The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread



Karin :
To Abigail: “You cannot truly stand above others until you have the strength necessary to do so.”

To Akuma: “It seems the Satsui no Hado is simply for show…or perhaps you just can’t wield it like some can.”

To Alex: “That was an interesting fight. I’ll be sure to remember your name.”

To Balrog: “There’s nothing more difficult to keep in check than a raging beast.”

To Birdie: “Wake up! I still have 999 fights left to meet today’s quota!”

To Blanka: “I do have some experience in taming wild beasts.”

To Cammy: “So many strikes…Each one with a magnificent “snap” to it.”

To Chun-Li: “You’ve clearly trained extensively. I learned a lot from your techniques.”

To Cody: “Karin Kanzuki is always ready to accept a challenge, no matter the opponent!”

To Dhalsim: “Kanzuki-ryu has its own secret levitation technique, you know.”

To Ed: “You have a lot of great potential, but your manners are absolutely atrocious.”

To Falke: “That Psycho Power you wield…I’d like to see how much of a threat it poses.”

To F.A.N.G.: “You say you’re one of the Four Kings, yet you can’t even write “two” in Chinese properly.”

To G: “President of the World? Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t realize. Do accept my sincerest apologies.”

To Gill: “The Organization…The writings…We need to see if it’s a new threat we face.”

To Guile: “Even precision can be a weakness. A pro like you should know that.”

To Honda: “None—not even a yokozuna—can surpass a Kanzuki. Try again if you must. But I suggest more training.”

To Ibuki: “Just what I expected from a friend of Sakura’s. I had a lot of fun.”

To Juri: “So you’re the “Spider” I’ve heard about? How disappointing.”

To Kage: “Enough of your meaningless threats. I suggest you leave.”

To Karin: “I’m the head of the Kanzuki family. Not a mere imposter like you.”

To Ken: “I won’t be beaten. Not even by an all-American martial artist.”

To Kolin: “Controlling your opponent’s strength is the first thing we teach in the Kanzuki-ryu.”

To Laura: “Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu, huh? Interesting…Shibazaki, add it to the database.”

To Lucia: “If you’re seeking to be my body guard, then I’m afraid you failed the test.”

To M. Bison: “Now do you understand what happens when you mess with a Kanzuki?”

To Menat: “There is only one future for the Kanzuki family. And I don’t need a crystal ball to see it.”

To Nash: “Every living thing has a weakness, but I guess that doesn’t apply to you.”

To Necalli: “It looks like Karin Kanzuki’s soul was too much for you to handle!”

To Poison: “You really thought I was just some spoiled, little rich girl? Ha! You must be kicking yourself.”

To R. Mika: “Do you think you can escape from me with moves like that?”

To Rashid: “That match wasn’t bad. I have high hopes for the next one.”

To Ryu: “You’re stronger than the rumors say. I see why Sakura’s after you.”

To Sagat: “No matter my opponent, I, Karin Kanzuki, fight flawlessly every time.”

To Sakura: “And with this victory, I, Karin Kanzuki, take the lead in our total victory count.”

To Seth: “It’s not you I wish to punish; it’s your creator.”

To Urien: “After all that chatter, you really didn’t live up to my expectations.”

To Vega: “Beauty is refined in battle. Not realizing that is holding you back.”

To Zangief: “Your conviction and pride make you strong… Magnificent.”

To Zeku: “I thank you for the demonstration. But I don’t think we will be in need of your services.”

Ken :
To Abigail: “Just gotta kick the big ones until they fall down…That’s part of the fun of fighting.”

To Akuma: “You’ve got some pretty sharp moves. Of course, I still beat you…”

To Alex: “You can get a lot stronger yet. I can’t wait to fight you again!”

To Balrog: “You’ll never close the gap on me if all you can do is go berserk.”

To Birdie: “Boy can you eat! But where the heck are you pulling all that food from?”

To Blanka: “It’s best to beat some sense into those who fight with raw instinct before they gain too much momentum!”

To Cammy: “Ever consider fighting more relaxed? You’re even making me feel tense!”

To Chun-Li: “Wow, those were some sharp kicks. But when it comes to raw power, mine are stronger.”

To Cody: “You know, losing once in a while might change your whole outlook on things!”

To Dhalsim: “If you wanna fight fire with fire, you’d better bring the heat!”

To Ed: “Not bad for a rookie! But you still got a long way to go before you can challenge me.”

To Falke: “You’ve got some moves, but there’s more to fighting than just running the numbers, you know!”

To F.A.N.G.: “Whatever technique you choose, you just gotta win before you’re beaten!”

To G: “Haha! Crazy show you put on out there!”

To Gill: “Hopelessness. Is that what you saw? How fascinating…”

To Guile: “You’ll never win a fight if all you do is wait around!”

To Honda: “Whew! That’s what I call a workout! Might have to wash off in your bathhouse.”

To Ibuki: “You’re not closing in with any conviction. Focus on the fight!”

To Juri: “I can’t fault you for bluffing, but you’re not as strong as you look.”

To Kage: “I’ve got a long way to fall before I get looked down on by the likes of you.”

To Karin: “Come to think of it, doesn’t your butler usually show up about now?”

To Ken: “Looks like you can copy my moves, too bad you can’t copy my power.”

To Kolin: “You’re one ice-cold chick! No wonder you and my blazing feet didn’t get on!"

To Laura: “Your throws are great! Not that I want to experience them again…”

To Lucia: “Not bad, I suppose. At least I broke a bit of a sweat.”

To M. Bison: “How many times is this? No worries. I never get tired of kicking your butt.”

To Menat: “Who cares about fate, or whatever. Just go with the flow!”

To Nash: “Man, you’ve changed. Looking a little rough around the edges these days…”

To Necalli: “I’ve got a family to protect. I can’t lose to a monster like you.”

To Poison: “A whip? Seriously?”

To R. Mika: “Brute force alone won’t beat me! You need to polish your moves!”

To Rashid: “A little breeze like that just fans my flames even more!”

To Ryu: “Ha! I enjoyed fighting with you. Wanna go another round?”

To Sagat: “See? I don’t do things by halves, o great leader!”

To Sakura: “You sure have grown! I guess thinking about the future is apart of growing up, after all.”

To Seth: “Whoa, what the hell’s wrong with you? You on the fritz or something?

To Urien: “You didn’t win, but you came close. You’re more than just a big mouth!”

To Vega: “You think you’re the prettiest, huh? Take a look at yourself now.”

To Zangief: “Heh, over already? Guess those big muscles don’t help much after all!”

To Zeku: “Changing up your attack patterns was pretty interesting! Is that what ninjutsu is all about?”

Kolin :
To Abigail: “What amazing strength. Perhaps you can be useful as an experiment body.”

To Akuma: “Our world has no need for either you or the Satsui no Hado.”

To Alex: “So what’s your utopia like? Not that you’ll ever get to see it if you can’t move…”

To Balrog: “Don’t take this the wrong way, but are you really one of the Four Kings?”

To Birdie: “You are utterly consumed by greed… Salvation would be wasted on you.”

To Blanka: “I don’t have anything against animals, but I don’t have time to play with you right now.”

To Cammy: “I feel sorry for you. How about you leave that life of torment and join us in bliss?”

To Chun-Li: “I really hate the police. It’s high time you retired.”

To Cody: “You may prove to be somewhat useful, despite being just the mayor of a worthless city.”

To Dhalsim: “You put your faith in the wrong god, and now you must be punished.”

To Ed: “Best to cut the sprouts before they become ugly weeds. You don’t want to end up like that man, do you?”

To Falke: “Psycho Power, you say? How much longer will I have to keep hearing about that?”

To F.A.N.G.: “So you use that poison to protect yourself. Well you won’t be needing it anymore.”

To G: “I fail to see what’s so special about you.”

To Gill: “I do this all for the time to come!”

To Guile: “You again?! Why do all these soldiers and stubborn men continue to torment me?”

To Honda: “Oh dear. It appears your precious bath water’s about to freeze over.”

To Ibuki: “That was underwhelming. It’s not even worth making a note of.”

To Juri: “You’re just the same as all the others–the only thing you know how to do is fight.”

To Kage: “Did you really think I’d be afraid when I have a whole country behind me?”

To Karin: “There is only one true ruler in this world. Do you see now that it cannot be you?”

To Ken: “All people like you want is to disrupt the balance.”

To Kolin: “Ice is like a window to the soul. And in my heart there is no doubt to be seen.”

To Laura: “What do you hope to gain from spreading your jiu-jitsu? Our world has no interest in you.”

To Lucia: “If you wish to live, I suggest you stick to being a regular police officer.”

To M. Bison: “You’re a stubborn fool. I can make it so no one knows you ever existed.”

To Menat: “Soul Power, eh? A trifling power, simply not worth our time.”

To Nash: “Oh, you’re still alive…Were you hiding out this whole time, coward?”

To Necalli: “All you seek are others’ souls…What a sad existence. Our world doesn’t need you.”

To Poison: “Oh, things aren’t going well for you? What a surprise…”

To R. Mika: “I suggest you give up on the play-fighting. I don’t have time for such trivialities.”

To Rashid: “Long time no see. Did you meet that friend of yours in the end?”

