The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Tell us more about how the best option for Akuma’s story arc is him “being a mysterious bad ass” and beating up demons and ghosts instead of interacting with the actual character story arc he’s built up for 30 years.

It makes perfect sense and doesn’t seem at all like a desperate attempt to keep Akuma from getting the final giant L he needs.


I never said he won’t interact, he is still there and would interact to those that sought after him instead, I just said he got what he wants to spar with and doesn’t need Ryu or anyone to host host it. It’s just Akuma minus the f*cks his given to Ryu. There nothing wrong with that it just show that Akuma isnt anymore fixated Ryu or need to beg and validate to anyone that isnt interested with him. Thats the growth he needs and thats the problem with his character that needed to change. To lose attachment.

You want me to be convince that you guys desperate want a deathmatch, vader moment and akuma begging because he is a VILLAIN and he needs to apologize and cry like other villains in SF. Lol

“All I want is Akuma without his defining character stuff so he can be an eternal bad ass that always wins forever and fights demons and ghosts and gods but it’s not fan wanking at all guys honest”

Whatever, man. Like I said, I’m done.

This is straight up cringe-manufacturing of the highest order and I’m not gonna help pollute the thread anymore.

Because Im not a fan on how you claim me to be and did that with other characters but concerned more of the flexibility of a sought out character in a FG that is inevitable to return whether you like it or not. This reflect even my old post with other characters.

Look it’s better that his doing something like sparring with Gen soul or Oni that is what his character is into when isolating himself from others rather than what you guys that dislike him aim for is to just disappear/Dead then thinking how to make another confrontation for Ryu again. Then return him multiple times in multiple version then desprately return him from previous state with convoluted excuses that complicates the canon more.

It doesn’t makes him OP because this character like Akari in Last Blade can do and interact with those and it’s not a problem for the likes of Akuma since basically every ending of him talks about a shadow and demon on confrontation

Having a fist that is like Gut’s sword Dragon Slayer in Berserk isn’t gonna make him overpower because it equal the same whether demons or spirits and mortals

It doesn’t even stops his possible interaction with Ryu or any other character but it "dis"attach to him and doesn’t make him fixated anymore thats growth. People can still find him if they seek him or if they ask of a fight while they deserve it.

Thats the better closure of his arc with Ryu while being still around in the select screen. Giving nore space for narrative for Ryu to interact with newer protoganist and characters to inspire them and give them realization on battle.

The argument on him that he should suffer for him being villain and having a wrong martial arts? I mean like I said we had tons of villain here Juri uses Taekwondo, Adon on Muthai and etc, Even Bison. This is a fighting game not an anime. Just give the character something to do in his isolation and what he wants then finally its a conclusion without the need to messed him up to (he needs to die) something irreversible.

Like I said. This character was also on a DEATHMATCH but was retconned by SNK.

All of this is for the character to appeal to his target audience not to us that is into another character. And for this character to be more flexible fighting to recur to future games than what you guys aim for which is the convenience and appeal of your favorable characters than this one.

I had to pull myself away from my other writing project. Got bored, did another concept. Be warned this was one is really long. Threw an easter egg in there for @Daemos ,win quotes for every SFV character for @Doctrine_Dark , detailed lore for @Shockdingo , and terribly translated Polish words for @Midgardsorm , even purposely mangled the translation for Calendar to fit Capcom’s original theme. so in short something for everyone. :wink:

Name: Kalendza


Name: Kalendza

Nickname: Czerwona Modliszka

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Polish (?)

Height: 6ft 2in (1.88m)

Weight: 181lbs (82kg)

B/W/H: 37-23-37 (94cm-58.5cm-94cm)

Hometown: Szczecin, Poland

Appearance: Kalendza is tall woman with a toned dense musculature. Hints of her muscle tone is visible through her form fitting clothing. Kalendza has long straight orange hair with bangs that stop just above her eyebrows and a long single braided ponytail that hangs down to base of her back. Her eyes are canary yellow and her skin is tawny brown. Kalendza wears ash (dark) gray tactical body suit that bullet and puncture resistant. The suit has zipper that starts at the waist and goes up to the center of her sternum. There is a flap that extends from the left side of her suit. It covers the center zipper of her suit by stretching over her torso zipping up on the right side of her suit. This design prevents the center zipper from being vulnerable to bullets or knife attacks. She has forearm length black gloves fashioned from the same bullet/puncture resistant material. There are two near identical black leather harness strapped around her left and right things. Attached to the left harness is a gun holster with a pistol resembling a PR-15 Ragun, This is a 9mm Semi Auto used by the Polish Military. The right harness house a knife resembling a Gerlach WZ 98 military combat knife. This knife has a 7 inch (177mm) blade that is balanced for throwing accuracy. Kalendza’s feet are covered by long black boots that stop just below her knees.

Likes: Surpassing Expectation, Learning New Skills, Stealth, Weapon Collection

Dislikes: Emotion, Failing a Task, Uncertainty

Fighting Style: Shadaloo Assassination Techniques

Tone: Kalendza is cold and emotionless with machine like efficiency

Origins: Kalendza is a prototype doll created, not as a back up body for M.Bison, but a replacement for Bison’s top lieutenants. While they are exceptional fighters, Sagat, Vega, and Balrog’s personal interest often conflicts with Shadaloo’s end goals. After Sagat left Shadaloo, Bison had the project fast tracked. These Shadalieutenants would be completely loyal and live to fulfill his goals.

