The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

One of the few things ASF did well was to make Bison look like a legitimate threat to the world.

In the various games, anime, movies, etc Bison has always had weird and/or nebulous plans. He holds a martial arts tournament. He’s kidnapping and brainwashing martial artists. He has clone bodies and resurrection plans. He heads a worldwide criminal empire that is doing regular criminal empire stuff for regular criminal empire reasons. When he does attempt something bigger than just kidnapping or beating up some martial artists, he gets stopped before he can even really get started.

In ASF, his plan is arguably sillier than ever. He is also, as ever, defeated. The difference is in the details. The silliness is somewhat alleviated by it being FANG’s operation; Bison’s own goal is brutally straightforward and even logical for him. He is defeated, but here he isn’t angry, panicked, or vindictive. He simply stands tall and laughs as his body is destroyed. While his ultimate goal remains increasing his personal power, he’s now operating at a worldwide threat level instead of threatening a handful of individuals.

And Bison succeeds at throwing the world into chaos. Barring Capcom simply ignoring the consequences or retconning ASF, Bison has scarred humanity at large. People aren’t just going to forget mysterious metal spheres appearing over major cities, setting off EMP blasts that turn a night sky into day. That’s without even getting into both immediate and long term injuries and fatalities. Even if you wanted to be optimistic, fatalities would still be counted in the thousands. Pessimistically, the long term fatalities could potentially be counted in the millions.

Of course this does leave Bison in a position where a future return will very likely only weaken him. After all, where could he go from here? He “won”, and yet still lost to Ryu. He seemingly accepted defeat, even if he expected to return. He can’t go bigger than worldwide terror, but just trying to steal Ryu’s body again at this point is going to bring him right back down to Akuma or Kage’s level.

At this point, Bison might best be served by staying a never realized background threat as others fully take center stage. The idea of Bison’s return itself is enough to work as a B-plot for Neo Shadaloo. While not to the degree of Seth’s madness, characters like Ed and Falke will be under the shadow of Bison’s return, and affected by the risk of Bison’s return, even if Bison makes no actual effort to return. Similar goes for F.A.N.G (if he survived) or anyone that tries to follow in F.A.N.G’s footsteps, who will either start prepping for Bison’s return or directly attempting to accelerate Bison’s return. Just don’t have Bison himself actually attempting to return. (If BIson attempts to return and fails, that’s just another Bison appearance that led to pointless failure. If Bison attempts to return and succeeds, that just distracts from the other stories you are hopefully trying to tell.) Save that for the future.


Bison for SF8 boss! Who’s with meeeee?!

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I agree
As does Zangief or Dhalsim or Urien
Or like new characters like Fang and Rashid gained charisma from ASF

ASF did some characters right, no doubt, plus part of the charm is we never had anything like that for SF

Does’nt change much the fact that next time Bison will try to menace the world i’ll be like “oh it’s Bison… again”

It’s not that SF lack alternatives (or the ability to build new ones), is that they seem afraid of left comfort zone when creating a Boss

Spam Bison or keep sucking Akuma’s Dick does’nt help much SF

Meanwhile they made up a great design/idea in Necalli, and the completely ruined his run to bend him down to their old habits

I hope they will play better the G card, even if we had already seen an old Boss (Gill) come and kick his ass in his own G-show

Notice a trend
There was a time when new bosses gave a vibe of progression


Then if we go watch new bosses/potential bosses

Seth - has been portrayed as inferior sub-product of Bison legacy, in a game get defeated by Ryu, then fail at pose even decent threat to Bison and get wrecked, then Juri stomp his pieces because fuck him

Necalli - super hype, all potential of the world to be V BOSS, coming as SF’s JoJo Kars (with some SFEX Garuda gimmick in)… get defeated by everybody and relegate to the role of a “test” for Ryu

G - outside tha giant mystery aura that i hope will bring somewhere, they gave him minimum build up smashing few mid/low-tier cans like Rashid or Menat (and i guess Dan/Elena/Hakan) then Gill come and put his President of the World butt on the earth he love so much, without make it seem that hard battle while at it

V Seth - i guess for some him being now a waifu trap boss may be something hype, but tbh outside a new design overall well done (is not good as clothes-Seth we never got, but better than SF4 Seth) it’s a never asked for second take at the most mediocre Boss SF ever had, and with no particular indication of having potential to be THAT big deal

Everything they did after SF3 seems to lack ambition under that point of view, every new villain face seems to have to bow down to the past.
On other hand SF3 had arrogant mindset, but this is another story

SFV did a great job at respect tradition, and i LOVED how some historic SF chars got finally the respect they deserve, but the ambition is lacking

Next time a main SF chapter sell us a new final Boss, i hope is going to be a NEW face and will be legitimized as the undisputed villain for that chapter.
Wich does not mean he have to defeat Bison/Akuma/Gill or worse make them look like bitches, but at least to not suffer that destiny himself at theyr hands LOL


I will be ok with that, if he will present himself in a new way

Hopefully you realize that this will mean like 12-14 years from now lol :smiley:

Joker’s not the best example. I love The animated series and many of his appearances, but it’s surpassed saturation. Everything is a Joker plot, even the crossovers. Batman and the Shadow? Joker’s the central villain. Batman and TMNT? Gotta get Joker. Prequel game featuring a classic villain? Surprise it’s Joker in disguise.

It gets tiring, but then with the overuse, you get the writers put into a desperate position of having to go drastic to keep things fresh and then we end up with Joker cutting off his face and wearing it as a mask.

Sometimes I want a mob story with Two Face and or Black Mask, a horrific and tragic Clayface tale, a globe trotting trek with Rhas Al Ghul or a Kung Fu showcase with Lady Shiva.

Street Fighter has never been allowed to go all that far. The canon games, Arika, crossovers, etc all feature him.

I love Bison, he’s one of the finest endbosses ever, but I don’t want him to be used so much and so frequently vat the forefront, that his legend diminishes and SF tanks. I wanna see the creative journey the series can take, I want the impending end of a post SF3 embargo to truly free the series and then have every following numbered entry build forward. We’ve had enough prequels to fill generations.

I don’t want Bison to permanently leave the roster, but give him a test as main villain material for a long while and let others have a chance to shine and grow. Gill and the Illuminati barley got a chance due to the fighting game crash of that era, but now that people have warmed up to the characters and SF has recovered, let’s give them another chance and, learning from past mistakes, gradually bring in newcomer bosses and factions.


He was better in badass boss in SFA3.

Yet, ASF Bison was better than what SF2 Bison that a villain aim to was.

He appeared like 3 times already?

I would consider Bison again as a main antagonist if the story is set on a prequel not something onwards SF3.

Yet I would consider also Shadaloo being a later boss after SF3 saga but not as Bison to be the main antagonist.

Because it would be Fang trying to find build Bison a new body since FANG is already much like Jojo’s Enrico Pucci interms to relationship with Bison


For atleast two titles with FANG but totally separate and had another interval.

Agree, ASF is more FANG than Bison. Yet the threat is about Bison.

Let FANG just do the whole shadaloo operation while keeping Bison away from the spotlight. Yet

I don’t mind seeing FANG have at least two main boss stories, he has potential to be annoying and would escape.

Here is my previous thoughts regarding Bison as a recurring villain in the future but not as a main mastermind that makes him redundant

Bison can still comeback but not a main mastermind center of the story, just a villain behind the scenes waiting his opportunìty to Fang had fully made a new synthetic organic body of his.

  • Bison X Seth combined
  • Cyborg Monitor - remote controlled Bison but not possessed. So it tries to fight with Bison like attacks but with Armor and cannot be hit unless you hit Bison Astral form. So his separate but operates it. Like Abyss in Mahvel.
  • A fake Twelve Bison like Udon did. (A boss that fights like Bison and Twelve Combined) Used by Urien against Chun li
  • Last a fully recovered organic Bison for one more timd but would be destroyed.
  • Then permanently Phantom Bison for good.

Bison being trapped in astral plane and would never reach physical plane again, but still can be a recurring nightmare for match in dreams.

No Bison getting body Ed or other street fighter. Bison is just better with Seth or other Seth clones then goes independently.

Previous thoughts regarding main antagonist and mastermind diversity.