To Ryu: “You don’t need to fight any longer. Besides, there’s no need for the Satsui no Hado in our new world.”

To Sagat: "I do not care what you seek, “your majesty.”

To Sakura: “Why don’t you run along, and go pick some flowers or something?”

To Seth: “A broken tool is of no use to us. It’s the trash bin for you.”

To Urien: “We are leading the world down its rightful path, and you do not belong on the journey, Urien.”

To Vega: “True beauty has nothing to do with appearances. That is where you lack balance.”

To Zangief: “We could use a powerful vessel like yours in the new world.”

To Zeku: “Come, old man. Let me cool your body temperature. It’s time for you to slumber for all eternity.”

Laura :
To Abigail: “You thought your size gave you an advantage? Too bad! This is where jiu-jitsu really shines!”

To Akuma: “Teach me that move that goes “VWOOM”! I promise I’ll put a Matsuda-style twist on it!”

To Alex: “You look like you’ve got potential! Come at me full blast next time!”

To Balrog: “Money? What happened, did you forget your wallet?”

To Birdie: “I like your chains! Maybe we can use them in Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu…”

To Blanka: “Actually, Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu could use a mascot like Blanka-chan…Maybe I’ll come up with one!”

To Cammy: “Haha! You really do look like a bee! Buzzing around all over the place!”

To Chun-Li: “That one kick that went ya-ya-ya was really cool!”

To Cody: “I can tell you learned your moves on the streets. Don’t get me wrong, though—you’re not half bad.”

To Dhalsim: “Hey, teach me that stretchy thing! Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu could use a move like that!”

To Ed: “Boxing infused with a mysterious power? Not a bad idea. How about some judo throws as well?”

To Falke: “So, you have somewhere to go? If not, why not come train with me in Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu?"

To F.A.N.G.: “You’re tall! I bet you hit your head on doorframes a lot, huh?”

To G: “Ha! Such passion! I like your style!”

To Gill: “That bam…bam-bam-bam technique. What was it?”

To Guile: “That hair style’s pretty neat! Makes you look all serious!”

To Honda: “You’re taking sumo worldwide? Nice! I have big plans for my style too!”

To Ibuki: “What’s that shu-shu thing you keep throwing? It is a shuriken?”

To Juri: “Isn’t a little shock better than actual pain? And it’s more fun!”

To Kage: “That was fun, but are you sure you know what strength is?”

To Karin: “Kanzuki, was it? Is everyone in your family as strong as you?”

To Ken: “Your son will get stronger if you let him train in Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu!”

To Kolin: “The way you control your opponent’s power like that…Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu could use those moves!”

To Laura: “I’ve seen you somewhere before…Err…Um…Who’re you again?”

To Lucia: “That was a blast! I love going up against new styles!”

To M. Bison: “Why is it when I look at you I get all…antsy?”

To Menat: “Hey, I love getting my fortune read! Well, only if you’ve got good things to say!”

To Nash: “Don’t make such scary faces! Did I zap you too hard or something?”

To Necalli: “You wanna devour me? Maybe if you can beat me next time!”

To Poison: “Nice whip work! Not sure my gramps would approve, though! Haha!”

To R. Mika: “You’re Zangief’s apprentice? Come to think of it, the way you came at me like BAAAM was just like him!”

To Rashid: “Looks like my electricity beats your wind! How shocking!”

To Ryu: “The meaning of battle? It’s about the thrill of the fight, right?”

To Sagat: “Mmm, nice. I can tell you work hard when you work out. What was your style again?”

To Sakura: “If you like training and traveling, how about joining our Matsuda dojo?”

To Seth: “Hey, I love learning new moves, too, but I wouldn’t call them “data”.”

To Urien: "For such an esteemed guy, you sure crackled and popped a lot!”

To Vega: “Huh? Did you say something about my face? Sorry, I didn’t catch that last bit.”

To Zangief: “Your throws are mesmerizing! Just as awesome as ever!”

To Zeku: “Y’know pops, you don’t need that rejuvenating trick. I happen to think older men are very sexy! Hahaha!”

Lucia :

To Abigail: “Glad to see you’re still on the straight and narrow. I’ll be sure to check in on you again.”

To Akuma: “So this is what you become if you’re addicted to fighting? I should warn Cody…”

To Alex: “If throwing down’s your thing, that’s fine, but keep it legal, okay?”

To Balrog: “I’m guessing by your attitude, you want to be arrested?”

To Birdie: “Ahaha! I know officers should be respectful when dealing with the public, but that hair is too much!”

To Blanka: “If you were scammed, then you need to file a report downtown.”

To Cammy: “A soldier? I knew it! I’m a cop. Gotta admit I’ve got some pretty good moves, huh?”

To Chun-Li: “Always nice to meet a fellow protector of the peace.”

To Cody: “So…how about sticking to being a regular mayor…?”

To Dhalsim: “So glad you’re not a criminal. I’ve got no idea how I’d restrain you with all that bending and stuff.”

To Ed: “Hey, kid. If I catch you breaking the law, juvie’s waiting for you!”

To Falke: “If you’re having trouble, how about consulting your friendly neighborhood police officer?”

To F.A.N.G.: “Whoa! You’re evil with a capital E! The cops around here must work some crazy overtime…”

To G: “President of the world?! Okay, there’s exaggerating, and then there’s whatever you’re doing…”

To Gill: “I want to ask about your job. So you’re a…savior? What the hell does that mean?!”

To Guile: “We both serve on the same side; the side of justice. Carry on, soldier.”

To Honda: “You like Noodles?! ME, TOO! Flying headbutts, though, not so much…”

To Ibuki: “Wow, ninjas do exist…! ahem I mean, do you have a license for those shurikens?

To Juri: “I suggest you calm down, ma’am. Unless you want a night in the slammer?”

To Kage: “Ugh, another bonehead trying to be edgy by giving me death threats.”

To Karin: “You look pretty rich. Make sure your home’s secure. Thieves are always on the prowl.”

To Ken: “I think you need to cool it a bit, buddy. You’re about one step away from a written warning.”

To Kolin: “Brrr! It’s freezing! This calls for a steaming cup of instant noodles!”

To Laura: “Glad you had fun, but I do have a job to do, you know?”

To Lucia: “And the win goes to…Lucia!”

To M. Bison: “I’ve met some scum in my life, but you’re the worst.”

To Menat: “Can you read what’s in store for the MCPD? I have a feeling something bad’s about to go down…”

To Nash: “Well…this is awkward…Ugh…Moody people are so difficult to talk to…”

To Necalli: “The hell’s “Getepe” mean?”

To Poison: “You can’t win ‘em all.”

To R. Mika: “I have a few friends in the wrestling biz, but that world’s not for me.”

To Rashid: “Kindly turn off the camera, sir. I have work to do.”

To Ryu: “You look suspicious, with the no shoes and stuff…but you don’t strike me as a law-breaker.”

To Sagat: “Don’t judge a book by its cover. I take fighting just as seriously as you.”

To Sakura: “Okay, so you can look after yourself. But don’t be afraid to call a cop if you need help.”

To Seth: “I got a few questions for ya. Job…”King”? Aw jeez, not another one!”

To Urien: “You may be a king, but that doesn’t mean the law can’t take you down.”

To Vega: “Jeez. A mask and claws…Do you have a T-shirt that says “Hi, I’m a criminal” too?”

To Zangief: “You’re ripped and then some! I’d love to see you take on the former mayor.”

To Zeku: “So are you young or old? I don’t think asking for ID is going to help here…”

M. Bison :
To Abigail: Power through sheer size, eh? How pathetic.”

To Akuma: “So that’s the Satsui no Hado? Bah! You barely even laid a finger on me! You don’t even deserve to live!”

To Alex: “You have no future before you. You only have despair.”

To Balrog: “Can you not even weed out traitors? Your ignorance knows no bounds.”

To Birdie: “Ridiculous. Did you think worthless scum like you could challenge the great M. Bison?”

To Blanka: “I have no interest in brutes like you. Get lost.”

To Cammy: “With death, all is forgotten. Pain, suffering, and even the past.”

To Chun-Li: “I’ll send you to meet your father. But the price is your very life!”

To Cody: “You are powerless against the almighty Bison!”

To Dhalsim: “You call that a fire? Let me snuff it out along with your life.”

To Ed: “How pathetic. Clearly you can’t handle that power.”

To Falke: “Mua ha ha ha! This world is mine for the taking!”

To F.A.N.G: “Death to the weak. That’s the decree of Shadaloo.”

To G: “Pathetic fool!”

To Gill: “I have zero interest in what your plans are, but just the sight of you pisses me off.”

To Guile: “If you are a soldier, surely death in battle is what you aspire to!”

To Honda: “I shall do your country a favor by crushing you beneath my foot!”

To Ibuki: “Cheap tricks will not work against my Psycho Power! Now die!”

To Juri: “You’re just a big-mouthed brat. I’ll put you out of your misery.”

To Kage: “You are the shadow of nothing. Choke on your despair.”

To Karin:" “Child! It is I who am the strongest!"

To Ken: “Psycho Power is invincible! Your attacks are not worthy of my attention!”

To Kolin: “The likes of you cannot hope to harm me! You don’t even deserve to live!”