Kalendza was constructed from the DNA of Cammy and the original twelve dolls. Their best individual traits were combined to create her genetic code. Then that genetic code was modified to further increase her mental and physical abilities. There several attempts at constructing what would ultimately become Kalendza. The twelve previous attempts failed at various stages of the project. Eventually the spliced and enhanced DNA would become unstable and break down at the molecular level. After extensive testing, the best attributes of each doll unit was determined to be the following:

  • Enero – Vocal Mimicry

  • Fervier – Marksmanship

  • Marz – Intelligence & Technological Acumen

  • Aprile – Gymnastics

  • Satsuki – Hearing & Swordsmanship

  • Juni – Flexibility & Sense of Smell

  • Juli – Cardiovascular Endurance

  • Santamu – Eye Sight & Spear Combat

  • Xiayu – Hand Eye Coordination (Jianyu is her identical twin)

  • Jianyu – Hand Eye Coordination (Xiayu is her identical twin)

  • Noembelu – Physical Strength

  • Decapre – Ki manipulation & pain tolerance (Due to frequent psycho power infusions)

  • Cammy – Speed & Agility (Enhanced clone of Decapre)

Kalendza’s name is drawn from the method of her construction and the location of her creation. Kalendarz is the Polish word for calendar. She was created from the DNA of dolls that represented each month of the year i.e. the twelve months of the calendar. As implied, the Shadaloo facility she was birthed and trained in, is located in Szczecin, Poland. This facility was an off shoot of Shadaloo’s German operations which were based 60 miles away in Eberswalde, Germany. Due her darker skin tone, Shadaloo passed her off as being of Romani descent in her rare forays in public.

The Eberswalde facility was responsible for the instruction of three dolls. Marz, Juli, and Juni were based out of Germany. That being the case their trainers were brought to Szczecin and placed in charge of Kalendza’s development. In addition to instructing her in extensive training for multiple disciplines, her trainers placed a heavy emphasis on behavioral training. She trained to show zero emotion and reaction to pain. The smallest of smiles, frowns, or winces were met with harsh punishment. Kalendza’s training was highly successful. Her default state is so machine like, even M.Bison himself mistook her for a bio-mechanical creation. The only time she appears to show emotion is during infiltration missions. This display is a facade, she merely emulates how she thinks someone would act. She does experience pain but no reaction to it. Kalendza uses the sensation to locate any potential injuries. The Shadaloo scientists that supervised her creation, made Kalendza aware of how she came into being. This was just another way for them to ensure she did not feel human.

Kalendza surpassed Bison’s expectations. Her final test given to her by Bison himself was to discreetly hunt down and kill everyone at the Szczecin facility with knowledge of her creation. She carried out her task with cold and ruthless efficiency. The people that would be considered closest to her by most was taken out without a second. Enero’s vocal mimicry ability was especially effective in this operation. The facility head smiled when he saw Kalendza. He knew his operation was total success. He shouted “Glory to Shadaloo” right before Kalendza broke his neck. When Bison sent in a team to “determine” who had hit the facility, they reported that all the slain personnel showed signs of being assassinated by the rogue former doll designated “Killer Bee.” Satisfied, Bison gave Kalendza two final directives, better known as Project D.A.E.M.O.S before placing her in stasis. A) In the unlikely event that he should fall, Kalendza hunt down and kill those responsible. B) Once her primary objective was complete, she was do what ever was necessary to facilitate his return.

Her Rival: Cammy

Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 5

1025 Stamina 1025 Stun


Trucizna Spike – LP+LK: Kalendza grabs her opponent, switches to their back, and uses a reverse frankensteiner to drive them headfirst into the ground. 5F Startup 140 Damage/150 Stun

Wagabunda Sling – B+LP+LK: Kalendza grabs her opponent, spins their back to her, and release German suplexes them behind her. 5F Startup 140 Damage/200 Stun

Żmija Driver – LP+LK: (In Air) Kalendza uses an aerial cobra clutch supex to drive the back of her foe’s head into the ground. 5F Startup 140 Damage/170 Stun

Zapalczywość Stomp – B+LP+LK: (In Air) Kalendza grabs her opponent and somersaults backward into a two-foot chest stomp. Causes a side switch. 5F Startup 150 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Dactyl Ścisk – F+MP: Kalendza strikes with a crushing overhand right punch to her opponent’s foot. Attack must be blocked low. 15F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun +4 On Hit/-2 On Block

Mad Topór – F+HP: (Overhead) Kalendza hits her enemy with an advancing left overhand hammer punch. 23F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun +1 On Hit/-7 On Block

Kosa Slice – B+MK: Kalendza hops into the air and hits her opponent with spinning back right kick to the head. Goes over low attacks. 11F Startup 60 Damage/120 Stun +2 On Hit/-2 On Block

Nóż Shear – F+HK: Kalendza advances forward with a right sobat kick to the mid-section. 14F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +3 On Hit/-3 On Block

Flintlock Lanca – B+HK: (Anti Air) Kalendza strikes with a high standing side kick that juggles airborne opponents. Has limited horizontal range. 9F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun +4 On Hit/-5 On Block

Moździerz Stamp – D+HK (In Air) At the apex of her jump, Kalendza executes a steep angled, 80°, right stomp kick 16F Startup 80 Damage/100 Stun 9F of landing recovery -4 On Block

Sierpak Dyad – F+MP, F+HP(Target Combo): Kalendza performs an overhand right to the opponent’s foot followed by an overhand left hammer fist to the collarbone. 16F Startup 60 Damage/80 Stun +4 On Hit/-2 On Block

Hemisect Duo Ostrze – B+MK, F+HK(Target Combo): Kalendza hops into air and hits her opponent with spinning back right kick into right sobat kick combination. 11F Startup 70 Damage/150 Stun +3 On Hit/-7 On Block

Zbrojownia Blitz – LK, MP, B+HK, D+HK (Target Combo): Kalendza strikes with a standing left knee, right hooking elbow to the head, high standing left side kick into right aerial stomp combination. 10F Startup 80 Damage/150 Stun Knocks Down/-10 On Block


Brutalny Heel – F+KKK: Kalendza performs a standing somersault back kick that knocks her opponent a ½ Screen Away. 17F Startup 60 Damage (Recoverable), 200 Stun Recovered from activation

V-Skill 1:

Cień Interpose - MP+MK: Kalendza executes a left back hand strike. If timed properly, she follows up with a vicious right uppercut to the body that leaves her at advantage.

  • Standard Strike -16F Startup, 60 Damage/100 Stun, +1 On Hit, -4 On Block
  • Successful Parry – 9F to 17F Parry Window, 150 Damage/150 Stun +4 On Hit

V-Skill 2:

Eksterminacja Hold - MP+MK: Kalendza slides forward and snatches her foes by the neck with her left hand. She channels light light gray ki through her hand causing an explosion that pops the enemy up in the air.

  • 16F Startup, 70 Damage/120 Stun, Launches The Opponent, 60F Recovery On Whiff

V-Trigger 1:

Okrutny Calculous - HP+HK: Kalendza gains an aura of light gray ki. The frame data on her special attacks is improved and their stun damaged is increased.

  • Soulless Zadęcie LP: Startup Reduced from 16F to 15F, Total Frames Reduced from 48 to 45, Stun Increased from 100 to 120
  • Soulless Zadęcie MP: Startup Reduced from 22F to 21F, Total Frames Reduced from 45 to 42, Stun Increased from 100 to 120
  • Soulless Zadęcie HP: Startup Reduced from 19F to 18F, Total Frames Reduced from 45 to 42, Stun Increased from 100 to 120
  • Soulless Zadęcie EX: Startup Reduced from 18F to 16F, Total Frames Reduced from 42 to 39, Stun Increased from 120 to 150
  • Soulless Kłykieć LP: Startup Reduced from 13F to 11F, Stun Increased from 150 to 180, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -4 to -2
  • Soulless Kłykieć MP: Startup Reduced from 16F to 14F, Stun Increased from 150 to 180, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -3 to -1
  • Soulless Kłykieć HP: Startup Reduced from 21F to 19F, Stun Increased from 150 to 180, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -2 to 0
  • Soulless Kłykieć EX: Startup Reduced from 13F to 11F, Stun Increased from 200 to 240, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from 0 to +2
  • Przepoławiać Guillotine LP,MP,HP: Startup Reduced from 15F to 14F, Landing Recovery Reduced from 8F to 7F, Stun Increased from 100 to 120, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -6 to -5
  • Przepoławiać Guillotine EX: Startup Reduced from 14F to 13F, Landing Recovery Reduced from 7F to 6F, Stun Increased from 120 to 150, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -6 to -5
  • Zmora Knee Press LK: Startup Reduced from 10F to 9F, Stun Increased from 120 to 130
  • Zmora Knee Press MK: Startup Reduced from 13F to 12F, Stun Increased from 120 to 130
  • Zmora Knee Press HK: Startup Reduced from 16F to 15F, Stun Increased from 150 to 160
  • Zmora Knee Press EX: Startup Reduced from 13F to 12F, Stun Increased from 120 to 140, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -6 to -4
  • Złowrogi Slide LK: Startup Reduced from 9F to 8F, Stun Increased from 100 to 110, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -8 to -7
  • Złowrogi Slide MK: Startup Reduced from 12F to 11F, Stun Increased from 100 to 110, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -8 to -7
  • Złowrogi Slide HK: Startup Reduced from 15F to 11F, Stun Increased from 120 to 130, Disadvantage On Block Reduced from -8 to -7
  • Złowrogi Slide EX: Startup Reduced from 12F to 11F, Stun Increased from 150 to 180
  • 3000F Duration, Specials do not drain V-Trigger. Using Nagły Zgon Rondure causes the V-Trigger to expire.

3-Bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Miraż Ambuscade - HP+HK: Kalendza envelops herself in a shimmering grey aura. Her movement capability is increased, and she gains access to a new move the Ilujza Stride.

  • Forward Dash – Startup Reduced from 16F to 15F, Travel Distance increased by 50%
  • Backward Dash – Startup Reduced from 23F to 21F, Travel Distance increased by 25%
  • Ilujza Stride (Above Front) – HP+HK: Kalendza fades away. Reappearing in the air in front her opponent. 32 Total Frames, Fully Invincible 1F-4F, Airbrone Hurtbox 5F-32F
  • Ilujza Stride (Above Behind) – D+HP+HK: Kalendza fades away. Reappearing in the air behind her opponent. 32 Total Frames, Fully Invincible 1F-4F, Airbrone Hurtbox 5F-32F
  • Ilujza Stride (Through) – F+HP+HK: Kalendza fades away. Reappearing behind her opponent. 32 Total Frames, Throw Invincible 1F-24F, Strike/Projectile Invincible 3F-24F
  • Ilujza Stride (Away) – B+HP+HK: Kalendza fades away. Reappearing a half screen front her opponent. 32 Total Frames, Throw Invincible 1F-24F, Strike/Projectile Invincible 3F-24F
  • 3000F Duration. Ilujza Stride costs 1500F per use. Dashes do not consume V-Gauge

3-Bar V-Trigger


Soulless Zadęcie – QCF+P: Kalendza channels her apathy into a large light gray orb of ki that she hurtles at her opponent engulfing them in light gray flames. The projectile size, damage, travel properties change depending which punch button is used. Resembles a dull light gray Psycho Shot. LP (16F Startup 48 Total Frames, Fast Travel Speed, 60 Damage/100 Stun -2 On Hit/-6 On Block) MP (22F Startup 45 Total Frames, Slow Travel Speed, +3 On Hit/-1 On Block) HP (19F Startup 45 Total Frames, Large, Stationary,70 Damage/100 Stun, Knocks Down, -2 On Block) HP (19F Startup 45 Total Frames, Large, Stationary,70 Damage/100 Stun, Knocks Down, -2 On Block) EX (18F Startup 42 Total Frames, Large, Stationary,90 Damage/120 Stun, Causes Juggle, +2 On Block)