There a lot of potential main antagonist and master mind in a plot for future street fighter titles

Why making Bison always the main mastermind is terrible for future titles onwards SF3 Timeline

For a Ryu fan I also liked Ryu to be a side character later on.

An inspiration to the other characters and ideal instead of being in another main central story just to turn Bison to ashes for 7th time in future timeline onwards SF3 story.

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Bison is already in Dr. Wily territory with me. I remember being excited when Dr. Wily wasn’t the villain in Mega Man only for them to pull a bait n’ switch and him being the main baddie after all.

The way Bison has been presented is a gift and curse. His aims go far beyond the World Martial Arts tournament. That makes him interesting but it also makes it difficult to give him a win. A traditional “brutal champion” antagonist can pummel the protagonist and that simply fuels the protagonist’s desire for improvement. If Bison wins, he takes over the world. In other words, that is never going to happen. So he gets “off screen” victories but the player only sees him lose. That dimishes his standing as a villain.


Thats a better example.

Yet they are creative with every recurring Willy. And in that cased he wasn’t get all the spotlight because he is a surprise. He doesn’t need also to increase the power scaling. All he does is advance his tools for disposal.

The thing is it shouldn’t be Ryu versus Bison as the final fight of every plot.

Bison has all the time in the world! He is forever!!

This is why people hate the story because it just end up to be a same story with different settings.

Because the main plot is always a variang of Bison planning totake over the world or someone else body while Ryu struggle with an eternal conflict later recieves power up and would destroy Bison. It’s just multiple variant but with different settings.

Retelling a story on a remake is justified but this one is different.

Its time to make those stories separated that the story main plot and spolight isnt about Bison and Ryu.

Bison needs to stay away entirely for a few games. Not appearing as a villain behind the scenes. Not even trying to return. No half-Bison or “fake” Bison creations. Nothing. He needs to stay gone entirely. Only the idea of Bison needs remain, with characters like Ed and FANG keeping his memory alive. Then Capcom can do a big return after they’ve moved past SF3, after whatever they’ve tried to invent new is done, after the Illuminati’s story has run its course, after Akuma has died. Then Bison can return, and return big. Which honestly might be a last hurrah for “classic” SF as a franchise by that point anyway.

Having Bison as a behind the scenes villain will undermine any attempt to establish anyone else as a threat, as it will be a constant reminder that every other villain is at the best only secondary to Bison.

Having versions of Bison (real or fake) keep popping up will only water down Bison. He’ll rack up more perceived losses, whether or not it was even really him that lost. He’ll be too present in players’ minds, to the point that they’ll be completely sick of him before he even does a “real” return.

Now, this does not mean that Bison shouldn’t be a playable character in future games. You can obviously include characters on the roster that aren’t part of the official story. You could even potentially fool around with some of those “fake” or “half” Bison ideas here, as long as they are not part of the story.

And, as I said, this does not mean that the “idea” of Bison needs be absent. Neo Shadaloo exists around the “idea” of Bison. Loyalists like F.A.N.G exist around the idea of Bison. But the idea of Bison does not require the actual presence of Bison. For example, you could have Ed and company feeling what they believe are the effects of Bison in Psycho Power, mistaking it for Bison attempting to return, only to realize it ultimately wasn’t. They key there being that Bison wasn’t trying to return, it was just clearly the mistake of Ed and company. You can have F.A.N.G attempting to bring Bison back by force, but either being stopped before he can begin the process at all, or the process itself fails outright without official explanation. The key being that Bison isn’t actually trying to return, and may even be actively opposed to returning at the moment (which is why any revival attempt by F.A.N.G would still fail.)

This could even give Capcom a chance to develop F.A.N.G (if he survived ASF) or his apprentice. While the main cast are dealing with whatever new/other villain is making waves, you’d have F.A.N.G operating on the edges to revive Shadaloo and ultimately work towards returning Bison. (Meanwhile, Neo Shadaloo would be dismantling Shadaloo, and everyone might be crossing paths into and out of the main story.) But with Bison gone for so long, you could also start to gradually shift F.A.N.G back to his pre-Bison self. F.A.N.G could get a bit more serious in attitude and demeanor with each appearance, also gradually shifting towards his SFV story costume to further visualize the personality change. Basically, without Bison’s presence, and perhaps with an inexplicably failed Bison revival under his belt, F.A.N.G’s struggles to rebuild Shadaloo bring him back to his old self and he starts to feel that Shadaloo is his organization. Eventually, he excises Bison entirely from the organization. Then you have Bison return, without F.A.N.G’s assistance, and decide whether you want to go with the joke (Bison immediately crushes F.A.N.G and F.A.N.G immediately reverts back to his #2 comedy incarnation) or you have F.A.N.G (and Shadaloo) operating as another party against Bison.