To Laura: “That’s all your style has to offer? My power is absolute.”

To Lucia: “Fool! You cannot defeat me with your so-called justice!”

To M. Bison: “Trash. Nothing more than a low level imposter.”

To Menat: “You speak of destiny? Mua ha ha ha! The likes of you can see nothing!”

To Nash: “You should consider it an honor to have fallen by my hand twice!”

To Necalli: “It’s all just a matter of time now. Everything is going according to plan.”

To Poison: “Pitiful insect! You aren’t worth the time it took to crush you!”

To R. Mika: “What happened to all your bravado from before? Too scared to speak?”

To Rashid: “You’ll never see your friend again, because this is where you will die.”

To Ryu: “You are worthless suppressing the Satsui no Hado. Die!”

To Sagat: “Path? What path? The ravings of the weak have no meaning.”

To Sakura: You will pay dearly for wasting my time, child."

To Seth: “You are a failure. Unworthy of even a number.”

To Urien: “The true ruler is I, Lord Bison! Not some nobody spouting nonsense!”

To Vega: “Beauty is nothing compared to all-conquering power!”

To Zangief: “You’re an eyesore. You will smolder in my Psycho Power.”

To Zeku: “It’s laughable that you thought your shrewd parlor tricks would work on me!”

Psycho Miasma Bison :

Bison to Ryu: “I shall awaken the full extent of your power!”

Bison to Akuma: “I saw no ultimate fist! Just the ultimate failure!”

Bison to Nash: “Justice is worthless. All you aim for is worthless! Your life is worthless!"

Bison to Guile: “You yourself deal in death, and yet you call yourself a hero? You disgust me.”

Bison to Ken: “Give in to your anger! Give in to your hate!”

Bison to Chun-Li: “Hahaha! If you long for your father, I shall send you to him!”

Bison to Cammy: “The soldier shows promise, but she is lacking. Enhance her reaction time.”

Bison to Cody: “How dull. I gain no pleasure from tormenting one who cares not whether he lives or dies.”

Bison to Zangief: “Your size cannot save you. You, too, shall be crushed!”

To Mika: “Is that all the pain you can endure?! Then you will hate what comes next!”

Bison to Blanka: “Call that a fight?! It was pest extermination!”

Bison to Honda: “Feeble insect! Look where your body, mind, and heart has gotten you!”

Bison to Karin: “Money does not rule the world: I do! Fear me! Bow down to me!”

Bison to Sakura: “Your youth does not permit you mercy!”

Bison to Dhalsim: “In return for your yogic wisdom, I give you…despair! Ahahaha!”

Bison to Birdie: “You’re not even good enough to be a sacrificial pawn!”

Bison to Sagat: ”You shall be sacrificed for the greater evil!”

Bison to Vega: “You would have had promise…if you weren’t so hideous!”

Bison to Balrog: “World’s strongest punch?! Ha! You’re pitiful!”

Bison to Bison: “To command Psycho Power is to command the world itself!”

Menat :

To Abigail: “I read your fortune! Your business is gonna be okay. Be careful not to forget anything though…”

To Akuma: My master told me, there are some powers you should stay far away from. And yours is definitely one of them.”

To Alex: “It’s hard to see the future of you fighters. I guess because you’re always fighting against it?”

To Balrog: “I see a parting from someone important to you in your future. Oh, and financial problems too.”

To Birdie: “Your future…I can see it. It’s becoming clear. You will…continue to…get fatter.”

To Blanka: “Your prospects as a mascot look grim. I can see bargain bins and deep discounts in your future…”

To Cammy: “It’s not bad to think that you can fight against destiny. But it’s also very dangerous.”

To Chun-Li: “You’re like a bright star, fighting against your destiny! I guess it’s kinda poetic?”

To Cody: “Your career may end sooner than you think. I see shirked responsibilities and anger in your future.”

To Dhalsim: “My Master also tells me to meditate. But, don’t you get sleepy?”

To Ed: “You will have difficult times ahead…But it’s okay! Definitely…Probably…Maybe…I hope?”

To Falke: “That power…It’s like that of…Bison, was it? I have a feeling I will see more of it in the future…"

To F.A.N.G.: “Hmm. I’m trying to see your future, but all I get is purple smoke. Weird.”

To G: “You’re working hard on something stupid. Does that make you a hard worker or just stupid?”

To Gill: “According to Master, your card is the World. But something seems off about that.”

To Guile: “Everyone here is so moody. Geez, does getting older mean becoming a sourpuss?”

To Honda: ”Um, sorry, but I don’t see worldwide success in your near future…”

To Ibuki: “I looked into your future, and saw the perfect boyfriend for you. And…maybe some things are better left unsaid.”

To Juri: “So, don’t take this the wrong way, okay? But it seems to me that you’re actually very lonely.”

To Kage: “Master taught me about death; she says that anything without an ending can’t begin. Pretty cool, huh?”

To Karin: "If Master were here, she’d probably say something like “for those seeking to lead, your greatest enemy is your inflated ego…”

To Ken: “I see two bright stars in the sky, competing to see who burns the brightest! But one seems to be fading out…”

To Kolin: “Wow, you’re cold! And not just your touch. How very sad.”

To Laura: “My crystal ball is telling me…that you’re not really the type to believe in crystal balls.”

To Lucia: I can see into your future….There’s a meeting…with an old friend…And possibly…love…?

To M. Bison: “My master was worried about this power. So I was kinda expecting more, y’know?”

To Menat: “There’s no future for fakes! Did you think I wouldn’t be able to see through you?"

To Nash: “It seems you bear a terrible burden. Wow, why is everyone around here so serious?”

To Necalli: “Whoa, master…what did I just fight against?!”

To Poison: “My master told me, fortune-telling is a guide, but your feet walk the journey.”

To R. Mika: “I can see a shining future for you as a fighter! But, it’s still quite a ways away…”

To Rashid: “Hmm? I feel…a sense of royalty? Just my imagination, I guess?”

To Ryu: “So you’ve been fighting for a really long time…Why not take a nap every now and then?"

To Sagat: “I can see you’ve been through a lot, but your hardship is not yet over…”

To Sakura: ““If you are troubled, the best path is the forward one.” This is my advice, not my Master’s.”

To Seth: “Master mentioned of someone of your description….but you seem to be more “some-thing”…”

To Urien: “You say you’re a king, but my Master’s tarot cards always had you as the joker.”

To Vega: "If Master were here, she’d probably say, “True beauty is…ah…true beauty is…” Hold on, it’s on the tip of my tongue!”

To Zangief: “I…don’t really think the muscle look suits me. I’m aiming to be as graceful and elegant as my Master is.”

To Zeku: “Master always says that fate is a fixed line…But I guess you can jump back and forth within it?”

Nash :
To Abigail: “Hulking beasts only become targets on the battlefield.”

To Akuma: “Just who the hell are you?”

To Alex:“If you’re not prepared for death, then never raise your fist against another person again.”

To Balrog: “It’s time for you to go off to a place where your money and power cannot follow.”

To Birdie: “You’ve managed to become an idiotic pig. What’s the point of you staying alive?”

To Blanka: “So you were raised in the wild…? Then you must feel right at home in the jungle.”

To Cammy: “If you were HIS servant, you are just as guilty. Prepare to repent.”

To Chun-Li: “Get in my way again, and I’ll kill you where you stand.”

To Cody: “If you’re looking for a fight, then look elsewhere. I don’t have time for meaningless squabbles.”

To Dhalsim: “God, huh? Even if there is a god, he’s got nothing to do with me.”

To Ed: “Old or new… I couldn’t care less. Those powers are a travesty.”

To Falke: “I won’t stop until that power you wield is gone from this world.”

To F.A.N.G.: “Did you really expect your poison to work on me?”

To G: “Never waste my time like that again!”

To Gill: “I don’t know who you are…But I don’t need anything from you. Be gone.”

To Guile: “I have nothing left to say to you.”

To Honda: “Nothing I eat has any taste. Can you imagine what hell that must be?”

To Ibuki: “This is a battlefield. Youth and naivety don’t constitute excuses.”

To Juri: “You say you enjoy death. It’s time to revel in your own.”

To Kage: “Unfortunately for you, I know death too well…”

To Karin: “Just as confident as ever, I see. That’s what caused your downfall.”

To Ken: “Family, friendship…what good comes from these things?”

To Kolin: “ I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way. That includes you.”

To Laura: “You can’t stop me with mere electricity.”

To Lucia: “I advise you to butt out. The police can’t handle what’s going down.”

To M. Bison: “I came back to kill you! Nothing more. Nothing less.”

To Menat: “If you really could see the future, then no one would have to struggle with hardships.”

To Nash: “What’s happened to my body?”

To Necalli: “I have no intention of losing. Especially in a fight between monsters…”

To Poison: “I didn’t come here to play.”

To R. Mika: “Why are you even here? If you had stayed in the ring, you could’ve saved yourself.”

To Rashid: “You can’t even save yourself… Just who are you trying to help?”

To Ryu: “That’s the power of the Satsui no Hado?! I expected more…”

To Sagat: “I don’t give a damn who you are. Just stay out of my way.”

To Sakura: “If you’re having doubts, you should give up and go home. This is not a playground.”

