The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

To be fair, the movie wasn’t out yet, so a lot of the devs probably weren’t very familiar with the character.

I mean, they added Shuma Gorath back in the day just because they thought he looked neat, with no idea of what the character actually does or is about. Shuman Gorath is a giant Lovecraftian eldrich horror. In MvC, he’s basically just a man-sized laser squid.

If the character hasn’t been in a huge media release, the Japanese devs’ knowledge of it is probably fairly spotty.

Black Panther was introduced in 1966. So that excuse doesn’t fly with me. The character was over a half century old when Infinite launched.


They were just rushed for time and resources. I’m not a Marvel fan but I can understand how disappointing it can be to see beloved characters treated badly. MVCi’s failure stings even more with that leaked devkit. Capcom must’ve really wanted the game to take off.

Hopefully things like this won’t happen again for Capcom.

In response to my last few posts of a slightly adjusted story:

1). Necalli’s characterization
Necalli this time around is an experiment done by the Illuminati under Urien’s orders. He is built around the Satsui no Hadou and the idea of initializing a super soldier project where individuals access the Satsui no Hadou to kill a target.
Urien’s research what lead to the development of Necalli. Necalli was given the order to destroy the outposts of Shadowloo and a few of Urien’s adversaries. Necalli achieves this but becomes increasingly unstable to the point of violently acting towards Urien’s biologists. Urien sets out a search to find and retrieve Necalli for modifications. Urien finds Necalli gruesomely murdering martial artists at a dojo in an effort to eat them and absorb their traits. The self-proclaimed god-emperor angrily puts down Necalli in a fist fight and has his scientists seal Necalli in a capsule.

Urien writes off the project as nonsensical as a result and moves on to finding another method of shutting down Shadowloo himself while usurping his older brother Gill in the Illuminati, thus bringing up the subject of Nash.

Unbeknownst to Urien at this point, Necalli actually wakes up by himself due to a nearby trigger. Gouki was somewhere nearby getting into a fight with another strong maniac from the surface, leading straight into the laboratory which Necalli is held. Gouki’s Satsui no Hadou energy projections accidentally trigger Necalli’s awakening and make him go berserk once again. Gouki and Necalli fight for a while. Gouki defeats Necalli but the latter escapes by turning himself into a puddle of a liquid substance to move away and sustain his life.

Now Necalli is at large. Helen/Kolin alerts Urien of this problem only for the latter to laugh about it. Urien states that the lab in use was actually one where the Shadowloo built their foundations from in Thailand. It would be too easy to blame Shadowloo once again for Necalli’s release and apparently serial killings of different people. Helen/Kolin then further question Urien on why he bothered to apprehend Necalli in the first place. Urien states that he still had use for the Satsui no Hadou research and that taking DNA samples and battle recordings was necessary. And, aside from patronizing Helen/Kolin (as Urien normally would), he had to ensure the Necalli was found specifically at the Shadowloo lab in order for individuals not to lay anything at his feet. Whereas, if anyone is to find out about the Illuminati, investigators will end up confronting Gill whom is the leader of such an organization. Urien will simply set up lesser scientists for arrest or Gill himself for failure.

Necalli is at large and Urien is executing his next series of implied tasks:
1). Destroy the Shadowloo through sabotage, Necalli’s creation, and Nash’s resurrection.
2). Set Gill up for failure and then kill him while ascending to essential godhood.
3). Initiate a tyrannical regime.

2). How do Menat and Dhalsim already know of the Illuminati in this adjusted SFV setting?
Dhalsim is able to read minds. The explanation of this technique comes from his meditation techniques in his country of India. Eye-contact, facial recognition and ki signature resonation are necessary.

Dhalsim notices suspicious activities in his village and confronts a group of assailant attempts to kidnap law enforcement members of all things. Dhalsim wrote these crooks off as random Shadowloo dorks but then he reads their mind and realizes that there is something terribly wrong: He learns of the Illuminati through Urien’s abrupt course of action in trying to track down Necalli’s activities.

