The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Urien: “Listen you fools. I stand above all adaptations, anime, manga, novels, poetry, playwrites, and video games. Kneel before your master. Come forth, so that may claim my victory over you!! Even these waters do not stand a chance against one such as I!!”


SamSho looks better than SF5

Well, SamSho 100% looks like SF4. But I’d say it fits the series better than it does SF.


In style, The difference was most of the character design in SF in the face tries to be cartoony that ended up fugly.

While SF5 is the middle ground of the cartoony and realism.

SamSho uses the art style FAR better and has better proportions. Small changes have big impact

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Wait, these are two different paths
Go in Tekken direction, yeah, that’s the lesser evil way to go if “aim at more realism” is inevitable
I even liked the first look at tekken-style Ryu i seen for TKvsSF

But MK?

Sadly we don’t live in an ideal world, and some japanese SH still think the only way of get dollars is to learn cook hamburgers

SameSho have much more heart and soul, it try to do his thing rather than try to suck as many dicks as possible


KOF XIV and SamSho (2019) aren’t pleasant on the eyes at all. But i give SNK a grade A for effort. They try their best with what they have, too bad their best in this generation isn’t good enough. All their talent left after their 1st bankruptcy. The music is still good since Sha-V didn’t leave the company, but everything else is worse.

Capcom on the other hand never really try and it shows in SFV, where everything is outsourced. Difference between Capcom and SNK is that Capcom isn’t Fighting Game focused they’re too busy jacking off to the RE series, RE engine, and MH series. Fighting Games is all SNK has.

For teh lulz


We don’t need skinny Ken?

Your claims is just along your biases of wanting things to change and brag on it. It’s just what you think or assumed by looking in nitpick artwork.

There is always inconsistency in every art, even in early SF2 art of Ryu along with his SF1 art. It doesn’t mean it is wrong or need to change. like the poster boy.


Ryu and Ken’s physique is not far from different from each other thats historical and confirmed not by nitpicking some solo art work of ken but by looking at artwork that they are together.

It’s a terrible rationale and logic just to base to a few artwork and solo than looking it when they are together.

It we just end up to more inconsistent Ken and retcon him if you want to make him skinny because of your certain biases.

Comparison of them throughout the years and history.


From Alpha


From SF2

Ken and Ryu body physique almost close to each other changing that is retconing ken and making him inconsistent to what is establish throughout various games, merchandise and media.

No one had even mentioned Ken is wrong and inconsist with most of his art in the past or even claimed that he should be skinny in the most praise animated adaptation of SF2 in the big screen. People recommend it and this film was also carefully monitored by Capcom the designs and approve it.

Ridiculous claims lol

What stopping them not adopting Xrd like graphics of arcsys is because they lack the technology and wanted not to look like another anime title that are tons in the market. They wanted to standout with what they had already. They had pride on their work and not what you think about them that trying to be something else.

Your logic contradicts the actuality this is one of the most problem on japan and not what you thought and assumed about them. This is why people even cries for the netcode problems that we had for years.

Not story related but I like this Elena artwork.


“These two sprite headswaps had identical physiques ergo they always should becase this definitely wasn’t anything like a technical limitation or a shortcut!”

Flawless logic.

Yes, Ryu & Ken and Sean and Akuma are all physically identical in height, weight, muscle mass and everything else.

Also Juli and Juni are physically identical. IGNORE ALL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY. Ignore ALL BOUNCY BOUNCY EVIDENCE.


BTW, they don’t adopt Xrd graphics because they then can’t shill a gazillion costumes.

If they could shill a gazillion costumes in Xrd graphics and not their shit-tier graphic style currently we’d have Xrd graphics TOMORROW


Saw this on reddit. Thought it was cool. If Capcom did more costumes they should consider swaps. Theyd be relatively cheap to make and would look cool.

Would love to see Ken with Guile costume. Barlog with M.Bison, Vega with Rashid?

Edit: my fav is hot Makoto




I thought you block me? So you are peeking at my post lol

For a guy like that claims gouken and dhalsim shouldn’t be fighting in a fighting game because mu and yoga isn’t something about fighting, yet your okay seeing fortune teller and yoyo wielding kid threaten shadaloo because of some anime occasionally used those lol.

On topic.

To answer the first quote, this had nothing to do with sprites anymore and headswap.

Why? I explain bellow in a technical and how with confirm things.

I didn’t claim with the rest and I didn’t even mentioned them, because I didn’t even need to two. Is that how the way you think and conclude things? lol

I only talking about this two characters and why there is nothing wrong with what established, confirmed and shown throughout this years along with the present(games) being them slightly close in physique.

Your saying it’s something of a sprite issue when it’s not anymore…

Is this your issue and claims?



the earlier comment with the tons of artwork and appearance of Ryu and Ken is the references proves that it isn’t the sprite swap issue anymore, we got two modern SF titles already that aren’t sprite based and other titles likes SUPER SMASH BRO with KEN in it, plus there is a lot more.

If Ken would be heavily altered to a skinny guy like cestus wants to it’s a retcon already a because it contradicts everything thats is established and confirmed in various appearance not just an art or an in-game sprite workaround.

What your kid cestus wants everything his way because he claims CAPCOM and SFV team is doing things wrong for a longest time along with everything that is establish, approved, confirmed in various media, merchandise, the most praise fighting game anime in the history and along with the modern titles, he reason of why Capcom should change everything established according to his way is because he had seen some Ken SF3 artwork that he didn’t even include in his post. lol …

according to this quote

Instead of looking to various art with both Ryu and Ken that’s how you look into mistake and have deductive reasoning on it, you need to compare.

He didn’t even post that so called Ken art from SF3? he probably just started now looking and browsing in what he can used and post here to fit his claims because of him being called out and probably he had no idea other than randomly talking on what to fit what he wants to be changed.

Something like this?

for someone naive this quote of cestus below sounds good and acceptable but the real thing is that is shows he has no idea of what and why other than dumb answer for someone claiming to be better than Capcom.

This dumb answer for the topic why the new Samsho did work and SF4 didn’t. That way of talking is coming from someone who pretends to know better than modern designers in SFV.

it’s very much the same with this

along with this

Thats how a pseudointellectual talks. Like japanese style and western style, Tekken and Final Fantasy in the previous earlier comments of his, not even including some previous post because there’s a lot more. lol.

He just want skinny Ken and brag it like he does then claim it as something that every of his argument is right against those that would oppose him in other thread instead on being critical with why it is right and wrong like he does in the previous character threads and story threads. To avoid criticism and having different idea from the others, then to fool those that that aren’t knowledgeable in the field that everything he says so is correct even they are self serving bias and pretensions.

That is irrelevant argument to the topic. WHY?

Using those characters as to correct something that is a wrong claim to the likes of Ryu and Ken is faulty to begin with.

A clear bad comparison to justify the claims of Ryu and Ken.

First the logic is flawed and using them to justify your claims with Ryu and Ken, Why? The were just present in SFA3 and two weren’t together in modern titles. Ryu and Ken together had much presence not just modern titles or anime but in almost everything. The issue with Ryu and Ken is not something of sprite swap issue anymore.

Various media, merchandise, anime and even from SFEX already confirmed that their physique is relatively close. That’s not a sprite issue anymore even in modern games.

SFV even just had Juli.

The same way we confirmed that Shun Goku Satsu is very much not about demons and spirits, because it is confirmed in modern games that it is not how it was previous claimed. Even there would pop up somewhere of a written article or an old japanese official reference stating that Shun Goku Satsu is about demonic spirits, It’s already wrong because of what the current and modern is already presented.

So the argument on Ken to be skinny version of Ryu is wrong because this isn’t even like an old material contradicts the present one but because both past and present materials already confirmed this the only contradiction is cestus and your claims that it’s a sprite issue, When it isn’t about sprite or headswap in modern games. It is established and confirmed beyond sprite based game. To be fair that’s confirmed to Sean because of the cinematic mode did a retcon but that’s never the case of Ryu and Ken. This is not done because of just the difficulty in sprite but because it is and it is what it was and known.

Turning Ken skinny all of a sudden isn’t about coherence like what seems the original idea seems to imply but is an obvious retcon and would do a lot of inconsistency. Why would Capcom retcon Ken because some guy in the internet called them doing ken wrong for years because of a mentioned art that he didn’t even post. Cestus didn’t even like Ken, Deejay and Sagat. On the area his calling out there is no problem with the fans of that character with he claims to be wrong, changing them because he said so would just cause negative implication to the character’s fans.


On a related note I think they should make Juri Doll 0

Delta Red Kolin hit me in the feels

Latex Falke is more or less her Battle alt already lol

I always wanted to see that. They should had done that long ago.


That’d definitely be fun, I’d love those.

This Ken and Ryu physique argument is silly. With the exception of SFV, Ken has always weighed more than Ryu. So him being skinnier doesn’t make a lick of sense. Over time them being roughly the same size, same sensei, but a different twist on that style has been interwoven into the character. That being the case, the further divergence in how they fight is how as well as different default costumes is how the two should be differentiated.


You want them to make Juri a robot?

Edit: Oh, you’re talking about costume swaps.