The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Looks at Kim, Andy, Blue Mary, Leona, Kensou

I’ll give him that one. Menat isn’t great, but Rose is terrible. Fighting in high heels with a scarf, and some of the stupidest hair in the franchise.

I don’t care if it’s ripped off from Jojo. That doesn’t make it better(and usually makes it worse).

Because he cares about the wealth and power that he can take from the Society. He gives zero fucks about their history or traditions.

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I agree, Rose should drop the heels and go shoeless


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How did Trife get to Russia with all these travel bans and why did you let him use your PC?

Pretty much


I forgot about when Angel Dust bopped Magneto. 10-0 match up. It’s Mahvel baby!


If people actually expect specific KOF characters to wear traditional fighting attire on a daily basis, they are really fooling themselves. For some characters, it works. But, not for every other character. For characters like Kyo or Iori for example (while some costumes are still a hit or miss, depending on what game you are playing) the urbanized design works within the setting, as it may also suit their personalities.

Bored, finally decided to finish these three SFVI Concepts up. I’m sure there are errors. Translations are truly borked. Not sure how @Midgardsorm does it. Maybe I should stick to English characters. It would save me a lot of time. I’m tired. Proofread them as best I could. Had to drop them all at the same time IMO.



Name: Ryu

Nickname: Wandering Master

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 5ft 10in (1.78m)

Weight: 198lbs (90kg)

B/W/H: 46-32-34 (117cm-81cm-87cm)

Hometown: Unknown, Japan

Appearance: Ryu is a well built, middle aged man. He has dark brown eyes, short black hair, a mustache, and full beard. There is a red bandanna tied around his forehead. Ryu is shirtless with only red taped wrapped around his lower abdomen. His hands and wrists are wrapped in black tape up to his knuckles leaving his fingers exposed. Ryu wears white gi pants on his legs with a black belt tied around his waist. The belt has the four kanji (風,林, 火, and 山) that make up the Furikazan embroidered in gold on the right end. Ryu wears red slippers on his feet.

Occupation: Instructor/Street Fighter

Likes: Training, Fighting (Strong Opponents), Mizuyokan, Improving (His technique)

Dislikes: Complacency

Fighting Style: Mu No Hado Ansatsuken

Tone: Ryu is serious

Origins: Orphaned at the age of eight years old. Ryu was taken in and raised by Gouken. Gouken was master of his own brand of Ansatsuken. Ryu would observe Gouken as he trained and emulate the movements he saw. Gouken toke notice of this and began to formally train him. For the first few years of his time with Gouken, the pair trained alone at his master’s dojo in the mountains of Japan. Occasionally masters of other martial arts disciplines would appear and spar with Gouken. Master Retsu being the most frequent of them.

Shortly after his twelfth birthday, one of Gouken’s friends appeared with his son. The boy was brash and a bit hard headed. He attempted to scuffle with Ryu and was promptly floored by Ryu. Gouken ordered Ryu to fetch him two buckets of water from the falls in north of dojo. When he returned, Gouken’s friend was gone but his son remained. The boy Ken would be training with him. Despite their rough initial encounter, the two became fast friends. Ryu was happy to have someone his own age around. Although he had an edge in experience, Ken quickly caught up to him. His unpredictable and aggressive style often caught Ryu off guard, forcing him to have to be ready for anything. Ryu’s defense and counters forced Ken to be more measured with his offense. Their drive to best each other and opposite philosophies causes the two boys to improve rapidly. Over the course of the next decade, they developed into masters in their own right.

Feeling it was time for them to set out on their own, Gouken told the boys…now young men. That was time for them to embark on their Musha shugyō. Ken would return to America and take their martial arts scene by storm becoming All American Martial Arts Champion. Ryu would shock the world by defeating the Muay Thai Emperor Sagat. The friends would meet up to have a match of their own before going to share their news with their Master Gouken. When the pair headed for Gouken’s dojo, they saw their master embroiled in combat with another fighter near the top of a waterfall. That fighter, Akuma, would seemingly strike a fatal blow against their master, causing him to fall into the waters below. The duo couldn’t even land a blow on their master’s brother who simply uttered. “You are not ready.” before disappearing into the darkness. Ryu and Ken searched the waters for the masters body but could not find it. They assumed it had been swept down stream.

The battle between Mu No Hado and Satsui No Hado that Ryu witness would be indicative of his own life. Although his struggle was internal. The battles he would have with his friend Ken, rival Sagat, and Bison the head of Shadaloo would pale in comparison to his internal battle with the darkness within. Akuma would periodically appear and goad him. Trying to get him to walk the same Satsui No Hado path. True the help of his friends and return of his master Gouken. Ryu would come to grips with the dark power. Finally excising it with the help of Yoga Master Dhalsim. This darkness would manifest it self as a perverted and twisted dark from of Ryu. This phantom, this shadow, this Kage would try in vain to show Ryu that he was nothing without him. It would fail and be dispersed by the light of his Mu No Hado.

Ryu would continue his journey towards self improvement with even more vigor. The dark burden no longer hung over him. His master was still alive, the tiny part of hi heart that desired for revenge no more. Slowly, over time, Ryu would fade from the spot light. As did Akuma shortly there after. Did fell the “Supreme Master of Fist” and retire. Did they two warriors slay each other in battle? No one, not even those closest to him new for certain.

His Rival: Ken

Stamina: 1050/ Boss: 1200

Stun: 1050/ Boss: 1200

Stun Recovery: 20F

Forward Dash: 14F

Back Dash: 20F

Forward Walk Speed: 4 Boss: 4.8

Back Walk Speed: 3 Boss : 3.6

Forward Dash Distance: 1.5

Back Dash Distance : 1.5

Normal Rise: 72F

Quick Rise: 36F

Delayed Rise: 90F

Back Rise: 54F

Taunt: Ryu adjusts the ropes wrapped around his fist and then resumes his fighting stance. 30 Stun is added to his next Uncharged or Level 1 Charged Raiko Gohadoken. His level 2 Charged Raiko Gohadoken will cause guard break.

