The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Im a Ryu, Zeku, Guy person akuma would be in 15 favorable characters if ever in SF. Bison would be also along the top 10 of mine. Even Urien is something to me too that you like.

But I don’t approve of killing another sought out character to make another character appealing or for the sake of story, then return him as a disfigured or a lowly version of the previous because of the demands of him, This is a fighting game not an movie that needs to kind of narrative.

The difference is Im not biased like you guys and I thinks this fighting game not a movie, that you guys dislike threats your favorable characters, fanfics and villains.

Look the last time people here hate and condemn those that creates power levels then later they create there own lol to make there favorable characters higher then put Zeku and Guy below lol.

Labeling me as Akuma fan to dismantle my arguments is obviously shows you are losing and desparate. I don’t even own one merchandise if I had one I sell it for bargain lol.

Wtf is going on in here


Not sure. I didn’t do it. It wasn’t me. Side note: posting late does not help with proof reading. My previous post is rife with errors.

I’m not gonna lie…

It was all @Darc_Requiem 's doing!


Okay lets talk about other stuff aside from multiple version of ideas, how to make their disliked character to be disliked more and disappear then return worst or disfigured.

Then how to make their favorable character to be more safe from other threats that can either depowered and killed it.

If someone had a different idea and devil advocate their preferences then label them as diehard fan of that disliked character even obviously not. Lol

Look the only progress and development you guys can offer to Akuma is to die, disappear and wait for another fight(Loop) or another starwars cliche? Because you dislike his character and considered as a threat.

While mine is about him being detach and find the fight somewhere else to fight (after another Ryu fight) because of trancending fist*(Akuma having Guts Dragon Slayer like capabilities onto his fist)* to face the demons and shadows finally that he mentioned in his game endings, can also do a spar with Gen’s soul. Then let go of those that doesnt want fo fight him.

Wait big boy cestus need to speak yet and join the topic Lol

Glad to have you back dude, this is some good stuff. Really like the detail and the moving forward while giving a nice way to tie up loose ends and give Cammy something to fear. I wish you luck with your writing project dude! Cheers!

edit: Also dude, if in the future, you’re down to collab on projects when you’ve got more free time, I would love to have you on board.


Bison has always been and will always be a martial artist first and foremost (I am using the colloquial meaning not @yagamifire’s which is the more accurate term). The entire conclusion of A Shadow Falls demonstrates that at his core he is still about the fight, and to keep fighting forever in the face of all adversity including death and fate itself.

Everything Bison built for himself and around himself is purely in service of his one true ambition - To Grow stronger, and fight.

Yes what he does is a hellish perversion, but that’s just what he is and he isn’t pretending to be anything else - That’s the beauty of his villainy (unlike a certain someone! MAGGOT!). The natural order and cycle of life, power, this universe is nothing if it were not to be subjugated under his boots!

So Bison is the Nuclear Bomb, but he is also the trigger man, the Scientist that spent decades studying, and the vessel carrying the enriched uranium. He’s all of it. He created it all through sheer force of will from whatever dark trenches he crawled out of on this wretched rock we call Earth!

You may call what he does not a martial art, but by god you won’t do it to his big smiling face! Because you’re afraid, and that’s the point… Be afraid. Resent him. Hate him and everything he does and could do. THERE IS NO LIMIT! BEWARE!!! HIDE YOUR KIDS!


The thing is it doesn’t really matter for a iconic character in a modern Fighting Game like SF, if that a martial artist is correct whether a the character is evil one or a good one, even sometimes his not even a martial artist and his combat practices isn’t base into a real one. Its like you guys here that this character not using right martial arts so he needs either to die or disappear then had the worst fate kind of logic? The thing is clear your BS.

The point here is if the character is indemand it needs to be flexible and available if needed for future titles regardless of the niche that dislike him or her.

Fucking nerds is what’s going on here!


I’ve made a lot of progress. I’m presently working on Chapter 20. I hope to wrap things in the next two chapters. Last time we talked I think I was on Chapter 4.


Reminder that Akuma should’ve choppef Bison in the neck a second time.


Lol YagamiFire deleting most his comments, most of his argument are just bs and strawman(not coming from me) because of disliking and hating the character and wants it to be continue to be worst and worst then disapear and die.

Detachment and letting go is the growth Akuma needs.The need not to validate himself to someone else and not beg for someone to be posses by demons and fight him.

The thing that make it wrong to you guys is because you dislike and hated the character and considered as a threat to your favorable villains so you guys rather considered growth to him is disappearance or dying lol.

Look man, idk wtf is going on with you right now, but you really ought to take a look in the mirror. The essays and shit are annoying (and I’ll tell you right now, at least half the thread isn’t even reading them). The constant weekly beefs with random people are getting old fast. And I don’t really care who messaged you when, it’s obvious that you are the common denominator here. There’s disagreements (and believe me, I’m one to talk), and then there’s being convinced anyone who strongly disagrees with you is either arrogant, blindly hating things, or part of some secret Illuminati conspiracy to put out fake leaks.

@Pertho I’ll take one “ignore feature that isn’t available by default for some reason”, please.


Thats xkira era and his dummy here. Tagging around with cestus. That the fake leaks part.

And a dummy desperately demanding me to delete a quoted messges of his claiming to be datamined by sending tons of pms. That even send me pms and even followed me in discord.

Thats the best thing you can do when the others does that to you.

Look even some random guy that Im not a friend or pal (like other people here that tags others when losing arguments), obviously know that Yagamifire is wrong that he ended up, labeling me as a diehard fan of which is wrong because his losing an argument clearly.

This is just a disagreement and a debate with a topic, that I don’t let the majority win again despite that what they want too for a certain character, so it went there way always.

You should be able to use it now.

If you had issues with it, you could’ve shoot me an @ sooner. This also means shoot me an @ or PM if you need help with anything else.



Fighting game Iconic character progression for them is narrow for a character they dislike and hate.

Detachment and Letting Go reaching goal(mine) “>” to death and disappearance then comeback or wait again loop.(others)

But because there is another way than what the majority favors into and see. MajorIty is not always right.

@Doctrine_Dark what did you think of the win quotes? Birdie was my favorite.


Bruh, the Cammy, Rashid, and Karin quotes :flushed:

All of them are great. This is a cold ass doll.


Cool, I wanted to make sure I nailed her personality. Seems like I did :grin: