The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Gimmicky mode are more memorable like Heroes and Herald, Entry Mode or World Tour Mode had more casual appeal.

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Capcom has never been famous because of the “story modes” of their fighting games.

And with their most attempts to add such, I don’t think anyone will be running to buy the games becuase of them.

I think a storytelling similar to Alpha 3, set in the Arcade Mode, would be more than enough.

[quote=“The_Shakunetsu, post:8709, topic:586509”]Gimmicky mode are more memorable like Heroes and Herald, Entry Mode or World Tour Mode had more casual appeal.
This. Don’t waste more time and resources on these story modes no one has liked. More innovative modes are better.

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They should add low-development-effort, fun to play single player or coop local modes. It’s mind boggling that they’ve made somewhat functional shadaloo soldiers, dolls and Peter the cop for the story mode and there’s no way to fight them outside it.

maybe that’s because V was their first attempt at actually telling a big narrative within a single game. Well I guess IV tried that too but to piece shit together you had to watch two OVAs and most of the available openings, rival cutscenes and endings for the roster.


Chun-Li being strong enough to beat M. Bison is something UDON would pull.

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If the production cost had been more into NPCs that are relevant to the character for individual story mode merge with arcade mode for the character origins and etc. It would had been better and memorable.

Like having Go Hibiki, Gouken, Dan, THawk, Abel and etc

The two OVA did a good job because it’s not trying everyone in.

MvCi is the second best selling game in the series…

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But it’s not the first one.

Not even the second:

On March 30, 2011, the company announced that it had shipped more than 2 million copies of the game a month and a half after its debut.[48] In response to reaching the milestone, Capcom dubbed Marvel vs. Capcom 3 a commercial success.[[48]]

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 reached number 19 in the United Kingdom PlayStation 3 sales chart and number 24 for the Xbox 360.[61][62] The game sold approximately 600,000 units worldwide for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 during the first two months of its release.[63][64] As of March 2015, the game sold 1.2 million units across its various platforms.[65]

In its third quarter report of the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2018, Capcom disclosed that Infinite had sold one million units as of December 31, 2017, missing its initial sales target.

You realize that Capcom has their platinum sales titles listed for all to see right? MvC3 is 1st, MvCi is 2nd, UMvC3 is third.


Yeah, cause the story mode is why MvCI sucked…you disingenuous fuckface.

It had nothing to do with the terrible roster, the awful graphics, or the downgrade to 2v2.

No shit. Nobody was famous because of their story modes in fighting games until MK9.

You aren’t everyone dickface.


But nowhere i addressed at them being reclutant to pull a redesign, they redesign A LOT actually
But i don’t need a “brave” design, i want a good one
I blame the raw material (dried cow shit previously mentioned) they base all that rework on
MK design is born mediocre and even improving keep that mediocrity in the dna

Most of the characters show no roots/source/identity and incarnation after incarnation they just present a new 3D model with some more details on
Just visually enrich is not automatically a good design, just like “change things” may be admirable but not necessary an improvement design

Capcom with Ryu takes shit all the time for being a “flat” job, while on reality not only Ryu is a tremendous character design that embody a fuckton of different influences, but also have evolved with time.
I see people talking about his design not evolving, but on reality anybody with two eyes and even bit of knowledge on character design can see that basically ALL elements of him gradually changed: his hair, skin, gloves, belt and even the gi changed and tell a story
Hopefully SF6 Ryu will keep that design path coherence, instead get the fucking SFV beard because some marketing guy noticed lot of teh western internet said loud that “beard Ryu” should have been the standard look

Good design is not necessary give Guile his SFV new look, specially considering that some redesigns (Guile included imho) are not a complete improvement (Guile one improve as concept, showing a growth of the char, but is a less good design on pure visual side), just like many total new designs are not as good as some old ones

This because capcom is losing a bit of identity and are imho questioning too much their own fundamentals
Good example is somehow they “forgot” that personal stage IS character design when it comes to SF.
Specially when you have new characters that you want make run with vets that have decades of exposure. You make them born with a broken foot.

But still, they’re Masters of their craft even today


I don’t like Power Creep, as well as gameplay and story segregation, even if it may be necessary to some degree.

If a character is able to beat a particularly strong boss in context of the game play, then it should be possible for them to defeat them in a narrative standpoint (by an abstraction of what they are normally capable of in their general game play in the first place). If such a situation is to occur, then it would have to at least make sense in application. Chun-Li defeating Bison for example is not an egregious concept (and it’s not like she is intentionally designed as a weak character. Now, if I said “Dan defeats Gouki,” that would actually be more ridiculous than me saying “Chun-Li defeats Bison.”
Dan defeating Gouki is where the line has to be drawn, because the former is too stupid to achieve such a feat. Chun-Li on the other would have what it takes to accomplish that very task against Bison for example as it is not overly egregious.

(And, there is also the fact that Chun-Li is supposedly responsible for whacking Shadowloo anyway, if what Urien says is true in 3S. You would think SFV writers would follow this logic, but as it stands right now, Chun-Li is but a jobber).

Even though, it is already a foregone conclusion that SF tends to emulate the “power leveling” nonsense like DBZ/DBS and other fictional materials in anime/manga do, it is more entertaining to see characters actually stalemate or defeat enemies, without a lot of jobbing going on.


But iirc at that point was functional at explain Nash having troubles performing at 100% in this second life
This line of Kolin was just after the Urien fight

I guess it give more importance to Nash’s final effort to perform at his possible best, showing his will and determination to the point of put Bison on his knee

But i admit outside of ASF events i liked your interpretation (i find it faithful to the fighters involved), if we consider a Nash able to offer his best fight to Urien i can see it being competitive, maybe even not so obvious as result
After all we even have a precedent in Chun Li

I find Necalli coming from Illuminati, being sent as a living weapon will have been better indeed, and a cool af concept while at it.
SF3 even showed us Illuminati’s presence in Mexico (Urien’s stage)
But i will NOT like him as lab experiment
First it will be another lab experiment, and SF already had too many of them tbh
Second and most important it will ruin his ancient theme rooted in aztec culture

But i will have loved them to pull a Spriggan showing Illuminati’s interest in ancient echnology/secrets/artifacts, taking Necalli still in his statue form (see Pillar Men in JoJo) like his Story alt already showed

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It didn’t help at all.
If they had given more care to other aspects instead of that stupid-ass mode NOBODY liked (yeah, I dare you to bring me 1 review that says it’s good), the game would have sold better.

Guilty Gear and BlazBlue. And Project Justice back then.

Well, that’s fair. Although a huge part of the reason the story mode was shit was because it LOOKED like shit, because the game looked like shit.

It’s also a lot harder to make a story that anyone will care about in a crossover game. Because the very nature of the game is that there’s not a consistent universe there, which means nothing that happens in the story actually matters.

Also, whoever wrote that story didn’t know shit about Morrigan.

Sorry, no. Those games HAD stories. But those companies were never “famous for their story modes”, as you put it. They’re a bunch of fucking visual novels. Nobody has ever been impressed by that shit.

NetherRealm is literally the ONLY company that is famous for it’s story modes.

People who look for games like GG and BB and that shit, are interested in their story modes.

I see what you mean. It still looks like something I’d see in UDON comics though.

Which was almost nobody until Xrd. ArcSys was barely staying in business until they suddenly made the best looking video game ever. So don’t try and tell me they were famous for their game stories. They were famous for making niche anime fighters with overcomplicated gameplay mechanics.

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I have faith in SF6 story

ASF was the right direction to go, it just suffered far from perfect execution

But considering the biggest precedent in SF were few seconds “rival cutscenes” with a designed rival before the last fight with Seth, it has been a giant step forward

SF6 worry me on art style, cast choice, vibe being ruined… but story? Story being an evolution of ASF is a safe bet imho