Soulless Kłykieć – HCB+P: Kalendza ignites her fist with a light gray aura of ki before striking with a forward advancing spinning back fist that sets her ablaze in light gray flame. Active frames of the attack nullify single hit projectiles. LP (13F Startup 80 Damage/150 Stun, +2 On Hit/-4 On Block) MP (16F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun, +2 On Hit/-3 On Block) HP (21F Startup 100 Damage/150 Stun, +3 On Hit/-2 On Block) EX (13F Startup 150 Damage/200 Stun, Knocks Down/0 On Block)

Przepoławiać Guillotine – QCB+P: (In Air): From a forward jump, Kalendza pulls back her left-hand which glows with light gray ki overhead and descends with a violent chop downward upon her opponent until her hand reaches the ground. Frame data and damage are identical for all versions. 15F Startup 90 Damage/100 Stun 8F of landing recovery -6 On Block. The punch button only alters the descent angle. LP (75° Angle), MP (70° Angle), HP (65° Angle) EX (14F Startup 7F of landing recovery, 100 Damage/120 Stun, 65° Angle, Causes Juggle State, -5 On Block)

Zmora Knee Press – QCF+K: Kalendza bursts forward with an aerial right knee strike. If the initial knee lands, she follows up with a left knee strike that knocks the opponent down. Startup, damage, and travel distance are determined by the kick button. LK (10F Startup, 90 Damage/120 Stun, ¼ Screen, -4 On Block) MK (13F Startup, 110 Damage/120 Stun, 1/3 Screen, -4 On Block) HK (16F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun, ½ Screen, -4 On Block) EX (13F Startup, 100 Damage/120 Stun, ½ Screen, Causes Crumple, -6 On Block)

Złowrogi Slide – QCB+K: Kalendza crouches with her left leg extended and uses her right leg to drive herself towards her foe at great speed. Attack must be blocked low. LK (9F Startup, 80 Damage/100 Stun, ¼ Screen, -8 On Block) MK (12F Startup, 100 Damage/100 Stun, 1/3 Screen, -8 On Block) HK (15F Startup, 120 Damage/120 Stun, ½ Screen, -8 On Block) EX (12F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun, ½ Screen, Causes Hard Knock Down, -4 On Block)

Critical Art:

Zgon Sphere – QCFx2+P: Kalendza thrusts her fist forward striking her foe and engulfing them in a large sphere of light gray ki. The sphere causes her opponent to writhe in pain for a few moments before exploding. 11 Hits 330 Damage (1x130, 10x20)

V-Trigger 1 Only

Nagły Zgon Rondure – Kalendza hits her opponent with a gut-wrenching left uppercut to the body and hoists her foe directly overhead on her fist. She then strikes them brutal right punch to the abdomen that sends sailing directly overhead while engulfed in massive sphere of light gray ki. The opponent ascends while wracked with pain until the sphere explodes. Her adversary hurtles towards the earth and slams into the ground at her feet. 18 Hits 380 damage (1x60, 1x50, 15x10, 1x120)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Upon Bison’s fall, Kalendza’s wake up sequence was automatically initiated. Once awake, Kalendza determined that several responsible parties were invited to the latest world warrior tournament. She use the opportunity to eliminate several targets in succession before moving on to any stragglers and initiating Bison’s return.

Win Quotes:

Ryu – “Primary target identified. Your Ki signature is responsible for Lord Bison’s deactivation. Termination protocols engaged.”

Chun Li - “Identification of secondary target confirmed. Daughter of Dorai, your life is now forfeit.”

Nash - “My records are inaccurate. You are listed as K.I.A. twice. Third K.I.A entry for Charlie Nash has been entered.”

Bison- “Your new body is insufficient. We shall construct a suitable one for you my lord.”

Cammy -”Target identified. You are my failed predecessor. Code Name: Killer Bee. Your crime is treason. Your sentence is death.”

Birdie - “Agent Birdie, you are in violation of uniform protocol. More corporal punishment will be administered if you do not adopt the proper attire.”

Ken - “Head of the Masters Corporation, your complicity in the fall of Shadaloo was a fatal error.”

Necalli - “Warrior of unknown origin, your cannibalistic tendencies has lead to your undoing”

Vega - “Beautiful? You compliments have no meaning to me. Come, Lord Bison demands your return.”

R.Mika -”Kayfabe? This term is unfamiliar to me. You will define it immediately.”

Rashid - “The bond with your deceased friend has resulted in your demise.”

Karin - “After I take your life, the assets of the Kanzuki Zaibatsu will be absorbed into Shadaloo.”

Zangief - “Tactical assessment. Durability and strength are of little value without speed and agility.”

Laura - “Commonality detected. Geographical location may result in the acquisition of electric based ki.”

Dhalsim - “Unknown abilities affecting mental state…STAY AWAY!”

F.A.N.G - “Primary asset designation confirmed. Come Lord F.A.N.G. The implementation of Project D.A.E.M.O.S’s secondary directive can now commence.”

Alex - “The absconding of your possessions is outside my mission parameters. Your assessment of me is inaccurate. I am a not a mugger.”

Guile - “Sabotage of personal aircraft unnecessary. Direction elimination of target has been successful.”

Ibuki - “This doll candidate has engaged procreation directives. Mate acquisition is outside of mission goals. Candidate behavior modification recommended.”

