The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Alternatively, his grand scheme involves us not washing our hands. Either way, he’s brilliant!

Will be cool af build some sort of SF Bible for all this kind of stuff

Like divided on character (or stage) pages where you can find all inspirations/tributes/curiosity for chacters story, design, moves, costumes etc

But yeah, sounds like something that will require tons of hours


Come on, if Bison wanted to kill us all, don’t you think he’d do it in a more stylish manner. It’s obviously Ingrid who did this:


Fig1: A leaked photo of Ingrid overseeing development of COVID-19. In fact, the word Corona is actually Demonese (Ingrid’ native language) for canon. It’s speculated that Ingrid made this virus in order to make herself canon again.

However, there is still hope. Celebrity reggae singer Deejay has been proven immune to the CoronaVirus and is negotiating with Interpol’s Chun-Li to effectively defeat Ingrid once and for all

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Dude, you’ve outdone yourself! This is fantastic news! I’m not familiar with this series at all, but now I want to correct that. That scene between Sleepy and Bob hit me harder than I expected. It was a good, honest, sad moment.

I echo the others sentiments. I’d LOVE for you to have a site or blog to get the word out on your amazing finds. Your stuff is amazing and just goes to show how dang fine Capcom’s inspirations are. Cheers man, hope all is well.

I hope you’re all doing well despite the world craziness. Take care and be safe everyone!


I can’t believe I haven’t posted this here!

Tracking Mr.Q promo: The Wanderer

So what is this, you ask? Well, it’s a long time coming. Waaay back in the Capcom Unity days, in the make a Street Fighter character thread, I made a character called Louis Green. A photojournalist hunting for info on Q. It was fun, but I got attached to the idea. Later when Capcom launched a contest for SF4 to show your fandom, I got the idea to make a series, but it didn’t come together then. On and off for years I wrote and rewrote. As I got more serious, I asked for some help around here and folks like Yagami and Darc_Requiem helped me to fine tune things.

As of late I’ve been getting more serious. While it’s not ready yet, I spent a ridiculous amount of time crafting the show bible and am working on the opening episode as we speak. I’ve also been throwing money at this to ensure that the original characters, music, voices and locations shine. Kinda lofty, but I also want to elevate sprite movies of yesteryear and not just have this all about fighting. Yes, there will be combat, but there’s going to be story.

I wanted to thank all of you for making this a fun and amazing area where we could share our love for SF and educate ourselves and others. The support and love of lore definitely is a driving force for this and I want to entertain you all and make you proud.

I really hope that this is something you can all enjoy. It intentionally is taking some liberties and diverting from certain events. While Q is the focus, expect to see other Street Fighters regularly show up as my two leads try and unravel mystery after mystery.

Kinda long winded, but, take care and enjoy the promo!




Umm, no. I hate characters that serve no purpose in the story. Examples being Laura, Ibuki, Makoto, Rashid and the like. If you are going to put Bison in the game, then he gets a story.

Rashid served no purpose in the story?


I think the only newcomer that served some kind of purpose was FANG… And he was there to show that not everyone that works for Bison is supposed to be a traitor or someone with an ulterior motive.

Sure, Rashid came out of nowhere and contributed to the fall of Bison, but that’s it. You can skip Rashid in the next game and you don’t miss anything. What I mean is, it could have been Nadeshiko that was kidnapped by Shadaloo and Mika could have replaced Rashid. It’s just another “save the friend” plot. In the grand scheme of things, Rashid did nothing. What’s worse is, we had the best “save the friend” plot tool (Guile-Nash) already, but instead of giving us a satisfactory resolution, Capcom decided to throw in a character with more or less the same story.

You know what would make Rashid’s story unique? Had Rashid interacted with Guile (instead of Nash) and convinced him that it’s time to say goodbye to his old buddy and make peace with the idea of letting him go, that’s when I think Rashid would have done something significant lore-wise. But it’s just me.

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You could say that about 90% of the SF cast.

Unless you specifically write them to have something to do in the next game, very few of them already have some ongoing storyline that needs to be continued in the next game.

Uh, not unless Nadeshiko was also a computer programmer who set up the entire Shadaloo superweapon program to be able to be undone by Mika.

Rashid is important BECAUSE Rashid’s friend is the one that orchestrates Shadaloo’s entire defeat. Twice. Once by hiding their keys. And then again by programming in a failsafe.


Wait @Super_Sonic you are actually arguing that Rashid had no narrative importance? He was arguably the protagonist of ASF. As @DarthEnder said his friend reaching out to him set the whole story in motion. He wasn’t just along for the ride. The back door shut down feature of the black moons was coded with a phrase only Rashid would know. Rashid got more character development in this single game than damn near the whole cast has in the 30+ years of Street Fighter.


He was the protagonist, yes. But a useless one. His story was his alone and didn’t really involve anyone else. He did his own thing. And indeed, he got the spotlight in place of those who were ignored in the 30+ years of Street Fighter. He was the Karin v2 of ASF, both of whom the general story could have done without.

I’m wondering if you saw the same story as the rest of us. Without Rashid, Bison wins. His shut down of the Black Moons took away the steady infusion of Psycho Power that made Bison impervious. Not liking the presentation is understandable, ASF is heavily flawed, but to say Rashid is useless or Karin v2 is just plain false.


I’m not using the word useless in the sense that what he did was in vain, but rather in the sense that he was put there to steal some other characters’ roles and thus, isn’t really needed. I’m pretty sure the Secret Society would find a way to stop Shadaloo without Rashid’s help. And that would give us insights into the Secret Society lore, you know, something everyone has been wondering since the 3S days.

The Laptop Doll could’ve been anybody’s friend and/or they could’ve just kidnapped a main cast members friend and pretended that was the technical wizard person.

If EX laptop’s friend was Ryu, we probably end up with a story that is more rounded as to why the cast cares.

@Daemos It’s Bison’s birthday!


Sorry dude, I gotta disagree hard. Rashid had interactions with multiple characters and was vital to the story. He was layered and unlike Karin, he wasn’t flawless and commandeering things outside of his wheelhouse. He got his bumps, he had to strain to win and save the day, his friend died. He didn’t pop in like a perfect Gary Stu Batman and go “I have a plan for this. GOTHAAAAAAAAM!!” and secretly be 12 steps ahead of Bison, he didn’t have some secret power that trumped the badguys instantly. He has potential to return with the cast, he was pretty likable and fun.

Yes, he got focus and spotlight, but again, new protag for the new story. I don’t blame him for that. Things could have been done better in regards to the rest of the cast’s treatment here and there, but Rashid was solid.


What other character’s role was to shut down Shadaloo’s death satellites? Like…which classic SF character was an established satellite saboteur?

They created a new character, and then they introduced a problem specifically for that character to solve.

They gave a new character something relevant to do. And that’s not a fucking bad thing. Necalli wishes he got the Rashid treatment.


Apparently Karin had ebough resources to do that. Could’ve been somebody from Viper’s agency too. Guile works for the Air Force, they aint got anybody?

Making up a problem and then having your brand new character being the only one that could solve it is literally one of the hallmarks of bad fan fiction.

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