The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


She signed her art, more importantly.



Much better than the most recent stuff

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That was Bengus still in Godlike mode :ok_hand:


Not sure if it’s beeen posted here.

But eventhubs did a podcast episode where they talk about having SF6 focus on story. Give a listen. Story talk is the first 30 min of the podcast.

I feel like you already got the gist of the stories in Arcade Mode. I can see a few things:

  • Pre-Alpha: Interesting, but I’m just not sure the average person cares
  • Alpha-SFV period: I feel like there is no gap in continuity here worth filling in, plus a prequel with mostly returning characters might confuse modern audiences
  • SFV-SF3: While SFV definitely tried to bridge the gap, there are questions raised in relation to Gill, G, and Ed that could be answered in that time frame.
  • SF3 Retelling: As SF3 was the least played main game and we’ve had so much build up for Gill in the later seasons of SFV, a retelling of SF3 that tries to explain some of the weirder shit from that game (the G project, Necro, Q) could be a decent option. It’s also a chance to “write in” characters like Guile, Zangief, and Sagat that people wondered about.
  • Post-SF3: Probably the most obvious option. No games to “set up”, just good old character progression. Would almost have to include all major SF3 characters’ stories that weren’t in SFV (Oro especially) to get newer users up to speed, but there’s a lot of potential.

I was honstly happy with A Shadow Falls.

Make the game look better, tighten up the writing a bit, and make sure every character gets more than one fight, and I’ll be happy if they just do that again in 6.


AE arcade mode was better for me. IMHO than the cinematic mode.

AE arcade mode waa SFV comeback from failed retail vanilla sale.

Speaking of A Shadow Falls,

I wrote some story changes a while back, specifically to clean up Nash, Necalli, and Karin’s situations. The same events happen but the context is a bit different. Like the fight between Nash and Urien.

Urien doesn’t actually beat Nash. They fight to a stalemate. The point of the fight is to highlight Nash’s understandably cynical behavior, his suspicion of Helen/Kolin, and his background in psychiatry.
Nash picks straight at Urien’s insecurities, prompting the would-be overlord in a state of madness as he keeps trying to overpower him. While it is made clear that Urien has an advantage, Nash is not easily beaten as implied in the initial narration.

Karin’s situation was more cut and dry. Drop the Mary Sue nonsense and have her motivations in line with the idea of self-improvement and “fixing” the martial arts regime to be less nefarious (based on her personal analysis of what happened between Alpha and SFIV, and what Sakura and Ken periodically tells her).

Necalli in my narration is actually a subject of the Illuminati, heavily implied to be Urien’s creation in understanding ki and the idea of the Satsui no Hadou, giving him the ability to absorb (eat) other strong warriors. Necalli was released a while before the start, which leads Urien’s direct involvement in foreseeing the destruction of Shadowloo through Nash, Necalli, or his own fists if necessary.

Ryu and Bison’s “Final Fight” happens…
Far more earlier that it was supposed to.

Ryu makes use of Mushin while Bison uses an exaggerated form of the Psycho Power when the Black Moons are active. The fight plays out more or less the same as how a fight from the Raid series would have (this is an abstraction). Before fighting with Bision, Ryu has another issue with the Satsui no Hadou, but in this case Kage (who played his own role in also causing Sagat and even Sakura problems in my narration).

Ryu and Bison are evenly matched. Ryu’s arch ends but he actively participates in the efforts to shut down Shadowloo and the Illuminati (the latter which obviously cannot happen because… well… 3S exists).

The last chapters are going to address Chun-Li, Nash, Cammy, Guile, and Rashid’s character arches.

In the short term, I would have set up Nash and Guile to “physically” deal with Bison (optionally his other henchmen) in a desperate struggle.

Chun-Li deals with F.A.N.G. again after the latter has been… roasted and beaten to near-death by Rashid. Before she could rescue Li-Fen, she has to deal with Bison whom is enraged by his lost against Guile and Nash. After getting a better reception, Guile on Chun-Li’s communication line tells her to take Li-Fen and get out but it was too late. Chun-Li fights Bison… a superpowered, ghastly form of Bison that was generated from the computer systems of the Black Moons and remaining hidden Seth clones.

She ekes out a win and takes Li-Fen out of the Shadowloo.

Thus leading into SFIII.

Or… SF6, depending what the hell Capcom is trying to do.

Or… some other narrative pushed onto SFV in its remaining time which is somewhat likely.


The mode where every character got one static image? You thought THAT was a better story mode than the cinematic mode?!


I would like it better with something like SF4 did with animated endings.

I rather see characters being focus on specific interactions and events than some of their involvement becomes forced, poor interaction or being lackluster.

This is why we had come up with different version of what should happened better instead rather than questions being answered and having conclusion which is more better for a fighting game. IMHO

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Great. You’d rather each character get 30 seconds of interactions instead of 3 hours of ACTUAL storytelling.

Absolutely fucking ridiculous.

Fortunately, SF5 managed to do it all. It had one GOOD story mode, and then ALSO had your shitty SF4-level story modes, and then, later on, added in your even SHITTER SF2-3 story modes.

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I like things more straight forward, meaningful and mostly focus on what we need rather than trying to make a appealing movie in a fighting game or having more excessive information that isn’t necessary. IMHO

It felt wasted on resources on Capcom part especially if they are aiming for fighting game fans and a fighting game franchise. I rather had them had interactive with those that they need to react rather than building a story that every is there than had lackluster interaction.

It’s barely impossible to create a appealing cinematic mode or movie like appeal storymode for a Fighting Game franchise like Street Fighter even with hiring the best writers. They could only do a one shot that only work for the alpha timeline.

I could say your satisfied with it because you had a bit of suggestions, so your saying it good because it is really good on your point of view. which is an honest opinion.

But the thing is for those and the others that would claim it good but post tons of criticism and suggestion multiple times and cries for a directors cut every time it the topic is discussed reflect dissatisfaction in other words it not-good regardless the claim it is good.

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Yes, and what we need is one coherent, ACTUAL story. And not 30 different unconnected conflicting substories that don’t go anywhere or have any worthwhile interactions in them.

I’m not saying ASF couldn’t have been better. But anyone that seriously thinks the Arcade Mode endings are a better story mode than ASF deserves a golf club to the face.


I just saying that they waste huge resources on it that soon people will talk negatively then would left it and would probably just play it after months again for a “bit of information” they just wanted to recall or would just prefer to watch it than play it for hours long. That’s why I would prefer an in-depth version of arcade mode with fewer cast and focus on a character journey to a particular event and that character’s history, rather than pilling all characters together and forced them each other.

Some can be connected and some can be not connected. That’s why it fails like the SF live action because it forced almost everyone rather than specific cast and specfic characters that are demanded to be in that event/situation.

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I disagree heavily
Say what you want about NRS, but I highly admire that they always iterate or overhaul their character designs, and have been ever since the very first MK title.

Sure, you could argue that there’s an issue of recognition/staleness vs renewals/freshness, and they don’t always hit the bullseye on how every character looks in every entry (e.g. X Ermac, Deadly Alliance Reptile, Armageddon Fujin, 11 Kano, and so on), but at least they take their chances and aren’t afraid of change

Keep in mind that, for example, it took Capcom almost 3 decades to finally give Guile a design that’s different from “generic american soldier”. His only standout feature was the Stroheim-inspired hair. Nash in Alpha was clearly an iteration on the “army dude” design, but you can clearly see again Capcom being afraid of change so they instead came up with a brand new character

Really, if you think about it, Alpha and V were the only times that Street Fighter characters went through some kind of a major design change, and even then only in certain instances


New game mode confirmed for new season V: “Run B*tch Survival”


Story modes are not much necessary in fighting games, especially in games like Street Fighter, where there’s so many colorful and diverse characters it’s almost impossible to make sense putting everyone in the story.

Classic “arcade” stories mode were alright. Maybe they were more like a “Choose your own adventure thing” and whoever won the tournament/defeated Bison/whatever is not entirely clear within the canon, but that also gives more power to the player since you can have anyone you want win in the story if you try hard.

Story Modes are usually boring and slow as shit, and that’s intentional, worthless 1P content only to raise in the “hours length duration” account of the game, which means absolutely nothing, it’s just selling point for casuals.
It should NEVER be a priority for Street Fighter.


Right. The vast majority of the paying audience for Street Fighter.

I know competitive players love to jerk themselves off, but they should always try to remember that they’re still only, like, 10% of the people that bought the game.

Whatever resources Capcom spent to make this content possible was worth it.

MvCI sold way better than MvC3 then, I guess.