Menat herself has a serious problem. Rose allows Menat to test her fortune reading abilities through Soul Power and tells her to be wary of the Illuminati.
Rose herself learns of the Illuminati through her constant battles with Bison and through her memory scape. Through these visions and card readings, Rose correctly identifies that there are people trying to manipulate and on further research (with the help of Guy), she proves this theory. Meanwhile, she had students to train: Menat. As Rose tries to address this major issue with the Interpol outposts in Italy to periodically communicate with Chun-Li, Menat begs Rose to allow her to contribute.

So, Menat leaves to find warriors in an effort to spread awareness of their future and influence them. Overtime, Menat begins looking into individuals that are knowingly or unknowingly influenced by the Illuminati’s extended connections and receiving unnerving news of Bison’s new scheme and the creation of Necalli.

… Menat contacts Rose to keep her posted. Rose sets Menat off to find a man known as Ryu and give him the means of opposing these forces.

3). What does Karin’s and Ken’s tournament have to do with anything?
Rose sends Menat off to find Ryu who had already done some of his own research at this point after initially getting beaten up by the killer experiment… Necalli. Ryu and Dhalsim agree to actually work together at this point as it would help the former get strong enough to face this new adversary.

Meanwhile, when Necalli and Ryu were having a falling out in their first… meeting,
Ken and Karin made contact with each after the craziness that took place in the SFIV time frame.
Karin’s wish was to build a tournament of a far ethical value to generate funds for global community projects and other beneficial organizations.

This implies that Karin has actually grown a bit more in her kindness but she still retains her excessive competitive and haughty nature. She is NOT presented as some Mary Sue who is suddenly in charge of tracking down Shadowloo like she was in the actual SFV.
To further support this notion, Karin was already having a major problem:
She got into a fight with a Doll once upon a time. She actually won the fight but the Doll was using an unknown power source to fight even as she was… unconscious. Psycho Power. Reducing the Doll to nothing more than an unfeeling killing machine. Much to Karin’s surprise, she loses.

Karin uses her resources to find this woman. In her search through her GPS and profile searches, she finds a small, abandoned factory with old data that shows oddities and weird activities an unknown group of operators: This leads her into Thailand where she confronts Helen/Kolin. Karin loses and Kolin chastises her viciously for her insolent nature in her search of Shadowloo, making things a lot more personal.

Karin notices that many international martial arts tournaments that had been going on were done out of some malicious motive. So, Karin uses his family’s resources once again to contact Ken and plan a tournament in order to lure out both Kolin and this Doll who works for the Shadowloo in order to finally call them out.
As a bonus? Karin (without knowing it) relies on Sakura for a deal of emotional support, suggesting that Karin CAN actually showcase a degree of humility. And, Karin also gets an additional chance to contribute to society in her own way by generating funds for different global efforts and for helping the “commoners” get on a similar level as her to generate more competition for herself as an a method of ensuring that she can increase her own skill in fighting… and spreading her family name.

Thus leading to the tournament… Ken delays the process for a day to talk to Guile… Guile then uses his rank and his security clearance to directly speak to Chun-Li on the issue that Karin went through and the problem with Shadowloo still snooping around. After some critical thinking and risk assessment, Ken gets back with Karin from what Guile and Chun-Li spoke about through their own resources!

(So now you have the U.S. Air Force and the International Police back in on the action, ultimately leading the investigation against Shadowloo and eventually the Illuminati).

So, boom. A few weeks pass and a tournament was set up in the West towards New York City.
The Shadowloo (and consequently, the Illuminati) make their moves JUST… as Chun-Li, Guile, and thought they would. So Chun-Li gets in contact with Cammy in the British Intelligence. Cammy being a friend fo Chun-Li heads out to New York to act as a security administrator and a tournament contestant.

These are pieces that I wanted to set up for the SFV in order to make things hopefully… less aggravating and to support every other character in their development.

Ryu and Bison will end up fighting to a STALEMATE. They’ve beaten each other once before. What Ryu’s confrontation proves is that Ryu has finally made a breakthrough in his own way through the concept of Mushin to directly counteract Bison. Hence why I wanted to produce a similar situation like in the Raid series:

The Raid 2 to be more specific: Rama vs the Assassin (the Kitchen Fight)

Ryu and Bison fight for more than a few minutes in an intense show of skill, the striking power behind their respective martial art, and the projections they use (from Mushin influence and Psycho Power, respectively).

