The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Nah. It’s in the execution. I mean if you have to screw over everyone’s narrative and competence to solve the problem, sure. Look at X-men in the 70s. Holy crap, this new, insane living island captured all the X-men and there’s no one who knows where they are and can save them, Xavier is all alone. Introduce new characters like Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Colossus. They are new but don’t take a dump on the classic X-men, and they all team up, more character fun. Billions of dollars in sales later and they’re a success still.

Again, execution plays a part. Rashid is fresh to SF, but doesn’t save the day alone. He’s got a friend with ties to the scheme at hand. She doesn’t get Rashid to pull off the save single-handedly, that’d be the fail. Rashid puts things in motion and deals the final blow to the tech side of things after barely winning, but there are still factions who need to get the keys, fighters need to fight each other and people need rescuing. That works better than if Rashid showed up, had some super special martial art that was all along tied to Soul Power or even a new power entirely, and then, as everyone’s watching, slack jawed, he ends Bison forever and exits stage left.

That’s a bad fan fiction angle, because it truly screws over everyone, doesn’t explain anything and leaves the story with a cheap, hollow end.

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It’s not about shutting down Shadaloo’s death satellites, it’s about finishing Shadaloo. Shadaloo didn’t have to come up with that particular idea for the World Warriors to strike them now, did they? They could have initiated a virus outbreak or a missile strike (or whatever, you got the idea) and there would still have been a story about ending Shadaloo. You wouldn’t have Rashid, but you would still have Guile, Chun-Li, Cammy, Nash, Ryu… you know, the characters that matter in the bigger picture. Heck, Shadaloo doesn’t even have to come up with a plan to destroy the world, the story we’ve been getting since SF2 is enough to warrant its destruction by the good guys. When you look at it this way, Rashid’s inclusion is artificial at best.

That’s the thing! We didn’t need Rashid at all is all I’m trying to say. We needed the Secret Society story to be expanded upon. They could have given us a story where a long-established threat such as Shadaloo could be infiltrated and their world-threatening agenda could be interrupted by none other than a manipulative organization that pulls the strings behind the curtains and uses the good guys, the enemies Shadaloo has made throughout the years, the “heroes” to do their bidding. This way, we not only see the so-called end of Shadaloo, but we also get to see the sinister ways of the Secret Society. What we got instead is a new character coming out of nowhere to tie some loose ends. That’s why Rashid is useless. He did his thing and we don’t need him anymore in the story. He can just disappear. They need to come up with new ideas if they want to make him a part of the story, which is no different than what they did in his initial story, as you said yourself.

EX Laptop was blonde, could’ve made her Kolin’s sister and called it a day.

Then they could’ve made Kolin technologically savvy instead of the pointless role they gave her. Nash was pointless too. Rashid is fanfictioning because he came in and did more than established characters.


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Couldn’t disagree more. People can’t have it both ways with SFV newcomers. Rashid was integral the story. He is what the other newcomers should have been. If anyone is capable of a new characters role, you are going have people saying. “Why could character X have done that? Why not give the new character something they can only do?”

As for Karin, her role was overblown but she is the richest woman in the world by far. Her having resources was the most believable thing about her presentation. The issue was her being in charge of the operation. Of the existing characters in ASF. Byron Taylor would have been the most suitable person to lead the operation. The leader of the operation wouldn’t necessarily need to be a playable character. Guile, Chun Li, and Cammy all have a relationship with Bison that would remove them from consideration.


Disagree all you want, but it was a hallmark of Mary Sue writing.

Rashid’s story didn’t need to be tied to an overall plot to take down Shadaloo. The whole take down shadaloo for 3 straight games is why the story is ass. Tekken’s story mode is dumb, at least continuing the tournament narrative gives people a reason to show up.

There was nothing presented in A Shadow Falls that couldn’t have been solved with pre-existing characters.

Hell Bison’s plan was dumb as fuck in the first place. So you have a dumb as fuck plan that is then resolved by a w/e character.

Whole thing is ass.


I’m not saying the A Shadow Falls was good. It wasn’t. That said. You can make blanket statements that don’t hold up to cursory examination. Karin is the head of the biggest mega corporation in the SF Universe. Her wealth makes Ken look like a salary man. This was established prior to anything SFV related. Her having resources makes perfect sense. As I said, her leading the operation is silly. She doesn’t have that type of experience but her having resources makes perfect sense.

