The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That’s the thing
Who did right was SF3 when gave us Gill who looked equal if not more powerful, zero links with shadaloo, zero bitch retreat under Bison’s skirt

And i say this as former (still actually) hater of SF3 team arrogance leading to SF2 cast genocide

But on the Boss they gone spot on, it gave perception of a step forward into a new story

Necalli could have done it for SFV arc if handled correctly, Bison could just have done same Urien did in ASF letting another Villain/Boss shine in a main SF chapter

They could even made up Bison purposely stay out looking to reap the panic/fear Necalli will have caused eating the vital energy of fucktons of fighters and even civillians

But that train is gone

IF we get GS2, big IF, we have G that can still bring some fresh new Boss material, even if he will end up as “half-boss” filler shit

Yeah but it also did it wrong by making that character really fucking stupid.

Duochrome angel fucking dumb, and Urien is a 1000% better realization of the character and should have been the boss from the start.

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Bison in SF5 was meant to happen since Alpha3. The seeds for the SF4>SF5 Shadaloo arc were planted last century. The fact that Capcom did not forget this and actually brought it all together to bridge the entire SF timeline is something to be commended.

Their execution was far from perfect but I firmly believe that whoever is in charge of the canon is a die hard fan. I take comfort in that.

But now that this is all said and done, we must move forward because we cannot go back.

SF3 and SF5 have laid the groundwork for a lot of interesting potentially new stories and new characters in the future. Lessgo!

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Gill is cooler and flashy, which is something a boss needs. Urien isn’t boss material.

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Urien is lowkey a bitch tbh

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I like Urien but I don’t see him as main boss material. Gill has one of my favorite villain archetypes. The bad guy that thinks he’s the savior.


God Urien, his post 3S Powered Up form, is boss material! :japanese_ogre:

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He is absolutely NOT cooler, and is flashier in a way that’s bad.

Yeah, but they coulda given Gill’s personality to Urien’s amazing design, instead of Gill’s own clownshoes design.

Urien is literally a short haired single color tone Gill head swap. He’s literally a copy of Gill’s “clownshoes” design.

Gill’s design fits him. He is above any concept of normal; he is the embodiment of “balance” and will bring his vision of harmony to the world. Urien is willing to hide, keeping his “human” form outside of fights in SF3 and keeping his suit on in SFV; he intends to control society from within rather than coming down from the mountain to deliver his “wisdom”.


While Goenitz was the boss of '96, he was still just an underling of Orochi. It is kind of their fate to get killed.

Orochi was an active boss only in '97, but he’s also remained as a lingering threat. Kyo, Iori and Chizuru restore the damaged seal on Orochi in their KOF XIV ending. The CG animated series KOF Destiny was intended to have two more seasons and a movie, and run through the Orochi Saga. The biggest issue with Orochi’s return is that he’s a super-powerful entity that has decided the best way to save the Earth is to exterminate humanity.

NESTS was a divisive era for various reasons.

Mukai was undercut by production issues. I’ve always felt that KOF XIII would have been a different game story-wise if SNK hadn’t had so much money trouble. SNK struggled to release an unfinished KOF XII. KOF XIII used a palette swapped version of a different existing character for its final boss, and its sub-boss was a black blob covered by black effects. You could tell that corners were being cut. And then the story was resolved with a “let’s never speak of this again” timeline change…

Honestly, I feel Rose and Adelheid were a bit wasted. I’ve a feeling that they too suffered from SNK trying to reestablish itself.

Verse was junk.

No, you’re wrong and no one agrees with you. Now move on.

The key is “single color”. What makes Gill such a laughable character design is his bright red/blue color scheme. He looks like a parody of a diehard sports fan, or a Star Trek TOS one-off alien, or a character a three-year old would design.

The rest of the stuff about Gill is fine enough. The mixed powers, the story, even the outfit.


Naked dude in a banana hammock is a naked dude in a banana hammock.

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Right…the hair and the coloration is what makes the design clownshoes(well, that and their choice of casual attire). You fix those things, you fix Gill, and end up with Urien, the non-stupid version of Gill.

Bullshit they don’t.
Urien: 4519
Gill: 1192

Fuck off yourself.


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Urien: “… WHAT?”

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Im also with Gill being the better main boss material than Urien.

It’s not because Gill cooler, but his negative traits makes him the better as a main villain. His even better thsn Bison.

Along with his attitude, worldview and not so admirable traits yet delusional that makes him fit evil that SF needs.

Urien is always someone that is better to be the behind the scenes character rather than someone in charge in front. His like Seth but Seth has force, power and will that Urien has.

To make Urien better is just move on from fantasizing on overthrowing his Gill with the position and just quit then build his own empire. Urien needs to snap out.

The problem with Bison is him lately having inconsistency with character personality in SFV BISON is silly in ASF. Same thing with Akuma in SFV. Its like an identity crisis.

Bison defeat was meh in ASF.

Even Seth was even had better dialogue and interaction with Ryu in the OVA final battle compare to ASF Ryu vs Bison.

Bison in the aftermath video is even better compare to SFV Cinematic mode or ASF.

It makes me had Rugal and Geese vibes. The best examples.

Alpha 3 and 2 Bison was the prime not just im power but also in character interactions.

Fang is now even the better written Villain than Urien, Bison and Akuma. Not interms of power but his personality, interaction, consistency and the ruthlessness. He doesn’t have identity crisis.

I hope they wouldn’t turn Bison and Urien to a anti-heroes and misunderstood individuals because of the growing fanbase like Joker and Freeza?

Its the hate in their character that makes them fit as a grand villain.

Agree, The visibility of the half red and blue in the design of Gill is also okay that fits and reflect his worldview, ideologo and moral compass.

That what he has been or transformed is okay and is superior. That what Secret Society has done into them is for their benefits like multilation, gene manipulation and experiments that his willing to transcend other to what he has been. His confident about it.

He probably seen it as Gift

That is an idea of equality but macabre and horific.



To be fair with Gill and Urien they are both brainwash since birth, so they are much victims of Secret Society as well compare to the likes of Bison

Gill might not given Urien the same gift he would give to Alex because he didn’t see him worthy.


I was only talking about KOF. Let’s be real, the only reason Fatal Fury’s lore isn’t bad is because it’s been dead since 1999 before SNK went bankrupt and lost all their talent.


You know that wasn’t default original look. It was throw away look from his intro just like Gill’s robed designs


One of the best things about Gill and Urien is that they are naked. This was especially awesome in the 90s.