The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That actually might be a blessing in disguise.
COVID delays should force the devs to take it slowly instead of trying to rush like Vanilla SFV.
We might even get a new Darkstalkers game before SFVI.

…dramatic much? Holy shit dude.

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I guess so, and maybe VS2 the backward omega parry

What i really hope to see return are the two omega specials (the gatling punch and the command throw) wich gave him a completely different vibe than just “Dan the weakest shoto” gimmick

What other season of the game took up an entire year to finish up? This is definitely an affect of covid. I feel season 5 exists because of it. It’s not feasible to be throwing money on a brand new project with the way things are right now.

Don’t wish that evil upon us, brother, don’t!


With a Rival School character coming, that opens the floodgates for more RS characters to appear in any Street Fighter game in the future.

I like Hinata, Roy Bromwell, Shoma, Hideo and Kurow :stuck_out_tongue:

Who knows, maybe it’s some cross-promotion thing and Capcom’s planning to produce a new Rival Schools game.

When they give you shit =/= when they have shit done

Will not be surprised at all if they have at least Dan already ready and done, but you get no release or even trailer because they have to spread everything in a looong time

I feel season 5 exists because of it. It’s not feasible to be throwing money on a brand new project with the way things are right now.

I think chars like Rose or Oro were planned -foreshadowed- since early SFV
They will be used to close paths
Rose may give revelation on G
Oro may reach with his story already the phase where he yodatrain Ryu

We already seen some SF3 events got anticipated, maybe they want post-Oro Ryu ready to scrap with dad Akuma in SF6


Danretsuken confirmed ftw

The super awkward throws are awesome

Btw poor Dan will be hated for this, his gimmick is already not so popular, imagine have him as the only prize after months of wait lol

Dan is literally one of my least favorite characters in the franchise. There are very few SF characters I’s take him over. I had no expectations and his reveal still was a hype killer.


think that i even like Dan

As i said few hours ago i did’nt wanted him in S5, but i can’t hate the guy

i’m more interessed play than akira

But strategy wise is like the worst you can pick for a job like that… from now first char with actual fanbase will be in spring 2021

Marketing wise Dan had more sense played in combo with Akira, and Oro used alone as 2020 winter hype

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It does in this case. You think a bunch of people likely working from home is more efficient than everyone working at an office?

I don’t think they were ever planned to be playable. If they were they wouldn’t be apart of what essentially a post script season. I can argue this case for Viper, Sean and Abel and none of them became playable. The latter two have character models so the hard part is already done.

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So with Akita’s presence, Rival Schools is now canon in Street Fighter. Along with Final Fight, Captain Commando, and Strider

Hey guys good to see some new content coming. Definitely interested in Oro and Rose and a peculiar choice for a RS character tie in. Still waiting for my Slammasters character…:crossed_fingers:


Rival School has been canon to Street Fighter since Sakura was a character in the Rival School games. That’s why when that guy on stream said that one of the new characters would have been a guest from a series that exists in the same universe as Street Fighter I assumed it had to be either another Final Fight character or a Rival School one.


Well, the OST they used during her announcement WAS her SFA3 one… But we can’t know until Capcom decides to reveal it.
In the meantime, I think I’ve found where Capcom took Rose’s name from.


I remember seeing something that it was not canon for the longest time but then I thought about it.

Who actually said that? I saw that claim for years.

At my work we produce from zero webinars and other video contents, despite being smaller (than capcom) company and under early/stricht lockdown we found ways to use all remote working tools to keep production going on… we even had to invent ways to do MORE contents to replace many live events (conferences etc) that can’t be done under covid laws (and we are planning for similar scenario if september turn ugly again)

And i’m sure Capcom is much better than us
Production of course suffer a slow-down, but if you have good smartworking plan giving people a way to keep doing their part, that slowdown don’t suffer THAT big difference

They will be slowed down? Sure
But that insanely stretched schedule is because other reasons let’s be real lol

Idk Oro have been bizzarre involved a lot, they even made a side story only for him (with Sim) in the blog
Rose was ever a presence in Menat’s story and there was that thing of never showing her (why? We already know her) as if they don’t want show you how she is in SFV timeline

Tbh models don’t mean much… Ed and Kolin ingame models are not the ones you see in ASF and there were not that much higher quality than some others npc

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I recall that some people used to question the canonicity of Rival School into the Street Fighter universe because the Sakura that appeared in the Rival School had a different blood types or something like that, and thus some people interpreted as her being in a different character in a different universe?

I might be wrong, but I remember reading something like this a long time ago.


No you are correct
But then we got that beach stage with RS girls, and we thought RS universe just merged with SF one and now are part of the same

Capcom seem to have got more loose on this matter, see also how we discovered that even Strider is same universe(different timeline)… hell, even the universe of another company (Arika) got canonized in SF world lol :smiley:

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