The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Guest what after this, tatsuruko aka ninjaworldwarrior16 the xkira dummyaccount or xkira customerservice 24/7 has returned. Lol

I really liked the Dhlasim one for some reason. :slight_smile:


Nice catch. It’s the only time she ever show’s emotion. Easter egg for what Dhalsim did for Cammy.


What if Ryu was actually Akumas dad!?


Then it is and everything goes.

Since most in the thread likes it heŕe, speculate it, theories it, applaud it, then he dies like Vader cliche that everyone believes that Capcom would do. Lol



New screen of new color

can’t get why people love crap like this, i wish “special colors” where actually good well thought new color palettes (maybe hint/tribute at something) rather than just flashy retardness

Example Ryu’s “The Master” color was essentially SF3 Ryu without stupid blue hair, i will like more it


After killing that Akuma prepare for the vader cliche that everyone demands here for multiple version of him returning. It’s like bio-broly then DBS broly. Along with tons of weird excuse of how he comesback and then back to normal or retconned.

Even SNK regrets those kind of killing and deathmatches that even retracted some already and dent it in there flagship titles

Thats why it’s better that you got whats already there and just keep them busy somewhere else after fighting Ryu.

Rather than Ryu fighting multiple version of his daddy later in the story,

Then the whole plot drama is about Ryu convincing to remember his humanity and remember him as his son. Prepare for numerous version of that story to be told in the future like Ryu vs Bison.

But wait that be repeated and have several iteration every future game because we will have… daddy zombie akuma, daddy robot akuma, daddy spirit akuma, daddy shadow akuma, daddy frankenstein akuma or whatever posible combination.

People here wants more complicated and convulted story for Akuma because they dislike him and want him to be disliked by others then disappear.

And lets not forgot multiple version of future Ryu vs Bison again.

Me being oppose to that idea from the beginning of the debate, frown and label as something I am not then Yagamifire started deleting most of his comments because those were wrong.

Because the character is a villain and using martial arts for wrong people here want him to have a miserable narative progression the disappear. This is a fighting game not an anime. Lol

But prefers better narrative for the likes of Urien and Bison.

Edgelord color palette released for edgelords

They are part of the consumer that should not be ignored and deny.

Yet those pallete isnt even necessary and should have been exclusive for Chun and Nash.


I really hope I missed something at the select screen, cause nostalgia Seth looks like he has genital herpes with that effect around his crotch.

He looked fine in the reveal trailer so it’s probably just the code or something… but wow, it looks horrible.

That said… it’s amazing how they fully revamped Seth’s moveset, but you can still 100% notice the SF4 influences. Pretty great job there.


Coildnt be bothered to watch the whole video. What happens when Seth steals his own move?

I think he ever had that in SFV since first trailer, it’s like diaper explosion lol

Maybe they colored the area for usual “esports” bullshit?
Also “femal” Seth got some sort of stupid cover lol

i watched the vid quickly but iirc some sort of big straight punch in muscle-form

Vasili part 2 anyone…?

Oh no, you’re right lol

Yeah that effect doesn’t look right when not in motion (like it was in SF4). Would’ve been a cleaner better design if there were no crotch splats.

I’m also not a fan of default Seth’s painted on swimsuit. Female and Male Seth need to be equally and completely naked. They have no genitals or nipples so who cares?

Fingers crossed for that suit though.


We never had problems since VF Dural days, let alone Seth himself in 4

Somehow genderless SFV Seth “needed” a female swimsuit kind of design

Summer highly feminized costume is going to be even more bizzarre lol, specially with the male voice

Curious to see the story cape one, seems the most interessing take

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Yup after seeing that, I’m ready for nightmares tonight. Maybe I deserve that after bringing up you-know-who. :flushed: