The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Damn, every time i see it i can’t stop think trailer got priorities right

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I don’t think reasoning in realistic way necessary fit the narrative in a fictional universe

I think SFV try to be kinda soft, i guess official canon count will be something like "lot of panic and wounded people"without mention to deaths imho… even Rashid’s friend assassination got censored to make it unseen

I guess SFV Bison thing is closer to a 90’s cartoon villain than a serious movie terrorist

What’s interesting is that they created FANG to embody that mustache twirling villain from the 90s so Bison could go back to being the more stoic and sinister warrior/soldier-esque fighter he was in the anime and in SF2. FANG is a perfect replacement for Sagat.

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Interesting article on the stories of the women of Tekken.

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I have a feeling that those working on ASF treated the EMP blast as a regular rolling power outage, an inconvenience that temporarily knocks out lights and internet service. Maybe a few fender benders happen due to traffic lights going out, while the widespread power outage prompts some looting.

Airborne airplanes are allegedly fairly safe from EMP blasts, but the tests were also done when airplanes (and our society in general) were less dependent upon electronics, and the electronics used were a bit less fragile. And with less planes in the blast area. And certainly not done near fully active airports.

Well, they got completely different roles

Sagat estabilished Bison as an absolute badass, being the previous #1 who serve as #2 to him
To some extent indirectly Necalli does his job in SFV, not Fang

Fang is more a more deep take on Senoh like figure

I think Fang fit perfectly Shadaloo/Bison (even if i will have preferred him more sinister than douchebag) but i think he does’nt fit well the role of a ShadaKing

Back to SF2 days the idea was sell the concept that 4 ShadaKings were the deadliest fighters of the world, and despite the poison Fang does’nt seem to be in that league

I will have preferred Bison just gave him the title of scientific area #1, with Vega and Rog mocking/disprect him (as they already do) for not being on same level on the hierarchy ladder… think like Urien treat Kolin

If did’nt had his own story/agenda AND capcom decided already he was’nt going to be the boss, Necalli will have been more fitting new ShadaKing
Remember the SF2 days of Bison looking for powerful warriors to take for his organization, “discover” Necalli will have been a cool surprise for him.

Before know capcom love throw LLLLL at his record, Nec looked like somebody that could have gone VT and took on Vega and Rog at same time, taking with the strenght of his fist the #2

I think if we ever get a general story chapter 2, they can use it as excuse to justify a suddently awakening of former MGG members, wich would integrate nicely all the FF group

You need to consider that Bison doesn’t want people dead. He wants to bring out the worst in people, triggering a survival of the fittest scenario all the while munching on all that negative energy.

A good fictional reference for this would be Goldeneye’s EMP satellite that sends entire cities back to the stone age.

In an increasingly digital age, the Black Moons are the ultimate terror/panic inducing weapon.

I think he does, but he hides it behind his veneer of humor and awkward appearance. Bison wouldn’t have spared his life and recruited him had he not been this strong. ASF does a poor job at showing how strong FANG but his backstory lends itself to him being as deadly and lethal as the others.

Tbh i think sparing his life for surviving while others not, just place him at SF level… let’s say, also Birdie could have survived in same scenario, and Birdie is kinda in the mediocrity range

But while Birdie was just took to serve as a high level goon (i guess staying there he could have rise, but whatever), Fang was noticed also for his brain qualities and got better job

But as fighter?
He get Ls from Chun, Rashid, Karin and Ken… fighting wise, he’s no better than average SF fighter

By design is literally the kind of weak villain that get shit beaten then drop a smoke bomb (of poison in his case) and fly away screaming like a bitch “you will pay for this!”

He’s worth of work for Shadaloo, but replacing fucking Sagat as #2 shadaKing with 50tons statue? Ehhh no
Sagat was the strong right hand

Purely power wise (and personal motivations aside) Juri could have been there, but as type of character she fill more the niche Vega already does

Again, they could have made a new #2 using a true warrior figure comparable to Necalli*, and add Fang anyway as new director of the tech shit area and let him be what he is, a fighting Senoh that know kung fu :smiley:

*of course, Necalli got a retard bad record too, but this feel like an error, while on Fang case sounds about right… he either successfully poison the opponent or he’s fucked

Yes but thats not the goal, what he desperately always attempted is to have a spare body.

That he would go to various extreme lenghts of exploiting the innocent.

  • He would brainwash preteen girls as his personal army.

  • He modify the growth hormones of preteen boys and girls to make them spare bodies.

  • He would kidnap and fighters around the world and try to do experiments with them (basically same with secret society)

Everyone of the OG world warrior was meant to known the best representative of their country, Its not just the four.

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And the four were henchmen except Sagat was out for revenge and had a the previous title.

Balrog is straight up henchman.

Bison / Dictator is more like a mysterious figure that is unknown rather than known as a deadly fighter.

This is before CE.

His goal in ASF is purely to gain power. His (technically F.A.N.G’s) method is to feed on the negative energy created by throwing large populations into chaos and terror. There is no big plan to get a spare body this time. Bison doesn’t even seem to care about his physical form this time, as is shown by his casual acceptance that Ryu has destroyed his body. A Bison that was still obsessed with prolonging his physical existence would not have accepted such defeat so willingly.

Just because you say you are the best doesn’t mean you are the best. Lots of people exaggerate or overestimate their abilities.

You can’t even claim that every OG world warrior “was meant to known the best representative of their country”. The original eight had double representation for the US and Japan, one each of the Ryu-Honda and Ken-Guile pairs could at absolute best only be “second-best”. That’s without even considering Balrog, the third US rep that rated a sub-boss position.

It also ignores the fates of the SF1 fighters that did not return. England didn’t even get an SF2 rep until Super, though it had multiple reps in SF1. If you want to argue that being beaten in SF1 meant they didn’t deserve an SF2 berth, then similar should hold for Ken and Sagat. (Sagat isn’t even the SF2 best in Thailand, as Bison is also there.)

Then there are all the characters that were brought in through Alpha/Zero, or would have been active in the SF2 period even though they were only made playable in 3, 4, or 5. Maybe Cody was a better Us representative than Guile or Ken, but couldn’t compete due to his jail issues. Honda might be strong, but would you seriously consider him a “best in Japan” when Japan had not just Ryu, but also Akuma, Gouken, Oro, and whoever else?

We don’t know how the participants in SF2 were picked. Again, there were characters that were “good enough” for SF1 who didn’t even appear in SF2, even when their country fielded no SF2 representation at all.

And when we did get “expanded story” retellings of SF2, the whole idea of SF2 being a world tournament at all tended to vanish. Instead, it tends to be recast as a military/intelligence action, with perhaps a bit of Ryu wandering around to fight random people first. The original eight are present for anything from it just being their job (like Guile) to just being at the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time, not because they are the “best”.

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I would argue that this plan was already in motion sometime during the time of SF4, before FANG joined the team. FANG certainly helped bring many of the pieces together but Bison definitely had this idea for a while. In fact, his recruiting of FANG could very well be because he saw FANG’s utility in such a project.

I mean before Championship Edition. That was to the deadliest which was mentioned cestus in the quote.

So your argument on me about the doubt of the best is also the be applied with the deadliest he claims.

There was no huge backstory other than the shadaloo plans to take over the world and there is a tournament then the motivation from the dialogue and SF1 characters returning

To be specific I was talking about World Warrior

And likely they were there to pursue Shadaloo or earn recognition. If you were to look at the endings. They are obviously not hand picked other than Gief and no given invitation.

Were talking here world warrior not CE.

So definitely no Alpha or Super fleshout backstory.

Were not trying to find reason why the other characters on SF1 didnt comeback since they could be the best also. Were talking way back world warrior development obviously they just left out those SF1 character so don’t try to find reason on that.