To Seth: “Are you insane…? Heh. Guess I could ask myself the same question.”

To Urien: “You call yourself a god? If gods do exist, then how is it I’m standing here now?

To Vega: “I can read your movements. I’ve always been able to, even since back then.”

To Zangief: “A body is good for nothing in the face of death.”

To Zeku: “If you’re looking for employment, I’d recommend you stay away from my enemies.”

Cannon Spike Nash :

To Cammy: “You once lead the ARSF…”

To M. Bison: “Last time I wore this, my enemy wasn’t you…”

To Nash: “I’ll wear whatever it takes to complete my mission.”

To Vega: “We worked together once. I could do without any more explosions.”

Necalli :
To Abigail: “Meat-eat-eat-eat. Delicious-us-us-us.”

To Akuma: “I need a soul like yours…to devour-our-our.”

To Alex: “Yours is an unawakened soul. Now fill my st… stomach.”

To Balrog: “Flail with all your might, but you are po… powerless to resist me.”

To Birdie: “My stomach will not be fi… filled by weak souls.”

To Blanka: “Must devour-our-our…more soul-oul-ouls…”

To Cammy: “Just a small bite. Far too me… meager to stop me.”

To Chun-Li: “Don’t st… struggle. There is no escape from me.”

To Cody: “The more you fight-ight-ight… The more I crave your soul-oul-oul…”

To Dhalsim: “Not even the flames of the gods can ha… halt my attack.”

To Ed: “I am the true darkness. The world’s killing intent is mine to devour.”

To Falke: “Weak-eak-eak-eak…Your power is not yet tamed…”

To F.A.N.G.: “You cannot hope to da… damage me with the poisons of this world.”

To G: “Devour…our-our…Urp!”

To Gill: “Oh, this soul! It’s like the culmination of time eternal!”

To Guile: “Such polished battle techniques de…deserve to be gorged upon.”

To Honda: “Souls nourish me, not f-…food…”

To Ibuki: “Do not wa… wail so. I will soon co… consume your fledgling soul.”

To Juri: “A soul of pure evil… It will no… nourish me well.”

To Kage: “Sleep-eep-eep-, soulless one…”

To Karin: “The powerful are nothing more than my su… sustenance. Such is the way.”

To Ken: “Give u… up. I’ll dr… drink your flames.”

To Kolin: “You will never get anywhere with such a brittle soul-oul-oul.”

To Laura: “Such pathetic electric attacks… I can sn… snuff them out with one flick.”

To Lucia: “I will devour-our all. Your fate is sealed-ealed…”

To M. Bison: “There is nothing I cannot consume. I will co… consume all.”

To Menat: “You…you have…no future. I will devour all!”

To Nash: “Living or dead, in my stomach all are equal. There’s no es… escape.”

To Necalli: “Fake jaws will ne… never consume me.”

To Poison: “Light and shadow, I will devour-our-our…”

To R. Mika: “In my stomach, even the most heroic screams di… dissolve and vanish.”

To Rashid: “Not even the most ra… raging gales can dispel my darkness.”

To Ryu: “I can he… hear it. The endless killing intent, must consume…”

To Sagat: “Legendary fighter soul-oul! Devour-our!”

To Sakura: “Every warrior has their own darkness…Falter, and I will consume your soul-ul-ul…”

To Seth: “Your soul-oul-oul…is corrupt-upt-upt. How pathetic-ic-ic!”

To Urien: “I cannot allow a soul as strong as yours to es…escape me.”

To Vega: “You can never ho… hope to cut me with such a feeble blade.”

To Zangief: “My jaw can re… rend even a body made of steel.”

To Zeku: “Return to your aged form. I wish to devour your refined skills…”

Poison :

To Abigail: “You should trade spot checks on cars, for the spotlight and superstars.”

To Akuma: “Fight to entertain, not to the death.”

To Alex: “Not bad. You lack experience. When you become a real man, come find me.”

To Balrog: “You’re more show off than show biz.”

To Birdie: “Look at you! Just begging to be whipped into shape!”

To Blanka: “Awww, who’s a good boy…Yes, you are! C’mere, you adorable bundle of fluff!”

To Cammy: “For someone who wears a leotard, you’re waaay too uptight.”

To Chun-Li: “I heard you were a strong kicker, but the real kicker is: this was a waste of time.”

To Cody: “Hmph. You only come to life when you fight. You’re wasting your time being a mayor.”

To Dhalsim: “What good’s enlightenment when it collapses at the crack of a whip?”

To Ed: “I like your style, but that attitude has to go.”

To Falke: "Hmmm…Nah. That scowl wouldn’t go down well with the audience…”

To F.A.N.G.: “At some point, you’ve gotta drop the bad-boy act. Trust me.”

To G: “Hmph. Some president. Might be an interesting character for the ring, though.”

To Gill: “Well, aren’t you flashy? You’re what now? A savior?”

To Guile: “Do you ever stop talking about battlefields? Change the record already!”

To Honda: “Hmm…”Sumo pro-wrestling”. That could work!”

To Ibuki: “What’s with all the bouncing around? You on a sugar high, little girl?

To Juri: "You like pain, right? Then you must love my whip.”

To Kage: “Do yourself a favor and quit the edgy “death” stuff. Not sexy.”

To Karin: “Money talks, but when I meet people like you I realize talk is cheap.”

To Ken: “Tough break, pretty boy. You kept your looks, but lost your game.”

To Kolin: “Let’s face it: I’m too hot for you.”

To Laura: “Now that’s a winning smile! How about working for me?”

To Lucia: “Trust me, sister. My bad days are behind me.”

To M. Bison: “I like your over-the-top dictator shtick. You’d make a great heel.”

To Menat: “I don’t need your crystal ball. I already know I’m gonna make it big!”

To Nash: “Quit acting like you’re the only one who has it tough.”

To Necalli: “Devour”, “devour”, “devour”…Jeez. Get a dictionary already.”

To Poison: “I am who I am. And I’m damn proud of it!”

To R. Mika: “Yeah, you got the idea! What’s a fight without a show?!”

To Rashid: “What’s with the wind crap, airhead?”

To Ryu: “Ugh. Still trying to play it cool. You’ll never make a pro wrestler.”

To Sagat: “Hmm…I don’t think you have the personality to be king of the wrestling ring.”

To Sakura: “How about swapping textbooks for left hooks in the ring?”

To Seth: “Loving that shiny body. You can’t be human, though.”

To Urien: “You can run along. I don’t have time for guys with massive egos.”

To Vega: “I know we both value beauty, but the way you do it is seriously ugly.”

To Zangief: “You were born to be in the ring! I can see it now! “The Raging Russian!”

To Zeku: “One minute you’re old; next minute you’re young…What’s your secret?”

R. Mika :
To Abigail: “You were REALLY heavy, but I still threw ya!”

To Akuma: “You’re a fighting legend? I’m glad I got the chance to go toe-to-toe with you!”

To Alex: “I’ve been in the ring longer than you! You won’t get a three-count on me so easily!”

To Balrog: “I want power too, but not if it means I have to stick to the same routine.”

To Birdie: “I can barely even throw you! Just how much do you weigh?”

To Blanka: “Your wild child persona is great! Now you just need some cool moves to get the crowd behind you!”

To Cammy: “Delta Red? Cool name! It sounds like some organization!”

To Chun-Li: “Thanks for all your guidance! True pros sure are a cut above!”

To Cody: “You got some pretty ferocious attacks! I bet you’d make a great heel!”

To Dhalsim: “Fire breathing AND levitation? Authentic yoga is awesome!”

To Ed: “Get up already! We gotta pump up the crowd after a fight!”

To Falke: “You’ve got some sweet moves, but you feel a little…stiff. You should try smiling some more!"

To F.A.N.G.: “You got a nice spray on that poison mist! You must’ve practiced a lot!”

To G: “President of the World? You need a better character. Who’s your manager?”

To Gill: “Glory and victory are not given…You must earn them yourself.”

To Guile: “I’m a pro, too! A pro wrestler! I’ll show you my skills in the ring!”

To Honda: “It’s not “butt sumo”! It’s called “Shooting Peach”!”

To Ibuki: “You’re not strong enough! Let me train you. Our first session will be jogging on the beach!”

To Juri: “Is that eye patch meant to be a handicap? Don’t underestimate me!”

To Kage: “Guys like you should probably stay outta the light.”

To Karin: “You might be my sponsor, but in the ring we’re equal!”

To Ken: “Pretty sweet moves! Can you teach me too?”

To Kolin: “No normal person can control ice like that…You’re like a real-life yeti!”

To Laura: “Your throw really bruised me! Let’s grapple again!”

To Lucia: “No way! You’re friends with freakin’ MIKE “MACHO” HAGGAR?!”

To M. Bison: “You really don’t learn, do you? Can’t get fans being so bullheaded!”

To Menat: “My future is to head for the top! Of course! And every fight is an important step on the ladder up!”

To Nash: “Those scars look super real! Wait, that’s not body paint!?”

To Necalli: “The crowd won’t get excited if all you do is scream.”

To Poison: “So you’re a wrestler, trainer, AND promoter?! Outta this world!”

