The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

More layers to Gill and Urien is a wonderful thing. They are the gods of fitness.

And, speaking of the gods of fitness, Menat takes everybody for a walk for the holidays.


Menat+Birdie looked awesome lol

Thanks for the share! That was freakin’ GOLD! (I need more of this lol)

Resurrecting a piece of few days ago :smiley:

I was thinking, of course they can’t give us playable normal height/size Seth, so we will get a short jiren-like Seth

But considering how they did’nt cared about make SF3 path Boss Gill OP as fuck to stay loyal to SF3, it’s possible at least SF4 path Boss Seth will be upscaled to look like his canon normal self

If they don’t give him this (i doubt, they will have probably added it to Seth trailer)

Will love if they give him one of these two, to some extent they remind his SF4 one lol

or at least this

wich seem what they used for the official art

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I hope they remixed also SF1 Sagat to broken version of his.

Absurd critical damage and likely more chances of doing crush counter.

Hopefully they would

IF they are returning his SF4 special moves that would make me really amazed with Capcom hardwork.

That was described back in SF3 story. Gill met them on the street, it seems that Alex got K.O. pretty fast, and Tom was badly injured. All that Alex remember is Gill’s long, floating blond hair.

Yes, that would be the normal flow of events. But what if the president and vice president gets killed before the 23 year reign ends?

What’s the source of this?

Yes. Looking at the old plot guide, All About SF3 mentions that Gill was based on Kikaider. It seems that’s the only official info about Gill being inspired on.

I really would like to have Gill with a human skin tone. I wonder if during the SS meetings, he would wear a robe or a suit like his younger brother Urien.

They had Birdie on their side… He might have given them the coordinates to the base.

And last but not least…

Well, I knew I’ve read it somewhere. I looked at the old plot guide, so this is vasili’s translation.
It’s from the SF3: Fanbook Q&A section:

-About Gill’s gang and relations to Shadoloo?
A. Gill’s organization is such that the world conjectures. Shadoloo’s activities also, as long as Vega doesn’t realize they’ve been utilized by means of a large power, are being controlled.

So my theory about Gill influencing/manipulating the PSA/Black Moon’s plan isn’t so farfetched.


My wish was to see Gill’s side of the thing, specially because i will like to know if there’s something more story wise behind his confrontation with Tom (wich is supported by Urien’s quote too)

Btw that’s cool af, i absolutely did’nt know Alex was present… i ever thought he did known about the facts from Tom’s telling events, specially because he told him about Gill fought fairly, seems something you tell to somebody was’nt there (wich can make sense actually if Alex was KOed early)

So Gill ktfo him fast? I guess he was’nt there to play games that day :smiley:

Going by pure guessing i say the Elders as the next most powerful surviving rank take control and either

1- They will try to guess if in same group of candidates Gill/Urien came from there’s a new potential Leader.
This could be very well a despised solution, as you don’t even get the 2nd pick but even the 3rd.
But on other hand as religious/prophecy obsessed cult, they may twist something as straordinary as both President/VicePres dying as a sign of destiny

2- They will rule for years to keep alive the org till the next President generation is ready to rise.
In this case idk if they are all of same level of there’s some kind of hierarchy between them
We seen one being unmasked and taking the role of tell Urien about Emperor Gill, but is not clear if there’s a reason was exactly him to do it or if any other of the Elders/Chairmen had same right
Fun detail he’s a short, bearded old man with a jewel replacing left eye, just like PopeArles/Gemini Saga’s chief of staff

I respect the original source and yes, can really see something coming from Kikaider
Not only the red-blue of the protagonist but even “Gill” name likely come from the series villain Professor Gill

Still both name and colors are things that by Capcom words came in a second phase
For the name Nakayama recently said in a blog early names were different: Pantheon, Raios, Gemini, Ajax

As for colors i remember somebody said original/concept Gill was supposed to be black-white based (something that again deeply connect to Gemini Saga) and that they opted only later to red-blue to have more impressive graphic impact and “show off” the SF3 engine
I think that’s the case for some other bs like Ryu blue or Remy green hairs lol

To be clear i got no particular reason to push Gill = Gemini Saga/Pope Arles thing, if tomorrow CapcomKing say “we ripped-off SS Gemini” will not much be some Cestus obscure scoop… think anybody that know well both franchises instant see the direct inspiration :smiley:
Of course there are OTHER inspirations like with SF chars ever is (Ryu got likely 10+ at this point lol), but the amount of elements that they took from Gemini easily outnumber any other i can think

I think to fully play his Emperor/Messiah role Gill ever wear old “greek style” robes like
immagine immagine immagine

Not only him but everyone else in the cult too

I ever took Urien’s choice of wear modern clothes as some kind of visual/stylistical rebellion against SS traditions and customs… he have the right to wear traditional robes but refuse to

For Kolin it’s different, her wearing a suit may just indicate (as effectively it is) she’s just a “civillian”, not a recognized ranked member inside the cult.
So not only she does’nt have the duty to wear cult robes, but probably she does’nt even have the rights to

They gave zero indication of that, but i agree with you, Birdie story starts with him escaping SFV shadaloo base
Karin’s ninja spies network likely known about Shadaloo’s HQ
Of course Illuminati did

That’s cool
Now that i think about it, what if Fang and Urien’s chinese scientist are somehow related?

Returning to Fang it’s at least suspect somebody that was supposed to be just a kung fu assassin part of a group sent to kill Bison (and very possibly die), managed to get hired and somehow now suddently he’s a great scientist with in the pocket a new grand plan for next Shadaloo step

You will think a great great scientist of that kind will be utilized better than be put at risk as goon/assassin for some chinese mafia cartel
Unless the plan as you said was from beginning to plant him as a seed inside shadaloo betting on Bison’s history of hire strong fighters/criminals with potential, rather than kill them

Thing literally gone

  • Fang: wattaaaaah die
  • Bison: Bitch pls
  • Fang: ouch
  • Bison: You’re decent, will spare your life
  • Fang: K thanks, as hobby i’m also world level genius scientist with a world treat machine project
  • Bison: You’re now #2 of my entire org, let’s bet 100% of my org on your plan, chinese man that tried to kill me two days ago
  • Fang: Your wisdom know no limits Lord Bison
  • Bison: :sunglasses:

Gill KO"ing Alex easily, also means Tom must have put up quite a fight for him to end up injured, otherwise Gill would have just waved him away as well. That guy must be quite a badass, on par with the rest of the more experienced pre-SF3 Street Fighters at least. Cool.


I feel like FANG might have been Urien’s scientist at one point, but then Capcom remembered how stupid he looked in 3S and decided to make someone physically the opposite of him.

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Regarding FANG; he is a self-proclaimed #2, Bison never actually regarded him as such.

Also while FANG is intelligent he is no scientist. He is a project manager in this context, and kidnapping the scientists and computer hackers and then persuading them to work on Operations CHAINS is definitely part of his JD for this project.

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Mentioning a astrology name along the other names the claiming it as a main character concept and main is pure bs.

You claim to say other inspiration but declare it as the main concept is pure contradicting and misleading argument that tries to push. Something that is mentioned along many names that are ditch away and the name has many significant in mythology so the analogy is reaching and bs.

Your earlier claims

Your justification

Obviously BS claims, reaching, misleading and force.

As a character both Gill isn’t schizophrenic has no dual personality, the fire and ice things are elemental power that doesn’t have any symbolic to good or evil.

What Gill is as a person is represent to have assended to others. Hè would even convert others to his nature.

Your forcing it, Those were even numerous candidate name but it doesn’t mentioned anything about main because those were given multiple names that never happened.

Mentioning a astrology name along the other names the claiming it as a main character concept is pure bs.

Mentioning a astrology name along the other names the claiming it as a main character concept is pure bs.

Plus thd word Gemini isn’t specifically Saint Seiya because it’s more astrology as reference but obviously based on the statement along with the other names they were used. So it can never be the main like you claim it’s reaching because it’s not just one name it’s multiple candidate names. Even if it was gemini alone as a candidate name it never happened and idea thrown that went with Gill as the name. Your the one that is obviously BS trying your weak basis of claim.

Kars and Kikaider are the obvious references here.

About the clothing? Have you ever seen a cermony of secret society and brotherhood or cults in the past. People wear those clothes and even some wear weird large hats.

No. Poor analogy and BS. Because it was just one among the other names that never work out and thrown away. Plus the name it’s strongly associate to a mythology not an anime like Bison is to Washizaki.

This characters were called also that name but they weren’t inspired by those.



Forcing it, you could force this because they are directly using the name unlike Gill. But still its a name of an astrological sign. Like Leo and etc, Yet the name was ditch away and it’s part of multiple name list which automatically makes your claims misleading and false.

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Saga’s hair isn’t white in the manga, he is blond.


Fang got crazy complex birth, they gone in so many directions before chose final look, dude has been of every shape lol

Tbh while he did’nt, he still built him giant 20 mt stone statue equal of his own and of his generals (using as base Sagat’s one), had also much bigger responsibility compared to Rog and Vega
He may claimed himself so, but after Bison himself he effectively had the biggest influence over Shadaloo operations in ASF

Idk, you still have to have the know-how to be the leader of a project like that
The mind that worked directly on it was Rashid’s friend, but still Fang showed to know/handle the tech well enough
Also it’s not clear if the Moons plan was something going on before Fang and Bison just gave the direction of it, or if was a Fang’s idea… in both case it mean Fang was considered worthy of the task
He was also the one that programmed the reinforced control over Dolls and soldiers in ASF
We also see him do experiments in the lab, see when he kidnap Alex (Alex story)

He did’nt had a direct hand on everything (as normally is for big projects), but was definitely the “scientist” of the 4 new Shadakings

That’s true :smiley:
Memory tricked me, as aside covers the manga was black and white (blond->white) and the colors were later changed in the anime as blue and gray
Still the point was lighter hair = light/good, darker hair = darkness/evil, same visual meaning going on

While at it strange in the anime they chosen to switch and make the lighter color the evil version

About FANG, doesn’t he also keep showing knowledge of “That organization” in his win quotes to Gill, Kolin and Urien? Gotta go backwards, but it’s definitely something to think about…

As I said earlier, here is this year’s Christmas story. I feel like I went way too WTF-ish and overboard for this.


How a cat ruined Christmas (and stole Cammy’s hairline)

Twas the night before Christmas and all was not well for Cammy, who had clearly been crying for sometime. Upon looking at her, one would easily notice her famous blonde pigtails were completely gone, she was completely bald. Now she was deep in silence, relaying the shocking turn of events that had befallen her just hours ago. Beside her was her trusted co-worker at Delta Red, Hanna Ackerson, who had been brewing a soothing cup of tea for her distraught ally. Hanna seemed quite frightened, it took alot to make Cammy break like this, she had to know what had happened.

“Cammy, how did this happen to you, we have to know so we can help you.” Cammy nodded, mentally preparing herself for telling Hanna of her ordeal. “It all started two days ago…”

Cammy’s memory flickered to that bustling London morning. Cars and buses moving every which way under the watchful eyes of the looming buildings of the city’s rich history. Cammy had been cycling through the city with the wind caressing her face, playfully nipping at her ear. Suddenly, she sensed something and strayed from her path. It was a cat meowing at her. Cammy felt a bizarre connection to her, as if she could sense the cat’s thoughts. From its appearance, it was apparent that it was a stray wild cat. Cammy decided it was best to keep it with her. She would name it Miss Pussy.

“Miss. Pussy?!” Hanna scoffed, “Cammy, I’m sure that there are plenty of better cat names than… that!”

“It doesn’t matter Hanna, I haven’t finished telling you the rest of what happened. After I took her home, I brushed her fur, made her dinner, gossiped about Shadaloo together. Within hours, me and Miss Pussy became instant friends… but when Juri came, our relationship soured.”

Juri had recently developed a bizarre habit of breaking and entering into Cammy’s home if she happened to be in England. Everytime she broke into Cammy’s home she would come with food and tell her of bizarre stories. Last time, Juri had told Cammy of Chun-Li hospitalising Ibuki after scarring Li Fen for life with her sexual antics. It was now custom for Juri to break into Cammy’s home however, Juri was quite shocked by the new arrival.

“Who’s that?”, Juri questioned. “That’s Miss Pussy, my cat”, Cammy sharply replied. Juri did a double take “Heh, Miss Pussy, Freud would have a field day with you.”

Juri felt a tingling in her nose and sneezed. She had carried on sneezing until she reached the conclusion that it was the cat’s fault. In response, Cammy had put the cat outside in the garden. Miss Pussy attempted to appeal to Cammy by widening her eyes but this was met with both women laughing at the cat.

“So, this “Juri” shaved your hair and did something to your cat, right?” Hanna queried. “No, it was the cat, let me explain” Cammy said as her memories once rushed back to that incident.

Juri had left after that ordeal and Cammy retrieved Miss Pussy back into her home. Cammy went to bed. The next morning, Cammy awoke and did her morning routine but she couldn’t find her mirror nor her comb. She went downstairs and saw catpaws and footprints scattered across the room, it had seemed a skirmish had occurred, more importantly, her house was robbed bare leaving only a mirror, her laptop and a note with a floral pattern:

"I would’ve stolen this too but your shitty laptop is from 2009. Upgrade your tech, bitch. I took your Rita Repulsa looking friend. No one ever crosses me like that. Enjoy being bald!

Yours sincerely, Miss Pussy"

Attached was a photo of Juri held by chains battered and bruised. Cammy was instantly driven to tears, at the betrayal of Miss Pussy and the loss of her home and Juri. Her ears heard a ticking noise, Cammy knew what it was, it was a bomb.

“Your house was nearest to mine and with everything stolen, I couldn’t get in touch with anyone. We need to stop Miss Pussy”.

Hanna understood her friend’s plea and went off to fetch the special Delta Red phone. But one thought was lingering in her mind, who was truly behind such an act.

Little did Cammy know, Ingrid and Area were truly behind the heinous crime in order to make themselves canon once more. It would take the combined forces of the Street Fighters (but mainly Rufus) to stop their evil plans in what would be known as the most bloodiest battle in Earth’s history.


“Is the Society making some kind of move? Looks like some strings need pulling…”

“You… You’re not a member of that cult of an organization, are you?”

“Any fool who defies Lord Bison will sleep for all eternity!”

Judging by first two, yeah he’s aware of the existence of the Society

Also Rog somehow contact Urien (or was otherwise?), but is not automatic he also know the Society behind him

PS: recycling hard from 2018


Happy Holidays, folks.

Let Tom and Rose be playable pls.

Tom needs his time to shine too. Maybe an ongoing rivalry with Gill.


Scenario: Tom, an old friend of Alex, (probably a Reservist) suspects something more is going on than just Shadowloo working towards Bison’s goals. Incidentally, he discovers a man known as Gill after some long-term investigation and a lot of interrogations. Tom uses a connection within the Illuminati to track Gill’s location and pester him. This would span for a months at a time. Tom (over the course of Street Fighter V’s timeline) got into it with Gill several times but only to a stalemate.

To the events of Street Fighter 3, Gill eventually gives Tom a vicious beating, prompting Alex to swear vengeance. While all of this is going on, Gill himself has to address the issue of Ghost Bison (if there should be one in the Street Fighter V:CE story setting), his ruthless brother Urien, and analyzing Alex to see where he fits into his agenda.

Or, none of that may happen. To some, that story I theorized above may be contrived or even insulting. But, one has to have some sort of curiosity towards the character known as Tom.


Yes he may but it’s likely that Bison just lt FANG do everything he could, but it doesn’t makes him automatically number 2. Having a statue is probably just FANG trying to win Bison trust, but we all know Bison still is not putting him in number 2.

Wait what? Where are you getting this?

His still not the scientist, His still the project manager. Even he had background his knowing sçience he is still a project manager/henchmen in ASF.

It’s like based on the quotes, his not betraying Bison and not just him being aware of it but also the Shàdaloo as if it was something not a secret to them or a very regular thing and not seeing it as a threat before.

I think it’s more likely that FANG’s previous organization, the Nguuhao, being an international society of Assassins, has probably done jobs for The Society before, and thats how FANG is aware of them.


Merry Christmas everyone.