The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Zeku is better to be just the giy that establish the techniques and fundamentals. His a Chill dude.

Yhe rest would be from his students and their students that would be either one of them to be the founder of striders which is better.

Doesn’t put Zeku in a critical point of the story along with the whole SF canon because its century or milenia apart from each other timeline.

That comment was more about the fact that we technically now have the beginning and end of the Strider fighting style. We know where the Strider fighting style came from and the PS360 game is the end of the Strider storyline.

Its something they accidentally did when they put Zeku in SF5 the way he is.

More Seth stealings


It’s fucking stupid is what it is.

Not every fucking series needs to be connected.

Though Darkstalkers and Ghosts 'N Goblins do.

How is it stupid?

If that would be the case they need the distance to be a millenia, same thing with SF2010 or like some said to be a movie.



Think the Japanese version of SF 2010 has the main character named Ken

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SheSeth’s Physique changes can also be canonically explained due to Seth copying Dhalsim’s Yoga abilities. Sim’s Mystery of Yoga obviously affects his mass and size as both of his height and weight are listed as “variable”. This allows Sim to do things like stretch to incredible lengths and float. We also know from the description of the 7 Yoga Masters that Dr. Gulab Jamun can use his yoga to not only decrease his mass to float but also increase his mass to become heavier.

We know that once Seth copies a technique they can modify them to own version as apparent from their copied moves in SF4. So it could be that SheSeth is just using Sim’s power in a modified way that it encompasses the full fighting potential of Mystery of Yoga.


Because nothing in Strider has anything to do with Street Fighter.

There’s also nothing wrong with Bushinryu that Zeku should NEED to create a new ninja organization. He’s ONLY doing it so Capcom can tie the two franchises together!

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Other way around. In Japan it’s Kevin Striker


SETH is now on CFN

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I see they carefully made sure not to refer to seth as He/She/It


Its kinda funny, but you somehow missed a lot of the cool elements to Zeku’s story. Thinking about it now, it also reflects on being a salaryman in Japan and gow you deal with old age.

Oh well.


Something of interest to note about Seth’s specials movelist

Hecatoncheires and Titanomachy may seemingly be drawing parallels between the relationship between Seth/his siblings and Bison, and the Greek myth of the Titans and their children. who eventually overthrew the Titans to pave the way for the rule of the Olympians.


We could see a posibility of two Seth someday a male and a female.

That’s too binary, bro, so offensive, get woke.

I mean in the story not as two separate characters.

Eleven and Twelve would had been perfect handicap characters to play as an alternate random mode to be equivalent how of Shadow and Marrionete functions in Vampire Savior…

or another variant way to play random select(SFEX2).

To have another variant of playing multiplayer and single player modes increases other ways to play existing gameplay modes in SFV, a wasted opportunity.

They just need unique victory and intro animation, no need of move alteration and swap. To keep it balance and as is.

Something that only visually different in introduction and exit but not in game.

SINCE they just need only to MORPH to the similar physique of a certain character, then later after the round is over they just MORPH out into there original form to do a victory pose or a defeated animation.

Very unlike to the version of Soul Calibur

That entirely change how the game is played because of being either being invisible character or change to Inferno or Edge Master that change the physique of the characters and may direct change the Hitboxes.


Does Seth have any funny winquote on Poison or viceversa? :slight_smile:

Wait for Doctrine Dark and some more playthroughs

Some of the staff that were working on CFAS jumped ship to this project after that former got cancelled. What’s most bizarre is how they tried to imitate Bengus’ artstyle and the game’s antagonist has an extremely uncanny similarity to Death from CFAS. So it appears that Ken-JU was an attempt to salvage the CFAS engine.

Jonghu and De Rake look alot like Kyosuke and Necro rip offs respectively.