The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


I know I know. Only Alex didn’t end up being popular, and he was still quite colorful and cartoony, and more wrestling than street fighting…

I don’t know about that. Akuma violently attacking Chun-Li and impregnating her has way too many unfortunate connotations. I just don’t know what went through your head when you made an OC who is Chun-Li’s weeb shoto edgy 4chan son or that weird origin story. It’s an fool’s errand to try to make any sort of sense out of it.

TBH, most of the the SF3 characters in SF4 were fan-favourites and in recent years Alex, Oro and Necro have achieved dark horse status so I don’t think that anyone would be upset if SF6 was more SF3 centric like how SFV’s launch was Alpha-centric.

I think that Capcom have learnt from their mistakes and won’t make SF6 as bad in terms of content but in terms of story or art direction is definitely something that’s unsure.


Ok I’m just gonna pretend I didn’t read any of that shit about Akuma fucking Chunners

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Yeah, I’m gonna follow suit, what in the hell was that? Ugh…

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Yeah that whole thing was mildly… Uncomfortable.

And about the new western Ryu thing. Why? Alex is finally getting more popularity than ever, he is quite honestly set up to be the main fighter in SF3, so what, in SF6 we get another American shoto cause Alex isn’t a shoto? Just cause he doesn’t do cool punchy kicky stuff doesn’t mean he isn’t a street fighter. Its just his way of street fighting.

In all honesty, we don’t need another “Ryu type” cause we already have Ryu.
Until his arc is finally capped off and he’s finished his journey, there is no need for that character.


On one side i agree with you

On the other i wish we could remember it forever just to trigger the Chun-li people lol

Never thought my annoyance at the Ryu/Chun Li pairing could be surpassed. I was mistaken.


Lol ikr??

Poison’s earliest FF1 concept art has her labeled as “newhalf” which is a Japanese word for trans. They were trans even during the game’s early development. Censors never entered into it.

This video pretty much breaks it down.

No idea what it WILL be.

If it were up to me though, I’d make SF6 a free to play game. Where every player gets the original eight world warriors for free(just to give everyone a base of popular, nostalgic characters they can choose freely). And then every other character is unlocked with real/played for currency. And they just keep on releasing characters like a MOBA, until either the game fails, or they’ve added everyone.

Even do the MOBA thing where there’s a rotating cast of characters that are temporarily unlocked, that changes every now and again, so that people can try out new characters, but if you like a character and want them all the time, you gotta pay the unlock.

Will there be any graphic innovations?

SFV implemented (late) special stage finishers (kind of).

Back in SF4 there were some talks about battle damage. Wonder if they’ll go in that route now.

What I’d like is some kind of ‘gear system’ where you can customize your character’s appearance (only, no “stats” adjustment).
Could give birth to some abhorrent stuff, but also good outfits :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t want any of that stuff…

I just want the game to look like a modern ArcSys game, and play like a regular-ass Street Fighter game(SF5 was already too gimmicky), and to have every SF character ever in it.

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Stage KOs are nice but besides staring at waifu asses in skimpy outfits there’s not much to them, especially with how limited they are in quanitity (there’s only what, like 10 of them in the entire game?). FighterZ found a sweet spot where they animations are short but hella impactful (like you punch a motherfucker and he flies away so fast he smashes into a building and all windows in it break in an instant)

With how much money Capcom earned from selling cosmetics in this game I don’t think we’re gonna see any sort of customization system in a Street Fighter game. I also don’t want a repeat of Xtekken’s neon colors fucking up character models which made them annoying to play against online


FighterZ finishes are hype AF

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Just thought of something story line wise. Gill interaction with Cetrion. How would that go?

Of course they won’t do that. There’s a lot of recent ArcSys games and so-called anime fighters. SF will want to maintain their identity and differentiate from those having a different look.

And I think they could go a little bit more realistic but not that much. Anime? Don’t think so. The “Anime aspect” era was the time SF had the least amount of success in Western market.

They will want to do something more mass-appealing than anime. Like it or not, this was the kind of art most people related SF with back in the day:


They can sell you the gear piece by piece XDD

Yeah, they’re stylish and add some flair like you wouldn’t believe. I think SF5 had a move in the right direction and would welcome somethings like Fighter Z. Quick, flashy and to the point. I’d like to see more in the future, it just adds to presentation and doesn’t take away from anything if done right.

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Pocket Fighter was so awesome

They should do a new game XDD For cellphones or whatever.

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I wish they completed these (but without head thing), or at least done more… i find they add atmosphere

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So with everything going on, I took the time to compile all of the win quotes.


Abigail :
To Abigail: “Braaaaawr! I’m the most powerful!"

To Akuma: “The Satsuinowhatsit? Killing wha? All that talk, and you broke like a side-view mirror!”

To Alex: “Good power. But fix that engine first. Then we can talk.”

To Balrog: “Try bobbing and weaving more. At least try not to meet my fist with your face so much.”

To Birdie: “You should diet. Your movements are all dull and slow.”

To Blanka: “Whoa, what’s with that spark? You got a car battery in your pocket or something? You gotta be careful with those things!”

To Cammy: “You sting like a bee, all right. A little baby bee.”

To Chun-Li: “Keep your nose outta my business, copper. I’m totally legit now.”

To Cody: “Hey, I’m a law-abiding’ citizen! I pay my taxes just like everyone else!”

To Dhalsim: “Sorry pops. I don’t speak enlightened gibberish.”

To Ed: “All you psychopaths runnin’ around. Ya’ll need therapy, or somethin’.”

To Falke: “You rely on that sicko or whatever power too much. You need a few more horses under that hood of yours for that!”

To F.A.N.G.: “Poison? Nah. You’re the least dangerous poison I’ve ever come across.”

To G: "President of the World? You’re jerkin’ my chain!”

To Gill: “Is that a custom paint job? The contents don’t match its exterior!”

To Guile: “Thought you could win, soldier boy? Better luck next time, bwa ha ha ha!”

To Honda: “Hey, sumo guy. You’re built like a truck, but you’ve got no horsepower!”

To Ibuki: “I didn’t even feel a thing. Moves are useless without power behind em.”

To Juri: “I thought you were revved up, but you ran out of gas so quickly! You need more vroom vroom!”

To Kage: “What’s this crap about Satsui? You’d pull a muscle poppin’ a hood!”

To Karin: “Who’re you, actin’ all high and mighty? I’ll kick your ass…”

To Ken: “Hmph, I ain’t got no time to play with rich little puff dolls!”

To Kolin: “My engines are anti-freeze! Ha! Bwa ha ha! Man, I’m funny!”

To Laura: “I ain’t never heard of your style. Unless it’s called suck.”

To Lucia: “Another cop trying to stick their nose into my business. I’m legit now, so get lost.”

To M. Bison: “Psycho Whadyacallit? You think being all sparkly makes you strong?

To Menat: “Why don’cha use that crystal ball of yours to see if you can win before you challenge someone?”

To Nash: “Why so moody, pal? Try smiling! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

To Necalli: “Eat? What are you going on about? You don’t make a lick of sense!”

To Poison: “Not interested in workin’ on the road with you, but come visit my workshop anytime.”

To R. Mika: “You could tone it down a few notches. Jus’ sayin.”

To Rashid: “What’d you expect? Dance around like a bug and I’m gonna flick you away!”

To Ryu: “Balance? What? Who needs that!”

To Sagat: You’re a junker. Scrapheap’s waitin’ for you, buddy.”

To Sakura: “Strength is power! Horsepower! Torque! And some other stuff too, I guess.”

To Seth: “You could use a major tune-up!"

To Urien: “You can’t really talk about being a ruler until you get more power, y’hear?”

To Vega: “Hey. You lost all your equipment. Ya dumb bastard.”

To Zangief: “How! Many! Times! Must! I! Say! We are NOT muscle buddies!”

To Zeku: “All them fancy ninja moves…I coulda swore I’ve seen them before….”

Akuma :
To Abigail: "Your supposed power is fraudulent!”

To Akuma: “Leave my sight, imposter!”

To Alex: “You are unworthy of fighting me!”

To Balrog: “Pathetic! How dare you call yourself a fighter?!”

To Birdie: “The ignoble deserve only hell!”

To Blanka: “You dumb animal…”

To Cammy: “You’re ill-prepared for battle!”

To Chun-Li: “Your death is in my hands, you foolish girl!”

To Cody: ““A fist thrown wildly hits nothing and serves no one…”

To Dhalsim: “My fists are a step closer to perfection!”

To Ed: “That power ill befits you, boy!”

