The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

WE KINDA LOVE YOU TOO @Pertho :heart:


Imagine have the lil guy on ignore and all you see is 18 post monologue by YagamiFire telling the same thing LOL

When i seen the number of new post preview i thought some big news was announced lol

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You want attention eh. So you believe your one of the big guys in the thread lol.

You have been monologue also for redundant topics your echoing that has been discuss for almost a weeks it’s understandable since there was no news.

While this one is a debate that just started but not infavor of you guys desired outcome. You guys fell bad about this because it doesn’t fit and favor what you want Akuma would be because dislike his character so discriminate and hated it or being a threar to what you guys and daemos prefered to happen.

And for a guy like you that losses arguments and creates stories about me personally without knowing me because of losing an argument about Sagat that you demand to remove most of his iconic moves and be like an MMA.

then constant tagging daemos for help, your even provoke but run away and let the likes of midgasm cover you up or even hanging with kira dummy to pissed me off.

Along with misdirecting cristicism on SFV ken change on top fo his face and blaming it to Capcom.

You can’t even stand out for your claims and handle arguments then let others take on your mistakes lol.

If you dislike the debate then counter it or ignore it. Like you standing on the vader cliche of daemos fanfic. Than doing poor remarks since you are afraid.

Im single out and considered a threat while youŕ such a joke here that they probably aware and knew useful thay mostly were to compromised whatever they wrote because your needy when i am around. Your the thread Jagi. They know what you are beneath your ego shell. And pretending to be an something or doing something not of your age a fraud.

Just let Akuma lose/die already man. The most frustrating thing about SF story now is this deadlock between Ryu and Akuma preventing either of them from engaging with the rest of the world. This would be the kind of major progress that people want to see.


Im always disagree with death for sought out and most requested characters but let see what Capcom can do.

I jsut hope it won’t end up like what they did to Charlie. I mean Im fine with him returning as an Oni but the thing is it’s irreversible if that happens and if that what really his fans want to.

Yet if they returned him different from Oni, but the like of technogical and cloning, it would just lead to a more complicated narrative excuses. IMHO. I hope that Capcom can do better

Akuma should’ve chopped Bison in the neck again in SF5.


Why even have a problem with another death?, losing a body when your Bison can jump to posses many candidate preteen boys and girls he used to be captive or simple go to any synthetic being like Seth clones then fight and conquer the world another day for every SF games.

People here are so mean with Akuma and wanted Akuma fate for death, while the only thing he wants to fight demons like entities and warriors either from the past or present. Just give him that and his free.

I’m back home from important stuff so I’ll have a go. Having Akuma randomly fight ghosts and demons doesn’t make sense with the SF canon at all. At most, there are elements of mysticism with the SnH and the whole Bison shtick. Even then, it doesn’t develop Akuma at all as a character. Him fighting off supernatural beings just makes people go “WoW aKuMa Is SuPa StRoNG”.

In fact, given your prior posts touting him as an near invincible being, it’s almost as if you forgot that Akuma is an evil person. He’s NOT an honourable anti-hero archetype like Charlie or even other Capcom characters like Zero or Donovan. This man murdered his own brother, antagonised an old man and his brother’s student/son-figure and has caused constant harm and death to many other people. He doesn’t deserve any ounce of sympathy for what he has done.

I’d go as far to say he is less so than Bison and Gill. At least those two had nebulously defined goals and had some shred of dignity in the case of the former or had well-founded but unethical methods for the latter. Akuma is consistently depicted as a villainous man and the implied threat that comes along with him is far more impactful than the other villains of the series. In the Alpha series, he avoids and taunts Ryu and Gen and murdered an random fighter in Adon’s ending.

On SF4 and V, he carries on taunting Ryu and tempting him into giving in to the SnH. Luckily Gouken was still alive and cleared up Ryu’s mind on a key issue he had. In SF3, he shows huge feats of power such as being able to breathe underwater and miniature earthquakes.

Yes, Akuma’s astonishingly powerful but that came at a cost. He’s not strong in the real way, he hoards power for himself and does seek it for any meaningful reason. Compare this to Ryu, he trains to further improve his mental willpower and better himself and its worked, he’s inspired so many people in his journey like Sakura and Chun-Li and has formed an almost brother-like relationship with Ken.

Akuma represents the final hurdle in Ryu’s journey, Ryu must come to this realisation and enlighten himself and surpass even Oro. By defeating Akuma once and for all, Ryu can come to terms with the meaning of martial arts and inspire other, this doesn’t mean in finding love or adopting kids but just wandering the world helping and teaching others key values like dignity and compassion.

“wah wah people here disagree with me, how could they?!?!”

No one is bullying you, most of us just happen to disagree with what you say and you don’t take criticism well. I’m not sure about the others but I don’t really care if Akuma dies. TBH the ideal for me is for him to just fade into the background and become a minor/secret character akin to how Rugal and Geese were treated in their games. Those two have a strong following and were done well with their impact on characters like the Bogards or Rock Howard being felt across.

Akuma is literally the Shadow the Hedgehog of the SF series. A decent character who should’ve been dealt with a long while ago but is now reduced to a literal complete and utter joke taking away any meaningful impact they may once had.