To R. Mika: “You’ve got some guts to copy me! Where are you affiliated?”

To Rashid: “You’re looking for your friend? My teammates might know something!”

To Ryu: “You have these battles sometimes…like you’re fighting with yourself!”

To Sagat: “Wow! You’ve really been training! I’m gonna do the same and then some!”

To Sakura: “Miss Sakura, your moves are very showy! With a little more training, you could be a wrestler!”

To Seth: “You can’t steal people’s moves, y’know. You gotta practice your own!”

To Urien: “I’m aiming for the top too! Wait, what industry are you in?”

To Vega: “That was a cool jump! I wanna try it from the top turnbuckle!”

To Zangief: “Master Zangief! Did you see that? I didn’t hold back, not one bit!”

To Zeku: “Wow, there sure are a lot of different types of ninjutsu! I learned something new today.”

Rashid :
To Abigail: “Large and unwieldy…Hey, just like old-school electronics!”

To Akuma: “Turn that frown upside down, buddy! You know what they say, 'Smile and the world smiles with you!”

To Alex: “You live in a big city and don’t even have internet?”

To Balrog: “…Money? What do you even do with your money? That’s the more important question.”

To Birdie: “Food? Are you hungry? We should grab a bite together!”

To Blanka: “Blanka…chan? Ha ha! You definitely look like some sort of mascot, that’s for sure.”

To Cammy: “Calm down! I’m not going to harm your friends!”

To Chun-Li: “Searching for loved ones is hard. You just don’t know when to stop.”

To Cody: “So, you went from behind bars to behind a desk, huh? Man, that’s quite an upgrade!”

To Dhalsim: “How do you do that with your arms? Yoga? You’ve got to be joking!”

To Ed: “You seem troubled. Wanna talk about it? I’m willing to listen!”

To Falke: “I know life’s not all fun and games, but you gotta hit the off switch every once in a while, you know?

To F.A.N.G.: “You’re Shadaloo’s elite, right? Tell me where my friend is!”

To G: “This “Let’s Fight” video is gonna get some views!”

To Gill: “Harmony…I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think it’s that easy to find.”

To Guile: “If mine is the turbulent wind, is yours the burning hurricane?”

To Honda: “Oh yeah. Before I forget; damn nice bathhouse, man!”

To Ibuki: “Do you just lug around a bunch of kunai, or do you pick them up later?”

To Juri: “I think your “games” are a little too difficult for me.”

To Kage: “Y’know…I wanna understand power, but I’m not ready for what you’re sellin’.”

To Karin: “Whoa there, take it easy! I don’t think I can beat you again.”

To Ken: “If mine is the turbulent wind, is yours the burning hurricane?”

To Kolin: “How’d you summon ice like that? C’mon, tell me! It’d come in real handy in the desert heat!”

To Laura: “Wait, everyone emits electricity where you come from? Seriously!?”

To Lucia: “Man, if my followers saw me fight a cop…Ugh. Flame war…”

To M. Bison: “I win. Now return my friend! That’s all I ask.”

To Menat: “Hey, I was wondering. What kind of battery is that crystal ball running on? Where can I get one?”

To Nash: “You can only keep moving forward. Forget about the past.”

To Necalli: “What an amazing transformation! I should’ve taken a video…”

To Poison: “Don’t underestimate me. I’m a man on a mission, baby!”

To R. Mika: “So you’re a professional wrestler…Me? I’m sort of a…wandering hero.”

To Rashid: “You look just like me! Let’s take a picture together and put it online!”

To Ryu: “You seek the meaning of battle? You’re funny! And a little odd…”

To Sagat: “Man, you’re pretty tough. Guess that’s why they call you king. Strange world, huh?”

To Sakura: “A fighting high school student? Man, that’s straight outta the comic book pages…Oh, you’re in university now? Ah, my bad.”

To Seth: “What’s your product number? Your manufacturer should know they’re sending out defects.”

To Urien: “A friend of mine told me all the true greats are greatly humble.”

To Vega: “I’m uh…sorry if I wounded your aesthetic beauty, or something.”

To Zangief: “Grandp–wait, you’re not him… You’re Azam’s friend, right? You look like my grandfather.”

To Zeku: “Whoa! That reverting your age trick is pretty cool! Mind if I take a video and post it on my wall?”

Ryu :
To Abigail: “If judging by the force behind your fists, you’re the strongest opponent I’ve yet faced…but, you lack any sort of discipline.”

To Akuma: “The path of a true fighter never ends. We can only move forward one step at a time.”

To Alex: “Your fists show a lot of potential. I wait for the day we meet again.”

To Balrog: “Boxers definitely punch hard, but with that windup I can see you coming from a mile away.”

To Birdie: “Huh, you want food? Well, I’ve got some Natto.”

To Blanka: “I feel I can learn much from your wild spirit and connection to nature.”

To Cammy: “Hmm. Transforming speed into power. That way of fighting suits you well.”

To Chun-Li: “You’ve been working on your combos, I see. Nice moves!”

To Cody: “A fight without purpose provides no answers. That was a lesson I had to learn as well.”

To Dhalsim: “Your yoga techniques have become even more polished!”

To Ed: “Stay true to yourself, and move forward! I’ll accept your challenge anytime.”

To Falke: “I could sense your strong conviction in every one of your attacks.”

To F.A.N.G.: “You rely too much on poison. There’s no power in your punches.”

To G: “I’m not sure how I should feel about this victory…”

To Gill: “Emperor? It doesn’t seem like you’re all talk. But if you can fight, I’ll fight…”

To Guile: “Still got that perfect guard, huh? I need to work a bit on my own.”

To Honda: “Nothing stays the same. Every time we fight, you teach me something new.”

To Ibuki: “Introduce you to people? If you mean strong fighters, I know plenty.”

To Juri: “I enjoy fighting, too, but I think we’ll never understand each other.”

To Kage: “If you want to exist, then exist. If you want to leave, then leave.”

To Karin: “You strike without hesitation. That is your strength.”

To Ken: “This isn’t finished yet. Right, Ken?”

To Kolin: “You have to find your true self before you can hope to beat me!”

To Laura: “Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu…? I seem to remember my master mentioning it.”

To Lucia: “No need to take me in for questioning. I’m just a martial artist looking for answers.”

To M. Bison: “I won’t be defeated by one who seek nothing more than power.”

To Menat: “Fate, huh? Whatever it may be, all I can do is keep moving forward.”

To Nash: “The path of vengeance may not lead to the answers you seek.”

To Necalli: “I felt absolutely nothing from your fists. This has never happened before…”

To Poison: “Though you and I seek a different strength, you are strong In your own right.”

To R. Mika: “Fighting wrestlers is about range. You win or lose on one step alone.”

To Rashid: “You’re a real breath of fresh air. I feel invigorated!”

To Ryu: “I am no longer plagued by doubt. Confidence will lead me forward.”

To Sagat: “I hope we can fight again.”

To Sakura: “I don’t know if there’s anything I can tell you, but if the answer can be found in battle, I will cross fists with you anytime.”

To Seth: “Fighting makes us stronger, but what does it make you?”

To Urien: “There’s no doubt you’re strong, but your fists lack an essential ingredient.”

To Vega: “Do you really think true beauty could come from hurting others?”

To Zangief: “I’ve honed a single attack the same way you’ve honed your body.”

To Zeku: “There’s definitely a sense of depth to techniques from a long-standing discipline.”

Sagat :

To Abigail: “See where brute strength alone has gotten you?!”

To Akuma: “I know the power you seek, but the king shall not walk that path.”

To Alex: “If you seek strength, then you’re a long way from achieving it!”

To Balrog: “You disgust me…But it takes guts to face the king. I’ll give you that…but only that.”

To Birdie: “Go and train. Or would you rather die a fool?”

To Blanka: “You think your claws and fangs can threaten the king? Ha! You’re like a little kitten!”

To Cammy: “Is that it? You’re not even fit to be Willa Maiu’s plaything!”

To Chun-Li: “Never give up challenging me.”

To Cody: “How dare you challenge the king with your slovenly attitude?!”

To Dhalsim: “I don’t look to the gods for meaning in battle. Being king is meaning enough!”

To Ed: “Why emulate that fool of a man? Stand on your own two feet!”

To Falke: “To protect, you need strength.”

To F.A.N.G.: “Get out of my sight, scheming wretch!”

To G: “My fights are my own. They belong to the king, and no other!”

To Gill: “You call yourself an emperor? You aren’t deserving of the title!”

To Guile: “Still wanting to fight? Then stand!”

To Honda: “Where is your fighter’s spirit?! Show me or leave now!”

To Ibuki: “You’ll need more than jumps to surpass the king!”

To Juri: “Enough whining! Face your own weakness!”

To Kage: “It will take more than you to break the will of a king.”

To Karin: “Call yourself a noble? With that attitude? Don’t make me laugh!”

To Ken: "Only those who hone their skills and power can challenge the king. Can you call yourself worthy?”

To Kolin: “You have no right to appear before the king while blinded by power.”

To Laura: “If you don’t fear the king, then I suggest working on your technique, and challenging me again!”

To Lucia: “Your resolve is weak! Your moves are all weak!”

To M. Bison: “It’s over. You and I will never share the same path again.”