To Falke: “You are not worthy of such power…”

To F.A.N.G.: “Your feebleness is truly astounding.”

To G: “You’re reckless…A fool.”

To Gill: “I am the only path to heaven!”

To Guile: “This is the true battlefield!”

To Honda: “Laughable! You are doomed to fail!”

To Ibuki: “Now can you see how weak you are?!”

To Juri: “You are consumed by desire. Death is all you deserve!”

To Kage: “You are the shadow of a shadow! Die!”

To Karin: “What a fool! You shall never achieve supremacy!”

To Ken: “Such an unsightly weakling you are!”

To Kolin: “Cunning witch! Your fist will crumble before me!”

To Laura: “Your naivety is simply laughable!”

To Lucia: “If you are not prepared to die, you are not prepared to fight.”

To M. Bison: “Your death is in my hands!”

To Menat: “Your foolish parlor tricks will be the death of you!”

To Nash: “You are a mere puppet. Die with dignity!”

To Necalli: “Lowly creature! I should rip you apart!”

To Poison: “Hmph. You fight like a brat.”

To R. Mika: “For a weakling like you, death is a reprieve!”

To Rashid: “Cowards like you disgust me!”

To Ryu: “Is that all your fists are capable of?”

To Sakura: “I will show you the depths of your feebleness!”

To Sagat: “Now I see the extent of your power.”

To Seth: “A puppet with no master is a lifeless doll.”

To Urien: “Let your broken bones remind you of my fists!”

To Vega: “You only care for beauty. Now look at you!”

To Zangief: “Imbecile! I have no such time for feebleness!”

To Zeku: “The Bushinnryu style falls here, by my fist!”

Alex :
To Abigail: “You got the power, but you need a lot more skill to back it up.”

To Akuma: “So there are strong fighters out there after all.”

To Alex: “Well, well. It seems I’ve still got a ways to go yet.”

To Balrog: “You make a pretty good heel! I won’t hold back when I send you flying!”

To Birdie: "You’re not a heel, just a glorified jobber!”

To Blanka: “It’s kinda fun going up against beastly guys like you once in a while.”

To Cammy: “Your speed might serve you well on the battlefield, but you won’t beat me if that’s all you got.”

To Chun-Li: “Your kicks are something else. Did you hone them on the battlefield?”

To Cody: “I would’ve liked to have fought you back when you were just a young scrappy guy on the streets.”

To Dhalsim: “What the…? How can your arms and legs extend like that?”

To Ed: “You have to obtain your own freedom. Seems you already get that, though.”

To Falke: “Your style reeks of desperation. That doesn’t make for a very fun fight.”

To F.A.N.G.: “You’ve got height and reach, but you’re not making it work for you.”

To G: “President? Pretty sure I never voted for you.”

To Gill: “Enough talk. Show me your power.”

To Guile: “For a so-called army man, you don’t fare too well in actual battle.”

To Honda: “Pretty sure you coulda done better. Get back to training, buddy.”

To Ibuki: “You won’t get any better if you keep this up. Focus a little more on the fight.”

To Juri: “If you’re gonna dish it out, you gotta be ready to take it, too.”

To Kage: “You’re not weak, but no way would I call you strong.”

To Karin: “You’re good at putting on the pressure. Catching you was tough.”

To Ken: “Just what I’d expect from a US martial arts tournament champ. You’re in a different league.”

To Kolin: “Never seen anyone fight like you. Can’t tell if you’re strong or not…”

To Laura: “You want me to join your school? Even though I just beat you?”

To Lucia: “Do I like to fight? Yeah…Against strong opponents.”

To M. Bison: “Fighting you was worth it, but something feels off…”

To Menat: "Sorry, I don’t really buy into astrology or whatever.”

To Nash: “What are those scars on your arm and face? There’s no way you got them in that last match.”

To Necalli: “My soul won’t be taken that easily, no matter what you are!”

To Poison: “I hope for your sake, you’re a better promoter than you are a fighter.”

To R. Mika: “You don’t have what it takes to be a face. Not the power, nor the technique.”

To Rashid: “You’re fast, but your blows are weak. You could hit me a thousand times and still not win.”

To Ryu: “You’re an interesting one… What is it that your eyes see?”

To Sagat: “The thicker the wall, the more satisfying to break through.”

To Sakura: “Well, this is a surprise. Seems like we’re both looking for the same guy.”

To Seth: “Data, huh…? Boring.”

To Urien: “Can you still be king or emperor or whatever if you lose this badly?”

To Vega: “If your face is so important, maybe you shouldn’t show it in public.”

To Zangief: “If it’s a straight up battle of brawn you want, I won’t lose!”

To Zeku: “Man, I don’t get ninjas. All this deception and trickery, when all you have to do is just punch the other guy.”

Balrog :
To Abigail: “How d’ya like that? I punched ya into worthless scrap!”

To Akuma: “Master of the Fist”? What a joke! You punch like a lightweight at best."

To Alex: “You’re not just a pathetic fighter, but a penniless loser, too!"

To Balrog: “Of all the faces I wanna smash, a copycat’s is right at the top!”

To Balrog(As Mike): “Punks always tryin’ to imitate my style! Chumps!”

To Birdie: “A coward like you dares to show his face? Go die in a ditch somewhere!"

To Blanka: “Enough with the monkey noises! The only thing I want to hear is the sound of you kissing my feet!”

To Cammy: “I wish you wouldn’t break so easily, like some pathetic rag doll!”

To Chun-Li: “Take a good look at yourself! A dumb cop can’t touch me!”

To Cody: “The ring’s no place for a punk politician like you!”

To Dhalsim: “The gods? They ain’t worth jack!”

To Ed: “You’re still a weak little punk! Come back after ya train some more!”

To Falke: “If you wanna talk about how I fight, maybe you oughta learn how to fight first!”

To F.A.N.G.: “This is the last time I’ll have to look at that ugly mug of yours. Filthy scum.”

To G: ”Let’s Fight”? More like “Let’s Faint”!

To Gill: “Hope? I’ll smash you into the ground!”

To Guile: “Now that I’ve pummeled you, my mission’s complete!”

To Honda: “Have ‘em bury you under your fancy sumo ring! IF they can find your pieces!”

To Ibuki: “Little brat! I’m gonna hit you so hard, you’ll never move again!”

To Juri: “What’s it like to be on the hurtin’ side for once?”

To Kage: “Satsui? You kiddin’ me?! Look at you!”

To Karin: “You’re rich, so you know how this goes down, right? Now hand over your cash!”

To Ken: “Your face looks better all beat up like that. Why not show it to that little brat of yours?”

To Kolin: “I hate people like you - poor AND powerless! Don’t let me catch sight of you again!”

To Laura: “It’s all over for you and your miserable fighting school.”

To Lucia: “If you wanna arrest me, you gotta at least bring the whole police force!”

To M. Bison: “Don’t act so high and mighty, you twerp! Starting today, I’m number one!”

To Menat: “You don’t know ‘nuthin. You’re just a fake!”

To Nash: “How’s it feel to be killed twice?”

To Necalli: “Ugh! You’re a freak! I was right to crush you!”

To Poison: “Take your lame-ass show to another town!”

To Rashid: “You look like you carry cash. Now hand it over. All of it!”

To R. Mika: “Why are you quiet all of a sudden? What’s the matter, jaw not working?”

To Ryu: “Piss me off and I’ve got no problem punching your lights out!”

To Sagat: “Next time, watch yer mouth! Nobody looks down on me!”

To Sakura: “You’re pathetic! Was this supposed to be a play-fight? Get outta here with that nonsense!”

To Seth: “Tch. You ain’t even worth a dime.”

To Urien: “If you’re tired of getting’ beat, shut your mouth and gimme my money!”

To Vega: “How does it feel to have your pride and your nose broken?”

To Zangief: “Even pure muscle makes good dog food if you mince it up right!”

To Zeku: “Did ya think I wouldn’t hit’cha cause you’re old? Think again, ya dumb old fart!”

Birdie :
To Abigail: “Jus’ what the hell are you eatin’ to get so big? Even I got my limits.”

To Akuma: “Nobody bloody told me you’d be here! That reminds me…I’m starving! Someone get me some grub now!”

To Alex: “That haircut, those clothes… You’re completely broke, aintch’ya?”

To Balrog: “You call yourself an “elite”? I was right to quit Shadaloo!”

To Birdie: “Tryin’ to pinch my grub? You’ve got guts! No smarts, though.”

To Blanka: “The jungle, eh? Whaddya do for grub there? …Pirarucu? That sounds kinda good, mate!”

To Cammy: “I think I recognize that face of yours. Hey, you one of 'em dolls, ain’t ya?”

To Chun-Li: “I told you, I ain’t done a bloody thing! You cops got nothin’ on me!”

To Cody: “Yer a right soft’un since ya lost yer 'andcuffs!”

To Dhalsim: “I-It burns! H-He can spit fire! What’ll I do if he singes my hair?”

To Ed: “Hey, stop bobbing around so much! You’re making me hungry again…”

To Falke: “A fellow Shadaloo dropout, eh? That lot don’t know their arse from their elbow, but they’ve got good grub!”

To F.A.N.G.: “I ain’t never goin’ back to Shadaloo, specially not with you around!”

To G: “Who’s this clown? If this’s some kinda carnival that means there’s grub ‘round ‘ere, right?”

To Gill: “Is this world full of fools? Well, I guess you can’t eat unless you’re hungry.”

To Guile: “What’s with that hairdo? Are you trying to threaten me?”

To Honda: “What’s with the nappy, mate?! Go get me some grub, before you pee yerself!”

To Ibuki: “Tyin’ up a single ninja with my chain’ll be a walk in the park!”

To Juri: “Heym are you tryin’ to mess up my hair with them kicks, or what?”

To Kage: “I live for grub. You keep your mouth shut and squirm!”

To Karin: “That’s enough grapplin’ for today. Now let me have my dinner!”

To Ken: “People like you ain’t my cup of tea. Havin’ all that money and status!”

To Kolin: “Systema”? What’s that? Can I eat it?

To Laura: “You want me to join Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu? Is there food involved?”

To Lucia: “Oi! What you staring at? I ain’t on no wanted poster!”

To M. Bison: “I’m done with Shadaloo. You’re just another enemy now.”

To Menat: “Fortune? Oh, you mean those cookies? They’re delicious, but I always forget to take the paper out…”

To Nash: “That face… Did ya go up against Shadaloo and lose or sumthin’?”

To Necalli: “Ugh, what in the hell are you? Are you even human?”

To Poison: “Look, luv. I ain’t botherin’ with wrestlin’ if I’ve gotta practice.”

To R. Mika: “Wrestlin’? Not interested. You haven’t got any grub, have ya?”

To Rashid: “My hairdo’s perfect! But yours ain’t half bad, either.”

To Ryu: “A fight’s just another type of food! There’s no meaning to it, mate!”

To Sagat: “Trainin’? Not my thing, mate.”

To Sakura: “What’s the big deal about dieting? You need to eat if you want to be powerful!”

To Seth: “Oi, sumfin’ ain’t right ‘bout you, mate, and I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout your ‘dew.”

To Urien: “Why the heck is everyone so bleedin’ smug?”

To Vega: “I can show off my hairdo anytime. Not like you and your face…”

To Zangief: “I don’t need no course in muscle building. You move some, then eat!”

To Zeku: “Ibuki showed me some of those ninja meals, but man, it was nasty! Tasted like medicine. No thank you!”

Blanka :

To Abigail: “Being bigger can make you stronger, but it won’t always help you survive…”

To Akuma: “There’s something strange about your power, but it doesn’t scare me!”

To Alex: sniff sniff “You smell like a mixture of plants and grease.”

To Balrog: “We beasts can be savage, but at least we’re not mean. That’s what makes me different from you.”

To Birdie: “In the jungle, it’s eat or be eaten. But eating too much makes you fat.”

To Blanka: “There’s only one king of the jungle, and that’s ME! Uwoh, uwoh, uwoh!”

To Cammy: “Cats are noble animals…But tigers are on a whole other level!”

To Chun-Li: “Train all you want, but you’re nothing without nature on your side.”

To Cody: “Uwon, uwoh! No chains can hold a beast like me!”

To Dhalsim: “I worship the jungle…Nature is like my second mother.”

To Ed: “I was already thriving in the jungle when I was about your age.”

To Falke: “You like cute things? Here, I’ll give you a Blanka-chan doll!”

To F.A.N.G: “I’ve dealt with things way scarier than you in the jungle…”

To G: “Hey, are you recording this? If lots of people watch, will that make me popular?”

To Gill: “Try living in the jungle! Now that’s harmony for you!”

To Guile: “The jungle waits for no one—thinking too much will get you killed!”

To Honda: “If sumo doesn’t allow electric attacks, then I’m not interested.”

To Ibuki: “You think raccoons are cute? Blanka-chan’s much cuter!”

To Juri: “You’re like an injured animal. I feel bad for you.”

To Kage: You want strength? How about me?! Tigers?! Mama?! Grahoooh!”

To Karin: “The king of the jungle wins again!”

To Ken: “Uwoh, uwoh! City life’s made you soft!”

To Kolin: “I don’t like the cold. I much prefer the heat of the jungle.”

To Laura: “You’re from my neighborhood, so you should come visit sometime. That would make my Mama happy.”

To Lucia: “In the jungle, you don’t have police to protect you. You protect yourself.”

To M. Bison: “I hate you. Leave me alone.”

To Menat: “I already know my future…I’m gonna be famous and make my mama proud!”

To Nash: “Spite…Hatred…Those won’t get you very far in the jungle.”

To Necalli: “You want to devour me? That makes sense. We all eat, then eventually get eaten that’s nature.”

To Poison: “I look like a beast, because I am one! I’m wilder than you can imagine!”

To R. Mika: “You’re fighting to become famous…? I wanna be famous too! Uwoh, uwoh!”

To Rashid: “I’m not a mascot! I’m the king of the jungle!”

To Ryu: “We beasts are natural-born fighters! Uwohh!”

To Sagat: “For me, a tiger’s just a regular cat.”

To Sakura: “I don’t hold anything back, not even with friends. The jungle doesn’t play favorites, so neither do I!”

To Seth: “Are you broken? Maybe you got sick?”

To Urien: “Acting tough like you do is what weak animals do to appear strong.”

To Vega: “We beasts of the wild don’t need to try and look cool–we’re naturally good-looking!“

To Zangief: “I’m as strong as a bear, and my claws and fangs can cut through steel!”

To Zeku: “Old, weakened animals are destined to eventually disappear quietly…”

Cammy :
To Abigail: “Your crude moves won’t work on a trained professional.”

To Akuma: “I hope I never end up like you!”

To Alex: “Your precision is amateurish at best. I could fight you a hundred times and not lose.”

To Balrog: “An easy victory. Your imprecise punches pose no threat to me.”

To Birdie: “Too slow! Did you think you could catch me?”

To Blanka: “Are you some sort of wild animal? You look like a giant cat…”

To Cammy: “I’ve already decided. I will not run from my past.”

To Chun-Li: “Training with you is always helpful. I look forward to next time.”

To Cody: “You used to fight for something more, didn’t you?”

To Dhalsim: “Where does it come from? The power to breathe flames…”

To Ed: “You also have that man’s…Sorry. It’s nothing…”

To Falke: “Those Shadaloo bastards have gone too far…”

To F.A.N.G.: “I’ve caught you. There’s no escape. Now tell me where my sisters are.”

To G: “President of the World? You must be joking.”

To Gill: “Your organization is not my target at this time. You should be grateful.”

To Guile: “Your counters versus my mobility… This time victory is mine.”

To Honda: “You value size, and yet you lost.”

To Ibuki: “You were unlucky to have me as an opponent. I will not be beaten when it comes to speed.”

To Juri: “Consider us even now. Never come near my sisters again.”

To Kage: “I don’t care who you are, I feel no fear.”

To Karin: “I don’t need any fancy tricks. Just one killer strike.”

To Ken: “For your family… So that’s the source of your strength”.

To Kolin: “You might be an assassin, but you’re nothing more than an amateur compared to me.”

To Laura: “Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu? No thanks. It doesn’t seem to fit my style.”

To Lucia: “In a fight, observation is more important than your moveset.”

To M. Bison: “I will never yield to your power again!”

To Menat: “I’ll decide my own future. And I don’t care what you have to say about it.”

To Nash: “I’ve heard about who you are. You’re coming with me.”

To Necalli: “A beast indeed. Fighting with no rationale, just pure, raw power”.

To Poison: “Our fighting styles are worlds apart.”

To R. Mika: “Fighting together, are you? Your cooperation is commendable.”

To Rashid: “Rashid of the turbulent wind? That’s…different.”

To Ryu: “Fighting is my job. I don’t look to it for meaning. Not then or now.”

To Sagat: “I sense a large cat… Willa Maiu?”