Balrog - “ Metempsychosis asset not present. You will present the asset Lord Balrog or face disciplinary action.”

Juri - “Eradication of subject complete. Re-acquistion of stolen Shadaloo intellectual property successful. Analysis of technology developed by S.I.N’s #15 commencing.”

Urien - “Unique physiology observed. Subjugating adversary. Returning target to base for study and dissection.”

Akuma - “Satsui No Hado energy previously researched. Redundant data unnecessary. Target self-assessment as Supreme Master of Fist inaccurate. Body disposal mandate enacted.”

Kolin - “Objective completed. Helen has been detained. Beginning coercive interrogation of target.”

Ed - “Metempsychosis asset acquired. Neo Shadaloo eliminated. Bison restoration project underway.”

Abigail - “Target assessment. Subject’s size and strength is diametrically opposed to his intelligence.”

Menat - “Purveyor of Soul Power, you will disclose the location of your master or face summary execution.”

Zeku - “Are you two targets or one? Further research is required.”

Sakura - “Your combat abilities and potential will make you the perfect candidate for the new doll program.”

Brazil - “Are your electrical abilities the result of environment or physiology? The data is inconclusive.”

Falke - ”Neo Shadaloo must be eliminated but you are to be brought in alive. Come by choice or be taken by force.”

Cody - “Your unrefined attack methods have proven to be surprisingly effective. I will analyze our battle and modify my tactics accordingly.”

G - “My psychological evaluation deems you insane, but your physical capabilities warrant further investigation.”

Sagat - “Your annihilation will now commence. Traitors are to be given no quarter.”

Kage - “Phastasm of Satsui No Hado, any attempt to subjugate my mind is futile.”

Poison - “Anyone, no matter how unique, will be terminated if they interfere with my directives.”

Honda - “My attire violates your dress code? Immediate update to my infiltration protocols is required.”

Lucia - “My energy levels are nominal. I do not require a cup of coffee officer.”

Gill - “Harmony is irrelevant. Discovering the reason for your immediately recovery is imperative.”

Seth - “Number 15. I have found your attempts at escape unavailing. Your programming will be analyzed and then your files will be deleted.”

General Notes:

D.A.E.M.O.S - stands for D ictator A dversary E limination and M etempsychosis O rchestration S cenario any resemblance to actual people or protocols is purely coincidental

Metempsychosis – means to transfer a soul, after death, from one human or animal to another human or animal body

Side Note: Maybe the M in M.Bison should be Metempsychosis. What about Japan? The V in Vega would stand for Vivication (Rebirth) of course.

Appearance Notes:

Hair – Kalendza’s hair color is the same shade as Juni’s from SFA3. Her straight hair texture is the result of the majority of the dolls having various straight texture.

Eyes – Kalendza’s eye color is identical to Decapre’s. Given that her eye sight is based on Santamu’s, this caught her creators off guard.

Skin – Kalendza’s tawny brown skin tone matches Santamu’s. This was intentional to make skin more resistant to UV damage.

Muscle Tone – Kalendza’s muscle tone baseline comes from Cammy. From that baseline they pushed density has high as they could without reducing the enhanced version of Juni’s flexibility and improved version of Juli’s endurance that they already developed.

Polish Word Translations:

Kalendarz - Calendar

Czerwona Modliszka – Red Mantis

Trucizna – Venom

Wagabunda – Vagabond

Żmija - Viper

Zapalczywość – Vehemence

Ścisk - Crush

Topór – Axe

Kosa – Scythe

Nóż – Blade

Lanca – Lance

Moździerz – Mortar

Sierpak – Billhook

Ostrze – Edge

Zbrojownia – Arsenal

Brutalny – Brutal

Cień - Shadow

Eksterminacja – Extermination

Okrutny – Cruel

Miraż – Mirage

Ilujza - Illusion

Zadęcie – Blast

Kłykieć – Knuckle

Przepoławiać – Bisect

Zmora – Nightmare

Złowrogi – Sinister

Zgon – Death

Nagły Zgon – Sudden Death


Can’t believe I missed this (yes I can, it was between walls of nonsense…anyway…)

You’re making some major factual errors here…

Gouken has the path of the true martial artist. This is explicit repeatedly. This is why Goutetsu chose him. Gouken is the prodigy. Gouki is also very skilled but is limited by a lack of enlightenment and no appreciation for why martial arts exists. And yes, it is explicitly evil. Gouki murdered a man that raised and taught him and his brother just to prove his karate-dick was real big.

That is evil.

That is…not what the empty hand represents or what it initially was. The empty hand was because the martial artist was not allowed weaponry. That is the entire origin of martial arts themselves. The lower class of people were not allowed weapons and so they took up martial arts to defend themselves.

BTW, note the key there: “Defend themselves”. Martial arts…true martial arts…is NOT about killing people. The assassin fist is the deviation and perversion of martial arts. Goutetsu realized this but was limited by his own talents and nature. He could fall into the SnH at a moments notice. He could control it, yes, but it was still in his heart. Gouken was not this way. Gouki was even worse.

This is why Gouki isn’t a true martial artist. This is why Akuma has always been defined by his own inadequacies, insecurities and need for validation. Having to KILL SOMEONE to prove your karate dick is bigger means that you are not a true martial artist. It means you’re an animal. A pathetic one, at that.

This is also factually incorrect. This is not about old vs new. This is about truth vs deception and about right vs wrong. There are no ancient values enshrined in in the Buddhist and Taoist traditions that define Street Fighter’s world view that say “Oh man back in the day randomly butchering people with your fists to prove how tough you are was TOTALLY OKAY AND MORAL”. Akuma is not some vestige of the past, he’s a reflection of how man’s selfishness can pervert something. Martial arts is supposed to be part of the path of enlightenment in the vein of Daruma and the Buddha and monks, etc. It is not supposed to be a tool of murderers and thugs. Martial arts is, as its core, supposed to be about improving ones self and, in doing so, improving the world by recognizing your place in it. This is the entire core of Ryu’s warriors journey and why Goutetsu picked Gouken, someone that also has the soul of the warrior and could purify the assassin’s fist back into a PURE martial art.

In fact, Bison is more a modern (though a dystopian one, of course) take on modernism regarding martial arts than Ryu is. Bison easily represents stripping EVERYTHING of spiritual value away from martial arts to use it not even as a tool of killing but as something to be studied and quantified for no other reason than to generate power for powers sake. That is an arguably even worse perversion than what Akuma does…though at least Bison isn’t self-deluding himself like Akuma (which is why I find Akuma pathetic as a person) and knows what he is doing and revels in it, feeling that such antiquated (note this is something that Bison himself references a few times in the canon) notions are best discarded because they hold people back.

Akuma not being able to figure out who has won or lost a fight without death involved is the ultimate framing of his failure as a martial artist. This is evident all over eastern cinema where there are regularly stare downs between powerful warriors where the outcome is decided without an attack even being launched and the lesser warrior concedes defeat.

Akuma is so ignorant of other peoples strength and the importance of not destroying life needlessly that he has discarded that concept.

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[quote=“YagamiFire, post:6943, topic:586509”] Gouken has the path of the true martial artist. This is explicit repeatedly. This is why Goutetsu chose him. Gouken is the prodigy. Gouki is also very skilled but is limited by a lack of enlightenment and no appreciation for why martial arts exists. And yes, it is explicitly evil. Gouki murdered a man that raised and taught him and his brother just to prove his karate-dick was real big.
That is evil.[/quote]

Again, the only official source that I’m aware of completely contradict what you’re saying.
Please note that I’m talking about Akuma/Gouki from the 90’s, not the parody he is now.
If the translation I have is incorrect, or other sources exist, please point me to them. If not Gouken being the chosen one, and Akuma killing him and his master because of jealousy is at best modern canon, at worst bad fan fiction, and the distinction between those two extremes is small.

Note that the successor having to kill the previous master is also what we have in Bushinryu or in Hokuto no Ken, which is a huge source of inspiration for Street Fighter, and it isn’t considered evil in either of them.

This is an oversimplification. No doubt that it is one that is sold by karate school everywhere because it looks good, but the reality is far more complex. Martial arts for one thing cover much more than unarmed fighting, so true martial artist doesn’t mean weaponless, and certainly not non lethal, that is modern crap. Martial comes from Mars, the god of war. But we’re bit outside of the scope of discussion for Akuma.
Even unarmed martial arts have diverse origins: sports, self defense, and some of them were born on the battlefield due to the necessity to learn to fight even when you lose your weapon.

In addition, japanese commoners were forbidden weapons, but common tools were used and transformed into weapons, and much easier to use to defend oneself.
Karate might have originated in such a way, but it only became mainstream in japan when the descendants of the samourais picked it up. Through this, it inherited a certain number of samourai values.
As an example, Miyamoto Musashi is a reference for modern japanese martial artists (and for a lot of people) and he wasn’t the kind of man who let his opponents live if he could avoid it.

As Goutetsu, Gouken and Akuma are practitioners of the Assassin’s fist, I very much doubt their art is supposed to be non lethal.

This is your own interpretation, based on premises we disagree about. Prove me that Gouken was supposed to be the true successor, that ansatsuken is not about killing, that Musashi was reviled in Japan because of his killing of hundreds of opponents and I’ll accept this interpretation of Akuma.

First thing, this is a strawman argument as it is well established that Akuma only kills those he deems worthy. He never butchers people randomly, but search for opponents that share his philosophy (Gen), or are supposed to share it (Goutetsu, Gouken).
For Akuma not being a vestige of the past, again, please refer to the samourais, to Miyamoto Musashi, and tell me there’s no legacy for martial artists killing each other to determine who is the strongest ?

[quote=“YagamiFire, post:6943, topic:586509”]
Martial arts is supposed to be part of the path of enlightenment in the vein of Daruma and the Buddha and monks, etc. It is not supposed to be a tool of murderers and thugs. Martial arts is, as its core, supposed to be about improving ones self and, in doing so, improving the world by recognizing your place in it.[/quote]
This is nice and all in story, but let’s be realistic, martial arts have always been about beating your opponent to see who is the strongest.
Even as a sport (Joust, Pankration …) there were death, even if it was usually avoided.

Now Street Fighter is a story, so of course Gouken, who is on the path of enlightenment, is the ‘right’ one, and Akuma is only here to represent a ‘wrong’ philosophy, but this ‘wrong’ philosophy spanned centuries, and gave birth to great warriors. Akuma certainly did not pervert anything himself, but represent a world view that can -arguably- be called a perversion of martial arts.

Bison is as much a martial artist as the one person that press the button to release a nuclear bomb.
This why Akuma calls him on it, but whether the president who can press the button, or the trained soldier, which one is the strongest remains an open question.


Gouki is not the successor. In fact, he tries to assert (wrongly) that he is in those accounts and gets his ass smashed by Gouken (The stronger of the two) with Gouken rebuking his path once more.

Gouki killed his master out of small-mindedness and disobedience as far back as the oldest stories regarding the three Gou’s. He was forbidden from using the SGS…and used it any way.

Murdering your master during an exhibition (which is what the original events between Gouki and Goutetsu were) by using the SGS is not the same thing as an old school match to the death between master and student for succession.

Also, you need to note that Guy DIDN’T kill Zeku because to do so is barbaric and wrong and Guy is better than that. So yes…it’s evil. Demanding your student murder you OR DIE to prove their worth is evil.

But we’re not talking reality. We’re talking about the lore of SF and how they interpret history and relate it so your entire point is a non-sequitor. SF focuses heavily on “Pure” martial arts which is unarmed combat. The main focus of SF is Ryu, the main character. The main focus of Ryu is using martial arts for its “true purpose” as a “true warrior” which is reaching enlightenment.

Invoking Musashi is going to bite you in the ass…

Gouken being the true successor is canon. Even going by the original sparse accounts of events, though Gouki beat Goutetsu (sneak attacking him with the SGS basically during a match), Gouken was the one that wore the beads of mastery AND beat Gouki’s ass when they met again. In fact, I believe it was done in the blink of an eye with one blow, no?

All ansatsuken is about killing…that’s it’s nature. True martial arts (which Gouken ELEVATED the ansatsuken to) is not.

As for Musashi, this is where this bites you in the ass…

Musashi vs Sasaki Kojiro

After a pretty nasty rivalry, Musashi ends up killing Kojiro with a bokken…and realizes he gained NOTHING from it and renounces lethal duels because he had killed a great swordsman for no reason other than ego. This is cited as the moment Musashi truly gained enlightenment.

Unless you can point to further duels to the death Musashi had after this?

It’s funny that you’d bring up Musashi as a martial artist when Musashi’s evolution as a martial artist totally undermines your point because of the aftermath of his MOST FAMOUS DUEL and its historical/cultural view.

Naturally, this is all anecdotal about Musashi’s attitude considering he’s as much a figure of lore as history, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re invoking someone that was seen as having abandoned death duels as wasteful and unfulfilling because they were destructive and ego-driven.

So is that 3 for 3?

Cool so he only has the mentality of a serial killer. 10/10 morality.

Yes, let’s “be realistic” as we discuss the martial arts lore underpinnings that inform and direct a fictional universe.


Why even bring this up to then dismiss it? OBVIOUSLY we’re talking about the view of martial arts in the milieu of Street Fighter (though I share that view in reality)

So demonstrably untrue I’d hope Daemos doesn’t see this LOL

Bison IS the nuclear bomb. It just so happens he’s a martial artist that has rejected discipline, form, and even humanity to embrace cold science, pragmatism and outright evil to achieve his ends.

He’s honest about what he is and is fully aware of what he does. His self-awareness is what makes him delightful as a villain and someone I’d actually have begrudging respect for where-as I view Akuma as pitiable as a villain and pathetic as a person instead of worthy of respect. Of course, I like both as characters. Bison is the villain ya love and Akuma is the villain to dislike.


It doesn’t really need to make Akuma or anybody that includes Bison to have the correct martial arts or used martial arts for the good. We got other villains (adon, juri and more) here either used magic, technology or martial arts to the extent of there motives and objectives. This is Street Fighter a fighting game not an anime or movie that is about proving something or having a moral lesson that the like of Bison or Akuma apologize to their casualties?

I mean people had thought on Akuma the need to shed tears and apologize to Ryu and Gouken then die because he is an villain in a fighting game that used martial arts for evil? so because of that you guys want him to die and suffer But didn’t have the same thing with Bison to cry on Guile, Nash and Chun li along with the other preteens like clones and dolls about the trouble he caused? Same with Fang and the list goes on.

Regarless of what there backstory is whether they are villains or the good guys, it doesn’t matter this is a fighting game they need to be flexible to recurr in future titles without complication.

The truth is people here just hate and dislike Akuma to lose what makes him meh, then want him either disappear or die then return in something worst and more unlikely, so that there favorable characters to run the show later as dominant villains like Urien and Bison to be convenient because there are no other threats villains to look into.

Thanks, Go ahead

Your just losing the argument, that you even hard to try to convince other of a die hard Akuma fan lol. Try harder.

Which I am not, for years and arguments i have been through from multiple threads.

I have also done this recently with Zeku too.

Look your points on martial arts, villain and anime is irrelevant already this is fighting game and they are a fighting game characters.

Your a fan of Urien and Daemos is clearly Bison. You just guys hate threats on your fanfics and favorable characters future.

Then go on burning your calories lol.


As an addendum, I understand what you’re talking about in regards to the earliest Akuma stuff which was pretty vague and didn’t give us much to go on with the character or his place in the setting.

He was so bare-bones at that point, however, that he would barely qualify as much of a character and just be something like a plot device with some small snippets of distant history

But, like I said, I catch your meanings

Those earlier Akuma stuff is the better Akuma that should re-establish to the current Akuma. To have his appeal to his target audience return.

Again, in my initial post I copied two small stories that are, as far as I know, early Gouki canon.
Both story, but especially the second one, go against what you write here. If you have better translations, or other canon sources, please kindly share them, if not repeating your opinion again and again won’t make it canon.
Well, apparently it might, because canon changes and modern Akuma canon might be very different, but this is another discussion.

Here’s the story about Gouken’s victory vs Akuma:

According to a
Japanese gaming mook (which are typically really trustworthy, either
because Japanese magazines and books pay more attention to canon than US
ones or because they simply actually have access to the original creators
since they’re both… well, Japanese), Gouki visited Gouken back when Ryu
and Ken were still ‘hatchlings’. Gouki stated that he was the true heir to
Ansatsuken, then Gouken stated that Gouki corrupted his ‘Hadou no
Chikara.’ Young Ryu and Ken watched the fight, believing Gouken would win,
and the match ended with Gouken’s final blow, leaving Gouki sprawling on
the ground. Then Gouki said something about how they MUST come to blows
again ‘in this lifetime’. Gouken looks on, then said "When that man’s
power goes beyond mine, the great disaster you both (Ryu and Ken) must face
with your own power… the power which I will pass on to you… “Wa ga ken
no Subete o (All that is what my fist is), Hadou no Chikara o! (The power
of the Hadou!).” This is way before Gouki comes back to kill Gouken, by
the way.

If the previous stories are true, Akuma is indeed the successor, but he didn’t pick up the
beads after his victory. (No explanation on why).
He loses to Gouken, not with a single blow, and yet Gouken knows that he might lose to him should they fight again.

Evil or not is a matter of perception. What is implied is that up until Kenshiro/Guy it was done and not considered evil.

All stories are grounded in reality. Yes, because SF is a story you can’t fully apply real logic, still real history of martial art has obviously been an important influence on SF.
Moreover “how they interpret history” is by having Goutetsu smiling as he is killed by Akuma. This, and the bit about Bushinryu succession, is what we have about martial artists of the past, everything else is speculation.

Musashi being enlightened or hypocritical about duel to the death doesn’t change the fact that he killed more than 100 opponents and became famous because of that, not because of anything after.
Yes he has left the image of a great philosopher, but first and foremost he has left the image of a killer.

Still strawman.
From early canon, again as far as I know, I’m not the one who did the translations:
Akuma doesn’t become Shin Akuma. Akuma IS Shin Akuma, except that he
holds back punches and uses only a small percent of his power. He does
this because he doesn’t want to unnecessarily kill anyone who he feels
aren’t out to kill him in the first place. Note that the Shin Akuma in
Capcom VS SNK 2 (besides that game not being canon), where Akuma becomes
Shin Akuma because he absorbs Orochi power or so, is a different type of
Shin Akuma. The Japanese character for Shin is different for him.

Serial killer really ?

Please demonstrate ?
Ok, Bison use to be a martial artist, the thing is, now even his body is a construct, a tool. In your ‘PURE’ martial arts you say yourself that one has to be unarmed. His body is a weapon, so he’s not a pure martial artist.
On the other side of the argument, if you consider weapons to be part of martial art, a nuclear bomb is a weapon and using a nuclear bomb can be considered martial art, a very efficient one despite its lack of precision.



serial killer - a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern.

Yeah that’s Akuma. Like Vega. Both kill out of vanity and self-validation. They’re serial killers. Akuma is willing to kill people that have no desire to die.

If we can’t even accept that Akuma is a repeat, serial killer…then fuck, I’ll just drop the topic altogether because we’re never going to agree to what basic accepted reality is.


Gonna add that the “Shin” Akuma is a gameplay conceit and I’ve never seen any proof of anything beyond that.

The dude fucking bushwacks people with instantly fatal martial arts techniques because “blahblahblah a warrior has all their power at the ready”. How the HELL could he hold back?

But sure, Akuma goes easy on people. Totally in-character for him and not just something that is done as a gameplay conceit just like Shin Bison

Addendum to the addendum:

Mention Ryu and I’ll laugh my ass off

On this I can agree. Akuma is not meant to be a protagonist. He is a plot device, his role is to lose to Ryu one way or another, to demonstrate the superiority of enlightenment vs strength, this is a story after all. He’s a stereotype, pushed to the point of being 1 dimensional.
Where I disagree is when people hate him for that, when outside of the story his point of view is the one that makes the more sense.

Well then we’re 100% in agreement. Akuma’s role is too lose to Ryu because he’s a mountain to overcome.

I prefer him not being 1 dimensional though. We can get him to more dimensions than that very easily.

As for hating him, I know I don’t. Akuma is one of the best boss designs of all time and a great foil to Ryu. Ryu Final is fantastic and heavily revolves around Akuma’s role and character.

I hate Akuma as a person because he embodies a bunch of flaws I despise…which makes him a good villain.


Thats why after losing to Ryu just give him what Akuma should be into sparring with Soul of Gen and those that alike the beings of Oni and Kage. Putting him into a situation for waiting another Ryu fight is just making trapping him into another loop.

His been talking all of those past games(even back in SF2/ST) of facing a shadow, a demon and also recent facing Kage. Thats decent to make him fight those kinds after the next fight with Ryu. Then he let go (not fixated on Ryu) and find where he belongs and accepted rather than convincing the protoganist to be posses by a those kind of beings.

This progression loses his attachment and fixation with Ryu without the need for him to die, disappear or another fight waiting, Since this gives him something to do after than a miserable fate that everyone here wants for him because they hate and dislike him obviously.

His a fighting game character that needs to recurr and re appear, then have a flexible appearance for future titles for being one of the most sought after.

Yeah right try harder claiming IM a Akuma fa because you lose an argument, even with this other one you clearly lose, I mean for someone regular,

I did the same thing with Bison before and Zeku recently. You just dislike him then go with Akuma martial arts is wrong or him being villain while there are tons of villains in SF. While Akuma just want to fight beyond human entities.

I suspect we’re going to see a pretty radical series of changes for SF6 (which I am in agreement with other predictions for regarding it dropping in early 2021 with the new PS5)

Graphics, art style, leadership and focus I believe will all be getting looked at.

In fact, I am beginning to think the massive success of RE2:RE and RE3make will heavily feed into and inform that.

WTF okay Urien rules supreme lol. Thats why because he used right martial arts and his moral lol.

Look Im not Daemos that is a die hard Bison fan. I just cared of not making another character die for an appeal of another character.

Even in other threads I want Akuma to be depowered in terms of gameplay. Im not the likes of Daemos.

Like I said I did something with Zeku the thing is this opposes your fanfic and biases to his character.

You guys have a narrow sense of ideas how things conclude that constantly uses and refer to starswars as a template and it’s cliche that SF should also. LOL

No worries fraud cestus is typing and here to intercept to return a