What I am pointing I that during woeld warrior the shadaloo henchmen aren’t just the deadliest in the world but the other are also. Since whatever was with CE, Super or Alpha wasn’t included to find reasoning.

Whatever was in SF1 was just about Ryu personal journey and isn’t really taken seriously to compromised so much with world warrior other than returning Ken, Ryu and Sagat.

Your not supposed to choose other characters in SF1 other than Ryu and Ken is just for a 2nd player.

On Championship Edition after the game got popular so the backstories started and fleshing out of characters. They didn’t even thought the game would be THAT popular.

Remember how I told you that Chun Li was still putting white boots in the face of hooligans? My SFVI Chun Li is here. Let me know what you think of the appearance I gave her. I admit. Some of the translations I have, Tsuitotsuken comes to mind, are suspect. I couldn’t find any reference direct references for it. Did the best I could. As for everything else, I tried to keep her Chun Li while showing a clear progression in her abilities. @Shockdingo Finally finished Chun. Three more concepts in the hopper for anyone that cares for these.

SFVI Chun Li Concept


Name: Chun Li

Nickname: Blue Jade of Justice

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Chinese

Height: 5ft 6 ½in (1.69m)

Weight: 150lbs (68kg)

B/W/H: 35-24-38 (89cm-61cm-97cm)

Hometown: Guangzhou, China

Appearance: Chun Li is a fit mature woman with long black hair, brown eyes, and large muscular legs. She has bangs that come down to her eyes and her hair is pulled into a pony tail that hangs down to the small of her back. Chun Li wears a light blue collared long sleeve suit coat that is unbuttoned. The collars are dark blue as are the cuffs at the her wrists. There are two small circular golden buttons on each off. She wears a yellow short sleeve buttoned up blouse underneath it. Chun Li has light blue dress shorts on her legs that stop at mid thigh. The shorts have yellow pin stripes. Her legs are covered by sheer pantyhose and her feet are covered by white ankle high leather boxing shoes that have white laces.

Occupation: Interpol Agent

Likes: Li-Fen, Martial Arts, Police Work, Crepes

Dislikes: Crime, Shady People

Fighting Style: Kung Fu

Tone: Chun Li is serious at work but lighthearted otherwise.

Origins: Chun Li’s mother passed away when she was a young girl. She was raised by her father and was very close to him. Her father, Dorai, was an accomplished Interpol officer. Dorai instilled his strong sense of justice in Chun Li as well as a love for martial arts. Dorai went missing as Chun Li approached adult hood. This singular event would ultimately define her life.

Chun Li immediately followed his footsteps by joining Interpol. Not only that, she dedicated all her free time to either investigating her father’s disappearance or training to become a stronger martial artist. Over time all of Chun Li’s leads pointed to Shadaloo and it’s leader M.Bison. She made several friends (Ryu, Nash, Guile, and Cammy) in her continuing efforts to bring Bison to justice. One the mission that finally brought Bison’s demise and Shadaloo’s fall, she rescued a young orphaned girl named Li-Fen. Chun Li would retire from Interpol, adopt Li-Fen, and open a kung fu school that taught the orphaned and disadvantaged.

As her school and Li-Fen grew, Chun Li felt an increasing pull to return to Interpol. At first, she’d help with a case her or there. Eventually, she’d take a consulting position, setting up an office in her Kung Fu school. Li-Fen excelled at Kung Fu. Chun Li slowly gave her more responsibilities at the school and took on more work for Interpol. Eventually, she’d return to Interpol after naming Li-Fen the headmaster of her school.

Her Rival: Li-Fen (Placeholder for now)

Stamina: 1025

Stun: 950

Stun Recovery: 23F

Forward Dash: 15F

Back Dash: 21F

Forward Walk Speed: 5.5

Back Walk Speed: 4.5

Forward Dash Distance: 1.5

Back Dash Distance : 2

Normal Rise: 60F

Quick Rise: 30F

Delayed Rise: 75F

Back Rise: 45F

Taunt: Chun Li yawns, puts her hands on her hips, and leans forward saying “ Anata wa watashi o taikutsu shite imasu” (You are boring me) Increases Chun Li’s stun rating by 15. Can be done a max of five times for a total bonus of 75.