To Sakura: “Thanks for the fight. I guess not all battles have to be so serious.”

To Seth: “I empathize with any victim of Bison. But if you stand in my way, I will eliminate you.”

To Urien: "I’ve never felt such power before. Just who is this guy?”

To Vega: “Shut your mouth. I’m not here to listen to your drivel.”

To Zangief: “Your power is formidable, but you need more than that to beat me.”

To Zeku: “Ninjutsu is tricky, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Cammy (Cannon Spike costume ):

To Blanka: “You haven’t seen a cat around here, have you?”

To F.A.N.G.: “Shame you chose to deal with poisons instead of cures.”

To Guile: “This outfit saw me through a storm of bullets… It was quite the battlefield.”

To Ibuki: “You think you’re faster than me? In these boots? Not a chance.”

To Nash: “Last time I wore this, we were on the same side…”

To Ryu: “This outfit? Oh, let’s just say I’m geared up for a special mission.”

To Vega: “What’s wrong? Not going to fly at me with your claws?”

Chun-Li :
To Abigail: “Well, aren’t you the violent criminal. Cool off a bit, then we’ll talk.”

To Akuma: “Your power’s incredible…Makes me want to work on my kung fu…”

To Alex: “Your combos are a little wild, but I’ll admit, you’ve got talent.”

To Balrog: “Do you understand now that brute force alone will not beat me?”

To Birdie: “Looks like your personality and physique got… larger than life.”

To Blanka: “What’s kung fu, you ask? You don’t seem capable of the necessary discipline.”

To Cammy: “You’ve really sharpened your skills. Wanna go another round?”

To Chun-Li: “My Kung-Fu can’t be defeated by a mere imitator!”

To Cody: “The mayor’s office is no place for a ruffian like you.”

To Dhalsim: “I’ve always wondered, do your arms ever get tangled?”

To Ed: “You were a member of Shadaloo? Are they still active?”

To Falke: “I’m sorry to hear what you’ve been through, but your connections to Shadaloo cant be overlooked.”

To F.A.N.G.: “That character on your shirt… That’s not how you write “Two.” Are you even Chinese?”

To G: “Not sure what this was about, but it looks like I won. Nothing personal.”

To Gill: "Savior? God? I wonder…

To Guile: “Neither of us must give up until the day Shadaloo falls.”

To Honda: “I think this battle entitles me to a free trip to your bathhouse.”

To Ibuki: "Why aren’t you in school? Don’t you need permission to engage in extracurricular activities?

To Juri: "If we both lost the same thing, why are we so different?

To Kage: “True strength comes from improving yourself regardless of death.”

To Karin: “That’s what I’ve come to expect! Of course, I can’t just let you win.”

To Ken: “At this rate your son’s going to surpass you in no time!”

To Kolin: “Who are you? That strange power you possess tells me you’re no ordinary girl.”

To Laura: “I think I’ve seen your name on a missing persons form… Maybe not.”

To Lucia: “Excellent kicks. Metro City P.D trained you well.”

To M. Bison:“As long as Shadaloo exists, I’II keep fighting!”

To Menat: “My destiny is to continue fighting? I already knew that. I won’t stop until I’m the last woman standing.”

To Nash: “Hands behind your back! You’re under arrest!”

To Necalli: “This sense of misfortune in your energy…What on Earth are you?”

To Poison: “You fought well. There’s more to you than meets the eye.”

To R. Mika: “That’s the spirit! But shout too much, and you’ll wear yourself out!”

To Rashid: “You’re looking for someone too? I hope you get them back safely.”

To Ryu: “You’ve gotten stronger since we last met. Keep it up!”

To Sagat: “Looks like you’ve done some serious training, but then again, so have I.”

To Sakura: “Nice moves! I can tell you’ve been taking your training more seriously.”

To Seth: “Copying moves isn’t the same as knowing them.”

To Urien: “You don’t seem to be just another suspect. Maybe we can work together.”

To Vega: “I’ve no desire to listen to your babbling any longer!”

To Zangief: “Strength isn’t all about bulk. Flexibility is important, too!”

To Zeku: “I wonder, how much a person changes over time? I feel like I haven’t changed much over the past couple of decades now…”

Cody :

To Abigail: “So, Abigail, you’re gonna help me take this city to even greater heights, right?”

To Akuma: “I don’t need to follow some path or anything. I got my fists to get me through.”

To Alex: “You hit like a truck, but you’ve still got a lot to learn.”

To Balrog: “You may be a pro boxer, but I fought thugs on the street that packed more of a punch than you.”

To Birdie: “Chains, huh? I’m no stranger to restraints myself.”

To Blanka: “Jeez, you’re pretty wild, huh? Not that I’m complainin’—I’m all for fightin’ crazy too.”

To Cammy: “Look, I get that you’re dealin’ with a lot, but this was just a fight to me.”

To Chun-Li: “I did my time and paid my dues, so you’re gonna get off my back, right?”

To Cody: “So this is what I was like back then, huh?”

To Dhalsim: “Yeah, yeah. I know you’re enlightened and all, but that’s not for me—I’m a brawler through and through.”

To Ed: “Gimme a break. I’m not into knockin’ kids around.”

To Falke: Fightin’ you wasn’t much fun. You’re a little too uptight for me.”

To F.A.N.G.: “My days of playin’ hero are over, but seeing a shady guy like you’s makin’ me miss those days.”

To G: “Hahaha! Defeating the president spells victory for local government.”

To Gill: “King, president, and now god? The mayor has given everyone a beating.”

To Guile: “Scrappin’ with a soldier isn’t gonna score me any political points, but whatever. Totally worth it.”

To Honda: “Japan was built on fighting, huh? I kinda like the sound of that.”

To Ibuki: “A ninja schoolgirl, huh? I’d stuck to school if I were you. You’ll end up like me if you don’t.”

To Juri: “Sorry, but I’m not the type to just take a beating and do nothin’ about it.”

To Kage: “You wanna kill me? Fine. Next time try a bit harder, though.”

To Karin: “So a spoiled brat like you’s fightin’ for fun, huh? Guess me and you got more in common than I thought.”

To Ken: “Take it down a notch, man. It’s just a fight.”

To Kolin: “I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something kinda slimy 'bout you. I don’t like it.”

To Laura: “Jiu-jutsu, huh? Not interested in pickin’ it up, but I’m more than happy to go u[ against it in a fight.”

To Lucia: “Best get back to work. I trust you can take care of everything from here, Officer Morgan. Ha ha!”

To M. Bison: “There’s no point messin’ up that mug of yours. I’ll just come off lookin’ like some sort of hero.”

To Menat: “The city council decides Metro City’s fate. You can save your little fortune telling antics for someone else.”

To Nash: “Man, you’re all gloom ‘n’ doom, aren’t ya? I mean, I’m no ray of sunshine myself, but damn.”

To Necalli: ” What the hell are you supposed to be? Jeez, what happened while I was behind bars?"

To Poison: “I’m a busy man. If you wanna promote your shows, ask the guy I replaced.”

To R. Mika: “Sorry, but I’m more at home on the streets than on some flashy stage.”

To Rashid: “Yeah, the whole wind thing is nice and all, but I’m more of a breakin’ rocks kind of guy.”

To Ryu: “I see you haven’t changed at all. You’re still a real straight-laced fighter.”

To Sagat: “Hmph. Be serious. Who needs “paths” when a fight will do?”

To Sakura: “Wow, time really flies when you’re in the slammer… I barely recognize you.”

To Seth: “What’s the matter? Didn’t get enough of a beatin’ before”

To Urien: “So you’re a king, huh? That’s cool. I’m a mayor. They’re kinda the same thing.”

To Vega: “You keep runnin’ your mouth about beauty this and beauty that, but there’s nothin’ beautiful about losin’, right?”

To Zangief: “I used to know a real bruiser like you. He was a pretty good pro wrestler for an old man.”

To Zeku: “Bushinryu, huh? Man, talk about a blast from the past…”

Dhalsim :
To Abigail: “Rigid power cannot win against flowing water. Such is fate.”

To Akuma: “If you obtain the power you seek…Well, you already know what will happen, don’t you?”

To Alex: “The world is vast. Be not surprised by what lies within arm’s reach.”

To Balrog: “Wealth and strength are fleeting and fragile, as is the life that revolves around them.”

To Birdie: “One must learn not only to control the body, but also the appetite.”

To Blanka: “The path of yogi is also one of nature. However, it is not one to be traversed by simple savages like you”

To Cammy: “When you have someone to protect is when you must be at your strongest.”