Throw Range: 25


Seoi Nage (Shoulder Throw) – LP+LK: Ryu grabs his foe and shoulder throws them into the ground in front of him with great force. 4F Startup 130 Damage/130 Stun

Tomoe Nage (Somersault Throw) – B+LP+LK: Ryu grabs his foe, puts his right foot into their chest, and falls backward kicking them behind him. 120 Damage/150 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Sakotsu Wari (Collarbone Breaker) – F+MP: (Overhead) Ryu hits is foe with a right overhand punch to the clavicle. 14F Startup 80 Damage/100 Stun +1 on Hit, -6 on Block Boss: 12F Startup +2 on Hit

Mizochi Kodakii (Solar Plexus Strike) -F+HP: Ryu strikes with an advancing underhand right punch to the center of his adversary’s torso. 17F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +8 on Hit, -2 on Block Boss: Damage increased to 100, -1 on Block

Senpu Kyaku (Whirlwind Kick) – F+MK: (Overhead)Ryu hops forward and strikes with spin kick. Attack goes over low attacks. 18F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun +3 on Hit/-2 on Block Boss: Advantage on hit is +4

Ono Kyaku (Axe Kick) – B+HK: Ryu hits his opponent with a standing right axe kick. This attack is not an overhead. 9F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +4 on Hit/-2 on Block Boss: Advantage on hit is +5

Nigenteki Ren (Dual Chain) – LP,LK: Ryu strikes with a swift left jab into left low kick combination 4F Startup 50 Damage/80 Stun +1 on Hit/-4 on Block Boss: 60 Damage/100 Stun +2 on Hit/-2 on Block

Jodan Sanrengeki (High Level Three Chain Kick) – MP,HP,HK: (Target Combo) Ryu strikes his foe with a left gut punch, right straight punch into left high roundhouse kick. 7F Startup 90 Damage/120 Stun Knocks down on Hit/-7 on Block combination. Boss: 100 Damage/150 stun

Zen Riposte:

Baku Ken (Bursting Fist) – B,DB,D+P: Ryu hits his opponent with a spinning back elbow to the abdomen. 40 Damage/50 Stun Leaves Foe Standing

Bofu Shu (Rave Wind Kick) - B,DB,D+K: Ryu strikes his adversary with a high back right kick to the head. 40 Damage/50 Stun Knocks Down

Zen Trance:

Muhi Boei (Unmatched Defense) – QCF+PPP: Ryu gains the ability to parry his foes attacks. In addition , the Ryu Tsukisasu Kougeki gains improved startup and damage. Hyakryu Goheki has faster startup and landing recovery.

  • Takai Henko (High Deflection) – HP+HK: Parries mid, high, and jumping attacks. 2F Startup 20F Recovery on whiff.
  • Hikui Henko (Low Deflection) – D+HP+HK: Parries low attacks. 2F Startup 15F Recovery on whiff.
  • Ten Henko Chikaku (Sky Deflection Near) – HP+HK: (In Air) Parries air attacks and leaves Ryu close to his foe. 2F Startup 20F Landing Recovery on whiff.
  • Ten Henko Toi (Sky Deflection Far) – D+HP+HK: Parries air attacks and leaves Ryu a ½ screen away from his foe. 2F Startup 20F Landing Recovery on whiff.
  • Ryu Tsukisasu Kougeki – LP Startup Reduced from 12F to 10F, MP from 16F to 14F, HP from 20F to 17F.
  • Hyakryu Goheki – Startup Reduced from 4F to 2F, Landing Recovery Reduced from 20F to 10F
  • Muhi Boei is always active for the Boss version of Ryu

Specials: Ryu does NOT have any EX Specials

Raiko Gohadoken (Lightning Strong Surge Fist) – QCF+P: Ryu pulls back both his hands concentrating a his ki into an electric charged projectile that he hurls toward his opponent and shocks them on impact. This attack can be charged. Punch button determines the projectile speed. LP (Slow), MP Fast), HP (Fastest)

  • Uncharged – 14F Startup 44 Total Frames, 70 Damage/120 Stun, Boss: 11F Startup 41 Total Frames 80 Damage/120 Stun
  • Leve1 Charge – 18F Startup 49 Total Frames 2 Hits, 90 Damage/150 Stun, Boss: 15F Startup 46 Total Frames 100 Damage/150 Stun
  • Level 2 Charge – 22F Startup 55 Total Frames 3 Hits, 120 Damage/200 Stun Boss: 19F Startup 50 Total Frames 140 Damage/200 Stun

Raiko Goshoryuken (Lightning Strong Rising Dragon Fist) – F,D,DF+P: Ryu strikes with a powerful rising left uppercut that electrifies his opponent. All version are invincible to airborne attacks. LP (3F Startup 110 Damage/150 Stun) MP (4F Startup 130 Damage/170 Stun) HP (5F Startup 150 Damage/180 stun) Boss: All versions are startup invincible. LP 120 Damage/160 Stun, MP 140 Damage/180 stun, HP 160 Damage/200 Stun

Ryu Tsukisasu Kougeki (Dragon Thrust Strike) – HCB+P: Ryu thrusts forward with a powerful straight left punch. If time properly Ryu intercepts his opponents attack and follows up with powerful straight back elbow strike that knocks down the opponent. LP (12F Startup Strike Only: 60 Damage/120 Stun With Counter: 120 Damage/150 Stun, +0 After Forward Dash.) MP (16F Startup Strike Only: 80 Damage/140 Stun With Counter: 150 Damage/180 Stun, +1 After Forward Dash.) HP (20F Startup Strike Only: 100 Damage/150 Stun With Counter: 180 Damage/200 Stun, +2 After Forward Dash.) Boss: LP 10F Startup, MP 14F Startup, HP 17F Startup.

Hyakryushu – (Hundred Dragon Assault) – F,D,DF+K: Ryu jumps forward, rolls himself into a ball and strikes his opponent with varying options. LK (40 Total Frames) MK (41 Total Frames) HK (42 Total Frames) Boss: Total Frames are reduced by 2F

  • Hyakryu Gozan (Hundred Dragon Strong Slash) - No Input: Ryu performs a sliding sweep kick. 4F Startup 100 Damage/200 Stun -6 on Block Boss: -2 on Block
  • Hyakryu Gosho (Hundred Dragon Strong Pierce) – P: Ryu hits his opponent with a flying double open palm strike that causes a hard knockdown. 8F Startup 100 Damage/150 Stun Boss: 7F Startup 120 Damage/160 Stun
  • Hyakryu Goheki (Hundred Dragon Strong Wall) – K: Ryu takes an aerial defensive stance. If his opponent strikes, their attack is deflected, leaving them in a juggle state. 4F Startup 20F Landing Recovery on whiff. Boss: 2F Startup 10 F Landing Recovery on whiff
  • Hyakryu Gosai (Hundred Dragon Strong Smash) – LP+LK: (Throw) Ryu grabs his standing opponent and strikes with a backflip knee into an aerial right hand chop that drives his opponent into the ground. 5F Startup 150 Damage/200 Stun Boss: 3F Startup 180 Damage/240 Stun
  • Hyakryu Gotsui (Hundred Dragon Strong Fall) – LP+LK: (Air Throw) Ryu grabs his aerial opponent by the head and drives them, head first, into the ground. 5F Startup 150 Damage/200 Stun Boss: 3F Startup 180 Damage/240 Stun

Gorai Sokutogeri (Booming Thunder Foot Edge Kick) – HCF+K: Ryu charges his left foot with a electric kick and strikes his foe with a high standing side kick. LK (10F Startup 80 Damage/150 Stun) MK(14F Startup 100 Damage/160 Stun) HK (16F Startup 120 Damage/180 Stun) Boss: All versions startup 2F faster.