To Menat: “Hmph. I don’t care for predictions. A king is prepared for anything!”

To Nash: “You need more than blind obsession to stand a chance against me!”

To Necalli: “Devour a king?! Impossible!”

To Poison: “Your fighting is all show and no substance!”

To R. Mika: “Fighting is not for show! Never forget that!”

To Rashid: “The fist of the king can shatter even the wind!”

To Ryu: “I know the path you walk…but now I stand in your way.”

To Sagat: “No one can defeat me.”

To Sakura: “Refine your techniques, and seek your own path.”

To Sagat: “You are the shed skin of a snake. May the earth consume you.”

To Urien: “Foolish arrogance. How dare you look down on the king!”

To Vega: “It’s repulsive to drown one’s soul in beauty and strength. Wake up, fool.”

To Zangief: “Work less on your muscles and more on your heart. With a heart of steel, you can’t be kept down.”

To Zeku: “You use strange techniques…but even with only one eye, I can see through them.”

Sakura :

To Abigail: “Fighting these big guys really tires me out. Maybe I should try a little weightlifting…”

To Akuma: “Is this what it means to become truly strong? I may have to start rethinking some things…”

To Alex: “I could feel your desire to get stronger. I love fights like these.”

To Balrog: “I thought your punches were pretty good, actually. I definitely did not want to get hit by one of those…”

To Birdie: “I know adding weight makes for an advantage, but…It’s not exactly fitting for a swimsuit."

To Blanka: “No roughhousing in the store, Jimmy! I’ll get yelled at by the manager!”

To Cammy: “Yeah, that was a good fight! Fighting isn’t always about life and death, y’know!”

To Chun-Li: “Your kicks are just as beautiful as ever. Let’s do this again sometime soon!”

To Cody: “You’re into underground street fighting, aren’t you? I could tell by your moves.”

To Dhalsim: “You get weirder every time I see you. Are you sure this is yoga?!”

To Ed: “Foul-mouthed and straightforward…Kind of like a child.”

To Falke: “There’s something familiar about your power…I bet you’ll get a lot stronger if you try real hard to control it!"

To F.A.N.G: “And the victory is mine! But hey, that means you get second place!”

To G: “Cool cosplay, I guess. You s’posed to be a president or something?

To Gill: “The worries of the world melt away in a fight.”

To Guile: “Your moves are as refined as ever. But hey, I’m no slouch either, right?”

To Honda: “Me become a sumo wrestler? No. Freaking. Way.”

To Ibuki: Seems like your training is pretty difficult. And sorry, I don’t know any guys I could introduce you to…"

To Juri: “I like fighting, sure…But you and I are most certainly nothing alike.”

To Kage: “Whoa…I’ve gotta make sure I don’t end up like you.”

To Karin: “Hmm, let’s see…I think I’m in the lead now for our battle total.”

To Ken: “Hehehe, so what do you think? You’re not the only one who can rival him!”

To Kolin: “Wow, so cold! I guess this is what they call an eternal winter?”

To Laura: “What did you say your style was, Matsuda? I’ll check it out!”

To Lucia: “Oh no! I beat up a cop! I can’t go to prison! I have homework to hand in!”

To M. Bison: “What’s with the scary face…I won’t be intimidated by you.”

To Menat: “Fortune telling? Sure, I’l give it a try, I guess.”

To Nash: “There is definitely something different about you…”

To Necalli: “Huh? What? Eat…me? Leave me off your dinner plate, thank you very much!”

To Poison: “Pro-wrestling? I wanna get a job, but not that badly.”

To R. Mika: "Flashy techniques are interesting, but I gotta admit, it’s not really my thing.“

To Rashid: “Wind power? I’ve never seen that before. Fighting with all sorts of people is fun!”

To Ryu: “Thank you very much! I feel like I’ve learned something.”

To Sagat: “Yeah! Victory for Sakura! The crowd goes wild!”

To Sakura: “For better or worse, this is me.”

To Seth: “We fought before, right? But you seem kinda different…”

To Urien: “I don’t like people who act all high and mighty. I deal with enough of those customers at work.”

To Vega: "You were coming after my face with that claw, weren’t you? Thank goodness it broke…

To Zangief: “As always, such overwhelming pressure! I’m glad you’re one of the good guys!”

To Zeku: “Whoa! How’d you age so fast like that?”

To Abigail: “Your crude movements are of no value to me.”

To Akuma: “All will bow before the indomitable Seth!”

To Alex: “Your power will serve me well!”

To Balrog: “Your pathetic organization is no more! Bwahaha!"

To Birdie: “Data discarded. Unnecessary.”

To Blanka: “I do not require data on feral creatures.”

To Cammy: “I expected more from the missing Doll…”

To Chun-Li: “Hah. You have provided ample data. Well done.”

To Cody: “Your techniques are mine now, street thug."

To Dhalsim: “Mystical techniques?! Bwahaha! I know them all!”

To Ed: “I am your tool no longer, Bison!”

To Falke: “I am your tool no longer, Bison!”

To F.A.N.G.: “Your tricks will not work on me!”

To G: “You speak nonsense! I rule this world!”

To Gill: “I am Seth. Your name is irrelevant. Bow down before me!"

To Guile: “You had potential. That potential is now mine!”

To Honda: “Sumo data. Compressing files…”

To Ibuki: “Your speed is no match for a machine, little girl!”

To Juri: “You will serve me and ONLY me!”

To Kage: “Your instability is laughable!”

To Karin: “You and all other fighters will kneel before me!”

To Ken: “I am not impressed.”

To Kolin: “This world belongs to me. You are nothing but a bit of data!”

To Laura: “You will live on as data in my memory banks!”

To Lucia: “I decide the law and order of this world!”

To M. Bison: “Personality failure detected.”

To Menat: “The only future, is my future! Bwahahaha!”

To Nash: “I will put your data to good use!”

To Necalli: “I detect power, but it is difficult to convert into data.”

To Poison: “You amuse me, woman!”

To R. Mika: “Amusing techniques! I will make them mine!”

To Rashid: “More! I must assimilate even more techniques!"

To Ryu: “I am the true martial arts master!”

To Sagat: “My data says you are an emperor. Nonsense!”

To Sakura: “You display a slither of potential.”

To Seth: “NEVER call me by my number!”

To Urien: “I am Seth, the one true king!”

To Vega: “I don’t need data on narcissism.”

To Zangief: “Power measured. Result: unimpressive.”

To Zeku: “Impressive. Committing techniques to memory…”




Urien :

To Abigail: “I’ll forgive your insolence by taking that body of yours!”

To Akuma: “If you value your life at all, I suggest you get out of my sight.”

To Alex: “Let me teach you something: Your naivety will be the death of you!”

To Balrog: “A fool only knows foolery! You shall rot away right here!”

To Birdie: “You are nothing more than a pig. Repent of your foolishness after you die.”

To Blanka: “I show no mercy to vile creatures such as you.”

To Cammy: “The weak protecting the weak… Your arrogance is astonishing!”

To Chun-Li: “The governance of the ignorant has no bearing on me! I am reason itself!”

To Cody: “Consider this your punishment, you cretin.”

To Dhalsim “Believe in me, not your gods, for I have transcended them all!”

To Ed: “You insolent pest! You have no business even being in my presence!”

To Falke: “So you’re a remnant of that dark organization? You might be of some use to me after all."

To F.A.N.G.: “I am the only one you should worship! There is nothing else!”

To G: “You lead the world? Tell me another one, clown!”

To Gill: “Watch me, Gill!”

To Guile: “Losers have always faded away. Foolish armies and foolish soldiers alike!”

To Honda: “None can defy a supreme king! Now begone!”

To Ibuki: “In over your head, little rat? Such disrespect will not be forgiven!”

To Juri: “Imbecile! I am the chosen king! Did you think I would rise to the provocations of a minnow like you?”

To Kage: “Begone! A king would never lose to a shadow!”

To Karin: “Only a fool withes in the anguish of defeat! My victory was destined!”

To Ken: “Such a lowly imbecile cannot hope to comprehend my greatness!”

To Kolin: “You picked the wrong opponent in me, you filthy little rodent!”

To Laura: “Do not be so pretentious! Your electricity belongs in my hands.”

To Lucia: “Miserable dog! There is no greater crime than opposing me!”

To M. Bison: “I never fail. Do not compare a peasant like yourself to me!”

To Menat: “You have the nerve to try and tell me about the future?! That is for me to decide, you impudent whelp!”

To Nash: “Filthy, ignorant aberration! You will only ever taste defeat!”

To Necalli: “You refuse to follow me, freak of nature. Slither back into your dark abyss!”

To Poison: “Fool! Your pleas for life will go unheeded!”

To R. Mika: “Do not wail, little one. You should watch your mouth in the presence of the king.”

To Rashid “You dare show such insolence to me! Such a crime is punishable by death!”

To Ryu: “What is there to be hesitant about? All you need to do is obey me.”

To Sagat: “Common scum can never be king!”

To Sakura: “Know your place, commoner!”

To Seth: “Out of my sight, defect! I won’t waste any more time with you!”

To Urien: “How did you replicate my form? Who paid you to come here?”

To Vega: “That a fool like you even tries to speak of appearances is laughable.”

To Zangief: “My body is perfection! You are merely a useless lump of meat!”

To Zeku: “You dared challenge me with such frivolous techniques? Your foolishness is absurd!”

Vega :
To Abigail: “I simply have no words for a disgusting oversized meat sack.”

To Akuma: “Victory is meaningless without beauty. What you need is elegance.”

To Alex: “Sophistication is so far beyond you, there’s no point in letting you live.”

To Balrog: “Your dying shriek grates my ears. Annoying to the very, very end.”

To Birdie: “Your ugly swollen body doesn’t bear looking at. Get away from me!”

To Blanka: “What a truly uncouth beast you are…You’re not even fit to be a rug beneath my feet!”

To Cammy: “Your delusions, your despair… They all belong to me now!”

To Chun-Li: “Bathing in your blood will be the best beauty treatment of all!”

To Cody: “A brainless brute like you cannot even begin to fathom true beauty.”

To Dhalsim: “Even the gods themselves bow down before my beauty.”

To Ed: “That power… and those moves. How thoroughly unpleasant. Be gone from my sight.”

To Falke: “You seem to be a cut above the other Dolls…I wonder if you will be able to amuse me?”

To F.A.N.G.: “Filthy maggot. I will send you to your grave.”

To G: “Such revolting form…Lamentable!”

To Gill: “My beauty is supreme! Don’t get carried away with yourself!”

To Guile: “What a revolting haircut. It baffles the mind, really.”

To Honda: “Ugh…How dare you sully my claws!”

To Ibuki: “You’re lacking in both speed and beauty. Is this all Japan’s ninjas have to offer?”

To Juri: “There’s value in beauty born from chaos, but that’s not what I’m after.”

To Kage: “How dare you sully the name of death?”

To Karin: “Your undefiled integrity is a fresh flavor for me to relish!”

To Ken: “Your technique lacks finesse. It’s utterly nauseating.”

To Kolin: “I will carve you into something beautiful. I’ll cut up that weak little heart of yours while I’m at it.”

To Laura: “What a pity. You look good, but you do not understand true beauty.”

To Lucia: “Hmph. A pig could never comprehend true beauty.”

To M. Bison: “Thus a demon meets his end. What a disappointment.”

To Menat: “It’s only natural that victory is decided by beauty. So of course, only I can be the victor.”

To Nash: “I’d sooner take death over the embarrassment of looking like you.”

To Necalli: “Squalid beast… I will cut out your soul.”

To Poison: “Trampled and yet you bloom. A rare flower indeed.”

To R. Mika: “Even your death throes lack grace. Such an obnoxious tone.”

To Rashid: “Your thoughtless moves don’t amuse me.”

To Ryu: “Disappointing…I imagined the man M. Bison speaks of to be more fun.”

To Sagat: “Ugly as ever…We’re worlds apart. I never liked you.”

To Sakura: “You are worthy of being carved up by my claw. You should be honored.”

To Seth: “What a pitiful husk! The only thing beautiful you could do…is die!”

To Urien: “I doubt a society built by the ugly could possibly contain the beauty I seek.”

To Vega: “Imitation can never be true beauty, no matter how you may try.”

To Zangief: “Your form is so uncultivated. It’s no wonder you lost.”

To Zeku: “I was hoping to enjoy a fight against a traditional ninja art. But your techniques are lacking in elegance.”

Zangief :
To Abigail: “At this rate, you will only lose muscle…”

To Akuma: “Someone’s been slacking off, I see! You make some nice attacks, but you still need more muscles!”

To Alex: “Come at me harder next time! We’re all equals in the ring!”

To Balrog: “I can throw even a raging bull! That is virtue of muscle!”

To Birdie: “Well? Did my special training help you burn belly fat?”

To Blanka: “You fight like a bear, but even that’s not enough to beat me!”

To Cammy: “Frowning so much will give you wrinkles! Always remember to smile!”

To Chun-Li: “Your kicks are sharp like always! But they still lack power!”

To Cody: “On the streets or in the ring, my muscles never let me down!”

To Dhalsim: “I’ll catch you! I’ll throw you! Stretchy limbs or not!”

To Ed: “You are young so you have much potential! Come with me to gym, comrade!”

To Falke: “You fought well despite such puny muscles. Is it because of your Psycho Power?”

To F.A.N.G.: “A honed body can resist poison! Remember the greatness of muscle!”

To G: “Power of Earth? Hah! Is nothing compared to power of mother Russia!”

To Gill: “You may be strong and flashy…But you’re just kind of boring!”

To Guile: “You should learn Cossack dance! It’s good for fighters who crouch a lot!”

To Honda: “You are powerful, comrade! Pulverizing you was great pleasure!”

To Ibuki: “Your punches are too soft! Too soft even for training!”

To Juri: “Confident attacks are good, but you cannot win without power!”

To Kage: “My muscle may grow weak, but motherland always strong!”

To Karin: “Truly you are strong, friend, but you need more muscle!”

To Ken: “Power beats speed! Muscle beats fire! That is key to getting strong!”

To Kolin: “Gyah hah hah! You are a tropical breeze compared to the blizzards we get back home!”

To Laura: “Your moves are sharper than before! You must have trained much, Laura!”

To Lucia: “You have friend powerful like me? Ha! Tell them I see them in ring!”

To M. Bison: “I put an end to your treachery for all those who love our country!”

To Menat: “I will also give fortune insight! Protein and muscle training will always lead to victory!”

To Nash: “Straighten your back! Hunching will get you deformed muscles!”

To Necalli: “If you want to eat something, why not some borscht? It’s delicious!”

To Poison: “We have similar goal. Next time, we meet in ring!”

To R. Mika: “You’ve come long way, Mika! All that muscle training has paid off!”

To Rashid: “This body of steel is immovable, no matter how strong wind blows!”

To Ryu: “You shouldn’t take hermit life so seriously! Rustic diet won’t do your muscles any favors!”

To Sagat: “Horosho! Good fight. It all came down to training difference.”

To Sakura: “My, your skills have certainly progressed! But still not on the level of my glorious iron body!”

To Seth: “Want more data? Fine! I pound your head again!”

To Urien: “For a king, you sure are lacking in the muscle department!”

To Vega: “You don’t see the benefit of big trapezius? You have no sense!”

To Zangief: “You have great rippling muscles! Horosho!”

To Zeku: “This ninjutsu of yours, very interesting! Next time, try attacking with more power!”

The Gief :

Abigail: “You’re built like a brick house! I think I’ll call you The Bigail!”

Akuma: “Give me everything you’ve got! I’m about to make you famous!”

Alex: “Don’t hold back! The ring is made for fighting!”

Balrog: “Your punches have no effect on me! You need to hit harder! HARDER!”

Birdie: “That technique! That style… You’re Titan’s tag partner!”

Blanka: “So, you trying to bite me or what?! Make up your mind!”

Cammy: “Whether past, present or future, The Gief will always be the best!”

Chun-Li: “I make my living in the ring! It’s no place for amateurs!”

Cody: “The Gief will be named champion of the Metro City Champion Series!”

Dhalsim: “Spitting fire isn’t a yoga move. It’s a move reserved for heels!”

Ed: “You look pretty tough! This should be good practice!”

Falke: “Maybe I’ll join your army! I’ll be your strongest grappler!”

F.A.N.G: “Hey! Is that poison on your hands? You should be spitting it instead!”

G: “I’m the champion of the World! It’s what drives me to fight!”

Guile: “I don’t care much for conflict. But I’ll defeat you anyway!”

Ibuki: “Use weapons… Explosives even… I won’t be defeated!”

Juri: “Listen up! I live my life the way I see fit!”

Kage: “Hey! Isn’t it a bit early for you to turn heel now?”

Karin: “I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m on another level!”

Ken “Gwahahaha! The Gief couldn’t care less about the fans!”

Kolin: “Hard work pays off in the end! That goes for heels too…”

Laura: “Spirit! Those who lack it have no business setting foot in the ring!”

M. Bison: “Strength and faith always prevail! That’s just the way it is!”

Menat: “The Gief cares not for your pathetic fortunes!”

Nash: “Huh? You dead or something? You’re a strange one, that’s for sure!”

Necalli: “A style I’ve yet to see… It won’t stop me from smashing you!”

Rashid: “Your attacks are too predictable! I can read you like a book!”

R. Mika: “Zangief? Who’s he? I’m the Gief!”

Ryu: “Enough! It’s time to settle this!”

Sagat: “Is that the best an emperor can do? I’ll be on top before long!”

To Seth: “Enough of this! If you are a heel, then act like one!”

Urien: “You can’t tackle me like that! I’m like a truck with no brakes!”

Vega: “Hey! Ref! No weapons allowed!”

Zangief: “We’re two sides of the same coin, but I’m the stronger side!”

Zeku: “The Gief is invincible! Get outta here with that ninja nonsense!”

Zeku :

To Abigail: “Rampage in anger. Quiet calm, your heart know not. Friends, we cannot be.”

To Akuma: “Reaching for heaven. Ascend beyond, rise above. Even the sky, falls.”

To Alex: “The large fish struggles. The pond cannot contain him. The ocean awaits.”

