The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

3 times.

Once in Alpha, once in SF2, and once in SF5. The one in SF2 was self inflicted (suicide). Akuma never happened.

And of course he is coming back. Bison will return as many times as it takes. The nightmare will never end, not until you die!

Im okay Ryu not having a surname it fits his canon.

Im not sure with if that was also in the GiJoe 1993 fig or The hige doll one, I have the mini on carded pròfile ill check if hoshi was also used there.

I prefer it that Urien or the Secret Society tend to separate decent fighters thats why the participant wasn’t the best of the best.

Either also it was staged that it would lead to Alex victory if it was the whole Secret Society plans or it was to sabotage Gills tournament to limit the decent participant if it was Urien alone.

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Oh, that’s fine then.

Well, Ryu Hoshi translates to Dragon Star. Which is pretty metal.

But Ryu shouldn’t have a surname, cause he ain’t got no parents.


Yeah, that’s an interesting way of looking at it.

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What’s the pixiv please?

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Sagat being that tall can be unbelievable to you, but is part of SF world extremization

Sagat having western name and western meaning undermine the character identity/background, hope they never pull that bs

Are two different issue


I mean I can accept William, but Victor? Sagat is from Thailand, I’m pretty sure “Victor” is not a common name there


Only if it were written 龍 or 竜. But Ryu’s name is written 隆, that has a good array of meanings (and readings, like “taka”, “takashi” and so on) from “prosper” to “high”. Not “dragon”, though. Apparently, they used a character from the name of the first SF1 producer, Takashi Nishiyama (西山Nishiyama Takashi), simply using one of its alternate readings.
Well, SF’s protagonist is essentially named Prospero. Shakespeare would be proud.

Exactly. Unless Capcom decides he has… And I hope they won’t do so.


Why not? There’s nothing wrong with giving a character a last name, it’s not like they’re gonna use it everywhere in the game text like the battle HUD.

Besides several characters have last names already

Haven’t you heard? Ryu doesn’t have parents, he created himself!!


@Midgardsorm Isn’t Ryu’s name in SF material usually written in Katakana though?

Edit: So checking out the Japanese wiki for SF shows that in SF1 and some early SF2 material his name is written as “隆” whereas since then he is referred to as “リュウ”

In Ryu case his story is about being Gouki’s son an orphan with no known parents give him a forced surname will steal a bit of that

Unless Gouken as adoptive father figure gave him his own surname wich will be the correct one anyway lol

That’s just the coverup story to hide the fact that Akuma is his daddy

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Of course it is
But we should write like that to not argue with people pretending will not happen :smiley:

The real cover up is that Goutetsu’s daughter is his mother, making Goutetsu his grand daddy.

Thats a made of story of the year 2k fanboys because of meh plot of an OVA.

Akuma is more seen as like Scar or a jealous Uncle back in the day.

His better that way and makes sense as an enemy and rival than the stupid and terrible overused redundant cliche. Its trash fanfic.

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Akuma being Ryu’s dad literally sounds like some fanfiction a 12 year old overexcited boy wrote. There’s more pressing questions that need to be addressed in the SF canon IMO.


Akuma is the father. The sooner you accept this, the sooner we can carry on to more pressing issues.

Like Bison’s secret love for cats!


As I’ve always said, SF Alpha generations OVA is actually good, just edit out that Father/Son implication and we are golden.