Denko Tatsumaki Kyaku (Lightning Tornado Leg) – QCB+K: Ryu’s legs crackle with electricity as he jumps into the air and strikes with an advancing rapidly spinning kick. LK version juggles and allows for a follow up from any 3F attack. LK (9F Startup 100 Damage/150 Stun) MK(11F Startup 120 Damage/150 Stun) HK (13F Startup 130 Damage/160 Stun) Boss: All versions startup 2F faster.

Raitei Kado Zankukyaku (Thunder Vortex Slashing Air Leg) -QCB+K: (In Air) From any jump, Ryu strikes his opponent with an electrified spinning kick. LK (7F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun, Causes Juggle State) MK(8F Startup 80 Damage/100 Stun. Can Cross Up) HK (9F Startup 100 Damage/180 Stun, Causes Hard Knockdown) Boss: LK 80 Damage/120 Stun, MK 90 Damage/120 Stun, HK 120 Damage/200 Stun

Zen Art 1:

Raijin Gohadoken (Lighting God Strong Surge Fist) QCFx2+P: Ryu focuses his energy through his fists, manifest a large electrical hadoken that he hurls at his opponent at varying speeds. LP (Slow), MP (Fast), HP (Fastest)

  • 240 Damage Boss: 320 Damage
  • 300 Stun Boss: 400 Stun
  • 2 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 2:

Ryuujin Tsukisasu Kougeki (Dragon God Thrust Strike) – QCBx2+P: Ryu thrusts forward with a blindingly fast straight right punch that creates a shock wave upon impact. He follows that up with a left open palm strike to the sternum that sends the opponent slamming into the right side of the screen and bouncing back towards Ryu allowing for a juggle combo if timed properly,

  • 300 Damage Boss: 400 Damage
  • 180 Stun Boss: 240 Stun
  • 3 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 3:

Ryuujin Shoken (Dragon God Rising Fist) – QCFx2+K: Ryu’s right arm coarses with electric ki as he pulls it back and then uppercuts his opponent in the abdomen with great force and speed. A shock wave rings out as his opponent doubles over and Ryu strikes them in the chin with blindingly quick ascending left uppercut that sends his foe sailing high into the air. Ryu lands first, allow him to follow with a Raiko Hadoken (better oki) or MK Gorai Sokutogeri for (corner carry/damage) with proper timing. Boss: Lands faster, allowing to follow up with a Jump MP into FP Raiko Goshoryuken for max damage or a HK Gorai Sokutogeri for maximum corner carry,

  • 450 Damage Boss: 600 Damage
  • 150 Stun Boss: 200 Stun
  • 4 Bars of Z Gauge

Hidden Art:

Shin Mukougeki (True Void Strike) – 360°+P: Ryu pulls back his right fist slowly while tiny spheres of blue ki are drawn to it from all angles. His fist begins to illuminate with a blinding blue white light and he strikes with an incredibly fast yet brutally powerful straight right punch to his foe’s sternum. Upon impact the punch creates a massive shock wave and shoots a ray of blue white ki through their torso.

  • 360 Damage Boss: 480 Damage
  • 360 Stun Boss: 480 Stun
  • 4 Bars of Z Gauge

Reasons to be in SFVI:

After spending more than decade training a disciple and improving his own skills. It is Ryu that sends out the invitations for the World Martial Arts tournament. He hasn’t clashed with Ken three years and hasn’t seen his disciple in two. Ryu aims to measure his skills against the best the world has to offer, as well as catch up with those closest to him.



Name: Mel Masters

Nickname: Heir To The Flame

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: American

Height: 5ft 11in (1.80m)

Weight: 187lbs (85kg)

B/W/H: 45-33-34 (114cm-84cm-87cm)

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Appearance: Mel has long blonde hair and green eyes. His hair is a pulled into pony tail that hangs down his back to his waist. He has on a yellow sleeveless lycra shirt. The neck and arm openings of the shirt are dark blue. Mel’s arms are bare and he has dark blue, fingerless, MMA style gloves on each of hi hands. There are dark blue gi pants on his legs. They are held up with a yellow karate belt that tied at his waist. Mel wears black ankle high athletic shoes with yellow laces and dark blue soles on his feet. Note: Like his mother, Mel is a natural blonde, thus his eye brows are blonde as well.

Occupation: Professional Fighter

Likes: “Uncle” Ryu, Training, ATVs, Baseball, Camping

Dislikes: Satsui No Hado, Dishonorable Fighters

Fighting Style: Enen no Ansatsuken (Blazing Assassin’s Fist)

Tone: Mel has calm and reserved personality.

Origins: Mel is the son of Masters Corporation CEO and former All American Martial Arts champion Ken Masters. Mel has trained with his father since he could walk. Although he shares his father’s passion for martial arts, Mel has his mother’s more reserved personality. In contrast to his father’s in your face rush down fighting style, Mel uses his speed for defense and countering his opponents. His father often remarked, “You fight like your Uncle Ryu.”

While growing up, his Uncle Ryu would periodically show up. Mel looked forward to seeing Ryu and his father clash. He preferred the Ryu fought and was often inspired by the techniques he saw. Mel became worried when he didn’t see his Uncle for a few years. He feared something had happened to him. Then he showed up one day with a young girl with auburn hair. Unlike his previous visits, Ryu didn’t stay for a couple of weeks. He stayed for a six months. In that time, Mel would frequently spar with Ryu’s new student, who fought more like his father than he did. Ryu and his student would leave and then come back six months later and the scenario would repeat again.

