The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Haven’t read the English version but quoting this because I’m curious as to how UDON handled the part where Balrog and a sex trafficker named Lou attack Dan and Sakura. Don’t worry, nothing serious happens and he gets arrested by Chun-Li.

How many playable characters has had Street Fighter in all its history? Like 65? 75?

I don’t think that could ever happen (unless they severely simplify the gameplay -like, every character having only 1 super, 3 special moves, and 2 punches and 2 kicks- and graphics… which is something I would probably not be against…).

I count 73.

Not counting the Evil Ryu’s or Ingrid or…Mike?

SF1: 11
SF2: 14
SFA: 13(11 if you don’t count Juni and Juli, who are, like, half characters)
SF3: 16
SF4: 10
SF5: 12

Total: 76(or 74)

Well, SF1 only had 2 playable characters.

Oh, well, yeah. But when I say “Everyone is here” I include bringing back the rest of the SF1 cast. Except Mike.

Playable Characters in SFVI…

Ryu, Ken, Guile, Cammy, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Fei Long, Vega, Balrog, Sagat

Guy, Cody, Mike, Maki, Rolento, Sodom, Hugo, Poison

Alex, Rose, Oro, Ibuki, Yun, Yang, Makoto, Remy, Dudley, Necro, Adon, Twelve

Three (IV) characters
Abel, Juri, C.Viper

Four brand new characters (A protagonist, an Illuminati villain-preferably a mid-boss character, a Shadowloo operator, and someone out of the woodworks).

(Hidden Premulative Boss Characters - Gouki, Bison, and Gouken).
Urien (Final Boss)

Player Count: 41.

41 is a lot of characters unfortunately so they’d all have to be released few at a time. After all of them and their background information are done, then the staff members can push for the story narrative of what is going on post-3S.

I am considering that Urien’s ending took place in which he finally bested Gill by the time another character ruined his plot.

It could also be possible to have Gill as a post-humous boss character whom the player has to deal with in the first chapter after fighting through a series of fights as a protagonist character. Or, to be more specific, 6 will start where 3S left off towards the end of certain events where characters start to confront Gill for his actions. After fighting through five or so enemies and receiving rewards and story context, the player deals with Gill in a street fight scenario. They play as… what…
Ryu… Ken… Yun… Yang… something.

Gill starts off as a typical SNK Boss, being overpowered but then he gets eventually thrown off balance and his plans are partially jeopardized. Urien then confronts Gill himself in a cutscene… where Urien’s 3S ending happens. Once this happens, the event so of Street Fighter VI will unfold.


Sounds like a roster way too similar to Street Fighter IV.

Entire SF2 cast in, both because i want it and because it will get people with crap tastes all butthurt

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I also don’t like putting too much Final Fight into Street Fighter.

They’ve really went overboard with that lately, with Lucia (who fights like K’ for a reason), Abigail and Poison :confused:

How does she fight like K’? In FF3 she had a lot of kick based attacks, and that transitioned into SFV.

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Because of her “Second Trigger”-like attack, which looks fairly ridiculous IMO.

I don’t like much Final Fight in Street Fighter because it’s simply another mouth to feed. If you want to put Guy or Cody or Haggard that’s fine, but not all three at the same time.

Maki and Hugo got their special chances to shine but that should be enough. Was there seriously anyone asking for Abigail or Lucia?

Also, Final Fight is set too long in the past, around the Alpha series, those characters time I tthink it’s already passed. Please no more Maki, Poison or Hugo or Abigail in future installments. Final Fight belongs in the past, at least to my taste.

Sodom would be the only exception because he’s never been back. And Rolento I would accept, because Rolento is awesome.

I would be more interested in new crossovers, like put Gene from Godhand.

Honestly I’m not sure Urien works well as a stand-alone boss character. He’s cool to play as and as a foil to Gill, but I don’t see him as an interesting antagonist to put up against the likes of Ryu, Chun-Li, or Alex. Just compared to the other main bosses:

  • Sagat: Muay Thai master who falls from grace after losing to Ryu
  • Bison: Negative energy spirit with a vested interest in fighting (and conquering) strong opponents
  • Akuma: Evil master that wants to prove he’s the best by killing any worthy challengers in combat
  • Gill: Wants to create a utopia from the strongest, worthiest fighters

Urien seems like he would rather just have a group of Twelves deal with the problem while he focuses on ruling and control. Fighting doesn’t have any special meaning to him in the way that the other bosses do.

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SF1 arcade had only two playable characters: Ryu and Ken. None of the other characters you fought were playable. Only half would become playable in future titles. If you want to include the entire SF1 cast, then you arguably should include the fightable but otherwise non-playable characters in other titles, such as the Dolls you face in A Shadow Falls or the Golden and Silver Shadaloo soldiers.

SF1 had 12 characters. If you are skipping Mike due to Boxer, then you shouldn’t. Mike and Boxer are officially two different characters, skipping Mike would be like skipping Ken due to Ryu. If you are instead skipping Ken, then you’ve got another issue. Ken only became his own character over time, but that required actually returning. Not counting palette swaps isn’t entirely fair.

There is a somewhat similar issue for “half characters” like Juni and Juli; these characters have to return to have a chance to become more complete. On a related note, those unplayable SF1 characters barely had movesets. If you do want to count characters like Geki, Joe, Retsu, or Lee, then you can’t just discount other “half characters” for being “half characters”.

Evil Ryu is a weird case. Kage is clearly a separate character from Ryu. Shin Akuma and Shin Bison are just powered up Akuma and Bison. But what is the case for Oni? He’s not a separate character the way Kage is, but he’s also arguably not fully “Akuma” the way Shin Akuma is. Evil Ryu is kind of in a similar place to Oni, while he’s a powered up Ryu, he isn’t quite “Ryu”.

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How about you not tell what my own madeup rules for Everyone Is Here are.

The Shadaloo soldiers and most of the Dolls(including Juni and Juli) can fuck off!

It would be if Ken was also a Japanese man named Ryu.

Capcom says Mike, the African-American boxer is a totally different character from Mike Bison, the African-American boxer. I say Capcom can suck my fat dick.

Kage can be in if he obtains a body. Otherwise, he’s out.

Third Strike only has 4 characters from the SFII series. Let that sink in. Wouldn’t mind if SF6 only has like 5 or 6 characters from SF5 and the rest are completely new!!!


SF3 does a lot of things right. Dumping most of the SF2 characters and replacing a bunch of them with inferior counterparts wasn’t one of them.


Maggegg and Jion really dropping the hottest of takes in this thread

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SF1/2: Ryu, Ken, Chun, Cammy, Zangief, Sagat, Claw, Guile, Honda. “Ghost Bison” added later.
Can accept lose Guile/Honda if we get solid new replacements

SF3: Alex, Dudley, Yun, Makoto, Elena, Hugo, Oro, Urien, Necro. Gill added later

SFA: Rose, Cody

SF4: Juri, Abel, Hakan

SFV: Kolin, Rashid, G, Zeku, Laura

And we are at 30

Give me 10 new characters (including new Boss and his 3 sub-bosses), but designed in the old SF core way… pick a martial art, pick a nation and work over that. Less “story designs” as possible

Each character to have his fucking personal stage, to complement his/her design identity.
Breakable stages was good idea, do It everywhere

Don’t be afraid of keep a japanese artstyle, stop suck dicks. People will buy It anyway if is good.

SFV style story mode is ok, enrich that formula.
Maybe add different situations in the story, like one vs many, or feats of skill/power to do… All stuff that can be added as bonus stages for arcade mode.
Split the story at least in two chapters, considering huge % of a SF cast come later

Since you will do some colors badly, give me Color Fucking Edit to have a visually pleasant version at my home

Do all this and i will be happy

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Well, since Dhalsim’s wife Sally was 17 in SF2 and since SF takes place in the 90s. That means that Dhalsim and his wife Sally’s marriage would be illegal under India law. Since child marriage was outlawed in India in 1929 with The Child Marriage Restraint Act, which got revisions. The minimum legal age for marriage in India has been 18 for women and 21 for men since 1978.

Yeah I look that up online.