And I swear if you reply with some false dilemma shit like Daddy Akuma or talk about how men crying or sex within marriage is unmanly then you need take off your radical xtreme 90’s nostalgia glasses.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


People here are talking that his character development needs him to either die, become a daddy or both that is become a daddy and die. As if thats the only way his character can be done.

The progress and growth here is him letting go of
convincing Ryu and finally find somewhere else where he can do what he really wants and his hearts desire.

It’s not about him being a villain that needs to be a good person. It’s about him getting what he needs then thats it so he doesn’t need to chase someone, his very different from the likes of Bison, Gill and Urien. Its simple because his a fighting game character that needs flexibility for being recurring for future titles. Bison gets something interesting every other game.

Getting what he wants to fight and spar with ghost and demons get to cut himself to the like of Ryu and others which he need to beg and validate himself or want them to be possed by Demons. Its like It’s not even random since those are demon and ghost that he were previously related into like Gen, Oni and etc a conclusion to his arc but not making him OP aka over power or stronger because the only thing that change is he can just fight a different beings existing in SF universe also which he usually mentions in quotes.

Akuma is not a dedicated character just to die because his a villain? Look SF had tons of villains that people here wanted a more power and better disposition in the future SF

His a character had a potential to be shrouded again by mystery and badassery by simply seprating and isolating himself from others and dealing with what he always wanted to fight with.

This eliminates every problems he had with interaction with Ryu that they don’t need each other same as other characters to be the center of the narrative and give new spotlights for newere characters.

Ryu is better without Akuma and thats vice versa. Ryu and Akuma was interesting for the sake for SFA2 for Ryu seeking him but the SFV makes him meh for the role becomes the opposite.

As for the comparison with Charlie, It wasn’t about the heroic deeds but Akuma not returning as a frakenstein or a zombie for the sake of pleasing fan demands. Let be honest here Akuma is one of the most sought out character and his fans doesnt care about the story.

Lol, stop right there… don’t Gaslight.

I dont want to flood this with past post. I have aged a lot here and seen the worst even from creepy account that send tons of PMs to delete fake leaks and fake cinematic 2 spoiler

Your new here right, this why Cipher, Lone_Dragon and Vasili isnt here anymore. I see people come on go. Cestus is a typical misogynist that just change how he interact because of me being more confrontational.

Look even Daemos stop tagging Vasili after me calling him out.

I absolutely want this and was hoping that this is what the CFE would eventually become. That and adding some more viral content like the Falke reports, Haggar letter to Cody, etc are a nice, fun little bit of extra engagement for fans. I said this elsewhere, but you could keep that going during dry spells in content. A Sermon of fate from Gill, a World Wide Message to the People from G, a series of travel adventure stuff with Sakura, Dan and Blanka, or fake advertisements for Abigail’s shop or the Huge Wrestling army would be golden.

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Whaaaat the hell is going on in this thread?


Yeah this Akuma talk is going around in circles can you guys take it to PM?

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Personally I love Akuma, but by that I mean a certain version of Akuma, the one I understand he was meant to be initially.
Which begs the question: what is really canon about Akuma ? And when did it become canon, because my interpretation might be wrong, but I don’t remember him being jealous that his brother was chosen as the successor or anything like that. Quite the contrary in fact.

This is what I have from the SF guide:

Original account from SF2 Himitsu Hyakka

Gouki, around the time when he was a child, together with older brother
Gouken, during balding Goutetsu’s training for successor of the greatest
ansatsuken in history. For Gouki, the one to become the strongest would
win. Like that, Gouki’s appearance took that of an “oni.”
“As the result of training, strike hard with everything!” Gouki challenged
Goutetsu, once Gouki and Gouken had learned all of their instructed
With a raging storm inside, Goutetsu and Gouki’s fighting spirits clashed.
Hours later the two continued fighting. hadou crashed into hadou! Fist
struck fist, blood sprayed and ran!
“Gouki! You’re doing very well. But, this is the end!” With both hands,
Goutetsu began to amass fighting spirit. The terrible extent of
willpower…the students saw there for the first time the extreme
“satsui no hadou.”
“Uoooh!” Gouki wholly roared, and charged at Goutetsu!
Sure-killing ansatsuken’s clash!
The battle’s winner was Gouki. For Goutetsu, already his breath was
dying out…

Official Story from Gamest SFZ and AASFZ

Amidst the violently blowing storm, 2 male persons were confronting
each other.
They are Goutetsu (thunderous iron) and his student Gouki (powerful oni).

Gouki from the time he was young together with older brother Gouken
(fist of strength), was under Goutetsu for his pursuit of knowledge day
in and day out. He wanted to become strong. More than anyone more
than anyone…such that his appearance was exactly that of an “oni.”
They followed for years what came to be increasingly strict Goutetsu’s
pursuit of knowledge. “Defeat in ansatsuken values as death…no
selection of means, only victory is all!” Catching those words in
sincerity, Gouki was being devoted to the pursuit of knowledge more
and more.
With them having concluded all instruction from Goutetsu, suddenly one
day, it was said that he himself entirely tried to show the pursuit of
knowledge’s results.
Without warning he designated Gouki. Actually Goutetsu was looking
forward to this day. That was said to be fine for the fighting stylist’s
blood to be throbbing. As far as Gouki’s strong inanimate nature, and
also his fighting talent concealed within. That is what was before his
eye, he personally already could not restrain himself. Goutetsu also
before his “master”, it is 1 person a fighting stylist who would be of

Their fight extended several times. A collision of hadou and hadou.
Fist crossed fist with blood flying in the manner of sprays, the
relationship of teacher and student exceeded by an object of “killing
one another.”
“Gouki!, you’re doing very well. But, this is the end!”
Goutetsu started to sink in ki with both hands. His tremendous degree
of willpower, the students see for the first time the extreme satsui
no hadou. A mass of ki transformed into innumerable incandescent blazes.
“Uoooh!” Raising a war cry, Gouki was charging. Concentrating genuine
“muderous intent” from his fist…
In conclusion the one to have risen from the ground, it was Gouki.
For Goutetsu already his breath was dying out…however on that face,
merely a smile was filling it. Nearby was Gouken’s form petrified…
Gouki was set on plundering the beads from the master’s body, having
disappeared to somewhere without a word. His side profile, was of
seemingly crimson blood tears shed from the carnage…

If anything, Gouken is the deviant, rejecting the true path of martial artist while Akuma is a young prodigy.
And it makes sense, furthermore there’s nothing evil with that, nor good, and Akuma doesn’t need to be redeemed.

This was the old Akuma of course.

For me this represent the evolution of martial arts, and especially karate, where initially the empty hands weren’t empty for a lack of murder intent but to force the warriors to be ready at any time, and also to allow everyone to learn to fight and kill. This is the Akuma way: the only victory is killing, the only defeat is being killed, if both opponents survive it only means that the fight has been interrupted and the result is still hanging in the air.

I find this aspect very interesting, and Akuma doesn’t need to be redeemed, or evolve, he is a token of the past. He brings the question: who is right old Japan or modern Japan who accepted western values to compromise its own. Ryu finally winning over Akuma represent a Japan that was able to redefine itself, with modern values, and finally able to cut ties with the past, while still remaining Japan.

Anything that goes beyond that lessens the character in my opinion.



Yeah I’m done. I can only take the same points being repeated again and again including different pictures of Guts half a dozen times before I realize the person has a creepy obsession with projecting themselves onto a fictional character and that their very core of self is apparently tied to the mental construct they’ve built up around that fiction.

Especially when they won’t answer simple questions.

Yes, Akuma should fuck off and fight the Darkstalkers and get his ass shit-stomped into the ground by Little Red Riding Hood so he can look like the total little bitch-boy that he is.

Brilliant character arc. This is now my official headcanon for where Akuma should go thanks to demands by @The_Shakunetsu . Thanks, man. You did it! You convinced me that Akuma should get thrashed by a loli to reveal just what an impotent tool Akuma is and always has been. Not a bad ass…not mysterious…just a worthless coward that sucks at being a martial artist.

Mmm thassa good Akuma.



Look your trying to build a different impression here on what Im doing recently with Akuma. You directly refering how Daemos is and how he defend and wanted his character in SF to be.

First of all im not a fan of Akuma, I did that even VKen, Guy, Cody, Zeku, Necalli, Nash, Zangief, Seth, Kage, Bison and even for Rufus a lot of characters, Mostly for Ryu.

If people following my post they know that Im not what you aim to project as a fan of Akuma that projects himself to Akuma.

Yet most of my post about Ryu, since Im a Ryu fan. And I always indicate that I don’t like people projecting themselves to a video game character like Ryu, like their marriage, their beard and etc because his meant pop culture icon like mario, mickey and etc. I don’t demand Ryu to OP/Over Powered other than learning o manipulate the trajection of his ki from Oro.

All my concerns is the flexibility of a fighting game character to reappear and recurrence, to have a unique trait and avoid to written out to die. Then came back as something weird. It reflects mostly all of that kind post of mine

I have even said in the past that I don’t mind him returning as Oni but I find a way to conclude his character in a decent sense witout him dying or the need of Ryu again, Yet still recurring but majority of you dislike Akuma. People calling Akuma so evil for wanting a fight with demons so he doesn’t need to get it but wanting a better life for Urien, Gill and Bison lol. The irony.

I explained a lot why killing characters is a problem that we end up me more convulted stories when Capcom decided them to return.

I don’t even aim convince you but to brought up some points like why the SNK regret it and the multiple ways they attemp to undone it, since its what you guys wanted for Akuma narrative direction is an end and absence not a potential and expansion that is an opposite to what you like to your favorite characters whether a villain or not.

This is a fighthing game whether that character is represented as evil or good the requirement is the character to be flexible and appealing to his target audience rather than the written drama. This why people hating the story and being fed up with Ryu.

Cool story, man.

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Yeah right your now claiming Im a Akuma fan that project his life to Akuma.

That’s exaclty the cool story bro.