Initially, Mel’s relationship with Ryu’s pupil was contentious. She call him “Rich boy” or “Spoiled Prince” to insult him. Over time these insults transitioned to terms of endearment. Just like their teachers before them, their rivalry and opposite mindsets fueled a rapid improvement of their skills.

Despite a life of privilege, Mel is humble. If he has a choice, Mel opts for the utilitarian item over the flashy one. That said, he’s not above using his families wealth when it comes to helping him become a better martial artist. Instead asking for fancy cars and the like, Mel would ask for other top martial artist to be flown in to spar with. He sold the exotic sportcar his father gifted him for his 16th birthday to build his own dojo, weight room, and get new camping gear. He’d spar with his father, his rival, and even his Uncle Ryu in his dojo. However this was short lived. That was the last time he’s see his Uncle Ryu or his rival for sometime.

After graduating high school, much to his mother’s chagrin, Mel went on his version of a Musha shugyō. He took off with little notice. Fighting in various local and regional MMA events under an assumed name. In only two years, Mel would earn his own All American Martial Arts title. He would defend his title and continue to improve but all this accomplishments felt empty. He wanted to test himself against old rival and his Uncle Ryu.

His Rival: Shu

Stamina: 1000

Stun: 1000

Stun Recovery: 22F

Forward Dash: 17F

Back Dash: 25F

Forward Walk Speed: 4.8

Back Walk Speed: 3.6

Forward Dash Distance: 2

Back Dash Distance: 2

Normal Rise: 64F

Quick Rise: 32F

Delayed Rise: 80F

Back Rise: 48F

Taunt: Mel stands straight up. He looks at his opponent and slams his hands together, left open palm against right fist, at chest level. They both to ignite into flame. He says, in English, “Come on, let’s have a good fight.” The next projectile attack he throws gets a 10 damage/20 Stun buff or his next counter Enkou Kaito or Goshoryu Rekka gets a 20 Damage/10 Stun buff.

Throw Range: 24


Nensho Kagai (Burning Assault) – LP+LK: Mel shoulder throws his opponent into the ground in front of them causes them to bounce up off the ground. He then kicks them away with a jumping left side kick. 4F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun

Enen Nage (Blazing Throw) – B+LP+LK: Mel clinches his opponent, hits them left-right knee combination, and then should throws them behind him. 4F Startup 110 Damage/150 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Gakuhatsu (Chin Buster) – B+MP: Mel hits his adversary with a quick left hook to the jaw. 5F Startup 60 Damage/90 Stun +1 On Hit/-2 On Block

Tokotsu Wari (Skull Breaker) - F+HP: Mel hops forward and strikes his opponent with an overhand right punch. Punch goes over low attacks. 16F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +5 On Hit/-1 On Block

Mizochi Kyaku (Solar Plexus Kick) -F+MK: Mel strikes with a step forward right front kick to the center of his adversary’s torso. 14F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun +4 on Hit, -2 on Block

Sakotsu Kyaku (Clavicle Kick) – F+HK: Mel hits his foe with a step forward right turning kick to the collarbone. 10F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +4 on Hit/-2 on Block

Hanshou Kakato Otoshi (Soaring Heel Drop) – B+HK: (Overhead) Mel hops forward while raising his left leg perpendicular to the ground and drops it violently down onto his opponent as he lands. Kick goes over low attacks. 18F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +4 On Hit/-1 On Block

Hanshou Youdou (Soaring Diversion) – B+HK,HP: Mel hops forward and immediately lands in lieu of attack. You must press immediately HP after HK to trigger the feint. 22 Total Frames.

Ganmen Wari (Face Breaker) – B+MP, F+HP: (Target Combo) Mel strikes with a swift left hook to the jaw followed by a right superman punch to the forehead. 5F Startup 90 Damage/120 Stun Knocks Down On Hit/-10 On Block can be canceled into LK Shakunetsu Gorasen

Kanetsu Kyaku (Hot Foot) – F+MK, D+HK: (Target Combo) Mel hits his foe with a step right front kick into right back sweep combination. 14F Startup 110 Damage/150 Stun Knocks Down On Hit/-12 On Block

Zen Riposte:

Enkou Ken (Flame Fist) – B,DB,D+P: Mel strikes with a step forward straight right fist to the sternum that knocks his opponent a ½ Screen Away. 40 Damage/50 Stun Knocks Down

Enten Shu (Blazing Heat Kick) - B,DB,D+K: Mel hits his opponent with a 360° spin kick to the face. 40 Damage/50 Stun Leaves Foe Standing

Zen Trance:

Inkaten (Flash Point) – QCF+3P: Mel’s hands and feet gain fiery auras improving his defense and zoning capabilities. Meluses 4 bars (all) of his Z-Gauge and his hands and feet gain a fiery red-orange aura. Access to EX Moves, Z-Ripostes, and Z-Arts if forfeited for the rest of the round. In exchange Mel gains improved zoning and defensive capabilities.

  • Stun Recovery is reduced from 22F to 16F
  • Back Dash frames decreased from 25F to 20F
  • Back Walk speed increased from 3.6 to 4.8
  • Nensho Hadoken - Startup reduced from 15F to 12F, Total Frames Reduced from 45 to 42
  • Nensho Tenhado - Startup reduced from 15F to 12F, Total Frames Reduced from 45 to 42
  • Nenshoku Hado - Startup reduced from 11F to 9F, Ascending Jump Landing Recovery reduced from 7F to 6F, Descending Jump Recovery reduced from 9F to 8F
  • Enkou Kaito - Recovery on whiff reduced from 16F to 8F. Successful counters now cause a juggle state.
  • Rekkashu – Second Follow disadvantage on block reduced from -12 to -2 (LK), -15 to -4 (MK), and -18 to -6 (HK).
  • Shakunetsu Gorasen – Landing Recovery Reduced from -12 to -2 (LK), -15 to -4 (MK), and -18 to -6 (HK).
  • Kuchu Nensho Senpu – Landing Recovery Reduced from 10F to 6F.