You are right about that. The challenge is to come up with plausible reasons for the cast to be involved in the narrative. Capcom failed at that miserably. However Rashid isn’t one of those characters. Taking shots at the one of the things they got right when the fucked up other things so royally makes no sense. Alex and Laura have nothing to do in the story. Ryu’s progression is botched. Necalli is an unsalvageable mess now. Karin leading this type of operation. Those are ASF’s problems. Why focus the B on the report card when the rest of the grades are D’s and F’s?

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No, this is dumb. This is why the story is a mess. SF2 and other games are fine when a few characters are part of the story and the rest get to be side characters doing shit that’s part of the world.

Every MFer in SF5’s season 1 being some part of ASF was silly as all hell. It makes some sense in the MK universe because the reason for the tournaments drag everybody into the overall story. SF2 was a tournament and then it turned into some goofy anime.

#DeleteRashid #DeleteSFStoryModes


A good writer could have handled ASF well. The writing was poor. As for story modes being deleted. If you want you game to sell a few hundred thousand copies, not be profitable, and disappear into the ether. Then they should exactly what you say.


Yeah, by stream lining the story and having it make sense. Not by having Zangief magically part of some beef that had fuck all to do with him.

Karin had Mika and Ibuki for just because reasons. Karin had all the money to hire somebody who could’ve replaced Rashid. Hell they could’ve made EX Laptop’s Remy’s sister and brought her in that way. Not like Remy is doing much.

Rashid was alright, dude is a self insert for Saudi Blood money, hopefully we dont’ see his dumb ass in more games.


Hell, T.Hawk could’ve been the one trying to contact a doll in order to fix Julia. SHiiiiiiiet.


As an Arab, Rashid is cancelled. The rest of Asia can have him.

Oh for fuck’s sake,


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I didn’t know how else to word it. It’s just that Rashid is so basic and boring TBH.

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Jeez would it kill you to at least try to be nice on his birthday?

WE LOVE BISON!!! :heart:

Rashid’s story is racist AF. I mean, he comes from a continent which gives zero fucks about science and is all about belief and yet he (+his friend) is the epitome of a great science enthusiast. Now some may find this very post racist, but it is what it is. Believe me, I live in a country that has tried to be more like a European country for a long time, but is as Middle Eastern as it gets now.

I don’t know what parallel universe you live to say that but no… It’s not racist at all.

If you just said Saudi Arabia or any country in the GCC then you’d be right but literally the whole Levant region innovated science and Maths throughout history and it’s a source of pride for many Arabs. Syria and Iraq prior to their wars were nicknamed the “Germany” of the Arab world due to how educated and open-minded its people were. And even then I don’t see how a Arab with scientific curiosity is supposed to be racist.

And if you’re going to respond to this, just DM me, I don’t want this to ruin the thread.


No your post is racist as fuck. Look up the Ottoman Empire their scientific advancements were far ahead of their time. You criticize Capcom for being racist while literally painting an entire people with the same brush. WTF man.

Interesting Side Note: Unlike most SF characters, Capcom actually worked with their Middle East distributor to ensure that Rashid wasn’t a racist caricature. Which makes him unique because most of the SF cast are the epitome of stereotypes.


Ahem, I am Turkish and the Ottoman Empire were my ancestors, but anyway. Giving a character the exact opposite of what the stereotype holds is kind of racist to be honest. I can understand Rashid being, for instance, a rich or poor guy, but a science nerd? Come on!

Are you saying that, as a Turkish, you couldn’t be a science nerd? Well…
And let’s not forget that we’re talking about a world where people go around throwing magic fireballs from their hands, teleport and levitate and no one finds that extraordinary (well, except Rufus). A world where logic has a meaning that no one of us could grasp. :stuck_out_tongue: For all we know, UAE could be the Wakanda of SF world.
We all know that in RL it isn’t, but in SF Earth?


Ironically though, most of the Ottoman Empire’s contributions were from the Levant and Andalusia so no…

Why are you so offended by Rashid being that? It’s almost as if you want him to be a desert-dwelling wahhabist or tacky oil tycoon. Yeah he’s bland and boring but at least he’s a positive character who practically became the face of early SFV which is refreshing.

Ironically enough, aren’t you being the stereotypical Turk with your inferiority complex over Arabs?

Also once again, either hush yourself or DM one of us. You’re practically asking for the whole thread to rip you apart.