The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

If helps it does’nt outrage me as Sakura, i guess is something lol
Her costume even have offensive/defensive aid elements to even the field that remind me SF2 era girls, wich make slighty easier buy it
I don’t “hate” Akira’s addition, nor i like it

On general at this point unless they gave me one of the only two missing females i cared about (ELENA or Makoto), how they spend their [female slot] was not much of my business… example if they picked C.Viper to me would be the same
If they picked fucking Decapre would have been much much worse

Tbh i find more problematic that out two returning male characters, they used 1 [male slot] for Dan… and i LIKE the character
But there was just waaay more deserving fighters to grab that slot

Yeah, Roy got pretty SFish design, only thing that would stop me is char like Cody or Ed (to some extent even Ken) already got a bit that vibe

On general the whole american team seems to be one of the most fitting
Well, Boman was the one with most oversea student, but given his built was’nt hard sell him as fighter… plus he had some elegant look rare for a black char in a jap fg
RS(1) Tiffany was easily one of best female chara design and would look fun in a SF… aside boobs the design composition was great and she had a so anime over the top “look, a typical american girl!” vibe that cracked me up lol :smiley:

Ironically SFV Lucia is a terrible Lucia but could have been a base for decent Tiffany LOL

Fun thing Lucia got a color on standard costume that seem to wink at Tiffany, Ed’s student alt wink at Roy too, specially imput code version (too bad there’s no perfect color scheme and sleeves are’nt rolled up)

Yeah neither Daigo’s badassery or Kyosuke tryhardness should let be fly outside jap highschool, sure af not on SF world stage

Batsu could fit as young hothead kid that think can challenge Ryu, get the most humblying beating of his life (Alex vs Ryu x99) and instead get depressed he goes like “So that’s fighting at world level? Best day of my life” mode and swear to get stronger and all usual shit
Kid can be easy counterpart to Sean
But aside being shonen af “episode 1” it would be redundant even to Sakura and Alex events
Sure would be done less cheap tha Sakura back in the days, but sometimes who come first have the right to stay

Yeah Shoma was epic, and i think adding some scrappines to his moveset he could be done to fit SF better

Thing is on general i don’t feel the need of him in SF, him like about anybody else from RS

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Well, he’s blond and blue eyed… Perfect fit! There aren’t enough blond blue eyed characters in the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

LIES!!! :cry: :sob:


Just what SF needs. More American white people with blonde hair and blue eyes.

We don’t know who’s gonna be in the SF6 roster.

But I agree current Cody is very similar to Roy Bromwell, in outfit and politician stuff. So, I don’t think we’ll see Roy in SF anytime soon :stuck_out_tongue:
Hinata, on the other hand… who knows. It would be cool. But I rather think they plan on producing a new Rival School game.

Anyone else think a sort of “Rival Schools crossover costume line” would arrive to SF5?

On general blonds with blue eyes is some cycle SFV seems just unable to break

Ginger, light/medium/dark brown, black are pretty common in the west, yet Capcom just see the west as some giant Finland :smiley:

Even chances they got to break the pattern gone lost

Vega was recovered as reddish-brown in SF4 (just like SF2), they had to get him blond

Lucia was blond but with dark eyes, gone full sweden in SFV

Plus don’t make me start with all Bison clones LOL

In all of this is incredible they had actually fixed SF4 Ken to have him with dark eyes in SFV :astonished:

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Did they ever explained why they gave Ken blue eyes in SF4? It was so random a change, and one that, like it or not, somehow still lingers, as it is not uncommon to still see Ken portrayed with Blue eyes (since SF4) in promotional images, merchadize etc.

No idea, tbh i doubt there was much thought behind, sometimes they do things
Years after, i still facepalm at blue hair Ryu “to show off teh graphics!!” no, fuck you.

A color that have opposite destiny is brown hair

Vega brown hair in SF4 (and 2) -> blond
Zangief brown hair in SF2 and Alpha -> black
Chun Li brown hair in SF2, SF3, SF4 and Alpha -> black
Cody brown hair in ingame FF -> blond forever after that
Ryu brown hair in his most iconic SF2 look (and in almost all artworks ever) -> black
Sean brown hair -> black (ASF model)

It’s bizzarre, brown could be used much more, specially for western characters

SFEX had this right, being western did’nt sent you automatically to Finland LOL

Would like also see a red haired char (Ireland rep!) without him have to be that Blanka goblin lol

Well, you have APRILE AND MAGGIO. They’re even ITALIAN! :stuck_out_tongue:

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What’s your top 5 blog-revealed SF characters you would like to be in SF6?

The Yoga Masters and the wrestling women where the ones I was most interested in.

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OK, the saga continues. Aparently Max did this stream yesterday, I havent seen it myself.

Max talked with someone from CAP USA, some of the takeaways I am reading are (from Resetera):

So basically Max says that he knew people that worked at Capcpom and when licensing + agreements with Marvel was leading to some issues for an MvC game, they flat out went to Ono and asked “You know, why don’t we just make a Capcpom All Stars, instead of trying to make a Marvel vs Capcpom?”

and Ono’s response was


“we already made that (Capcpom FIghting Evolution) and it didn’t sell, it’s not really worth doing”


“the quirky/funny/hypersexual/childishness side of SF4/SFxTk/SFV can largely be attributed to Ono.”

The last one I think we all suspected…but the Capcom Vs Capcom thing seriously blew my mind.


So, is Ono officially out? Then I’m pumped for SF6 and probably Darkstalkers’ return.

But, to be true, DS was always kind of wacky, even more then SF.

The first one I remember that changed hair and eye color was Juni, she went from ginger with brown eyes in A3 to blonde with blue eyes in SF4

I like a lot of the goofieness in ASF. So if Ono did that, then fine.

And yet, I dislike a lot of SF5’s stupider character designs. So if he was also responsible for those, then ehhh…

No Capcom Vs. Capom because of Ono? Fuuuuuuck him! Evolution didn’t sell because Evolution sucked, not because it was a bad idea.


You are right about CFE, it was dumb logic by Ono to use such MUGEN POS game as any kind of barometer.

What made it terrible is the system of the game that contradicts whatever was established in A3 to CVS2 to be restricted.

However SFV took some kind of inspiration with it with the Vskill and CAs

Yet I think the other reasons why they won’t do a Capcom Vs Capcom is because of that it would compete with other flagship titles like SF and MVC.

Fuck marvel just do a Capcom All Stars. Honestly some of Onos decision making seem to be so bizarre.

Btw kens blue eyes are probably fake just like his blonde hair. Doesnt he dye it or something?

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So, according to Resetera, Ono is to blame for the goofy tone of recent Street Fighter games… The same Ono that allegedly spent two years promoting a hyper realistic version of SFV that was eventually abandoned. And was demoted twice from a job he never had.

And people believe this?


People are stupid. The guy mispelled Ono in the first leak. Like you can’t get a three letter name right and I’m supposed to believe you? He had Ino initially. Apparently a Guilty Gear waifu fucked up SF6.