To Chun-Li: “Focus unfalteringly on the future. Release the shackles of your past.”

To Cody: “You fight, but have you not once pondered WHY you fight?”

To Dhalsim: “A battle with my own self… This too is a trial from the gods.”

To Ed: “Do not entrust your fate to fortune. You still have a future ahead of you.”

To Falke: “To worry is to be human. I know some techniques that can help ease your troubled mind.”

To F.A.N.G.: “So you too have fallen victim to the power of darkness.”

To G: “ I do not sense evil in you…To fight is to obey the great Agni’s will.”

To Gill: “Is this Agni? No…But there is something profound about this individual.”

To Guile: “Your strength is your family. Do not forget that again.”

To Honda: “You must eat a lot to maintain your size. How about trying some of my wife’s food?”

To Ibuki: “We all have a duty to perform, from which none of us can ever run away.”

To Juri: “The darkness you create yourself makes you a truly fearful child.”

To Kage: “The teachings of yoga go beyond death.”

To Karin: “Power comes not from seeking strength alone. But you already seem to have realized that.”

To Ken: “Your power lies in your desire to protect your family.”

To Kolin: “Blind faith can discover nothing. You must find the truth with your own eyes.”

To Laura: “Your power comes from your indomitable heart.”

To Lucia: “My body and mind I shaped with yoga. I am not your enemy.”

To M. Bison: “Ultimate power has its price. You walk the path of destruction.”

To Menat: “You do not yet have the skill to look past the abyss, into the future. You must continue your training…”

To Nash: “I see vengeance burning within you. You must not submit to that dark inferno.”

To Necalli: “Modern-day life requires a strong spirit. You will not be taking mine.”

To Poison: “The path ahead can never be conquered if you run in the wrong direction.”

To R. Mika: “The fire is not for show, but of the hidden techniques of Yoga.”

To Rashid: “Defeat is but a minor distraction. Fight on, and the wind will ever be your ally.”

To Ryu: “Hurry not, and be patient in seeking an answer, and it will reveal itself.”

To Sagat: “You have a path you follow…As do I, with yoga in my heart.”

To Sakura: “To experience doubt is a part of growing up. All will be great as the great Agni envisioned it to be.”

To Seth: “I pity you. Reduced to nothing more than an empty vessel…”

To Urien: “Just as you cannot restrain me, the hearts of humankind cannot be bound by power alone.”

To Vega: “Such blinkered eyes as yours can never perceive true beauty.”

To Zangief: “The techniques of Yoga cannot be grasped by brute force alone.”

To Zeku: “Yet another new fighting style I have encountered. Truly, the world is vast.”

Ed :
To Abigail: “What the hell are you? Some kinda robot?!”

To Akuma: “Whoa, you’re more intense than anyone I’ve ever fought before. Not afraid to admit I was a little scared there.”

To Alex: “Stop wasting away in that trailer. Go out and see the world, or somethin’.”

To Balrog: “You never change. That’s cool with me, though. Catch you later, man.”

To Birdie: “What the… Is that a donut? Seriously?.. You got another one?”

To Blanka: “You need to learn to have some respect for people, you stupid furball!”

To Cammy: “Forget worrying about others and try living for yourself for a change.”

To Chun-Li: "There is no use living in the past. You end up living a pretty boring life. "

To Cody: “Who cares about age? A fight’s a fight and I won this one!”

To Dhalsim: “I thought you were gonna burn my clothes off! Isn’t spitting fire against the rules or something?”

To Ed: “This some kinda illusion? Only room in this world for one of me!”

To Falke: "Ha! Well, whaddya think? I’m a lot stronger now, right?”

To F.A.N.G.: “You really rub me the wrong way. Brings up unpleasant memories."

To G: “A fighting president? Ha! Tell me another one.”

To Gill: “Emperor…President…I got no use for those fancy pants!”

To Guile: “Bison? The hell if I know! Don’t ask me again!”

To Honda: “Sumo wrestlin’, huh? Interestin’…”

To Ibuki: “Weapons are prohibited. They didn’t teach you that in school?”

To Juri: “You are the weirdest chick I have ever met…and not in a good way.”

To Kage: “I’m light years ahead of you, man! You’re choking on a mouthful of my dust!”

To Karin: “There’s nothing elegant 'bout fighting, missy. And I hate your snobbish attitude.”

To Ken: “Family, huh? Whatever, man. You do what works for ya.”

To Kolin: “Do you enjoy toying with people? You suck, lady!”

To Laura: “You can’t hurt me if you can’t catch me. And you are way too slow to catch me.”

To Lucia: “I ain’t no kid. I ain’t no punk. Get lost already!”

To M. Bison: “Bison! I’ll never forgive you! Never show your face before me again!”

To Menat: “Hey, fortune cookie girl! I finally found you! Now tell me more about my future!”

To Nash: “What’s with the doom-and-gloom face? You’re making me feel all emo.”

To Necalli: “And what’s your deal? You remind me of a certain someone.”

To Poison: “Gotta apologize for bein’ a bit rough. That’s what you get for havin’ a rough upbringin’.”

To R. Mika: “What exactly is “overselling” the hit? Sorry, I’m not up to speed on wrestling terms.”

To Rashid: “Do you have any gadgets that will help you not to suck?”

To Ryu: “If you want to win, use whatever power is available to you. I don’t see what’s so hard about that.”

To Sagat: “Nobody, but NOBODY looks down on me!”

To Sakura: “Hey, who the hell are YOU calling a kid? Which one of us is still standing, huh?”

To Seth: “Shut the hell up! I’m not Bison!”

To Urien: “If you can’t beat me, then what about your grand plans, huh?”

To Vega: “So you’re the one they call “claw”, huh? You need more than speed to beat me.”

To Zangief: “Not bad…how’d you get so strong anyway? Did you really wrestle with bears?”

To Zeku: “Victory is decided by who has the better battle instincts, not who has the longest fighting history.”

Falke :

To Abigail: “Your size speaks volumes about how inefficient you are."

To Akuma: “You scare me. Leave me alone”

To Alex: “You enjoy fighting, don’t you? I wonder if Ed and I will ever feel the same…"

To Balrog: “You’re sloppy and inefficient in your technique…and unfortunately you’ve passed that on to Ed."

To Birdie: “Food is first and foremost for nourishment. You could stand to learn that.”

To Blanka: “Blanka-chan? I’m assuming that’s nothing to fear, ja?"

To Cammy: “I empathize with you, but we’ll deal with things our own way."

To Chun-Li: “We have nothing to do with that monster. Leave us alone!”

To Cody: “You fight for fun? How pointless. What will that accomplish?”

To Dhalsim: “You keep mentioning things like “enlightenment” and “truth”… What exactly are you talking about?”

To Ed: “Heh heh. Let’s try to be stronger, Ed. Both of us.”

To Falke: I will leave my past behind me…"

To F.A.N.G.: Don’t you dare lay a finger on us!"

To G: “Enough of your nonsense.”

To Gill: “I don’t know who you are, but you’re not getting anything from us.”

To Guile: “This mark on my hand is symbolic of my terrible past, but I guess to you it makes me nothing but a target…”

To Honda: “You don’t scare me. However, you do freak me out a little…”

To Ibuki: “Students should devote themselves to their studies, not combat."

To Juri: “So you too fell prey to that madman’s lust for power… I feel your pain.”

To Kage: “Neither do I fear you nor shall I let you get in our way.”

To Karin: “I have no intention of joining you, but I won’t stand in your way either.”

To Ken: “I don’t fight because I want to. I fight to survive.”

To Kolin: “Don’t you dare rope us into all of this. We’re not just some pawns in your twisted game.”

To Laura: “Similar to you and your pride for your jiu-jitsu. I’m proud of the bond I have with the others like me.”

To Lucia: “The police don’t need to get involved.”

To M. Bison: “Mark my words, I WILL stop you…”

To Menat: ”Ja, I believe in your future. I have to…"

To Nash: “I understand the hatred you harbor, but you’re directing it at the wrong people.”

To Necalli: “…What? I can’t understand what you’re saying. You’re beginning to scare me…”

To Poison: “I don’t need an army of fans. I only need one person in my life.”

To R. Mika: “Our motivations for fighting could not be more different…”

To Rashid: “I never really learned how to take things easy…”

To Ryu: “You know, we also have something to stand for.”

To Sagat: "We’re fighting to survive. I’ve no interest in becoming empress of anything.”