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I don’t think most of the devs ACTUALLY read the comics. Again, see, Shuma Gorath.

With how amazing the RE, MH and DMC teams have been doing lately, it’s very frustrating how hard the fighting game dept has been dropping the ball the last several years.


They got Marrow correct. Marrow. Most people that followed the X-Men didn’t even know who the hell she was when showed up in Marvel. Some people thought she was made up for the game. She didn’t even show up until 5 years before the game released. If they can get an obscure mutant from 1995 right in a game that released in 2000. Then they damn sure can do the same for a character for a significant character from 1966 that shows up in a game released in 2017.


Did they though?

She had WAY more powers in the game than she did in the comics at the time. As with Venom, she doesn’t have nearly that level of versatility with her powers in the comics.

She absolutely feels like another character they saw the artwork for, read the character’s bio, then made up the moveset themselves.

Back in the day, a side scrolling beat 'em up. Now I’d dig a 3rd person action game with a few selectable characters, though I haven’t played it, having a game with the stylishness of the recent Personas could be kinda cool. Despite it being a mobile game, I like what that Street Fighter Duel mobile did with some of it’s presentation.

And mid budget Pocket Fighter sequel YES PLEASE. Don’t make it a small mobile game, bring back that nostalgic fun!

Same, his approach is very good. I first learned about Thorgi when he did an amazing vid on how to fix Spidey comics. He’s a chill and passionate dude, so I definitely appreciated what he brought forward and how he did it. Also so much yeah, Black Panther being a simple Wolverine rip off was a colossal waste. Oof.

Plus they could have looked at Earth’s Mightiest Heroes for inspiration. It wasn’t that old when development started and he used a nice variety of things, not just his claws. I dunno about the other Avengers show afterward, it didn’t look appealing to me so never watched it, but I’m sure he did more in that than MvCI.

I’ll always be curious what was planned. Was there ever any real detail about what was in there?

Huh, I never knew there was a Chun Li novel, is this canon? Never seen her mom before, but I do recognize the pic of Chun through the ages from Alpha 2’s art gallery.

thoughts @Chun-Li_Forever or @Midgardsorm ?


Heh, cute pic.


That’s totally unprofessional. Not that it is surprising in video game industry, or that I specifically blame the dev for something that could be because of low budget or rushed development cycles, but it is still something that is not acceptable from a customer point of view. That they did the same for Shuma Gorath is not an excuse, but the proof that there is something rotten with Capcom. Not every “dev” can be a fan of what he’s working on, but you should expect a minimum of involvement and research on the subject.

As for the canonicity of that, I only remember Ryoredcyclone speaking about Chun Li’s maternal uncle 邵逸義 Shào​ Yì​yì, who taught her kung-fu when her father wasn’t around. His name, erroneously spelt in Japanese as Shao Yifei, is a reference to 邵逸夫 Shào​ Yì​fū, the Mandarin spelling of the Cantonese Siuh Yat Fùh, also known as Run Run Shaw, one of the Shaw Brothers who ruled supreme with their martial arts movies during the Sixties - and then declined when their former employee Raymond Chow established the Golden Harvest that sponsored the movies of Bruce Lee, but that’s another story.
I never read the novel, though, so I don’t know the story.


Street Fighter: Ansatsuken Adventure

A 3D locked-camera beat’em’up that’s basically Capcom’s version of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Explores the story of Ryu and Ken going through the either SF1-Alpha or SF2-4 era, has couch and online coop. Includes secrets, platforming, puzzles, combos, supers, hidden bosses, unlocks playable Gouken and Akuma after completing the game for the first time


I happen to own that one, I run into it when I was looking for the Cammy novel that I think was published by the same people.

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I saw that pic before. Always thought it was a young gen.

Good joke, man.

I’m dead serious though

Then what? Street Fighter: Special Forces, featuring Guile and Cammy? XDD

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If it’s done well, fuck yeah why not?


I honestly never knew there was a Chun-Li Alpha novel.

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