Nensho Hadoken (Burning Surge Fist)– QCF+P: Mel pulls back his left arm and thrusts forward hurling a burning projectile at his foe. All versions 15F Startup 45 Total Frames 60 Damage/100 Stun. Punch button determines projectile speed. LP version moves very slowly, allowing Mel to follow behind it. LP(Very Slow) MP(Fast) HP(Very Fast) EX 12F Startup 42 Total Frames 120 Damage/200 Stun (LP+MP Very Slow, LP+HP Fast, MP+HP Very Fast)

Nensho Tenhado (Burning Sky Surge) – QCB+P: Mel pulls back his left arm and thrusts it upward, hurling a flaming projectile at his opponent. All versions 15F Startup 45 Total Frames 60 Damage/100 stun. Punch button determines projectile ascent angle. Will only hit airborne opponents. Causes a juggle state on hit. LP (30° Angle). MP (45° Angle) HP (60° Angle) EX 12F Startup 42 Total Frames 120 Damage/200 Stun (LP+MP 30° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 60° Angle)

Nenshoku Hado (Burning Air Surge)– QCF+P (In Air): From any jump, Mel pulls back his left arm and thrusts it downward hurling a flaming projectile at his opponent. Projectile descent angle is determined by the punch button pressed. 11F Startup 60 Damage/100 Stun. 7F Landing Recovery/Ascending Jump, 9F Landing Recovery/Descending Jump. LP (60° Angle). MP (50° Angle) HP (40° Angle) EX(9F Startup, 90 Damage/150 Stun, 6F Landing Recovery/Ascending Jump, 8F Landing Recovery/Descending Jump, LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 50° Angle, MP+HP 40° Angle)

Enkou Kaito (Flame Answer) – QCB+K: (Counter) Mel intercepts his opponents attack and counters with a concussive flaming back fist. Counter sends his opponent a full screen away. 2F Startup 16F Recovery on whiff. LK (Low 180 Damage/200 Stun) MK, (Mid/High 150 Damage/200 stun) HK (Aerial Attacks 150 Damage/200 Stun) EX 1F Startup 8F Recovery on whiff. (LK+MK Low 200 Damage/250 Stun, LK+HK Mid/High 180 Damage/250 Stun, MK+HK Aerial Attacks 180 Damage/250 Stun)

Rekkashu (Raging Fire Kick)– QCF+K: (Rekka) Mel strikes with his adversary with a flaming high roundhouse kick that can be turned be followed up with up to two more attacks.

LK - 7F Startup 50 Damage/50 Stun +0 On hit/-2 On Block

  • First Follow Up - QCF+K :7F Startup 50 Damage/60 Stun -1 On hit/-5 On Block
  • Second Follow Up - QCF+K :7F Startup 60 Damage/50 Stun Knocks Down/-12 On Block

MK - 8F Startup 50 Damage/60 Stun -1 On hit/-5 On Block

  • First Follow Up - QCF+K :7F Startup 60 Damage/60 Stun -2 On hit/-6 On Block
  • Second Follow Up -QCF+K: 8F Startup 60 Damage/60 Stun Knocks Down/-15 On Block

HK - 9F Startup 60 Damage/60 Stun -4 On hit/-8 On Block

  • First Follow Up – QCF+K: 7F Startup 60 Damage/70 Stun -3 On hit/-8 On Block
  • Second Follow Up – QCF+K: 8F Startup 60 Damage/70 Stun Knocks Down/-18 On Block

EX - 7F Startup 60 Damage/70 Stun +0 On hit/-2 On Block

  • First Follow Up – QCF+KK: 7F Startup 70 Damage/60 Stun -2 On hit/-6 On Block
  • Second Follow Up – QCF+KK: 9F Startup 70 Damage/70 Stun Knocks Down/-12 On Block

Shakunetsu Gorasen (Scorching Heat Great Spiral) – F,D,DF+K: (Anti Air) Mel’s right leg is cloaked in flames as he strikes with a rising tornado kick. If the first hit is blocked, Mel does not ascend into the air. If the first hit does land, the opponent is “locked in” to the attack and will not fall out of it. All versions are invincible to airborne attacks. LK(4F Startup 3hits, 120 Damage/150 Stun) MK(6F Startup 4 hits, 140 Damage/170 Stun, ) HK(8F Startup 5 hits, 160 Damage/180stun) EX(3F Startup, Fully Startup Invincibility, 7 hits, 175 Damage/200 Stun)

Kuchu Nensho Senpu (Aerial Burning Whirlwind)– QCB+K (In Air) From any jump, Mel strikes his opponent a horizontally traveling fiery tornado kick. Mel travels forward from a neutral or forward jump. He travels backward from a backward jump. Travel distance and damage is determined by the kick button pressed. All versions have 6F Startup and 10 Frames of Landing Recovery. LK (100 Damage/180 Stun ¼ Screen) MK (110 Damage/190 stun ½ Screen) HK(120 Damage/200 Stun ¾ Screen) EX (140 Damage/200 Stun, ¾ Screen, 6F of Landing Recovery, Travel Direction can be alter by pressing B or F during startup.)

Zen Art 1:

Goshoryu Rekka (Great Rising Dragon Raging Fire) – QCBx2+P: (Counter): Mel intercepts his adversary’s attack and counters it would scorching rising uppercut that sets his opponent ablaze. Low version counters with a left back spinning elbow into scorching rising uppercut. 1F Startup

  • 310 Damage (Mid/High)/330 Damage (Low)
  • 320 Stun (Mid/High)/350 Stun (Low)
  • 2 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 2:

Taika Gohadoken (Conflagration Stong Surge Fist) – QCFx2+P: Mel pulls back his arms, concentrating a scorching hot ball of ki inbetween his palms, and thrusts his arms forward hurling a large burning projectile at his foe. Punch button determines the speed of the projectile. LP (Slow). MP (Faster) HP (Fastest)

  • 340 Damage
  • 120 Stun
  • 3 Bars of Z Gauge

Taika Zanku Hado (Conflagration Air Slashing Surge) – QCFx2+P: (In Air)From any jump, Mel pulls back his arms, levitating briefly as he summons an orb of fire in between his palms, and thrusts his hands downward hurling a flaming projectile at his opponent. Projectile descent angle is determined by the punch button pressed. LP (60° Angle). MP (50° Angle) HP (40° Angle)

  • 320 Damage
  • 100 Stun
  • 3 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 3:

Shoukyaku Gorasen (Incineration Great Spiral) – QCFx2+K: (Anti Air): Both of Mel’s legs are cloaked in flames as he strikes his foe with standing roundhouse kick to the heard, and rises into the air battering his foe with a with a rising tornado kick that creates a spire of flame as he ascends into air.