To Sakura: “I can’t understand why someone like you would actively look for a fight…”

To Seth: “You are no enemy of ours. Just a specter wandering aimlessly…”

To Urien: “I have no interest in whatever it is you’re scheming.”

To Vega: “I’m afraid I don’t have time to deal with your unusual tastes.”

To Zangief: “Why are you so obsessed with muscles? It’s a waste of time and effort to get that large.”

To Zeku: “Those flashy tricks of yours won’t work on me.”

F.A.N.G .:
To Abigail: “It seems the stupider the target, the less effective my poison is.”

To Akuma: “What’s this? Not even a legendary fighter like you can match the great F.A.N.G’s poison! How amusing!”

To Alex: “Well, you’re not exactly ideal, but you’ll make fine fodder for my next experiment.”

To Balrog: “The excessively greedy have no place here! I’ll purge you myself!”

To Birdie: “Well, if it isn’t the deserter! Just in time for his execution!”

To Blanka: Your skin…Is that color some sort of camouflage? You are indeed a marvel of the natural world…”

To Cammy: “I caught myself a killer bee! My experiments are about to get a lot more interesting!”

To Chun-Li: “You say I wrote “two” wrong? Nonsense! Such lies won’t fool me!”

To Cody: “I would be careful if I were you. There are forces which even a person in your position cannot stand against…”

To Dhalsim: “You’ll make a fun experiment! I must test how far can you stretch!”

To Ed: “Just what I’d expect from a student of Balrog. Right down to the lack of intelligence.”

To Falke: “I fail to see why Lord Bison has a need for copies like you when he has a mastermind like me at his side!”

To F.A.N.G.: “Nothing but a poorly made impostor! You’re 2 millimeters too short!”

To G: “You may not be against us… but I shall crush you anyway”

To Gill: “Is the Society making some kind of move? Looks like some strings need pulling.”

To Guile: “You still don’t get it, do you? There’s nothing you fools can do!”

To Honda: “Anything goes in a fight. For me at least.”

To Ibuki: “A solitary, ill-fated ninja… Maybe I can “repurpose” you into something a little stronger!”

To Juri: “What a coincidence! I love to see people suffering, too!”

To Kage: “The embodiment of Satsui, you say? Hmm. You might be worth studying.”

To Karin: “Ugly Kanzuki brat! Now you can’t run that little mouth of yours again!”

To Ken: “Fear not! The Masters estate belongs to Shadaloo now!”

To Kolin: “Any fool who defies Lord Bison will sleep for all eternity!”

To Laura: “Can’t move, can you? My venom acts faster than an electric shock!”

To Lucia: “Be careful. Even cops can go missing. Nye heh heh.”

To M. Bison: “You’re not Lord Bison, you’re an imposter! Did you think I wouldn’t realize?!”

To Menat: “I guess I can also see the future. I knew you were dead meat the moment I laid eyes on you.”

To Nash: “If you plan on taking revenge on Lord Bison, I’ll kill you again!”

To Necalli: “What a monstrosity! Did my poison even take effect?”

To Poison: “Boring. Not worth my time.”

To R. Mika: “You dare to defy my poison fist? You’re just as mindless as you look!”

To Rashid: “Want to know where your friend is? Try asking around in hell!”

To Ryu: “Finally, I have obtained a vessel capable of enduring Lord Bison’s power!”

To Sagat: “You should have stayed loyal to Lord Bison. Traitors must die!”

To Sakura: “You remind me, ever so slightly, of a certain fighter. Well, if he were a hundred times weaker…”

To Seth: “You’re a failure. Only worthy of spare parts.”

To Urien: “You….You’re not a member of that cult of an organization, are you?”

To Vega: “You don’t deserve to stand by Lord Bison’s side! Get out of here!”

To Zangief: “You’ll never stand a chance against me with your big body and muscles alone!”

To Zeku: “I must admit, I am curious about your techniques. Yes, yes, this warrants further study…”

G :

To Abigail: “Mass is power, energy. It is one facet of the truth, giant citizen of Earth."

To Akuma: “You seek strength? Well, here I am! The embodiment of power! President of the World!”

To Alex: “We all search for something…but do we need to find it?"

To Balrog: “Obsession and desire. These, too, are power."

To Birdie: “Our bellies are neither empty nor full. Why? Because we are all one!”

To Blanka: “Be they beast, all that lives know I am all.”

To Cammy: "Laugh and cry aloud, citizen of Earth! All such acts are my power, and indeed ours!

To Chun-Li: “To stand on our own two feet is everything. And in that moment, I stand!”

To Cody: “You care for your citizens, so you are mayor. I care for the Earth’s citizens, and so I am their president!”

To Dhalsim: “Close your eyes. In your mind’s eye picture me there!”

To Ed: “Watch your words, young citizen of Earth. For they define us.”

To Falke: “None can bind me, so none can bind you!"

To F.A.N.G.: “Now do you see? All poison and all medicine, all life and death…All are me."

To G: “Thank you! You, too, are me! You are the Earth, the universe, everything!”

To Gill: “Unfortunately, there is no king on this earth. There is no god. But people of Earth! I am your president!”

To Guile: “Using one’s power for the sake of another is commendable! You prove the Earth’s wondrousness!”

To Honda: “Thank you, citizen of Earth. But know that sumo does not reign supreme. I do! We do!”

To Ibuki: “Love, too, is a wonderful thing, citizen of Earth!”
To Juri: “O, citizen of Earth, even when sorrow and pity till our hearts—no, precisely in such times, we are one!”

To Kage: “Death is not power! It is not to be feared! You are not power! Power is me!”

To Karin: “O, beautiful citizen of Earth, you cannot and must not look down on me!”

To Ken: “The zeal and passion that burns inside us all is my strength! Power to the Earth!”

To Kolin: “Citizen of Earth! Wander no more. For I am here.”

To Laura: “Let us revel in joy, citizen of Earth! All shall share my joy, as they share their joy with me!”

To Lucia: ”President of Earth” is no exaggeration! The Earth and the universe are one!”

To M. Bison: “You must cast aside your distorted ambitions! We are one!”

To Menat: “Am I stupid, citizen of Earth?! The answer to that lies within us all!”

To Nash: “That wound… When you hurt, the citizens of the world hurt. We know this to be true.”

To Necalli: “When you devour me, you are me! We are one!”

To Poison: “You’ll find no vanity nor bravado here. For I am the Earth itself! I am all!”

To R. Mika: “When a light shines, I am there! Thank you!"

To Rashid: “Come, shake the hand of the President of the World!”

To Ryu: “Your engagement is much appreciated, citizen of Earth. Your fists have spoken to me!”

To Sagat: “Let us do glorious battle, citizen of Earth. Your fight is my fight. It is my power.”

To Sakura: “An amusing exchange indeed, little citizen of Earth.”

To Seth: “Fear not! The President of the World will help you become a true citizen of Earth!”

To Urien: “I am no King, citizen of earth. I am me, I am us. I am one. I am us all.”

To Vega: “What is beauty? The answer is simple! It is nothing without me! NOTHING!”

To Zangief: “The power of your motherland you speak so passionately about… That is your power, and mine!”

To Zeku: “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. These are wise words citizen of Earth. They are me.”

Gill :

To Abigail: “Power alone won’t suffice. Destiny cannot be denied.”

To Akuma: “So power… is what you desired…”

To Alex: “An undiscovered ocean… That’s what you desire? The fight for it as meaningless as it may be.”

To Balrog: “A crude desire… I doubt that is what you truly want. You’ve just yet to discover that which you cherish.”

To Birdie: “A prosperous world that knows no famine… It can be yours if you so desire.”

To Blanka: “A vulgar beast would better understand the justness of my harmony.”

To Cammy: “If you’re tired, you should rest. There’s no shame in it. You fought well.”

To Chun-Li: “Hmm… Do you already possess that which you sought?”

To Cody: “I will fight you if you so desire…Not that you stand a chance against a god.”

To Dhalsim: “When you close your eyes, all you see is me.”

To Ed: An uncertainty? No, not yet…"

To Falke: “I will grant you everything from peace to freedom. Just sleep…”

To F.A.N.G.: “To be mistaken about a kneeling foe… Pathetic.”

To G: “An undocumented power…Is this person just a clown, or perhaps…”

To Gill: Gill to Gill: “The time draws ever closer…Our plan must go into motion before the star decays.”

To Guile: “You should be with your family… For that is surely what you desire.”

To Honda: “Fighting is a ritual to you? Then offer your prayers to me.”

To Ibuki: “Friends, love… Mere trivialities. Everything is as it’s been written.”

