The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


I know the guy did some issue with canon because SF4 turned so differently. Obviously a retcon.

Yet Vasili10 did a lot good work for this community, So I don’t deserve it.

Im just a single person struggling to my ideas that is oppositè to the desire and priority of majority here all my concerns and priority is different from him.

Like all i wanted was to avoid death and complication to future narrative for iconic and popculture characters, the be flexible for future titles. Make thing rationalle for what other skills and capabilities each fighter had but would standout to each other also.

Have everyone had unique traits even they were used to be clone to each other. Like Haggar. I always wanted haggar back.

I proud of my previous arguments and debates with others because I know even I single out, my point were right and I know most of those that will engage on me would retract there stand. That always happen.

Even those that dislike me secretly like what I can think and even what I do. While it make me feel rarely amazed for what they can do. Lol

I could also admit defeat and concede if I was wrong and wasn’t able to see a particular situation but it doesn’t make me less than those that just persist and let others stand for claims after realizing that those were just wrong because they are selfish for their favorable character convenience or for the sake of there braging rights.

After the initial comment was the thread was suddenly unstickled all of a sudden after my commenf then was attack arguments that is inappropriate to justify a fate of a fighting game character, then latter YagamiFire was deleting his comments.

For reference, compilation and translation the thread is okay, but the character direction and progression that were all the BIASES drop in because some dislike the idea of opposition to certain people here and also the possible threats to there favorite characters futures. While diversity nowadays is just acting when someone calls it up.

Look even the people that hated powerlevel tier list rank and anyone would brought it up are condemn, but then makes 2 powerlevel later in a single topic to downplay a certain character that could arise as a threat and ignore there potential like Zeku and Guy. Irony

Look if hate me ignore your welcome.

Fighting characters should never had something like this is the powerful among anyone.

Every character master level rather should have a counter to each so there is always a potential resolution to each character and makes the power level diverse, this allow that no one with over rule everyone and dominate, this also allowed flexibilty in narrative for antagonist and protoganist. Like everyone has an unique edge in narrative by skills and abilities rather than someone is powerful.

Even what Im saying with Akuma isnt to make him powerful than anyone but only to make him equally can hurt anyone whether phantom bison and can make with Gen’s Soul as his sparring companion. Comparison of the trancended fist to had attributes like the dragonslayer of guts in berserk isnt gonna make him OP to the like of Ryu that would had better upgrade in ki manipulation than him in physical encounter.

Pretty sure Seth’s first mod will give him individual boobs.
Every artist is already drawing him that way.

Female seth aka hot seth

Seth being female is better, and a good evolution to his/her character.

Tbh i find more interessing the design path they chosen keeping Seth as an ambiguous artificial figure where both male and female coexist (as in the yin yang), and as part of this they purposely did’nt shaped his/her chest in classic boobs

This extend to the face, that can be female but also young male (Yun or Yang in SF4) or the stature and head-to-shoulder-width ratio
Of course the male voice too, or the name staying the original male one

They really gone Black Widow route for SFV Seth, the whole char is supposed to throw you off about his/her/it gender


But without the mask down, it’s a waifu
“happy ending”, Seth have no mask or costume… the creature is what you see

Then sure, fap modders will do everything in their power to turn this hermaphroditic cyborg into their full female waifu*, just like fan art people probably already did

But i side with Capcom’s choice this time

*LOL at this mod

No, neither one should be naked. They should both be wearing boss fucking suits.


Everyone should be naked.

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The Seth that never was

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So Seth ate Makoto, Demitri and DIO…

Or…Ono is just reusing animations from unused characters/games. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seth = Reference: The Character

I find the fact that they have taken his whole “copying” shtick to the next level to be quite endearing actually. Very faithfully thematic of them.


Basically a Cycloid tribute like I posted before.

Not just the concept but the some movement as well, yet of Pollum.

Some pointèd heŕe

Time for me to repost my ideal look for the female suited agent for G’s alphabet company, Tatiana Neva:

Female Seth would absolutely KILL in this!


Check this out!!!

See Vee Ess Two VS Third Strike!!!

Actually, Capcom could have put this Vega/Bison into Third Strike as a secret boss before he appeared in CVS1 and CVS2

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A predictable outcome.

Too bad he was known to killed that time and that was latter cause by Ryu in the Shadow Falls.

