeply rooted in logic.


Not wacky at all.


SUPER serious.



Agree I don’t because it was contradicting from the beginning. I just think they are just approaching things differently.

Ono once admit the goofiness of SF4 in one interview because they want to had the vibe of old snes manual. but the rest like team mechanics and etc is highly questionable in the start.

It’s like his jumping to a situation and just pulled in a speculation because of Ono not present in a character reveal.

If that was true he had said it prior to the reveal but no he just talked after the reveal. So his just creating a theory and claimed it as an insider info. likely

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I’m not sure what to make of all of this, it seems that Ono may have had some responsibility on things mentioned, and not all of it is great, even for an apologist like me, if it’s true this is disappointing. Some thoughts:

The goofier and hypersexed up stuff in the game:
-I don’t mind some levity like Hakan’s moves, G’s antic etc, but I would be fine if it significantly reduced some of the tone next time around especially if we’re going back to the Illuminati. I don’t EVER want stone, cold serious SF all the way through, but sometimes a subtle brand of humour can work wonders. Keep the stylization and over the top nature of some things though.

-The alleged push to hypersexual designs never worked with me. Yeah, SF has gorgeous women and I love them, but too much DOA-ification as someone said, is just not for me or why I’m here. I love Juri’s SF4 outfit and quite like her SF5 one as an alt, but the black undersuit looks so much better than the practically naked one she originally had. It just looks goofy to have a motocycle outfit missing so much, like, it’s one thing to be having the cleavage out, but there’s nothing through and through under there and she has side panels cut into the thighs, not a good idea for riding a bike in the summer.

Also Laura’s booty out of the chaps just didn’t work and looks goofy, give her shorts like in the concept / altor full martial arts pants

-The MvC or Capcom all stars situation:
If true, I can almost understand it. Forgetting what we know now, but if there was the chance for a new MvC post MvC3 and it was revealed it was passed, people, me included would have gone ballistic! The issue at hand is that allegedly after numerous problems with Marvel, they brought this up and he put the kibosh on that. That I do NOT like. Marvel playing hardball like this and an option to make something potentially amazing like Capcom vs Capcom? Uh, give me that please. What we got could have been avoided.

Overall, I still like Ono, but if these are true, I disagree with his decisions. I know that lots of these things involve lots of people and moving parts, but some people just aren’t perfect fits for their spots, and whatever has happened in the past, I hope the new leadership continues on with the Capcom redemption arc and SF6 and all other fighters from them enter a new golden age. I hope to keep seeing Ono as a hype man and part of the E-sports division, cause I think that’s a good spot for him.

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Alpha Blanka and Dan come to mind as well. Dan is a literal joke character and Alpha Blanka had all sorts of goofy aspects. Thats from nearly 25 years ago. I guess Ono hopped on his DeLorean did those things as well.


He used Ingrid!!! :o


I’m still worried that this is now legit in SF and I hope they are not included or they are not the same.

This should never be a legit fighting style in SF.

Hoping Capcom would not threat this characters the same and equal to their original RS counterpart ]and the Akira were having is different from the Original RS like Sakura is a different character in RS.


Something they also did with SF Ruby Heart and Kyle

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Tbh i don’t need any crossover that is’nt Cap vs SNK 3

Otherwise works on SF or Darkstalkers pls

Ken dye his hair, yes
For eyes i doubt there’s a canon explanation… Zangief passed from azure eyes and brown hairs to dark eyes and black hairs.
Because one day they felt so

Not even them, they got anime red (but red red, like pinkish lol) like C.Viper

I’m saying orange, think like Blanka or Adon
Well, SF4 Adon maybe is the closest but he’s a thai guy so it’s not exactly what i’m thinking

I mean take irish girl
Pale skin, maybe even with freckles
Make her scrappy as fook and just as loud, add some irish whiskey to be sure
This look

This soul

Give her a boxing style that would make Balrog blush and be like “i may be bad at times, but this girl”

Irish pub as stage with npc in the background passing half time watching the fight and half time brawling with each other

It writes itself and would be glorious :smiley:

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Given that the first things that the new guys are adding is Dan, and Oro balancing a turtle while fighting now, I doubt the goofy tone is going anywhere.


I don’t see Oro balancing a turtle as goofy. I see as a creative way to have him be seen with both arms while still fighting with one arm. The old man gonna style on the youngins.


No because you have bad taste.

I would say fuck Capcom characters and have Capcom make Marvel Superheroes 2. I would love much more a Marvel Vs Marvel game, with MvC gameplay but double the Marvel characters and no forced/force-fed Marvel characters (perhaps one or two Capcom characters as guests, like Nethereralm did with the MK characters in the Injustice games; Captain Commando and Dante would be my choices).

I’d like a Capcom Vs Came/CFAS game if the roster is composed of actual fighters or something similar, and not include any wacky characters like Phoenix Wright, Frank West or Viewtiful Joe.

Capcom has a long legacy of fighting games, if they could include characters from Warzard, Cyberbots, Rival Schools, Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, Slam Masters, Plasma Sword… then I would be interested. Something similar in roster to CFE, but bigger and actually well done, not MUGEN.

And let disney dictate which shitty chatacters they have to use? No thanks.

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Disney now has full control of the Marvel characters, including X-Men and Fantastic Four, so I won’t see any problem. In Feige I trust.

Thats exactly the problem…

They would include characters from the whole Marvel Universe. They want to promoete everything under their power now. Except maybe for the Defenders characters :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing I dont understand. If Akira went to school with/same time as Sakura. Shouldnt she also be a little more grown up by now?

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I agree, the turtle thing sound cool af
To begin with Oro ever had a bit of fun crazyness, so that’s no him going outside the character.
Also i LOVE the idea this gimmick will sell visually how beyond anybody else Oro is technique wise

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