To Juri: “You need not be bold or arrogant… Gaze upon me. You’re but a mere shadow of myself.”

To Kage: “Vacant one…I will grant you your demise.”

To Karin: “The Land of Prosperity? Fear not, for it is inside of me.”

To Ken: “Hopelessness. Is that what you saw? How fascinating…”

To Kolin: “That’s right! The time approaches!”

To Laura: “You wish to develop your own fighting style? Then put your faith in me, for I am eternal”

To Lucia: “Who am I? I’m the emperor, the savior of the world.”

To M. Bison: “The time is nigh… All uncertainty must be eliminated, no matter how trivial.”

To Menat: “You could see if you’d just open your eyes. See my power and what’s to come.”

To Nash: “Death… If that is the peace you wish for, your wish is my desire.”

To Necalli: “…A variant. It must be removed for the sake of the time to come.”

To Poison: “Is this a show? That’s fine. When the time comes, the world will serve as the emperor’s stage.”

To R. Mika: “Glory, victory, comrades… You’re welcome to your foolish little dreams.”

To Rashid: “There is no need to ask why we fight. Everything will be in harmony when the times comes.”

To Ryu: “The path… I see. So you’ve seen it.”

To Sagat: “There are heights that mortal men can never hope to achieve…That’s what it means to be emperor.”

To Sakura: “You seem lost. All you must do is my bidding.”

To Seth: “You appear to have no idea who you are.”

To Urien: “I, Emperor Gill, will accomplish the grand schemes of our organization. My destiny cannot be altered…”

To Vega: “Prostrated before me, hanging your head… Truly a thing of beauty.”

To Zangief: “If it’s a tempered body you seek, you should play with your opponent.”

To Zeku: “All living things age, weaken, and die. It’s an inescapable fact.”

Guile :
To Abigail: “You’re tough, I’ll give you that. It’s all you’ve got though.”

To Akuma: “You don’t know when to give up, do you? What do you want to do with this strength you crave?”

To Alex: “You’ve got a knack for finding openings. Work hard and you can become a first-class soldier.”

To Balrog: “Lose your cool and you lose the fight. It’s that simple.”

To Birdie: “Your slow movements make you nothing more than a stationary target.”

To Blanka: “Controlling your primal instincts in the heat of combat is what separates man from beast.”

To Cammy: “Your speed still keeps me on my toes, just like always.”

To Chun-Li: “The precision of your kicks is unrivaled. You’re as good as ever.”

To Cody: “Being a public servant can get you into some real trouble. Trust me, I know.”

To Dhalsim: “I’ve grown tired of your bizarre fighting techniques.”

To Ed: “Those moves are…! Seems you’re not just some bratty kid.”

To Falke: “I couldn’t let power like yours go unchecked.”

To F.A.N.G.: “Poison or not, you can’t hurt me if you can’t get near me.”

To G: “I have no time for this nonsense, “Mr. President”.”

To Gill: “It goes without saying. Your hopes and dreams are for you to pursue.”

To Guile: “I know my own moves better than anyone, that includes my weaknesses.”

To Honda: “If this was a sumo match I woulda lost? Yeah, right.”

To Ibuki: “A true professional would never go in unprepared for a mission.”

To Juri: “You’re in my custody now. What are you planning this time?”

To Kage: “A soldier doesn’t fear death; we fear ending up like you.”

To Karin: “You use your moves well. You could go pretty far in the Army.”

To Ken: “Your combos have improved, but your guard is still full of holes.”

To Kolin: “So we meet again…Now tell me–who are you exactly?”

To Laura: “It seems you’re not all talk. However, your combos are all over the place.”

To Lucia: “Justice…Hmm…The idea of that can keep you going sometimes, I guess.”

To M. Bison: “I’m going to make you pay here and now for all the crimes you’ve committed!”

To Menat: “Sorry, I don’t like involving others in my personal business.”

To Nash: “Charlie… What on earth happened to you?”

To Necalli: “My techniques are too powerful to be eaten by the likes of you.”

To Poison: “Anyone can fight, but only a few can take it beyond a play fight.”

To R. Mika: “Don’t think your fighting spirit will carry you. You need more than just guts on the battlefield.”

To Rashid: "Your speed means nothing if you use it on wasted movements.

To Ryu: “My blade tears through everything. Even your Hadoken.”

To Sagat: “I’ve overcome worse than you.”

To Sakura: “You’re better than I expected, but you should still leave the fighting to the professionals.”

To Seth: “Weren’t you destroyed?!”

To Urien: “I’ve never seen such techniques. You’re not from Shadaloo, are you?”

To Vega: “Carelessness will only get you shot down. You should know that by now.”

To Zangief: “Your muscles cannot protect you against my techniques.”

To Zeku: “Your techniques are definitely battle-hardened. But you’re still not on my level."

Honda :

To Abigail: “You’re built like a truck! You should use your horsepower for sumo!”

To Akuma: “The gods watch sumo wrestling. Remember that when you talk about heaven and hell.”

To Alex: “That’s the spirit! If you stick with me, you’ll make a great sumo one day!”

To Balrog: “You need to raise your game if you want to receive fight money! Gwahaha!”

To Birdie: “Fighting and eating are important, but so is discipline.”

To Blanka: “I like how you keep your center of balance low. How about becoming a sumo wrestler?”

To Cammy: “Mind, body, and heart are key to victory. You need to eat more.”

To Chun-Li: “Solid kicks as always! For a moment, I thought you had me!”

To Cody: “Old Tokyo was famous for its fires and fights! Modern Tokyo is famous for my bathhouse!”

To Dhalsim: “You have fire in your belly! The perfect spirit for sumo! Might need to put on a few pounds though…”

To Ed: “You’ve got spirit! How about we go another round?!”

To Falke: “You seem troubled. Why not relax in a piping hot bath?”

To F.A.N.G.: Poison has no place in sumo wrestling!”

To G: “You think you’re President of the World? Ha! It’s sumo that rules Earth!”

To Gill: “That’s just my colors…And you’re pretty flashy yourself!”

To Guile: “This isn’t a war zone…It’s a sumo ring!”

To Honda: “I won’t rest until sumo wrestling is world famous!”

To Ibuki: “Good agility. You’ll need to bulk up to make it in sumo, though.”

To Juri: “A sumo wrestler trains themselves to feel no pain.”

To Kage: “Sumo has dealt with your evil spirit, demon!”

To Karin: “True wealth comes from fighting worthy opponents! You should try sumo wrestling!”

To Ken: “Excellent bout! How about becoming a sumo wrestler?”

To Kolin: “A steaming hot bath at my bathhouse should warm you up!”

To Laura: “Stop trying to steal sumo’s thunder with your fighting style!”

To Lucia: “You like noodles? Well, to become a sumo, you get to eat all you want! So, how about it?!”

To M. Bison: “Mind, body, and heart are key to victory. You lack heart.”

To Menat: “The future of sumo is in my hands. And I’m taking it worldwide!”

To Nash: “You need to lighten up. Maybe you’re not eating properly. A full belly is a full heart!”

To Necalli: “”Devour”? Now you’re talking my language! I prefer soul food to souls, though!”

To Poison: “If you want to put on a show, then how about taking sumo to Metro City?!"

To R. Mika: “Not many know about the power of the buttocks! You’d make an excellent sumo wrestler!”

To Rashid: “Excellent wind tricks! How did you like my aerial moves?!”

To Ryu: “You’re a worthy opponent! How about trying sumo wrestling?”

To Sagat: “You have it all: mind, body, and heart!”

To Sakura: “Don’t worry about your future after graduation. The world of sumo awaits you!”

To Seth: “I feel like we’ve met before. Have you lost weight?!”

To Urien: “You may be a king, but I’m king of the ring!”

To Vega: “Your bouncing around is impressive, but could you do it with a belly like mine?!”

To Zangief: “Muscle on muscle! A clash of the titans! That’s the essense of sumo!”

To Zeku: “You’ve got some cunning moves, my friend. I’m more like a bull in a china shop!”

Ibuki :
To Abigail: “You really don’t need all that power. You must have really bad gas mileage.”

To Akuma: “There’s a creepy statue in my hometown with this freaky face…Looks just like you, actually!”

To Alex: “Have none of your friends told you not to go out dressed like that?”

To Balrog: “All you talk about is money and killing. Don’t you do anything fun?”

To Birdie: “Your table manners need some work! You made me lose my appetite!”

To Blanka: “You really gross me out, but there’s something kinda cute about you too…”

To Cammy: “You like cats? What about raccoons? Wanna cuddle my Don-Chan?”

To Chun-Li:“Why did you join the police? Haven’t you ever wanted to do something else?”

To Cody: “I’m loving the whole edgy, bad boy heartthrob mayor thing you got going on! It’s kinda hot!”

To Dhalsim: “That fire came from your mouth, right? Do you ever burn your lips?”

To Ed: “I mean, you’ve got the looks, but you seriously gotta work on your conversation skills.”

To Falke: “So you’re one of those “I fight because I have to” types too, huh?”

To F.A.N.G.: “You underestimated me! Neutralizing poison is a basic ninja technique!”

To G: “What?! That fight was being streamed?! You could’ve told me!”

To Gill: “What text? Like a secret scroll or something? Hmm…”

To Guile: “Argh! I went too far this time! I’m really sorry! He looks angry…”

To Honda: “Nah, I’m good for being a sumo. I like being able to see my feet.”

To Ibuki: “Since you can change into me, how about you go to school in my place?”

To Juri: “Why do you try to hurt people? Find a cute boy and treat him nice!”

To Kage: “A ninja’s taught to walk hand in hand with death…I want to choose a different way.”

To Karin: “You’re friends with Miss Kasugano? Are all her friends like you!?”

To Ken: “It must be tough to be a CEO and a martial artist, but I’ve got it worse! I’m a ninja and a student!”

To Kolin: “Hey! You let all the heat out! You want me to catch a cold?”

To Laura: “You have a brother?! How old is he? Is he cute?”

To Lucia: “These are kunai, not shuriken. Can’t cut a sandwich with a shuriken.”

To M. Bison: “Give up on this world domination nonsense already! If you don’t, these weird jobs will never end!”

To Menat: “I am a little curious about this fortune telling stuff…Just a little.”

To Nash: “You’re handsome, and your voice is pretty cool, but you scare me.”

To Necalli: “That was scary! I don’t even think he understood a thing I said…”

To Rashid: “Woah! as that a wind art? Can you use ninjustu too?”

To Poison: “That whip suits you. Not my scene though…”

To R. Mika: “Don’t act all high and mighty just 'cuz you’re older than me! I’m a full-fledged ninja!”

To Ryu: “Your sleeves are frayed. Don’t they get snagged on stuff?”

To Sagat: “Y’know, it’s no wonder a ninja took you down. Your “King Style” is all standing, trying to look cool.”

To Sakura: “Winning, losing…eh, whatever. Hey, wanna go get some dessert?”

To Seth: “Lemme guess. You tried changing your look to seem cuter?”

To Urien: “If you just bark orders like that, no one’s gonna listen to you.”

To Vega: “My curiosity’s killing me! Could you show me the face behind that mask?”

To Zangief: “Why are you saying you’re gonna throw me like it’s a good thing!?”

To Zeku: “Changing up your attack patterns was pretty interesting! Is that what ninjutsu is all about?

Juri :
To Abigail: “Enough with the annoying car sounds! Let me hear more of your cries of agony…”

To Akuma: “We’re done already? And I was just starting to enjoy myself…”

To Alex: “You’ve got plenty more body for me to beat up. Come take some more punishment.”

To Balrog: “Go on, take another swing. You might have a better chance of hitting me with a broken fist!”

To Birdie: “I know better ways to use a chain. Want me to show you?”

To Blanka: “Normally, I’m against cruelty to animals, but for you, I’m happy to make an exception!”

To Cammy: “I kinda like you. Enough to want to bloody you even more!”

To Chun-Li: “Be a little more obedient. You want me to like you or not?”

To Cody: “You like gettin’ your hands dirty, don’t you Mr. Mayor? If you’re thirsty for more, I’m happy to oblige…”

To Dhalsim: “Where are your gods now? Won’t they come help you in your time of need?”

To Ed: “Something about you I just don’t like. I’m pissed off just looking at ya!”

To Falke: “Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’ll crush those slimy Shadaloo goons under my foot in no time!"

To F.A.N.G.: “Was it the number 2 you liked? I’ll just have to kill you twice, then!”

To G: “…I’ve dealt with all kinds of losers, but you’re on another level.”

To Gill: “Emperor? It looks like someone wants to be bullied!”

To Guile: “You’re supposed to be cool? Army guys are so boring.”

To Honda: “Mmm…There’s just so much of you to torture…”

To Ibuki: “Tch… A little punk like you is no fun to play with.”

To Juri: “Is that all you’ve got? I expected more from my own doppleganger.”

To Kage: “Is there any greater pleasure than crushing crap-talkers like you?”

To Karin: “There’s nothing more satisfying than taking a girl like you down a notch!”

To Ken: “Worry too much about your family and you’ll lose your edge.”

To Kolin: “I’ve been itching to beat you up since we first met! Turns out you were weaker than I’d hoped…”

To Laura: “Killing you will be so worth it. Are there others from Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu?”

To Lucia: “What’s wrong, my cute, little police dog? Thought you could arrest me?”

To M. Bison: “This time, it’s me who’ll be taking your eyes. Hand them over!”

To Menat: “Eat dirt, loser! I bet you didn’t see that coming!”

To Nash: “Your eyes blazed with vengeance. I like that. It even gave me the chills when I trampled them."

To Necalli: “Ahaha! Stand up, you monster! Don’t you wanna try and devour me?”

To Poison: “You don’t need a whip to cause exquisite pain.”

To R. Mika: “Ah… So you’re still alive? You’ve got will power, I’ll give you that.”

To Rashid: “Wait, are you done already? C’mon, insult me again.”

To Ryu: “Heh, interesting. I’ve got even more reason to crush you than before.”

To Sagat: “Hahaha! Well, “Sire”? Like being torn to shreds?”

To Sakura: “The world of fighting is scary, little girl. Why don’t you run home and cry to mommy! Hah hah!”

To Seth: “Haha! Look at you! Nothin’ but a pile of scrap!”

To Urien: “I’ve a soft spot for kings and gods. I love the look on their faces when I defeat them!”

To Vega: “Was it you who hated getting blood on yourself? What if it’s your own blood? Is that better?”

To Zangief: “Bones are better than muscles. They sound better when they snap.”

To Zeku: “Old or young, whatever man. You still got your ass kicked.”

Kage :

To Abigail: “Muscles cannot defeat death!”

To Akuma: “I am the power you seek!”

To Alex: “Your journey will lead to one place: death!”

To Balrog: “Die like the worthless worm you are!”

To Birdie: “Stuff yourself to death!”

To Blanka: “Death is nature; destruction is necessary.”

To Cammy: “Is speed all you have…? Pathetic!”

To Chun-Li: “Train all you want! You shall wither and die! Kneel before me!”

To Cody: “The answer is death!”

To Dhalsim: “Your efforts are worthless! I am power itself!”

To Ed: “Bwahaha! The path you walk ends with me!”

To Falke: “Belief without strength is meaningless. Now die!”

To F.A.N.G.: “Poison…The smell of death!”

To G: “Whoever you are, you should fear me!”

To Gill: “That’s right…harmony…The balance of death covers all!”

To Guile: “Bwahaha! The fear! Your weakness is exposed!”

To Honda: “What you call “power” could never stop me!”

To Ibuki: “Allow me to introduce you…to death!”

To Juri: “Did you enjoy yourself? I know I did! Bwahaha!”

To Kage: “Bwahaha! Death awaits you!”

To Karin: “You reek of fear! You are powerless against me!”

To Ken: “Is that it?!”

To Kolin: “You have nothing! You ARE nothing!”

To Laura: “Throw whatever you like at me! I am too powerful for you!”

To Lucia: “The weak shall perish!”

To M. Bison: “Yes! Seek power, fear, death! Bwahaha!”

To Menat: “Look at me! Death is the only destiny!”

To Nash: “The answer you seek is simple…Die!”

To Necalli: “Your nilhism speaks to me…but it tells me you are weak!”

To Poison: “You think you’re fearless, but fear is all you exude!”

To R. Mika: “Rainbows don’t shine in hell…”

To Rashid: “Turbulent wind? Bwahaha! More like a light breeze!”

To Ryu: “Say it! Your strength comes from me!”

To Sagat: “Come at me all you want! The end result will be the same! I am power!”

To Sakura: “You want a lesson? This is strength!”

To Seth: “Bwahaha! Shunned by both life and death!”

To Urien: “Your fists are worthless!”

To Vega: “There is no beauty! All shall perish!”

To Zangief: “Your muscles are little more than slabs of meat! Bwahahaha!”

To Zeku: “You shall die and your fighting style with you! Nothing will be left of your existence!”