  • 420 Damage
  • 240 Stun
  • 4 Bars of Z Gauge

Reasons to be in SFVI:

After watching multiple world martial arts tournaments as child and hearing the exciting stories from his father, Ryu, and others, there was no way Mel would turn down the chance to enter one himself. Even if he weren’t invited, he’d crash the event. With his opponent’s boring him and the best in the world being invited to one place, he’d be certain to run into his rival and his Uncle Ryu.



N ame: Shu

Nickname: Nomad of Winter

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 5ft 10in (1.78m)

Weight: 152lbs (69kg)

B/W/H: 34-24-35 (87cm-61cm-89cm)

Hometown: Unknown, Japan

Appearance: Shu is a tall and fit young woman with short slicked back auburn hair. She has golden brown eyes. Shu wears a topless gray gi with full length pants and black belt. The belt has the four kanji (風,林, 火, and 山) that make up the Furikazan embroidered in light gray on the right end. Her upper torso is covered by a matching gray sports bra style top. Shu’s well toned abdomen, shoulders and arms are left exposed. There is a small brown necklace of prayer beads around her neck. The center has the kanji (敬意) “Respect” imprinted upon it.** **Shu is barefoot and has black leather hand guards on her fists. Each hand guard has the kanji (平静) “equilibrium” imprinted on each wrist.

Occupation: Underground Fighter

Likes: Traveling, Forging her own style, Her Master, Nature

Dislikes: Mizuyokan (It’s her master’s favorite), Spiders

Fighting Style: Fuyu no Ansatsuken (Assassin’s Fist of Winter)

Tone: Shu is a determined young woman with a near single minded focus on training

Origins: Shu was orphaned at a young age. She doesn’t even remember her parents. As small child, she got by purely on the kindness of strangers. As Shu crawled out of the cardboard box she had made home one morning, she was accosted by some unsavory men. Despite her diminutive size, she kicked one of them hard enough to knock him from his feet. Embarrassed, he pulled out a knife on the young girl. Before she knew it, the man was sent crashing into the nearby wall. A well built man had knocked the cretin away with a single punch. Before his cohorts could reach for their weapons, the rucksack carrying man rendered them unconscious. The man asked her about her parents. “I have none…” She replied. “How old are you little one?” Shu held up six fingers. “You are strong little one. Let’s find your home.” The man reached his hand out to her. He picked her up and carried Shu around the city trying to find her parents, but it was as she said. She had no home or parents. The man put her down and sighed. “I was an orphan once until a stranger took me in. I live far away from here. In another country. Would you like to come with me?” Shu smiled at him. “Can you teach me how to fight like you?” He smiled down at her. “Of course.”

Shu would spend the next decade training with her master. During that time she would begin to look upon him as a father. In contrast to his serene demeanor, Shu was hot headed and aggressive. Her master often remarked. “You remind me of a close friend.” When she finally met this friend of his and his son, Shu couldn’t see the correlation in their personalities, but she did see it in the way he fought. His son fought more like her master. The two would young children would clash several times over the years. Each time, both of them fought in style that increasingly varied from that of their masters. Shu’s style became increasingly offensive and her rivals style began to favor defense.

Shortly after her 16th birthday, Shu would strike out on her own. Although her master disagreed, she felt it was time for her Musha shugyō. One night while her master slept, Shu packed up her things. She wrote him a long letter. Shu thanked him for taking care of her, training her, and being like a father to her. However, she felt the way to grow as a warrior was to strike out on her own and find her own path. That was two years ago. When finally returned home, her master was nowhere to be found. She only found an invitation to the latest World Martial Arts tournament.

Her Rival: Mel Masters

Stamina: 1000

Stun: 1000

Stun Recovery: 22F

Forward Dash: 15F

Back Dash: 24F

Forward Walk Speed: 5

Back Walk Speed: 4

Forward Dash Distance: 1.5

Back Dash Distance: 1

Normal Rise: 60F

Quick Rise: 30F

Delayed Rise: 75F

Back Rise: 45F

Taunt: Shu briefly touches the prayer beads hanging from her neck with her right hand and utters “ Anata ga motte iru mono o misete ” (Show me what you have). Shu’s next Kuchu Sensui Koriha or Setsu Ryusoshu gains an addition +2 On Hit.

Throw Range: 20


Goshoha (Great Piercing Wave) - LP+LK: Shu grabs her opponent by the throat with her right hand and quickly strikes them with a powerful left palm strike to the sternum 4F Startup 120 Damage/130 Stun

Ishi Nadare (Stone Avalanche) - B+LP+LK+motion: Shu tosses her opponent high into the air and strikes them with a powerful right open palm strike to the back as they fall to the ground 4F Startup 110 Damage/150 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Kikougeki (Armor Strike) – F+MP: Shu steps forward and strikes with a straight right punch. 7F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun +3 on Hit/0 On Block

Seichu Nidan Tsuki (Middle Two Stage Thrust) - F+HP: Shu strikes her opponent with a powerful dashing two hit back elbow strike. 14F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun, +5 On Hit/-2 On Block

Joushouken (Rising Fist) – B+HP: (Anti Air): Shu hits her foe with a rising left uppercut. Attack has limited horizontal range. 9F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun, Knocks Down/-7 On Block

Kanrei Kujinkyaku (Cold Air Blade Leg)- D+ MK (In Air): Shu executes a diving kick at the apex of her neutral or forward jump. 12F Startup 6F Landing Recovery 60 Damage/100 Stun

Gekisai Ichigeki (Pulversing Blow) – B+HK: Shu raises her lead leg and violently stomps on her opponents foot. Attack much be blocked low. 16F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +5 On Hit/-5 On Block

Takai Hakyaku (High Blade Kick) – F+ HK (Overhead): Shu raises her right leg perpendicular to the ground and drops it down on her foe with great force. 16F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +3 On Hit/-2 On Block

Zen Riposte:

Hashogeki (Wave Palm Attack) – B,DB,D+P: Shu pulls her arms back and thrust them forward, hitting her foe with a double palm strike. 40 Damage/50 Stun Leaves Standing

Joudan Sokutogeri (High Level Foot Edge Kick) – B,DB,D+K: Shu hits her adversary with a high standing side kick that knocks them a ½ Screen away from her. 40 Damage/50 Stun

Zen Trance:

Gentou No Ken (Fist of Severe Winter)– QCF+PPP: Shu focuses her ki unleashing her full offensive potential. Shu gains the ability to cancel one special attack into another.