Throw Range: 22


Koshuto (Tiger Attack Drop) – LP+LK: Chun Li grabs her foe by the head with her left hand, places her left leg behind them, and pushes her left hand forward pushing them head first into the ground. 4F Startup 120 Damage/120 Stun

Kirishu (Mist Kick) – B+LP+LK: Chun Li does a hand stand on her opponent’s shoulders, flips over them, and kicks them in the back of the head. 4F Startup 110 Damage/150 Stun

Ryuseiraku (Dragon Star Fall) Air Throw – LP+LK: (In Air) From any jump, Chun Li grabs her opponent by the forehead and drives them head first into the ground. 4F Startup 150 Damage/150 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Souren Shu (Pair Series Blow)- B+MP: Chun Li performs a left slap, back slap combination. 5F Startup 2 hits 90 Damage/120 Stun 0 on Hit/-4 On Block

Tsuitotsuken (Just Thrust Punch) F+MP: Chun Li twists her torso 180° and thrust forward with a knife hand punch. 7F Startup 60 Damage/120 Stun +3 on Hit/0 on block

Hakkei (Force Exert) – B+HP: Chun Li strikes her opponent with a double open palm strike. 7F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +3 on Hit/+2 on Block

Sen’enshu (Whirlwind Circle Leg) – DF+MK: (Overhead) Chun hits her adversary with a standing front flip axe kick. 18F Startup 80 Damage/100 Stun +3 on Hit/-2 On Block Airborne 3F to 15F

Senjou Shu (Linear Kick) – F+MK: Chun Li performs an advancing left side kick. 10F Startup 70 Damage/120 Stun +1 on Hit/-3 On Block

Kakushu Raku Kyaku (Crane Neck Falling Leg) – B+MK: Chun strikes with a right front kick that leaves her leg straight in the air. If the kick button is held down, she bring her leg back down onto her opponent. 6F Startup

  • Uncharged 70 Damage/100 Stun. -1 on Hit/-2 on Block
  • Charged 3 Hits 110 Damage/150 Stun +3 on Hit/-6 on Block

Yosokyaku (Hawk Claw Leg) – D+MP: (In Air) From any jump, Chun Li has executes a left leg stomp that can be done up to three times in a row. Can also be canceled into from Rankyaku. 5F Startup 60 Damage/60 Stun

Tenkukyaku (Aether Kick) – B+HK: (Anti Air) Chun Li hits her foe with a standing upward heel kick. Attack has limited horizontal range. 8F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +2 on Hit/0 on Block

Yoku Sen Kyaku (Wing Battle Leg) – F+HK: Chun Li hops forward to striking her adversary with a sweeping, 180° , front leg jumping kick. Goes over low attacks. 12F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +2 on Hit/-2 on Block

Kaku Kyaku Raku (Crane Leg Fall) – DF+HK Chun Li flips over her opponent and kicks them in the back of the head. 26F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +8 on Hit/-6 on Block

Zen Riposte:

Sou Hakkei (Twin Force Exert) – D,DB,D+P: Chun Li pulls her arms overhead, thrust them forward, and with her palms together striking her enemy. Attack leaves them standing and Chun Li +2. 40 Damage/50 Stun Knocks Foe ½ Screen Away

Hyakuretsuken (Hundred Rending Leg) – D,DB,D+K: Chun Li strikes with a near instant 4 hit barrage of low and high sides kicks with the final kick send her opponent flying away from her. 40 Damage/50 Stun

Zen Trance:

Kaze No Tsubasa (Wings of Wind) - QCF+3K: Chun Li uses 4 bars (all) of her Z-Gauge is surrounded by a blue-white aura. Access to EX Moves, Z-Ripostes, and Z-Arts if forfeited for the rest of the round. In exchange Chun Li gains greatly improved juggle capabilities.

  • Kikoken - juggles at close range
  • Kikoshu - causes a juggle state at any range
  • Kaitenkeki Kakukyakushu – the final hit pops the opponent into air for juggle combos.
  • Tenkadou Kakukyakushu – if the attack hits her opponent, Chun Li will land first leaving them in a juggle state above her.
  • Rankyaku – the initial hit that knocks the opponent into the air no longer counts against Chun Li’s juggle limit.
  • Sanbyakuretsuken – knock down state is replaced with a juggle state. The stronger the kick button, the higher the opponent is juggled.
  • Nihakyu Zankushu – if the attack hits her opponent, Chun Li will land first leaving them in a juggle state above her.
  • Tenatsuen Kakushu – instead of inducing a knock down, Chun Li’s opponent is bounced into the air on hit. The stronger the kick button, the higher the opponent is launched.


Kikoken (Spirit Cultivation Fist) – Charge B,F+P: Chun Li pulls her arms over head, leans back, and then bends over at the waist thrusting both of her palms in front of her creating a translucent oblong sphere of blue ki. Punch button determines startup and travel distance. . All Versions 60 Damage/100 Stun. LP (11F Startup, 44 Total Frames, Full Screen), MP (10F Startup, 42 Total Frames, ¾ Screen) HP (9F Startup, 40 Total Frames, ½ Screen) EX (10F Startup, 38 Total Frames, Full Screen, 100 Damage/120 Stun)

Kikoshu (Spirit Cultivation Kick) – Charge B,F+K: Chun Li twists her torso back 180° while cocking back her right leg before exploding into waist level roundhouse kick that generates a large translucent oblong sphere of blue ki. Kick button determines startup and damage. All versions travel full screen and knock down the opponent. LK (16F Startup, 49 Total Frames, 70 Damage/100 Stun), MK (18F Startup, 54 Total Frames. 2 Hits 80 Damage/120 Stun) HP (21F Startup, 61 Total Frames. 3 Hits, 90 Damage/150 Stun) EX (18F Startup, 48 Total Frames, 3 hits 120 Damage/150 Stun)

Kaitenkeki Kakukyakushu (Rotating Crane Leg Kick) – Charge D,U+K: Chun Li performs a handstand split kick and then rising into the air rotating swiftly while advancing forward through he air. First hit forces stand. All versions knock down. LK (8F Startup 120 Damage/200 Stun -6 on Block) MK (14F Startup 140 Damage/200 Stun -8 on Block) HK(18F Startup 160 Damage/200 Stun) EX(5F Startup, Full Invincible, Spins In Place, 160 Damage/200 Stun -8 on Block)

Tenkadou Kakukyakushu (Sky Vortex Crane Leg Kick) – QCB+K: (In Air) From any jump, Chun Li performs an inverted rotating spin kick. Attack advances forward from neutral or forward jump. Attack moves backward from back jump. The kick button pressed determines the travel distance and damage. All versions deal 120 Damage/200 Stun and have 10F Startup and 8F of Landing Recovery. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen) HK(¾ Screen) EX (6F Startup and 6F of Landing Recovery, 150 Damage/200 Stun, Chun Li descends straight downward, Vacuum Effect)

Rankyaku (Luan Leg) – F,D,DF+K: Chun Li executes a low angle command jump. Her knee strikes the opponent at close range allowing for juggle combos. Attack can be canceled into any jump normal or special attack. Gains an exclusive follow up attack. Kick button alters the ascent angle. All versions 10F Startup up 60 Damage/60 Stun. LK (35°) MK(40°)HK(45°) EX (8F Startup 80 Damage/80 Stun, Invincible to Airborne Attacks. LK+MK 35°, LK+HK 40°, MK+HK 45°)

  • Souseikyaku (Twin Star Leg)– MP+MK: From Rankyaku, Chun Li executes a flying kick with left leg extended at an upward angle. Causes a juggle state. 11F Startup 100 Damage/120 Stun.

Sanbyakuretsuken (Three Hundred Rending Legs) – HCB+K: Chun Li strikes her adversary with a swift and power waist level left round house kick that spins them around so rapidly that they are lifted off the ground. She then proceeds to kick them so rapidly that her left leg seemingly disappears from view with only her opponents impact reactions indicating that her leg is still there. All versions knock down. Kick button determines, startup, damage, and Chun Li’s advantage after a forward dash. LK (6F Startup 12 Hits 80 Damage/100 Stun, -2 After Dash, -2 on Block) MK (9F Startup 15 hits 100 Damage/120 Stun, 0 After Dash, -4 on Block) HK(12F Startup 18 Hits 120 Damage/150 Stun, +2 After Dash, -6 on Block) EX(6F Startup 21 Hits 150 Damage/200 Stun, +2 After Dash, -2 on Block)

Nihakyu Zankushu (Two Hundred Air Slashing Kick) -QCF+K: (In Air) From any jump, Chun Li performs a rapid barrage of left kicks. LK(5F Startup 8 Hits 70 Damage/80 Stun +4 on Hit/-2 On Block) MK(8F Startup 10 Hits 90 Damage/100 Stun +4 on Hit/-2 on Block) HK(10F Startup 12 Hits 100 Damage/120 Stun Knocks Down/-3 on Block) EX(5F Startup 14 Hits 120 Damage/150 Stun Knocks Down/-6 on Block)

Tenatsuen Kakushu (Heaven Rolling Crane Kick) – QCF+K: Chun Li performs a somersault front flip into a full split kick with her arms spread wide like a birds wings. Kick an go over projectiles with proper timing but has no projectile invincibility. Kick button determines startup, distance, and damage. All versions knock down. LK (17F Startup 70 Damage/120 Stun, ½ Screen, -6 On Block, Airborne 4F to 15F) MK(20F 80 Damage/150 Stun, 5/8 Screen, -6 on Block, Airborne 5F to 18F) HK(25F 100 Damage/200 Stun, ¾ Screen, -6 on Block, Airborne 5F to 23F) EX(25F 100 Damage/200 Stun, Hold Back ½, Neutral 5/8, Hold Forward ¾ Screen, -2 on Block, Airborne 3F to 23F, Fully Projectile Invincible)

Zen Art 1:

Kikosho (Spirit Cultivation Palm) – QCFx2+P: Chun Li leans backward at the waist while pulling both arms overhead before thrusting them forward with two open palms creating a massive sphere of blue-white ki that envelops both her and her foe. 28 Hits (28x10)

  • 280 Damage
  • 100 Stun
  • 2 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 2:

Tenshoretsuken (Ascension Rending Legs) – QCBx2+K: Chun Li carries her opponent into the air with a low angle jumping knee strike (Rankyaku), blitzes them with a barrage of rapid left leg strikes (Gohakyu Zankushu – Five Hundred Air Slashing Kick), before slamming them into the ground with a rolling front flip split kick (Tenatsuen Kakushu). Kick button pressed determines ascent angle. LK (35°) MK(40°)HK(45°) 32 Hits. (1x50, 30x7, 1x100)

  • 360 Damage
  • 180 Stun
  • 3 Bars of Z Gauge

Zen Art 3:

Senretsukyaku (Thousand Rending Legs) – QCFx2+K: Chun Li strikes her adversary with a swift and power waist level left round house kick that rapidly spins her foe off the ground. She then proceeds to strike them with a blistering barrage of 40 kicks before, hitting them with a spinning back kick that sends them sailing across the screen. 42 Hits (1x100, 40x5, 1x150)

  • 450 Damage
  • 150 Stun
  • 4 Bars of Z Gauge

Reasons to be in SFVI:

Chun Li found an open invitation to the World Martial Art’s tournament in Li-Fen’s office. The envelope of the letter was addressed to the school’s master. However, the letter itself was addressed to her. It was clearly sent before she named Li-Fen as the school’s head master. She was content to let Li-Fen represent the school in the tournament but Chun Li recognized the handwriting. Chun Li smiled and uttered. “Let’s just see how strong you have gotten.” Chun Li called into her office, took her unused vacation days, and booked a flight to the tournament.


Does KOF really do it right though? The KOF villians after Rugal are forgettable nobodies who die in the game they debuted in. Mukai survived till XIII but was more of an underling.

All of them are 1 dimensional, most have silly designs and i can go on. The only thing wack is saying Capcom should take pointers from a company who’s just as bad as Capcom when it comes to FG lore. The poster boy of KOF is a gary stu who never truly develops, that’s a bad sign right out the gate.


Because they weren’t made to be likeable and intresting. They were design to be disposable. Having new a super duper secret organization and a whole new mega ultra boss unknown to the previous bosses would just make the future canon complicated.

This also would avoid overshadowing the iconic anatogonist in their role and appeal same with their organization.

This avoid dividing or contesting with the appeal of the current bosses and there organization like Bison and Gill who were already establish and written previously to be super duper secret organization that has connection with world leaders.

Narrative OP bosses or are meant to die in a Fighting Games having them more OP than Bison or Gill would just increase the power ceiling like Dragon Ball and would introduce a dozen of conplicated posibilities that is a question where they where?

Gill is already written to fit a fighting boss character since he can ressurect, same thing with Bison that can exist in an astral form, AKA Phantom Bison. Tbey had already the recurring narrative to easily tell how they made back.


Having more or another beyond the existing organization would discredit the establish which is written in canon like the secrecy and the connection or ties with government along with the written history or SF universe reality.


In SF4 we are introduce with SIN and Seth, Which is a natural evolution of an organization that stems and originates from the absence of the previous that is Shadaloo. Same with Seth is from Shadaloo, So it’s welcome and justified without the nèed to create another history just for another Boss.


While KOF bosses was also written right for having their disposable bosses reporting to a higher power. Its a narrative build up and foreshadowing of something greater like someone or some organization is out there.


Thats why its good. The problem is that Shadaloo and Secret Society already written to be this organization unlike Rugal organization or Geese.

Plus in a Fighting Game final bosses isn’t really need to be admirable or attach with.

This is the original problem was way back in the 90s the developer didnt know that fighting game bosses along wasn’t that a priority and multiplayer is what should be valued.

Yet disregarding how Shadaloo is written would raise more conplicated question and need to raise the power ceiling of every new anatagonist.

So we end up like how Shadaloo is written like that and so is Bison likable boss character because of the nostalgic appeal. The need is for

The priority for a fighting game is for a memorable and useable character be recurring, so having multiple recurring likable and fleshout bosses is already a problem plus there moves are made to be OP/Overpowered. ei AKUMA super turbo. Imagine that.

Here are the problems and the consequences, Why future bosses for a fighting game with already establish story should had disposable final bosses that the player base should not attach with

  • People would attach to that boss and demand he/she return or be playable

  • His movelist is terrible that wasn’t made to be playable from the beginning

  • Would overshadow the popculture and iconic bosses. This would cause more complication because they need to be written all of a sudden to be inserted.

  • Would contest to reappeal of the protoganist to return in the game.

  • The narrative needs to increase the power ceiling of the protoganist that would defeat the new stronger boss than the previous from the new super duper mega secret organization.

  • Would make complication, conflict to the establish narrative and existence of previous bosses and discredit their organization written existence.

  • Fighting games priority is reccuring characters because it is a multiplayer not a single player game, numerous reccurring bosses from previous title would contest the appearance with iconic characters.



Even kof is finding ways to return their bosses that people had attach with too. So probably we will see Rugal, because of being a sought out character, Imagine doing that to the rest of their KOF bosses because of the demand and request from the fans that gets attach with them. Thats terrible.

Guilty Gear universe is doing a fine job before keeping “That Man” behind the action making him. But later his like revealed i dont know what they would be going on…

Like the motif of DR Claw, which should be every fighting game main antagonist should be written before the franchise has started or from scratch. Like Dr Claw is just sending minions as would be the final boss for every new future title of the game to be dispatch by the iconic characters.


Yet we can conclude this that we can still have interesting fleshout bosses that are unrelated to the previous.

How can we had interesting fleshout bosses?

  • Make them not part or owning a new super duper secret organization that is uberknowst and unrelated to the previous organization.

  • They don’t own a super duper secret organization that would discredit and conflict the narrative of the previous existed secret organization written and establish.

  • Have them interested on a particular event instead of a long existing character or a recent event trigger their ulterior motives and participation.

  • Design there moveset with to be like ordinary useable character. This was a common problem with Akuma.

  • They are not a rival of a long existing character in the narrative. That suddenly decided to join.

  • They are not written to be just watching everything in a distance. Then they suddenly got interested to create chaos.

  • They don’t have a desire like controling the world, creating mass chaos or to threaten the world. Unless the objective should be justified by the scope of the recurring sudden event.

  • Won’t increase power scalling that like they are written better stronger and more powerful than the previous bosses. To avoid overshadowing existing iconic characters.

  • Don’t kill them after the game they debut and writen as to be the final boss.

Yet the thing is it can’t be done always. While disposable final bosses are better because it can always trigger a world threat by using the resources and connection of the establish.

I love this! I love you for taking the time to write all the details! Thank you!!!

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KoF is dumb as hell, but Fatal Fury rules.

It’s too late for SF though…it’s already deep into KoF/Tekken territory…


Point I was making that other FG series “do it right” by not sticking to the same main villain across their entire histories. I get that the nuance of fighting game stories mostly comes from individual character subplots and their goals, and I also understand that Bison being the big bad ever since SF2 makes him iconic for the genre as a whole, but you gotta offset the repitition somehow. I guess the issue is that only Tekken seems to have found some sort of a middle ground between disposable villains and mainstays, where while the focus of the story is mostly the internal Mishima Bloodline conflict, there’s always a different final boss that still somehow ties in to the Kazyya/Heihachi/Jin trio

Like I said earlier, SFIV sorta made the step into the right direction with Seth, and I’m sure all of us here were hyped as hell for Necalli and how formiddable the SFV trailers made him appear, only for both games to lead back to Bison taking the spotlight yet again


Agree plus Bison is mostly now just part of the iconic characters thats why he needs to be there and included.

Him being a recurring antagonist is okay but Him being given more multiple power scaling just to justify him being a threat in every future SF titles issthe problebecause it need for other characters to increase power scaling also like Ryu which would cause problems with the main iconic cast already like Chun li and Guile that never had a power up narrative but always need to be involve with any Bison narrative.

So there we would had more inconsistencies with the cast. From fightscenes and interactions.


Its basically the problem with DB characters part of the Z-warriors that the character were already written to be far from the Saiyans and likes of Freeza because of multiple power ups they arewriten.

Yeah they have done decent job on establishing some main antagonist from being background background character or NPC turned boss.


Like Necali and Orochi, the monster and ancient beings they introduced are being disrupted like by awakened power, because someone invade there tomb or they are awakened because of a recent triggered events.

So them being not present in the past is always justified. While the likes of Devil Jin and the Original Devil were triggered by previous event but already resides within the existing characters.

This is why I like the new future SF title or SF6 set within the timeline of SF3 or it’s happening simultaneously with SF3 events rather than anotheŕ timeskip.

So that it would explain the absence of the new characters from SFV and SF4 that weren’t present in SF3. The same thing why a large numbers of cast that were known to be strong and powerful weren’t in SF3 and involve with Gill.

To make them look that they are just engage with another event that took place thats why they are not active in another event that is told on SF3.

While the likes of character in SF3 can still selectable for the reason that another character would had a short interaction with that character that also appeared in SF3.