The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Ono lost his position a year ago. He’s only going to be used for FGC stuff by having his Blanka doll thingy captivate people. Like SFDuel for example. Thankfully he’ll never have influence over the development of the next SF title.

EDIT: I think the son of Capcom’s president is taking over the FG division. I’ll need to look it up, but it’s a big deal if the MH lord himself has to sort out the crappy FG division.

My point isnt that people were pissed. My point is why were people so pissed?

A multitude of reasons but that’s beside the point. Capcom of America told Capcom of Japan what would happen. The knew having on disc DLC would kill the game. CoJ did it anyway and killed the game before it started. It wasn’t a hindsight is 20/20 situation.

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People are already getting upset with DLC beforehand. In the case of this game, it was already getting heat for advertising DLC gems that looked better than the base gems. And then there’s the reception to DLC in general. To some, it seemed like less of an addition and more of the company cutting out perfectly good content to sell later.

No example of that clearer than SFxT at the time. 12 extra characters were there and if I remember correctly, perfectly fine. They all had voice acting both English and Japanese, fully functional movesets, all the costumes that they would share with a base character, and full intros, rival battles, and endings for each of them.

This wasn’t just something cut out like a playable Luigi in Mario 64. These were locked out characters they could have included at release before the higher ups decided to make their decision. Along with leaving them on the disc for any hacker to dig them up looks real poor.

It was just one of the many problems surrounding the game but it was arguably the biggest.


And DBFZ has tons of that compare to the prior DB fighters before it.

Yup and that’s actually I am saying too in the topic of intro and outros in fights

SFxT characters were indeed 100% complete and simply locked. They required a double digit kb download to enable.

SFxT is probably the single most damaging title in the history of the fighting game genre.

Capcom of Japan ignorantly believed there was no market for fighting games (because they’re idiots). They were then surprised by SF4 becoming one of their best selling titles of all time (because they’re idiots). They then IMMEDIATELY moved to take advantage of the good faith & loyalty they formerly didn’t even believe existed in a fan base they didn’t think was real by screwing people over with awful business practices & stupid gimmicks in SFxT, one of the most hyped fighting game titles of all time (because they’re idiots)

The moral of this story?

Capcom of Japan was run by idiots.

Hopefully MHW and RE2:RE have taught them better and/or those idiots have been summarily fired (from a cannon into the pacific ocean)

Time will tell with SF6


They felt betrayed at that point because it’s already there and why lock it there when it’s complete plus the Gems not being optimize to few selectable options and there clearly to monetize was along to mix with the disaster.

Hadn’t it also already been revealed that all the DLC characters would be free on the Vita port, in exchange for the Vita port coming a few months later than the console versions? I know that added more fuel to the fire.

There was a lot of stuff involved in turning SFxT into a PR nightmare.


Basically they took a truckload of cash to lockout the characters from the console versions to help push Vita sales. It’s one thing to plan additional content, its another to just remove completed content.l


At least it was worth it and totally worked turning the Vita into a powerhouse system that persists until this day as the benchmark for handheld entertainment!

…oh wait



Get excited! Last round of big reveals before the end of SFV!

Final predictions anyone?

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expect rose or oro to be revealed from the reveal of 1 to 2 characters


SF1: Eagle, Retsu, or Geki
SF2: Fei Long, Dee Jay, T Hawk
SFA: Sodom, Dan, Rose, Gen, Rolento, Maki, juli/Juni
SF3: Dudley, Oro, Makoto, Necro, Hugo, Elena, Sean, Yang, Yun, Remy, Twelve
SF4: Rufus, Viper, Abel, Fuerte, Goken, Hakan
SFV: New character

I personally want: Fei Long, Sodom, Makoto, Viper, and a New Character. Or replace New character with Eagle or Dudley

I want characters not in SF4


Anything that isn’t a new character, Ingrid, SF4 newcomers or God forbid a Guest Character from other companies is fine.

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Makoto deserve this but it’s likely she for SF6 and the most talked like Oro and Rose are in with the…

2 Neo Shadaloo and Some Doll or another from SF3 like Elena.

This plus “no guest characters” and “no Evil ryu-types”.

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I don’t think were getting any evil… like Evil Sakura lol

Will probably end up getting evil cammy though,:roll_eyes: