The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I stumble along those articles before.

This is probably another thing why Sammy X Capcom did not pan out…

I had almost forgotten Big Mex blog. I love it.


He’s moved his blog off Capcom-Unity at this point.


Are Gill and Urien’s sprites the same size in SF III?

Bookmarked that link. @GaRbs Yes Urien is basically a sprite edit of Gill in SF3.


Most SF3 was sprite edits

Ryu, Ken, Sean, Akuma
Yun, Yang
Urien, Gill

That’s like half the cast or something.

I know that. I stated it that way because there is general misconception going around that Urien is the original and Gill is the copy.

Hecatoncheires is also appropriate as the move’s name, because the Greek Ἑκατόγχειρες Hekatoncheires means “the hundred-handed ones”, from ἑκατόγ hekaton “hundred” and χείρ cheir “hand”. Basically it’s the Ancient Greek version of the Japanese 百烈張り手 hyakuretsu harite “Hundred hand slap”.
Since the Hecatoncheires were giants with hundred hands (and fifty heads, but that’s less cool), it’s fitting to see Seth almost NOT moving during the move, giving the impression that Seth actually has hundred hands.


I don’t quite remember, but did Capcom ever mentioned anything about Urien in New Generation?
I mean, there’s a beta version of Hugo in NG. I was wondering if they ever planned to have Urien in as well, but for some reason (time?) they didn’t?


Rashid: “I am Rashid of the Turbulent Winds!”

Rashid: “And, it’s TIIIIIME TO SELL SOME MERCHANDISE IN FORM OF… arcade controllers.”

Chun-Li: “…”

Rashid: “Excuse me, miss.”

Chun-Li: “Rashid, no. Gill and Ryu tried that already. I am ready for EVO Japan. Thanks!”

Rashid: “… I don’t think you are.”

Chun-Li: “Rashid, no. Stop trying to sell me controllers! I have my tools already! Why not talk to the folks at SRK?”

Rashid: “It’s going to take a whole lot more than those bulgy hips to win a tournament, Chunners.”

Chun-Li: “I. HAVE. A. ARCADE. CONTROLLER. Now, knock it off before I arrest you!”

Rashid: “I’ll prove it! Even with your buffs, you are still low-tier, so you need an edge! I got the mix-ups to piss off even the god of the gods!”

Chun-Li: “Now, you’re crossing the fucking line! If you don’t- HEY!”

Rashid: “I got a tornado!”



Chun-Li: “I’m a martial artist, you jerkass! Now sit down and stay out of my way or I’ll throw you in jail for obstruction!”


SF3 expansion

With Bison, Cammy, Sodom, and Claw

Would had work.

But Capcom would put instead…


With Shadow Lady, Oni, Evil Ryu and Violent Ken lol

Idk about that but i think on concept level it’s one more step in right direction for Seth to incarnate the Yin/Yang as the completeness of it require both Female (black) and Male (white) energies, and previous Seth was all male-oriented despite being dickless lol

Personally i think that if was’nt someway a gimmick already used by Zeku, this Seth will have worked best if had the ability to switch between
Female form - Black, faster, moveset that steal female chars moves
Male form - White, stronger, moveset that steal male chars moves

Also with female bald too, so it could have switched easily between new form and classic Seth look for male version

100% sure at least one of the two win quotes will hint at that lol

Tbh it make sense, as Bushinryu outside very limited hints* seems all about taijutsu (straight bare-hands combat), while new Zeku seem waay more inclined to embrace multiple different aspects of ninjutsu (in ninjutsu, taijutsu is considered “just” one of the skills to learn), wich make Zeku new path more suitable for a spy/infiltration kind of mission

Example how Guy handled FF1 events storming strrets with Cody and Haggar beating the living shit out of e very single punk on their path, shows Bushinryu as essentially a straight combat style not far from let’s say, Karate

Current Zeku seems more a more “ninja” dude who will have probably solo FF1 by directly infiltrate inside Belger’s building (by flight/climb/disguise/whatever), beating the shit out of him in a moment he was alone and save the girl

Thing is before SFV Zeku, Bushinryu had nothing to do stylistically with Striders aside being “ninja stuff”
At this point i prefer Zeku just left Bushinryu in Guy’s hands and develop his own ninjutsu, wich have the traits to be the base of Striders ancient martial art… feels far less forced

*example Guy treating Bison to throw his kunai (my ninja blades! lol) at his plane if he kidnap Rose… but tbh no idea if they gave too many fucks about Bushinryu’s style while doing that, more likely they just made it for “cool ninja moment”

Thats not the whole thing lol, justifying it to be kust shuriken is an understatement.

The whole plot of Guy in Alpha is to destroy Bison.

There is more than shuriken in Bushinryu thing that we didn’t know and see. That even Bison feared.

Are you even sure this is just all about magic shuriken that Bison feared since A3? Lol


Justifying it to be just shuriken is poor analytical theory. Were considering Bison body nabing activities.

NINJAS ARE MORE THAN shuriken, they are mystical mystery warrior of east that has uberknowst techniques unfamiliar to many.

I believe this something unknown to us yet and not revealed.

images - 2019-12-04T013422.273

There is a probability other entity.

images - 2019-12-04T013403.342

This would be exciting also that it can destroy the likes of Bison and also Gill.


What’s up with Ryu’s design in teppen?

It’s really cool, I like the ripped and tattered gi along with the bandages attempting to cover his arm which looks like it’s slowly decaying from Satsui no Hado, for lack of a better term.

I was wondering if there was lore behind what happened to his arm or if Capcom just winged it like they always do. I’m open to hear any explanations or theories!


Traditionally, if you have someone trying to change and expand upon an ancient tradition, it’s the new upcoming member of the organization.

Having Zeku be the ancient master of a tradition, who then passes on the strict teaching of that tradition to his student, and THEN go “I’m bored, I think I’m going to create a completely new tradition now.” Leaving his student stuck with the old thing.

It’s just ass-backwards from a narrative standpoint.

It would have made a lot more sense to have someone like Maki go “Guy got chosen to succeed as Master of Bushinryu instead of me. Fine. I’ll go make my OWN thing.” and then made HER the first Strider.


Basically, part of the game’s plot is Ryu slowly giving in to the SnH and Chun-Li seems to be getting involved. Since Akuma’s recently been confirmed as the next character, we could see a further expansion to the story.

No they didn’t. Considering how Urien and Akuma are just sprite edits it’s possible they were created for 2nd Impact. Makoto was also already a finished character concept and there’s Chun-Li’s MVSF voiceclips in the 2nd Impact ROM.


Tbh canon wise iirc Zeku was a revolutionary even back to SFA days, he was the one who broke the tradition of kill the previous master for Bushinryu succession

Btw even if had different ideas he may have sticked with the classic way in respect of the school and to honor his successor duty… a duty that ends with him passing the torch to Guy, when he was already old

It’s not about boredom, more about be finally free to start his own thing

Not saying it’s the natural continuation of SFA Zeku, but it’s compatible with what they did to him in SFV


Look, you have…like 4 hours to come to your sense before I write a whole lot about why Zeku’s story is great.

I actually don’t disagree for you for once. Having Zeku tying the Strider universe into SF undermines Strider’s already established canon and eventually reduces the eventual Bushinryu/Strider clan into a league of assassin’s which who are the main antagonists of the Strider games. I’d personally rather keep SF’s retcons to SF. Now we have characters in SF who start retconning other franchises due to them injecting story elements into a character and tying them to that other franchise.

Anyway, its just the whole Strider thing which gripes me about Zeku. I think it’s unnecessary and does nothing for his character other than just to be a memberberry from Capcom: “Hey memebr the game Strider? I membr!” I feel like the fans would have just put 2+2 together just by looking at his move set, but for them to actually state Zeku as a Strider the way they did in story-mode seems kinda senseless to me.

I’ve just established a head-canon that its just and alt reality version of Striders and not the ones featured in the games.