You are correct. That is the proper way to give Bison a big return to the story and I believe that based on the way Capcom is handling post-ASF plotlines this is what will happen.

However Bison should be playable in every SF game. This is non-negotiable.

Those Bison(s) are just for the purpose of what if narrative aspect not literally useable characters/NPC secret bosses for those are into cinematic mode if that mode would ever return in future titles.


Its very much like Ultron-Sigma in MVCi.

Yet the difference with Ultron-Sigma is that those NPC Bison isnt the main antagonist or master mind. Since they are just secret boss for a what if encounter.

While the true Bison is Phantom Bisom that exist in the background or behind the scenes so they are secret bosses for a cinematic mode for future games.

Just like Nightmare Geese


Phantom Bison that is Bison default as the useable character with basic move set that haunts others. Which I have also quoted.

Bison doesn’t need to be an idea since he can actually exist as an astral entity.


Bison as Phantom Bison already made an appearance against Nash. Nightmare Battle in ASF.

Yup Fang essentially is the Pucci equivalent from Jojo series. Which I also mention bellow.

Death is a negative idea for one of the most soughtout characters like Akuma in a franchise like fighting game.

On the other hand Bison can always return because there is already a story machination to justify his existence as astral being but Akuma does not have the same. So it’s not advisable for the likes Akuma.

Its a terrible move for the franchise to kill a sought out character that had more guesting and appearance from other titles and franchise. Akuma popularity and guesting is along Chun li.

A Fighting Game Franchise should value more of the character existence and keep familiarity of moves set than a giving a priority to conclusive narrative for a very iconic character like Akuma, Nash was already a waste potential.

There’s another thing

Joker it’s NOT a power-based villain, wich mean when Batman reach him and bitchslap him it does’nt diminish his image

We take the fact that Batman (or even a weaker char) can bitchslap Joker as given

Example Fang can get bitchslapped over and over and keep his Fang gimmick losing nothing as villain, while a more straightforward figure like Necalli end up lose credibility


Because it is.

Turning Bison into a Punching Bag.

From same topic last year about Bison returning as main protagonist.

God…speaking of when Necalli was still cool…

I remember when I was still excited about SF5’s story:


His a filler role like Seth so he likely end up that way like Seth.

His done so it’s okay.

Atleast he can always comeback same with Seth if needed since there nature and existence is flexible to exist anywhere in the narrative.

You know, I never actually put on a thought about this but…holy shit you’re right.

Like let’s just take Metro City alone, which is one of the cities affected by the black suns and a massive EMP wave.
How many people were driving a car that went inoperational, resulting in a crash?
How many old folks at homes and hospitals were indirectly murdered by Bison because their life support systems went offline?
How many planes were crossing over the area and suffered a crash landing, literally resulting in hundreds of lives lost?

And that’s just what came first to my mind, there are obviously many more examples where electricity unavalability/electronics going haywire could cause lots of casualties


It’s unfortunate that Capcom didn’t spend more resources showing how fucked the world got (or just more resources for story).

Even the Illuminati prophecy made note that the world gets fucked and that nothing could stop this event. The arrival of the savior happens after the world gets fucked basically to unfuck it.

Gill’s issue would be that once Bison starts fucking shit up past a certain point, Gill and everyone would’ve been incapable of stopping him (and they were up until Ryu showed up).

I really dig that Capcom took Gill’s ending from the 90s and reimagined it as the blue print for ASF. I wonder if they always intended this or this was a new take on an old idea.


OT- Yesterday just reworked a bit past stuff, i did on SF4vsSFV too, i don’t plan to touch it anymore so i guess it’s done: