The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

it’s not about costume designs, that for sure will have come as DLC
Is that western wannabe art style gave me vomit*, i pray SF will NOT follow RE and DMC

*much more than SFV one, with all his heavy flaws


cestus is just trying to sound like he likes the classic characters because of me constantly calling him out but you know the guy from most of his past request, ideas and dislike in previous threads. like italian, school boys and skinny boys then constant bash people for requesting females. yet he is always more on changes and replacement.

But Yeah.

We don’t need new, like someone again pop-up out of nowhere

Capcom has tons of characters already in SF, Slam masters and Final Fight

What they need is simple

Just bring in more background characters and other character from those previous title. Recreate them and redesigned to playable characters. Gameplay is also part of diversity.

Sometimes they can add new but, They can always do better variety with those characters that are already integrated in canon and surroundings.

Doesn’t even need meh backstory as an excuse to forced in and reappear after.


I don’t like SF5’s art style, but that first one was even worse.


I know that some get tired of the same environment of SF and some wanted the vibe be diffrent feel or like something else, but that what made so many franchise fail because they are trying be something different from what the succesfull and familiar formula is, that it would age and would be recall terribly.


Capcom nowadays should treat the street fighter franchise more like how Nintendo treat Mario games.more like an all mario star title or not-so-remixed-and-remaster-version and keeping the popular and iconic, more still and static, but it’s more on referential to previous iteration rather than trying make it a ever changing and ever moving franchise that is separate from the others.



or like mario karts…

Yeah, at this point I admit I don’t want Street Fighter to change its aesthetics. That photorrealistic attempt didn’t look right.

Nowadays style is alright, just make it a little less goofy, there are some things that are just a bit too much.

As for the gameplay, yeah, I’d like some changes.


Having thought about it a bit, I’m starting to wonder if SFV’s “4.5 million units sold” figure isn’t the result of some creative accounting. Comes down to a few points:

  • Unlike the other games in the series, EVERY copy of SFV sold is counted in that figure. For example, if I were to get SF4 at launch, burn out, and come back with AE, that would be one sale for each of those editions (and none for Super). For SFV, that means the game sold two copies for the same person. This was initially sold as “only ever having to buy the game once”, but this has the effect of bottling all sales of all editions into one number. On paper, SFV should have potentially 4.5 million unique users, but there are some caveats to that.
  • What is and isn’t counted as a “sale” since AE launched? A number of people may have “bought” the game twice, as AE was cheaper on release than buying SFV with the DLC included in that package. On top of that, the marketing style of considering new iterations of the game as new editions means that there isn’t very much actually stopping Capcom from considering anyone who purchased the upgrade kit for CE on Steam (I think there was a similar thing for AE back then too) as another sale. It’s possible that Capcom isn’t doing this, but I don’t think we have the kind of transparency to break down the sales numbers well enough to say if they really are or not, and I don’t exactly trust them to take the high road here.
  • I wouldn’t weigh this point very highly, but anecdotally I haven’t really seen SFV’s community grow with its claimed sales figures, which roused my suspicion in the first place. Dedicated fighting game events that have been running for years seem to have it grandfathered in, but when I encounter local groups playing fighting games beyond that space, SFV is nowhere to be seen. I’ve noticed almost consistent growth in Tekken’s playerbase, which has been selling post-launch at a similar rate, while a lot of the numbers I’ve encountered for SFV have the player count as stagnant, if not slowly dropping.

While you could argue that this is all just taking the piss out of a game past it’s prime, I think understanding the real numbers is going to be important going into SF6 (which may be in the next 2-3 years), as the final playerbase of SFV will be the baseline for what that game is expected to sell. Capcom’s fighting game division has had a really rough time, with practically a lost generation in the PS2 era, a comeback on PS3 with SF4 and MvC3, and a string of bad releases starting from SFxT into the PS4 generation with SFV and MvCI. If SF6 doesn’t do well (or at least isn’t profitable enough to justify its development), we might see another dead generation for Capcom fighting games. Japanese corporations don’t do major shakeups to their hierarchy without a damn good reason, and SF6 is going to be the test to see if the problem was with their fighting game division or a greater issue with Capcom itself.

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I could throw in tons of examples

The more SF keeps moving it would suffer like having it’s own identity crisis, that can alienate it’s own fans or be ignore later.

When I was young I like Spidey Unlimited and Batman Beyond but I see them as a spin off not a replacement. I like them for their own not something to be substitute or something better to the previous. Change and being trendy is not always for the better. Trend is ever changing.


I like also the new adventures of heman and ghost buster extreme for their own but It’s not the same thing and not a something to be a replacement or better. Some can work with the cartoons but not in other media.

