The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

You can see one of his long bang of hair (the right one) dangle close to the ground
Urien does’nt have them

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Yeah it’s Alex, why they gotta do my boy like that :triumph:

I don’t think so.

There have been persistent reports that Rose was in development and a version of her was seen as playable for a long time. The character stories of some directly point to her imminent arrival on the SF5 scene.

Capcom also randomly licensed out Oro about a year or two back to make statues of him. Like, of all the characters why someone as obscure as Oro?

Maybe a character here and there snuck in through the cracks, but ultimately everything about the story and the choice of characters through the seasons seems planned years in advance.


I hope so. I really hope so.

We haven’t had any Sodom rumor so far, so maybe with a Season 6 thing we’ll have more chances we get him.

Sodom is the only character I care about for the rest of SF5’s life cycle.

Thats not how things work on those. Those are delayed and needs aproval. And has nothing to do with upcomming characters.

I have manage even to talk with someone doing a Thawk statue last year. Do that make Thawk possible? Of course not, Do they had an insider advanced? no

but I like the Thawk to complete his shadaloo saga

That’s just the fake leaker spreading rumor and speculation then claiming it like it was datamined.

@Midgardsorm thanks for that man! And sorry that I took so long to reply. Nice work on Poison’s quotes and about Sagat’s name as well!
I’ll try to post Rose’s SFZ3 account this weekend.

Ring Of Prosperity

Gotta tell… I just loved this stage! i wonder if there are any cameos in the crowd. I remember Ring Of Power having 2 Dolls among the soldiers… However, they were almost impossible to see without using the camera hack.

I also noticed that. When any other character wins, they will clap their hands.
What I also noticed is that, just like in 3rd Strike, only the hooded members with an X are present. A pity they didn’t include the other 3 with different symbols on their hood. Thay appeared in 2nd Impact, on Gill’s stage and Urien’s ending.

In 3rd Strike, only the ones with the X appeared:

I wonder if they all have blue/red body color? And, could this be some form of hierarchical thing inside the Secret Society?


I really…don’t? Because I’ve never really liked SF5, and I’d rather start getting characters for 6 than keep getting characters for 5.

Of course, that’s only if SF6 turns out to be something I actually want. If they just do the thing again where SF6 is just a slightly higher poly SF5, then it’ll be a huge waste of time and we’ll be starting the roster over for nothing…

So…ya know. Either make SF6 GOOD, or just go back to making SF4 characters.


I would like a 6th season for SFV
Overall i like SFV, even if some things are eyesore to me
Would like more SFV because it’s not guaranteed i will like SF6

Said that, i think this Season V was planned long ago and i believe them what they said on it being the last of SF5
At max i can believe there can be a 6th char in S5 (so it will be 6 as all others) as surprise

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Gill vision of a perfect world reflect himself
likely them as the closest followers already gone through the process to fit Gill’s vision of perfect beings, just like he does to Alex in that -not canon- ending

Curious consideration may be that to his loyal servant Kolin he chosen to give only a “ice side”, he did’nt done on her the opposite energies gimmick, neither turned her blue

May mean that who goes through the process develop some sort of artificial loyalty for him, but he does’nt feel the need to do it on Kolin as her faith and loyalty is authentic

Another curious part is that in another ending pic he seem to see that there are two half in every living being, but he does’nt necessary associate this to the red/blue skin identical to him, he vision it more subtle
SFV goes at it more straight though, there the animals are just red-blue Gill style
Not 100% sure, but i think the birds that fly at begin of the match are red-blue too


I would like a 6th character as well even if its a pallette swap or whatever. In such a case, wouldnt mind Sean.

/mashes Dislike

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Better than no sixth character at all mate.

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Well don’t be surprised if Decapre is in.

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When i say 6th character i thought more about something “special”, maybe even something not-selectable a la SF3 Gill
To some extent Oni would have fitted the type in SF4, even if they just dropped him in as normal dlc character

IF they add a +1 sixth char i expect something dropped as gimmick like that monster Necalli or maybe even concept artworks “true G”
Would prefer a separated independent character, but tbh i don’t see anything in SFV pointing possibly at that

Decapre does’nt look to me “special +1” material
But of course i would be waaaaaaaaaay more outraged if one of last 5 slots of S5 get wasted on her, somthing still possible sadly

I dislike too many ansatsuken group in same game, but i will have liked see a SFV take on Sean
With the excuse that in current timeline he never trained under Ken he could have been completely different from Ryu/Ken… at the moment all he got is his family BJJ and brawling ability.
Even if i have some doubts on SFV Sean brawl creds, in SF3 had these headbutts/haymakers that sold kid got plenty street fights (even if low level ones), let alone him takedown and ground and pound people

SFV looked like he had zero fight in himself when he faced Fang in ASF
Not that he had chance of win vs Fang (SF3 Sean still lose vs random fighters in tournaments), but i expected him to at least growl a bit before getting bitchslapped

Btw i loved this design

I think this design Sean could have great rivalry dynamic with young Ed
Now that Ed gained 20kgs of pure muscle i guess we have to wait Sean to grow up to his SF3 self to make it look even lol

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Depends on the palette swap. But getting something like Violent Ken for example is NOT better than no sixth character at all.

I prefer this one.


Now that’s a better Sean.


and still no makoto

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Yeah i will be ok with that too, but as alt (Story Alt sound about right)
Battle alt his ASF clothes and FC his SF3 look :smiley:

For Standard i would prefer the other (the one i posted) as the black lines/S on the tracksuit and the less volume it have (i visualized it more or less as the tracksuit everybody got) would make it a more varied figure (even if as a whola have more a “stickman” silhuette), while the full yellow gi will make a more “flat” figure, something many other Story Alt have but something that i prefer a Standard to don’t
Plus i liked that little wink at Bruce Lee tracksuit :smiley:

I also liked that first one gave him his classic reddish-brown hair color wich add +1 to the color scheme, while second (and ASF) gave him just plain black

Somebody tell Eventhubs it’s just Ed PLS lol

I and basically everyone in the comments section roasted him.