No worries Dictator/Bison shall return and killed and return again since his soul is eternal.

Ryu would beat him again then rise again, then Ryu again then rise again. Recommended by everyone here and the best fanfic story of everyone here that believe capcom would follow whatever happens because the majority here wants it especially daemos.

This one is for you @Pertho I apologize in advance for any poor Spanish translations. Puerto Rican boxer concept. Did win quotes…again. These were hard. Have a feeling I botched the Spanish pretty bad. I wonder if anyone will catch something about what I did. :thinking:

Name: Juan Garcia


Name: Juan Garcia

Nickname: Asesino Ambidextro

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican

Height: 5ft 11in (1.80m)

Weight: 172lbs (78kg)

B/W/H: 42-32-34 (107cm-81cm-86cm)

Hometown: Luquillo, Puerto Rico

Appearance: Juan is a slender toned fighter with a sienna brown skin tone, short black hair, and drawn brown eyes. He wears a solid blue sleeveless shirt that has white, five point star, at the center. Juan’s hands are wrapped in red tape. He wears red boxing shorts with a white waist band. Juan has white boxing shoes on his feet with ankle high blue socks.

Likes: Baseball, Empanadillas (Beef Pastry), Travel

Dislikes: Cheaters, Balrog

Fighting Style: Switch Hitter Boxing

Tone: Juan is confident while still remaining humble.

Origins: Juan comes from a family of pugilists. His father Jorge was an Olympic cruiserweight bronze medalist. He taught Juan and his older brother Javier how to box before they could walk. While was an exceptional baseball player, boxing was his first love. Juan lacked the size of his father or even larger older brother but he by far the most skilled of the three. Despite being five years his junior and fifty pounds lighter, Juan gave Javier all he could handle in sparring.

Javier was no slouch himself. After racking up an impressive 21-0 record, he earned a title shot against the champion. Unfortunately, that champion was Balrog. The callous champion brutalized Javier. He was the clearly superior fighter yet still resorted to questionable tactics. Juan threw in the towel to spare his brother any more punishment but it didn’t matter in the end. Javier collapsed while being helped back to his stool. Balrog was banned from boxing but that was of little solace to Jorge and Juan. Juan would find someway his hands on Balrog and make him pay for what he’d done.

After his brother died, Juan turned down a lucrative baseball contract and dedicated himself solely to boxing. Rising through out the ranks, he eventually gained the Middleweight championship. He followed that up with the Super Middleweight and Light Heavyweight Titles. The claim was nice but that wasn’t what he was looking for. The notoriety of being a three divison champion allowed him to have an unsanctioned match with former Heavyweight champion Mike. Although they weren’t the same fighter, Mike was similar enough for Juan to get a gauge of how he’d fair against his true target. Juan used his superior speed and flawless technique to garner and easy victory. He was ready for his final test.

His Rival: Balrog

Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 5

950 Stamina 1050 Stun


Orthodox Stance

Cuerpo Cabeza (Body Head)– LP+LK: Juan clinches his foe and hits them with a quick right hook to the body followed by another right hook to the head. 140 Damage/150 Stun

Quebrador de Fauces (Jawbreaker)- B+LP+LK: Juan clinches his opponent, spins them around and lifts them of their feet with right uppercut to the jaw. 150 Damage/200 Stun

  • These throws leave Juan further from his opponent.

Southpaw Stance

Problema Doble (Double Trouble)– LP+LK: Juan clinches his foe and hits them with a quick left uppercut to the body followed by another left uppercut to the head. 120 Damage/150 Stun

Martillo Izquierdo (Left Hammer)– B+LP+LK: Juan clinches his opponent, spins them around and clubs them in the head with powerful left punch to the temple. 130 Damage/200 Stun

  • These throws leave Juan close to his opponent.

Unique Attacks:

Orthodox Stance

Rompehombros (Shoulder Breaker) – F+HP: (Overhead) Juan throws a powerful overhand right to the opponent’s shoulder. 26F Startup 80 Damage/150 Stun +3 On Hit/-2 On Block

Busto de Rodilla (Knee Buster) – DF+HK: Juan strikes with an uppercut to the opponent’s knee. Must be blocked low. 16F Startup 80 Damage/150 Stun +5 On Hit/-1 On Block

Uno Dos Golpe (One Two Blow) - LP,HP: (Target Combo) Juan snaps a quick left jab and follows it up with a straight right power punch. 7F Startup 60 Damage/80 Stun +1 On Hit/-4 On Block

Southpaw Stance

Huelga de Clavícula (Clavicle Strike) – F+MP: (Overhead) Juan throw a overhand left strike to the collarbone. 22F Startup 60 Damage/100 Stun +1 On Hit/-7 On Block

Gancho de Salto (Jumping Hook) – F+HP: Juan hops forward and strikes with a left hook to his adversary’s head. Goes over low attacks. 10F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun +4 On Hit/-2 On Block

Uno Dos Tres (One Two Three)– LP,MP, F+HP: Juan hits his opponent with left jab, right cross, jumping left hook comibnation. 8F Startup 60 Damage/80 Stun +1 On Hit/-7 On Block


Orthodox Stance

Cuerpo Golpe (Body Blow)– F+KKK: Juan hits his adversary with a stiff right punch to the body that leaves them standing.

Southpaw Stance

Doble Cruz (Double Cross)– F+PPP: Juan throws a right cross-left cross combination that knocks the opponent down.

V-Skill 1:

Paso Atrás Cruz (Back Step Cross) – MP+MK: Juan takes a quick back step to evade his opponent’s attack before striking them with a cross. Whether it’s a left or right cross depends on the his current stance.

Orthodox Stance

  • Cruz Diestro (Right Hand Cross)- 21F Startup 70 Damage/150 Stun, Throw/Strike Invincible 3F to 15F, Causes Knockdown, -2 On Block

Southpaw Stance

  • Cruz Zurdo (Left Hand Cross) - 18F Startup 50 Damage/100 Stun, Throw/Strike Invincible 3F to 12F, Leaves Standing, +2 On Hit/-4 On Block

V-Skill 2:

Paso Finta (Step Feint) – MP+MK: Juan dashes forward while performing a feint. Dash is Projectile Invincible 3F to 21F and has 25 Total Frames.

Orthodox Stance

  • Golpe Diestro (Right Hand Blow) - 12F Startup 70 Damage/120 Stun, Causes Knockdown, -10 On Block

Southpaw Stance

  • Golpe Zurdo (Left Hand Blow)- 9F Startup 50 Damage/70 Stun, Leaves Standing, +2 On Hit/-2 On Block

V-Trigger 1:

Verdadera Ambidexteridad (True Ambidexterity) – HP+HK: Juan overwhelms his opponent with his full arsenal of unique and special attacks no matter his stance. He gains the ability to use Southpaw unique and specials attacks in Orthodox Stance and vice versa. This gives him access to new combat routes and also improves his defensive options.

  • Specials do not drain meter
  • V-Trigger drains over time
  • 3000F Duration
  • 3-Bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Mentón de Hierro (Iron Chin) – HP+HK: Juan gains the ability to wade through is opponent’s attack. All of Juan’s special attacks gain one hit of armor on frame 3. EX Special moves gain two hits of armor.

  • Special moves cost 600F.
  • EX Special Moves costs 1200F
  • V-Trigger duration 2400F
  • 2-Bar V-Trigger


Orthodox Stance

Prisa Rápida (Rapid Rush)– QCF+P: (Rekka) Juan rushes forward with a right hook punch. If the input is repeated, he will follow up with a left hook, and final right hook that knocks down will be thrown if the input is entered a third time. The punch determines the damage dealt and distance travel. The first hook thrown is minus -2 on block with proper spacing. The 2nd follow up of all versions knock down.

  • LP – 6F Startup 50 Damage/50 Stun ¼ Travel Distance, 1st Follow up 6F Startup 40 Damage/50 Stun, 2nd Follow up 6F Startup 40 Damage/50 Stun
  • MP – 8F Startup 60 Damage/60 Stun 1/3 Travel Distance, 1st Follow up 6F Startup 40 Damage/50 Stun, 2nd Follow up 8F Startup 50 Damage/50 Stun
  • HP – 10F Startup 70 Damage/70 Stun ½ Travel Distance, 1st Follow up 6F Startup 50 Damage/60 Stun, 2nd Follow up 8F Startup 50 Damage/70 Stun
  • EX - 6F Startup 70 Damage/70 Stun ½ Travel Distance, 1st Follow up 6F Startup 60 Damage/60 Stun, 2nd Follow up 8F Startup 70 Damage/70 Stun Causes Hard Knock Down

Abrazo Aporrea (Pummel Embrace)– HCB+K: (Command Grab): Juan clinches his opponent then strikes them with a right body hook, left hook to the head, right hook to the head, left hook to the body into right uppercut combination. Kick button determines the grab range, damage, and advantage after a forward dash. All versions have 6F Startup. LP (Most Range, 160 Damage/210 Stun, -4 after Dash) MP (Less Range, 175 Damage/210 Stun, -2 after Dash) HP (Least Range, 190 Damage/210 Stun, +2 after Dash) EX(Most Range, 200 Damage/250 Stun, +2 after Dash)

Puño de Llama Azul (Blue Flame Fist) – F,D,DF+P: (Anti Air): Juan crouches down, cocks his fist back, and strikes with a viscous right uppercut that engulfs his opponent in blue flames. LP(4F Startup, 100 Damage/150 Stun, Throw Invincible) MP (6F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (8F Startup, 150 Damage/200 Stun, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (4F Startup, 170 Damage/200 Stun, Full Startup Invincibility, Crush Counterable)

Postura Zurdo (Left Hand Stance)– D+KKK: Juan switches to a Southpaw Stance

Southpaw Stance

Contador del Resbalón (Slip Counter)– QCB+P: Juan evades his opponent’s attack and hits them with powerful counter attack that causes a hard knock down. The punch button pressed determines the type of move that can be countered. All versions have 2F Startup 30F recovery on whiff. LP (Low – Overhand Left 180 Damage/250 Stun) MP (Mid – Straight Left 160 Damage/200 Stun) HP (High – Left Uppercut 160 Damage/200 Stun) EX All version have 1F Startup 25F recovery on whiff. LP+MP (Low 240 Damage/300 Stun) LP+HP (Mid 220 Damage/250 Stun) MP+HP (High 220 Damage/250 Stun)

Bolsa de Velocidad (Speed Bag) – QCF+K or 4 Quick K inputs: Juan strikes with a furious combination of left and right punches. LK (5F Startup 60Damage/100 Stun, Leaves Standing) MK (10F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun, Leaves Standing) HK (15F Startup 100 Damage/150 Stun, Knocks Down) EX (5F Startup 100 Damage/150 Stun, Launches Opponent)

Llamas Volantes (Flying Flames) – QCB+K: Juan pulls back his arm and throws a left cross that sends a ball of blue flame traveling towards his opponent. Kick button determines the speed of the projectile. All versions have 18F Startup 47 Total Frames and cause 50 Damage/100 Stun. LK (Slow), MK (Fast), HK (Fastest, EX (16F Startup 46 Total Frames, 100 Damage/150 Stun, Knocks Down)

Postura Diestro (Right Hand Stance) – D+PPP: Juan switches to an Orthodox Stance

Critical Art:

Orthodox Stance

Tres Ponche Nocaut (Three Punch Knockout)– QCFx2+P: Juan overwhelms his opponent with a powerful punch combination beginning with a vicious right punch to the gut followed by left hook the chin and concluded with brutal right hand punch to the temple. 3 Hits 330 Damage

Southpaw Stance

Acabado Combinaton de Iluminación (Lightning Combination Finish) – QCFx2+K: Juan blitzes his opponent with his full arsenal of punches in blinding succession. His opponent is struck almost three dozen times in a mere second.

33 hits 330 Damage

Reasons to be in SFV:

After ten years, titles in three weight classes, and a exhibition victory over a former heavyweight champion, Juan feels he is finally ready to achieve his goal. Vengeance against Balrog for his brother’s death. With the large prize pot for the upcoming World Martial Arts tournament, Balrgo is sure to be there. It is time for him to have an “accidental” death in the ring.

Win Quotes:

Ryu – “Your technique is as flawless as they say. Finding a whole in your defense was hard. We have to do this again sometime.”

Chun Li - “Ay dios mio! Did I just fight a cop. Papi’s gonna be pissed.”

Nash - “Fighting in your condition is a bad idea. You don’t look so good man. ”

Bison- “I’m not gonna lie. It felt good to knock those pristine teeth from your mouth.”

Cammy -”Even with my hand speed you were hard to hit. I could use some new sparring partners. Here take my card.”

Birdie - “Food? You look like you already had plenty. Its not good to be so gordo man”

Ken - “We should have a rematch on PPV. Think of the numbers man. Champion versus Champion fights are always huge sellers.”

Necalli - “¡Ay bendito! I’ve faced some weird opponents but you man. You are something else. ”

Vega - “Deja ya de gufear. No one can possibly be this vain.”

R.Mika -”There is a crazy lady with a whip looking for wrestling talent. She gave me her card, here you take it.”

Rashid - “My autograph? Sure, you can have one. Odd request to get from a guy you just beat up.”

Karin - “Qué diablos!? When did socialites start hitting so hard?”

Zangief - “Your leg is bigger than my whole body. I’m looking for a new strength and condition coach, you interested?”

Laura - “I need to improve my clinch work. Your grappling is something else.”

Dhalsim - “How do they measure your reach? You can change it! Can you teach me that? It would be useful against taller opponents.”

F.A.N.G - “No one should be obsessed with the number 2. Everyone should strive to be numero uno.”

Alex - “Not bad, a little rough around edges. Keep training and you may be a champion some day.”

Guile - “Why is a Air Force pilot in a fighting tournament? Shouldn’t you be with your family man?”

Ibuki - “Nena, you shouldn’t be so boy crazy. There are other things in life you know.”

Balrog - “ The last thing my brother saw was you standing over him. I will be the last thing you see cabrón”

Juri - “Some guys are into to sadistic and crazy chicks. I am not some guys though.”

Urien - “I should of wore my boxing gloves. I damn near broke my hand knocking you out.”

Akuma - “I don’t like your vibe. Rivalries forge the best fighters. How can you have those is you are always killing your opponent?”

Kolin - “Are you some sort of crazy missionary or la reina de los hielos? Make up your mind.”

Ed - “Something about your style seems familiar. Do you know…no, there is no way.”

Abigail - “If you had technique, you’d be a problem. You are all strength and no skill amigo.”

Menat - “I do not believe in fortunes. I decide my own destiny.”

Zeku - “You are like your own father-son team. That’s loco man”

Sakura - “I admire your enthusiasm. If you are interested in boxing, my papi can turn you into a champion.”

Blanka - “You look salvaje but you are really just a nice guy.”

Falke - ”A ver, relájate. There is no need to be so sad.”

Cody - “What hell kind of mayor are you!? It’s a waste of talent for you to be behind a desk.”

G - “Are you a method actor or something? You can’t be loco enough to really believe what you saying…right?”

Sagat - “Getting inside your reach was quite the challenge. Your title as the Emperor of Muay Thai is well earned.”

Kage - “I think I had a bad bottle of pitorro. Now I’m seeing things.”

Poison - “I’m not into into whips mami and no, I am not interested in a new manager.”

Honda - “Hey you are that famous sumo? My not so little cousin is fan. Mind giving me an autograph”

Lucia - “I did not think I would find such a mamita here. Véngase conmigo. ¡La pasaremos bien! ”

Gill - “I’m not interested in your cult. Keep your divine delusion to yourself my man.”

Seth - “Are you some sort of new sparring robot? I’ll have get a few of you for my gym.”

Spanish Translations: (I tried to use Puerto Rican specific slang when possible)

Asesino Ambidextro – Ambidextrous Assassin

Ay dios mio! - Oh my God

Gordo – Fat

¡Ay bendito! - Oh my God/Oh my gosh

Deja ya de gufear – Stop joking around

Qué diablos – What the hell

Numero uno – number 1

Nena – little girl

Cabrón - bastard

La reina de los hielos – The queen of ice

Salvaje – wild/savage

A ver, relájate - “Lighten up”

Pitorro – Puerto Rican rum

Mamita – in the quotes context “cutie”

Véngase conmigo. ¡La pasaremos bien! - Come with me. Let’s have some fun!



So I was searching the Internet and found this. It’s called “Capcom All Stars CAP Comic”. So I’m guessing that this was a successor to the CAP! and CFN mooks. There’s 4 volumes of this BTW. I wonder if there’s anything interesting in those books. The art is OK but it screams early 00’s which is always a good thing for me.