To Balrog: “A love for fortune. Fortune knows no love for man. A quick road to ruin.”

To Birdie: “To find joy is bliss. To overindulge, madness. Balance, not flavor.”

To Blanka: “The wilderness, home…A mother’s touch sorely missed…”

To Cammy: “Foe who became friend. Now seeks to protect her friends. A heart-warming tale.”

To Chun-Li: “A flower blossoms. Its petals wither and fall. Lovely, such is life.”

To Cody: “A strong man reformed…A violent past follows…”

To Dhalsim: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart, my friend. A journey most sound.”

To Ed: “Body, not your own. But the soul is free to fly. Journey with the wind.”

To Falke: “Memories of pain…You strive to overcome them. Your fight rages on.”

To F.A.N.G.: “All that lives, surely one day will decay, but this…is all nature’s choice.”

To G: “Form is emptiness, for this world is but fleeting. You too lack substance.”

To Gill: “You know you’re gonna lose, right?”

To Guile: “Heart that seeks revenge. Cold, is thy retribution. Forgiveness, is warm."

To Honda: “The cherry blossoms may not be seen by all, but they are still beautiful.”

To Ibuki: “A daily lesson. Meet a new you, every day. Such is growth, young lass.”

To Juri: “Suffering is pain. In pain, you will not find joy. Your sadness, profound.”

To Kage: “To know death is to know life.”

To Karin: “Your wards know thy hand. A fair maiden’s lovely smile, shall strike the heart true.”

To Ken: “Bold though you may be, caution, throw not to the wind. A steady flame burns.”

To Kolin: “Once I have beheld. Maiden of a frozen heart. Saddest sight to see.”

To Laura: “Oh, spicy flower. Full of zest and love of life. Dangerous temptress.”

To Lucia: “Consider in private; report in public.”

To M. Bison: “A steady hand guides. Inspiration comes from love. Truly, you lack both.”

To Menat: “To gaze at the beyond. You will not see what is near. Life, fleeting fancy.”

To Nash: “That which lives, must die. Death, we are reborn anew. Your soul, trapped between.”

To Necalli: “Beast that knows no bounds. Appetite for destruction. Impossible life.”

To Poison: “Friendship, like wine, flourishes with age.”

To R. Mika: “Young and full of life. The future, still a long road. My heart, envious.”

To Rashid: “Wealth, for lack of want. A curious soul travels. What do you seek, friend?”

To Ryu: “Oh weary warrior, your strength lies within your soul. Friends help guide the way.”

To Sagat: “To stave off conflict, you must first clear your own heart. Examine yourself.”

To Sakura: “Oh sweet days of spring, never-ending, shall you be. This I would not mind.”

To Seth: “Masterless puppet…a piece of driftwood floating…in an empty sea.”

To Urien: “To care for subjects. The duty of all good kings. You honor no one.”

To Vega: “Everywhere, truly. Beauty is found in all things. Your mask blinds your sight.”

To Zangief: “Warrior and mentor. A heart most noble and true. Muscles formed of steel.”

To Zeku: “The harshest critic, lies from within…face the faults. To others, show grace.”

That’s all of 'em. I have a feeling Seth is the final character, so this very well could be it as far as win quotes for Street Fighter V. It was really fun gathering them over these past few yrs.


I hope the stage will follow that euro theme Gill/Lucia costumes already got, even if will be ruined by cpt monitors

Lol at musketeer Gill

I’m gonna call him Gilano De Bergerac


Yes…much better for them to keep their current art style everyone hates instead of trying to match the art styles of the best looking fighting games in the world. That’s sure to keep SF on top!

…DBFZ is bigger than SF5.

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Not everyone think anime games are the best looking. Look at games like Fantasy GranBlue or whatever it’s called, many people simply don’t dig anime style and aren’t interested on them.

Yeah. But it is based on an anime series. That would be like saying Mortal Kombat 12 should adopt an anime style to be succesful.

I just don’t think nowadays SF can go anime without a backlash that shadows and surpass its possible success.

I loved that art especially as it made in no uncertain terms known how ferocious blanka was. Shame they had to take him the comedy route.

Right, one of the biggest fighting games in the world right now, is big BECAUSE it is a fantastic representation of an anime.

Which is why saying “something more mass-appealing than anime” is fucking stupid, because anime has more mass appeal than than anything else in fighting games(aside from Smash’s “every video game you ever cared about”).


Also Street Fighter Alpha, which has a highly lauded art style for SF, was anime as fuck


The notion that SF2 art style was western Is bullshit

Concept art was already on manga/anime side, and of course a good 70% or more of inspiration cane from manga/anime world

Ingame art style had limitations of the time but had clear intent of have japanese stylization

Official art from developers was japanese style too

There was also fuckton of clear japanese SF2 artwork material

American division may have pushed to have some western looking art (likely from external hired artists) here and there to market it but i’m kinda sure for each western piece you can find many more on jap side

As side note, i ask anybody supporting the idea that SF should go full western to take that opinion and follow the Gollum route

I’m not weaboo or hating western products, i love my Hollywood movies, my american/western tv series and books, i don’t read american comics but i see no reason to consider them inferior to manga etc… but SF is a japanese style series and i wish it stay so as much as possible.
Sadly i think Capcom will sell the anus with next SF, SFV already did a bit with the 3D models style


Sf2 always seemed to me like an eastern/western mix style, it was never full Japanese, let alone anime, it had its very distinct style (both in game and companion art).


Oh, the burn!!!

It isn’t though.


Some guy on eventhub likely gave the correct answer on why both costumes are french themed, and wich could be the stage

So we’re getting a French stage (Notre Dame based on the costumes I suppose) for CPT 2020? Which is kinda makes sense since the finals will be held at France.

Not sure about Notre Dame, but France for sure
Good, i doubt the finals will truly be in Paris due virus (dlc are done months in advance anyway), but give me more euro stages pls

Also new cpt colors are (as all bonus colors) crappy, but i apprecciate Gief getting

Capcom have been making these CPT colors for like 5 years now and they’ve never been not shit

Nah. Anime is not that appealing to casual gamers. That’s why games like Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, Melty Blood, Persona Arena, etcetera, have not been very successful titles. That’s why most of the J-RPG market vanished.
Dragon Ball is a smash hit because… well, because it’s fucking Dragon Ball. But that was it.

A lot less people played Alpha than Street Fighter II. The anime aspect definitely has to do with it; Darkstalkers was lucky because it took inspiration of many Western concepts for the characters, but games like Rival Schools for example, were too anime and too Japanese, they could never take off in the West.

Exactly. Street Fighter looks for an international appeal on its art style. Specially more lately. Not looking “weebo”.


So much so that many references go totally unnoticed by Western audiences.
For instance, this alternate costume for Sakura
references Benio Hanamura, from the popular (in Japan, and to a lesser extent Italy and France) manga series Haikara-san ga tōru, also known in Italy as Mademoiselle Anne and in France as Marc et Marie.
Obviously ryoredcyclone already noticed that as soon as it was publicised two years ago.


Street Fighter I, Final Fight, Street Fighter II… were drawn by Japanese people in their Japanese style, but they went towards the full color kind of illustration, kinda painting style, not anime. No flat colors, and just the right amount of outlines to make everything readable. It also didn’t go full 2D stylization in the way it drew shapes (such as distictive manga/anime eyes).

And that’s what SF4 and SF5 are. Some of the models used are bad, but the game can look gorgeous many times. A stronger art direction would fix many problems without trying to copy either Mortal Kombat or Dragon Ball (both are succesful and totally opposite btw).

Just making sure that there are no bad models or visual glitches would do wonders. The art people in SF5 don’t even care to retrofit some of the improvements they’ve made on the new outfits to the default outfits, such as characters getting better hair or better body parts. They can’t be half assed to say “oops, if we hang the ponytails at this angle it has the unfortunate effect of them getting in the way in the victory screen. Let’s modify the angle a little bit.” or “this piece of clothing clips or floats way too blatantly in the character select screen, let’s fix this.”. They don’t bother to fix some gigantic aliasing problems in the models. Changing the overall style is the least of the visual issues of the game.



SF5 can and does look gorgeous more times than not. I am hoping that the next SF game will refine and evolve this art style which is so damn unique in the market right now. Why should SF give up its identity and fall in line with trends like this?

If you want a full blown anime SF that should be a dream match with ASW, or just give us a new SF anime on par with the animated movie!

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I view SF1 as cartoon “realistic”. The characters look like simpler renditions of people you might expect to see in a 70s-80s action movie, products of an era before you even expected your athletes and fighters to have sharply defined muscles and brick-wall builds.

However, SF1 also displays a large image of Ryu during the “test your strength” bonus round. This work is very much in a cartoon style, that of older manga and anime, which was closer to the style of Western cartoons.

SF2 is exaggerated. It doesn’t try to be cartoon “realistic”. At first I was going to say that it wasn’t realistic, or Western superhero, or classic anime (much less what people now think of as “anime” art.) But the more I thought about it, the more I thought it similar to a particular title. It isn’t an exact duplicate, but SF2 sprites feel a bit more like it than anything else I’m currently thinking of, Western or Eastern.

SF2 is Fist of the North Star? Or at least approaching a similar aesthetic?

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