  • The same special attack cannot be comboed into itself.
  • Multiple special cancels can be performed in a single combo if the player combos a normal attack in between special attacks.
  • Kakuu Shimo Daikama can be canceled into Kuchu Sensui Koriha.
  • Kuchu Sensui Koriha cannot be canceled into Kakuu Shimo Daikama


Toketsu Jiraiken (Frozen Landmine Fist) – F,D,DF+P: Shu jumps straight up into the air, raises her left arm above her head, and icy ki surrounds her fist as she slams it into the ground at high velocity. LP and MP version knockdown. LP (14F Startup, 120 Damage/150 Stun, -6 On Block, Airborne 4F to 13F) MP (18F Startup,140 Damage/150 Stun, -4 On Block, Airborne 4F to 17F) HP (23F Startup, 150 Damage/150 Stun, +6 On Hit/-2 On Block, Airborne 4F to 22F) EX (18F Startup 160 Damage/200 Stun, +6 On Hit/-2 On Block, Strike Invincible 1F to 18F, Airborne 4F to 17F)

Tsumetai Goshoken (Freezing Strong Piercing Fist) – QCF+P: Shu slides forward at great speed and strikes her adversary with a freezing underhand right palm strike. All versions knock down. Punch button determines damage, travel distance, and startup. LP (9F Startup, 100 Damage/150 Stun, Projectile Invincible 3F-8F, ¼ Screen -4 on Block) MP (13F Startup, 120 Damage/180 Stun, Projectile Invincible 3F-12F, ½ Screen -6 on Block) HP (17F Startup, 140 Damage/200 Stun, Projectile Invincible 3F-16F, ¾ Screen -6 on Block) EX (17F Startup, 150 Damage/150 Stun, Projectile Invincible 1F-17F, ¾ Screen -4 on Block, 2 Hits, Causes Juggle State)

Setsudan Koriha (Cutting Ice Blade) – QCB+P: Shu slides forward at great speed and slices her opponent with a freezing horizontal right hand chop. The HP and EX versions slice through the opponent at point blank range causing a side switch. LP (12F Startup, 90 Damage/120 Stun, Projectile Invincible 3F-11F, ¼ Screen, +1 on Hit/-2 on Block) MP (16F Startup, 110 Damage/150 Stun, Projectile Invincible 3F-15F, ½ Screen,+2 on Hit/-4 on Block) HP (20F Startup, 130 Damage/170 Stun, Projectile Invincible 3F-19F, ¾ Screen, -5 on Block) EX (17F Startup, 150 Damage/150 Stun, Projectile Invincible 1F-17F, ¾ Screen, -4 on Block, 2 Hits, Causes Juggle State)

Kuchu Sensui Koriha (Sky Diving Ice Blade) – QCF+P (In Air): From any jump, Shu raises her left arm above her head, and icy ki surrounds her fist as she descends rapidly to the ground with a brutal high speed chop. LP (9F Startup, 80 Damage/150 Stun. +1 on Hit/-1 on Block) MP (11F Startup, 90 Damage/150 Stun, +2 on Hit/-2 on Block), HP (14F Startup, 100 Damage/150 Stun, +4 on hit/-4 on Block) EX (10F Startup, 120 Damage/150 Stun, +4 on Hit/-2 on Block)

Setsu Ryusoshu (Snow Dragon Claw Kick) – QCF+K: Shu raises her lead leg while advancing forward and violently brings it down on her foe in scythe like motion. All versions level the opponent standing. Kick button determines startup, damage, and advantage on hit. LK (15F Startup, 80 Damage/120 Stun, +2 On Hit/-2 On Block) MK (18F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun, +3 On Hit/-4 On Block) HK (25F Startup 130 Damage/150, Overhead, +5 On Hit/+1 On Block) EX (18F Startup 150 Damage/200, Overhead, +5 On Hit/+1 On Block)

Fuyu Daikama (Winter Scythe) – QCB+K: Shu’s right leg is surrounded by an icy aura as she hops forward and strikes with powerful 360° Spin Kick. Damage, travel distance, and juggle state length determined by the kick button pressed. LK (10F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun, Point Blank, -4 On Block, Smallest Juggle Window) MK(14F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun, -6 On Block, ¼ Screen, Larger Juggle Window) HK(17F Startup 100 Damage/120 Stun, ½ Screen, -7 On Block, ½ Screen, Largest Juggle Window) EX (10F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun,½ Screen, -4 On Block, ½ Screen, Largest Juggle Window)

Kakuu Shimo Daikama (Aerial Frost Scythe)– QCB+K (In Air) From any jump, strikes her opponent with a frosty 360° Spin Kick. All versions do 90 Damage/150 Stun. Kick button pressed determines the startup and juggle window length. LK (8F Startup, Small Juggle Window) MK (9F Startup, Larger Juggle Window), HK (10F Startup, Largest Juggle Window) EX (8F Startup, 110 Damage/150 Stun, Largest Juggle Window)

Zen Art 1:

Fubuki Gohadoken (Blizzard Strong Surge Fist): QCFx2+P: Shu pulls back her left arm, channels a large amount icy ki into her left hand, and thrusts her open left palm forward unleashing a concentrated projectile that freezes her opponent on hit. If the player has 4 bars and throws two Fubuki Gohadoken’s in succession. The second projectile only does 80 Damage/125 Stun. If the player performs a combo on the a frozen opponent that ends in Fubuki Gohadoken normal scaling applies but the opponent will not refreeze nor will they become dizzy at max stun without an addition hit landing after the combo is concluded. LP (Slow), MP Fast), HP (Fastest)

  • 160 Damage
  • 250 Stun
  • 2 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 2:

Koriyari Goshoha (Ice Spear Strong Piercing Wave): QCBx2+P: Shu travels forward at blistering speed, hitting her opponent with an underhand right open palm strike to the sternum that creates shock wave on impact, and sends a large spear shaped wave of Ki through her opponent’s chest and out of their back.

  • 320 Damage
  • 160 Stun
  • 3 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 3

Gousetsu Kadoukyaku (Tremendous Snowfall Vortex Leg): QCBX2+K: Shu rises of the ground with rapidly spinning kick that creates a column of cyclonic wind around her that, vacuum’s her opponent in, strikes them a multitude of times, and ends with a Joudan Sokutogeri (High Standing Side Kick) that sends her opponent sailing away from her. If this attack lands in the corner, Shu can land a juggle combo after the Joudan Sokutogeri.

