The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I’m open to receive fan art of my OC :slight_smile: I can give you feedback.

Not a bad idea. But I’m not open to clone characters :confused: Better an already loved and requested character, like Sodom.

It’s a bit middle-way, tried to avoid classic blue to dodge too straight combination
Similar reason pushed shirt more orange direction to avoid too much yellow repetition, risking the figure to become only 2 colors with no minor support ones

Here’s with bluer blue :smiley:


That’s kind of the point, though. Storywise, Roxy and Poison are separate distinct characters, just as Ryu and Ken are distinct characters despite also originating as palette swaps. Roxy also already had a foot in SFV, as she was already present in Abigail’s story mode, and also featured in Lucia’s story.

With the devs deciding to create an entirely new moveset anyway, this was the perfect chance to establish Roxy as a definitive not-clone of Poison. Capcom would have its new moveset for SFV through Roxy, while the SFxT/USF4 moveset would remain the basis for future Poison appearances.

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Roxy isn’t as popular as Poison, who has a bigger casual appeal with a reputation that crosses genres. Of the two, Poison will always be the better choice. Poison is in SF3 and SF5 helps ease us into that game’s lore.

Poison is also the only trans rep in the franchise (or was if you count Seth) and Trans rights is a hot and relevant topic right now. Capcom made the right decision.


If Capcom only cared about popularity, then SFV would have a rather different roster.

There’d be more shotos from the very start, and more of a shoto story focus. Evil Ryu would have returned instead of Kage being created. Akuma would have been in the base game. Maybe we’d see stuff like Sunburnt Sakura alongside Akuma’s daughter. Gouken would have returned, rather than a new character like F.A.N.G being created. Capcom wouldn’t have bothered with Necalli (not that they did really bother when it comes to the storyline), and instead would have used Ryu and Bison as the face of the game from the very start. Instead of creating Abigail and Lucia, they’d just have brought back Hugo and Maki. Rather than creating Menat or G, SFV would have Rose and Q.

Are you serious? Most of the most popular Street Fighters are already in the game as per a popularity poll Capcom conducted before SF5 was announced.

SF5 was not planned as a launch title, it was planned a service game that lasted years, therefore they did not put all the popular characters in the vanilla game.

Also getting new characters in is natural and required. Don’t compare new characters to old favorites, as that is an unfair and foolish argument to make TBF.


Your argument ultimately was that Capcom should stick with the popular established character rather than bringing in a new character. “Roxy isn’t as popular as Poison” “Of the two, Poison will always be the better choice.”

Of course Poison is more popular than Roxy; Poison is the primary one of the pair that Capcom always uses. Roxy’s never been given a chance to build a fan base.

Thing is, no one’s asking for Roxy to be playable.

I’ve seen more people asking for the Dolls to be playable, and individual characters, and I still dislike the idea (I hated the inclusion of Decapre in USF4).

I simply think Capcom should stick to already popular characters or new characters that bring something new to the table, not “slight variants” of previous characters, let alone characters that I think have little to no business being playable in Street Fighter.

That’s like putting “Ramira”, being an Ingrid-like character that is Ingrid’s sister but has a slightly different gameplay. Or putting another guy from the “Andore” family, IDK.

Unfortunately, my OCD requires me to constantly strive for EVERYONE IS HERE!

But you’re absolutely correct. As a generic Mad Gear thug, Poison had no business ever becoming a playable SF character in the first place. That’s a distinction that only FF PCs and bosses should qualify for.

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Do you prefer Abigail over Hugo?

How many times do I have to shit on you for you to stop posting the “Chun-Li impregnated by Akuma’s Raging Demon” fanfic here? Like, what part of this do you think is appealing to anyone other some weird hentai artist?


Poison/Roxy is like Axl/Slash, Two.P/J, all the Andores, Dug, Bred, Jake, Simon, and others.

In the beginning both Roxy and Poison were girls/women, but the censors didn’t like it that you can hit women so they remade them as trans

I mean…no. But only because SF5 completely botched Abigail.

If it had been Abigail first in SF3, and he’d had Hugo’s moveset, then I definitely would have preferred him.

But we DEFINITELY didn’t need both, and I’d just accepted that Hugo took Abigail’s rightful spot…till SF5 added him anyway and made him much worse.

It’s been stated a hundred times here already, but this is incorrect.

This honestly sounds as though you’re a bit too young to be on this site. Although you’ve been here far longer than a few of us so I’m going infer that you’re just an pathetic weeb.

I have honestly no words for the whole “Akuma rapes Chun-Li.” shtick.


One Piece is the best thing ever, despite the anime constantly trying to ruin it.

So… what is correct?

I don’t follow it in detail, but Roxy and Poison were the work of several people and working positions, and apparently there are contradictory statements. Would you take the definitive truth from the lead designer who sketched the character? Or the sprite designer who drew it? Or the director who commanded everyone? Or the marketing guys who made the game flyers and documentation? Or…?

Fetishists of grammar and spelling mistakes too obviously.

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He didn’t rape Chun-Li, he tried to kill her. Chun-Li’s body absorbing Dark Hadou and synthetizing life of it was more of a kind of miracle, nothing to do with rape. It wasn’t Akuma’s intent, definitely.

What do you think will SF6’s approach to characters will be?

SF4 began with all the main SF2CE guys for a nostalgia/classic roster, plus a few newcomers, than it began turning the game into a “fighter salad”, but the main goal was to bring back all the SF2 people.

SF5 began as a fighter salad, with assorted characters from 2, Alpha, 3, and also introduced quite a lot of new fighters.

SF6 I have no idea, my guts tell me it will be a fighter salad. But also it could start with a roster based mainly on Street Fighter 3 if that makes sense from a plot sense.
I could see all the SF3NG (Alex, Dudley, Ibuki, Sean, Yun/Yang, Elena, Oro, Necro) being playable at launch, and the SF2 characters phased out for the most part.
I mean, that could happen… if the SF3 characters were any popular, sadly they’re not.

The other possible option I could see for the game to distinguish itself from SF4 and SF5 is becoming a love letter to Street Fighter Ⅰ. I saw some concept art where it was a proposal for SF5, featuring all the SFⅠ guys at launch. I’d definitely like that.

But more probably the game will simply be a fighter salad; Mortal Kombat has been in its last entries and no one seems to be complaining.

Something I’m definitely sure about is that they won’t repeat the 'incomplete/service game" approach and will bring a very complete roster of 20+ characters from the start.

From the aesthetics/style thing, I predict a big change. I think SF6 will leave behind the cartoonish graphics and become something more like Tekken? I also think an ‘American/Western Ryu’ could become a new main character, that’s a realistic ‘underground street fighter’ person, with purely phyisical skills. I don’t know, I simply like the idea.