Yet I dislike most of other franchise attempts that did the same and many had failed from being different and new.

Regarding artstyle, I’ve always been of the opinion that cell shaded should be the way to go. The ArcSys way is the perfect artstyle, but that doesn’t lend itself to alternate costumes and, call me a normie, but I want alternate costumes a lot, especially if moving forward more classic characters are going to get redesigns, because I will always want to have the nostalgic costumes too.

The thing is… there is a middle ground. Just look at the Naruto games. As far back as last gen those games looked pretty much 1-to-1 with the show. And these types of models do lends themselves to easy alternate costumes.

So, if I was in charge, as much as I love the ArcSys look, that is the way I’d go.


Ryu doesn’t need a re-design. He’s an iconic character ingrained into pop culture. That’s like Super Mario changing his design just for the sake of change.

I never understand the “hype” around Ryu going shirtless and having a corny Joel beard. I never seen Mas Oyama with a beard.


In reallity, I agree 100% regarding Ryu not needing a redesign like, never. He is my favourite character so I rather he stays classic.


Gief needed a redesign.

I dont necesarily hate the redesigns in V but I dont like them either, classic designs all the way for me, I dont care wether they are considered dated or not, but thats how I roll regarding SF.

(Insert Grandpa Simpson meme “Old Man yells at cloud” here).

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I prefer a lot of the new designs. Despise a few.

Ken(the design, not the model)
Cody(still not good, but better than it was)


Alex(the design, not the model)


This was actually a pretty good list, bravo
I agree on all but 5, still great % we agree on

The 5


Cammy - would put in downgrades, it removed elements from the composition without pay back. On visual level the scar had importance on her face, the delta red triangle had importance on her torso, the camo legs (as silly they was) had importance on her legs.
They removed pieces from the puzzle, leaving some surfaces flat.
Yeah they added the black stripes, but still the design is left on debt

Guile - Another downgrade to me, or side at best. Yeah, he looks fresh in new design, and of all chars Guile is one of the last one expect to see evolve… but i’m not sure evolution is what we got. Original design still feel far more powerful as visual impact and draw better lines for his moves, kicks in particular
One can say the previous was too generic, but this one does’nt exudes charisma either

Alex - yes, the model is terrible… would say maybe even THE worst. And i’m the first to defend the fact that original sketches were and deserved much better.
But still it’s downgrade imho
Not because is bad… is good. But SF3 one was Great

Birdie - Birdie more than downgrade is sidegrade. I know you don’t like fat characters, but that fat has been used in smart design way, and made him more unique next to Zangief.
In SFV they portrayed him on decay as lazy, glutton, sloth personality wise and his new fat body well reflect that and even work well with his way of move and fight: the whole point of him is use his mass/weight to slam himself on people like a fucking elephant seal lol
-Not design- one thing i disliked is how they dumbed down him, back to alpha he felt lot smarter

Poison - Downgrade imho. SF4 Poison was a good design, SFV one just messed it up trying hard to look “new” but the overall design was straight more impactful and clear before.
I liked the change of weapon/moveset though

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My ideal Guile costume would be his classic costume, with sunglasses and a bomber jacket added.

I mostly consider it to be a sidegrade, but switching the riding crop to a whip pushes it into an upgrade.

And all of that is bad. His bad design accurately reflects his terrible character direction.

Birdie is easily the biggest downgrade.

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that could work, keep the theme strong while adding

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Bomber jacket also happens to be the best Alex design, but I think it makes more sense for Guile.



Nash - WTF those ugly grey hands and big ass staples. They could have done the same thing in a more subtle way.
Akuma - purely because its so inconsistent with the story and the fact he doesnt have it in SF3.
Cody - concept was decent but really crappy design. Went from simple and iconic to blah and too many colours/patterns
Blanka - LOL.
Lucia/Abigal - Should have stuck more to the original games. Maybe Abigail is ok but damn Lucia was a major turd.

Mika - not different enough to original
Karin - See above
Poison - See above
Juri - kinda meh and generic but dont hate it.
Alex - see above
Guile - Something about it im not sure about but its not bad. maybe would prefer the shirt to actually look like a shirt instead of without sleeves.

Zangief - what makes him so iconic that they didnt change him. Ryu/Chunli/Gill I get as the leading man/woman and also Gills super iconic design. But Gief? Why is he so much more iconic than Akuma/Guile/Dhalsim that he couldnt be changed?

I love the redesign but I will concede to that. Could’ve worked better as a post-3S design.

How the fuck is Vega an upgrade for you guys? :confused: