The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

You are totally right, i was apparantly reading this wrong, should have figured that out by looking at how stuff is divided, my bad, thanks for the clarification.

I don’t think they have “not decided yet” who will be the final character. I’m sure it is.

But it’s probably someone that would create a lot of hype, not a “regular returning character”.

  • A palette swap insult (like Decapre on her moment) like Oni/Shin Akuma.
  • A completely new character.
  • A highly-requested previously unplayable character (like Haggar).
  • A legendary figure (Goutetsu, most likely).
  • A Capcom crossover character. It would have to be someone even more shocking than Akira Kazama. Like Gene, Dante or something like that, not previously connected to the SF series/universe.
  • A brand-new crossover character that will later launch their own franchise/game/series.
  • Ingrid. Or D.D. or Rook, for the case.
  • A third party crossover character (Tekken, SFEX and KOF could be the easiest choices). I don’t think this is too probable, though.

I just wish it had been Sodom :’(


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Some returning SF/FF/even capcom guest char seems unlikely to me, they already gave zero fucks about show Akira who is a first ever (RS guest) and one year away

Make me think an Haggar or even a CFAS guest should not get different treatment than Akira, would be on same level

Considering on paper he’s supposed to be the last ever SFV char, it could truly be some kind of brand new Boss that they don’t want spoiler

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That Dusk Golem tweeter thread grew a bit, he clarified why Ono was working on SF6 despite demotions, also, Maximillian chimed in in a resetera thread and backed up Dusk Golem saying he heard the same, although clarified is all very surface level stuff (aluded some more could come out in the future).

Haggar is probably the most requested character of all time.

Because they care much about potential SFV bosses, like with G and Necalli…? Well, you could be right if you think Powered G is the potential final reveal.

Anyway, boss or not the most probable is that it’ll be simply a brand new SFV character.
They haven’t begun producing most of the new characters, It’s not like they could show some artwork without anything else to show and say… the fifth character is: this brand new guy you know nothing about yet (and you won’t know for one more year!). That would be underwhelming.

For what its worth Garuda is what Necalli/Oni/Kage should have been or wish they were.

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Yeah idk abut THE most requested, but he’s sure one
I guess Akira specially in japan is close if not ahead

But regardless their dick measuring thing, my point was Haggar he’s no different in any way to Akira in terms of addition, in the sense that like they added Akira they could have showed us him too

The 5th not be showed seem hint something that
A- we never seen, brand new design
B- is some kind of crazy big deal like a true Guest or a Final Boss (latter include point A)

But of these two even a Guest could have been showed, what truly they will never show 15 months in advance (LOL :frowning: ) is a new design i think

While i believe A, if we get B as Guest imho the most likely candidate is this guy
he did surprising good in some polls and capcom is obviously in friendly terms with Arika, see SFEXers having getting SF universe profile too and one (Darun) even being involved in ASF, making SFEX world essentially canon in SF one

Alternative may be Tekken one as payback for TK7 Akuma

I think Rose is key on the path to build it in the story
Remind G first appearance came with tarots, and they said Rose’s tarots are going to be involved in her SFV version… of course they was talking about moveset, but is not that stretch think it may involve story too

Like Necalli he got a pretty strange/almost monster concept sketch too

Of course it does’nt have to be that, but it can hint his whole Lincoln wannabe gimmick is just a mask to win people support, while real nature is different and still unseen

I think if Super-G was to be added, a new Cinematic Story Mode would be required.

Arika is too much of a C-Tier company to afford cross-promotion with Street Fighter. KOF is more on its level.

If a third party guest character appears in SFV, it would be most surely one of TEKKEN.

Link to thread(s)?

If Capcom had a donations for decisions made in Street fighter rosters. Would you give money to a vote that had your $$$? And once it reaches its goals they give us what we want?

Garuda would work as decent guest character that won’t complicate anything.

Not interested on another version of another character like super g, violent ken and etc as for the 5th character.

I’d be pissed off because he looks a little like Sodom but he isn’t Sodom.

well, i doubt we will get one, even if i think SFV story needed it

i think last not-characters big deal is the new game mechanic coming with Dan update, then just chars and alts + few stages like they said

btw what i find intriguing of that sketch is the clothes that look nothing like G’s american style

Seem more turk/greek vibe, and we know G worship Gaia the greek titan of earth

Even his special power (stay standing to keep his link with earth) have greek base

And Gill who’s greek based recognize the source of his power

Check the Threadmarks

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But they are entirely separate archetypes and had different appeal.

Man that shit seems even more sketchy now that I’ve dirtied myself by clicking the Resetera link to read it. I’m gonna soak myself in hand sanitizer now.


Been reading the resetera link and I’m not sure what to think, cause I thought that Ono’s demotion from a bit ago has some timeline issues, also the issue some people brought up i.e. producer being in the USA and working on mobile wouldn’t be in charge of things in Japan. Either way, we’ll never know for sure, I just hope SF6 is great and Ono keeps having fun in his e-sports hype position. I like the guy and wish him the best.


She is back. Now here is to hoping that she’ll have good buttons and can get 500+ damage without a jump-in/CC for full meter + resources.




Yeah but I believe the name of the female producer is the thing Dusk Golem is not admitely sure about, he reckongs it could be wrong (for what is worth).

I don’t trust the guy.

credits to the owner