  • 420 Damage
  • 140 Stun
  • 4 Bars of Z Gauge

Reasons to be in SFVI:

Shu seeks her master’s whereabouts. After finding a the invitation to the World Martial Arts tournament he had received. She decides to enter herself. Show him want she learned in her time away and give him one of those big hugs he seemed to hate.


  • Shu’s belt is a gift from her master (Ryu).
  • Shu’s hand guards were a gift from her rival (Mel).
  • Shu’s prayer beads were a gift from her rival’s father (Ken).

Found this on Twitter. Don’t know what it’s for. I’m guessing it’s probably some miscellaneous sketches since Maki doesn’t have her CVS2 look and the other FF characters look a bit different.


Do you have somewhere a list of past ones too?

Living in Milan i’m locked at home for next 2 (likely more) weeks for the anti-virus laws, you gave me an idea to break a bit the boredom and reward your dedication :smiley:

All but the last few are in this thread. Edit: Added the missing concepts to the end of the thread.

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Secret File Vol. 28 - Street Fighter V - Champion Edition


Lucia :smiley:

I feel like Ryu and Chun-Li ‘true SFV’ looks (and I mean aged up, like the rest of the World Warriors) were represented by their alternate costumes:

It’s only they were kind of afraid of modifying the characters too much because they feared they would lose their iconic pull.

Well, with Chun-Li, I’m really not sure. Maybe they just couldn’t find a way to create a new look.

Falke is terrible, terribly boring. Specially because she’s in uniform with Ed. Feel like KOF-y. Daamn, I hope for the next game they give both of them completely different looks, and completely different from each other.

SFV Lucia is definitely one of the worst and most boring designs of Street Fighter ever. So corny. Final Fight Lucia was definitely a little plain, but now she became generic girl cop #234. I have a hard time telling her apart from Sonya Blade.

I don’t feel like a regular cop outfit is well fit for a SF game; that would be like putting a fireman fighting in a regular fireman outfit; it’s just… generic.

And her alternate costumes are even worse.

Seriously, what the fuck is this shit and why is it considered her “story costume”?:

I love Sakura’s redesign, and I was quite surprised of the fact they could make her look like the classic Sakura but at the same changing her up to represent a new stage of her life.

But something still feels ‘off’. The headband for example. I don’t feel like this should be Sakura’s ‘ultimate’ design to come. That’s still something tbd. I see SFV’s outfit as a placeholder.

Not getting into the design talk but just wanted to say…

Poison is definitely THE Street Fighter character that had no business coming back for Street Fighter V.
She was never much of a Street Fighter character (or a playable character for the case) to begin with. Uninteresting and very ‘madeup’ fighting style, not very definite, boring moves, low tier… there’s endless reasons to say not to Poison.
She was acceptable for USF4 because she was kind of a ‘bonus’ character taken from another game, but that’s it.

Why the hell did they brought back? Wasted slot, when some other better character (motherfucking SODOM, for example; or Sean, or Oro) could have taken her place.

As for her re-design, there are some things well done, but her eyes look creepy, her hair looks static and plastic-y, and I think she should have used two stockings (having only one looks weird).

I’m definitely more of a fan of the USF4 design.


I felt Roxy would have been a better fit for SFV, even if the design would ultimately be the same except with different colors. It would have continued the trend of bringing in “new (to SF)” characters, and the whip would have set her apart from SFxT/SF4 Poison.


Sorry to barge in on the midst of a conversation. I was wondering if any websites had scans for Street Fighter Gaiden?

If so could someone possibly share?

Here, kinda rough thing but had fun doing it, tried stay loyal to your description


Nice work. Just one question, why purple instead of dark blue?

Here’s my character concept.



Occupation: Extreme sportsman
Age: 15 and a half (November 20th birthday)
Likes: Extreme sports, ice cream, he’s also an anime fan
Favorite animes: Death Note, Attack on Titan and Ragnarok Online
Worst animes: One Piece and Naruto, he thinks they suck and he usually punches OP and Naruto fans in conventions
Blood type: A+/Dark Hadou
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Purple
Fighting Style: Ansatsuken karate and Dark Hadou, and Guile’s fighting style (a little)



QCF+K: Hadouken. Tormo shoots a hadouken from his foot.
QCF+K (hold): Extreme Hadouken no Tenshi. If the kick button is left hold on for half a second, the screen freezes and goes black and Tormo shoots a light-speed hadouken in the form of a lightning from his hands. (Means Extreme Hado Wave from Heaven).
DP + P: Shoryuken. Tormo’s shoryuken is engulf in flames like Ken’s but it also is hotter and deals more damage.
QCB + K: Tatsumaki. Tormo’s tatsumaki is so powerful it can pull opponets from the other side of the screen.
EX Power Boom. Charge b, forward + PP. Tormo shoots a Sonic Boom like Guile’s. It is quicker than Guile’s Sonic Boom.
V-Trigger: True Dark Hadou. Tormo transforms into a dark version of himself, his speed is much quicker as it looks like he’s teleporting and all the damage for his attacks are increased. For example, shoryuken shoots a bigger blaze of fire, and his hadouken become unlockable. This V-Trigger’s activated when Tormo loses half of his health bar and also if TOrmo has managed to deplete half of his opponent’s lifebar while in Perfect, so he becomes Dark Tormo and he performs a flashier Perfect finisher.




It was a stormy night in Tokyo when Chun-Li was training atop of a mountain, a dark figure was watching her over and he fell like a lightning and came to challenge her:

“I am Akuma, master of Dark Hadou and I’ve come to fight you”.

Chun-Li says “I’m scary, you look like a demon”.

Akuma said “I’m going to take you to hell”.

Guile was running to Chun-Li trying to save her.


Akuma doged Chun-Lis attack and he was managed to come next to her and use the Raging Demon.

Guile: “CHUN-LI!!!”

Chun-Li cleared her mind and tried to witstand the attack.

HA HA HA aKUMA said, there is no way you could resist my raging Deamon.

Chun-Li’s body started to react and she confined the dark energies inside of her and a big power came from her womb.

Guile: “CHUN-LI!!!”

When Guile came to Chun-li she was already dying apparently but she said Guile should help her.

Guile: Chun-Li please resist, the choppers are coming, guile said but Chun-Li was seeing the light in the end of the tunnel. She tocuhed Guile’s face while Guile was crying and she said “This is my son, name him Tormo, you must raise him for me”. Guile promsied to take care of Tormo, but Chun-Li said “and also take revenge on Akuma”.

to be continued…