The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Because, unless I’m mistaken, in Third Strike when Gill is on one side he can only shoot fire powered fireballs and when he’s on the other side only ice powered fireballs.

In Third Strike it didn’t matter because he was an unplayable boss, but in SFV he’s a playable character and his design requires him to be able to use both his ice and fire powers regardless of where he is on stage, and obviously Capcom doesn’t want to have Gill shoot fire from his blue limbs or viceversa.


But Gill still switches stances depending on when he shoots fire or ice. So the stance thing shouldn’t matter.


Like Phantom_miria explained

Its technical mater of consistency for gamers that it doesn’t need thing to be complicated enough.

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I don’t care why it looks bad…

It looks bad.

It’s like arguing “The Last Jedi is SUPPOSED to be a narrative mess”. It doesn’t make it not bad.

Gill looking away from the screen borks the transitions of his attacks and makes him look choppy as hell. It’s a giant misstep

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No, it didn’t matter because the ice and fire attacks functioned the same. They only LOOKED different.

So whether you faced left or right basically just changed the color of your fireballs.

You know…that’s a good question to ask

What DOES Gill want? I mean, like, sure, he’s in the Secret Society, he’s their emperor, got his own Babel Tower, yada yada, but what is his true end goal and the motive for doing things he’s doing, done, and plans to do (assuming it all culminates in his SF3 ending)?

Is it a genuine idea to bring humanity to a salvation, a promised land?

What exactly is this “harmony” he speaks of, including his own Super quote? Is it a some sort of “perfect world” where everything is balanced, emotions are eliminated and whoever is chosen/volunteers to go with Gill to his “promised land” is set on a predetermined course as far as society’s progress and evolution is concerned?

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I don’t know, but Gill seems messed up the more I think about it. All his talk about bringing people the light of harmony and shit… but during his Super Art, you know, his ultimate technique, that’s what he declares he’ll do to you. And you end up fucking dead. I think he’s trying to go full on Charles Manson on the SF cast. Would tie in back to the real life religious cults of 90’s Japan that inspired the Secret Society too in the first place.


Gill’s reaction to Kolin mentioning “the Utopia” to come is the give away that Gill is NOT in this to be benevolent.

Dude is evil and is setting up something bad and KNOWS IT


Honestly, I took that as Gill getting pissed off Kolin called it an utopia. An utopia is an imaginary, hypothetical world. A dream. Something that doesn’t exist. And Gill knows his world, his promised land is real, or is screwed up enough to believe it is.

But I like your interpretation more.


Yeah I seriously doubt they would think that much about it. Most people don’t realize Utopia means “No-place”

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Yeah, I have no idea. Still, it’s cool to finally learn a little more about Gill. There seems to be plenty of facets to him we haven’t seen. He was pretty blank and one-note so to get him a bit fleshed out is cool. Might turn out not to be that lame a final boss after all!


We can only hope. Honestly though, his look is still god-awful.

They could have much improved his design by making the red and the blue very dense fire and wave themed full-body tattoos.

Hmm being full-saturation primary colors is garish AF and makes it impossible to take him seriously


They may have done some bullshit with DS alts, like give Demitri to Ed, but this Is fucking 10/10 awesome

Now imagine what could have been Demitri-Bison vs Pyron-Gill

We got robbed of Greatness


And they didn’t put any real effort into giving him a decent redesign as an alternate either. His story costume was a step in the nice direction, but it turned out very bland and downright bad. His spartan outfit is cool, but not really canon-wise. But he’s very hard to make look good… he’s kind of a doomed design.

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Yup 100% agreed. The Spartan is a cool look…but it doesn’t fit in SF and it doesn’t fit canon-wise either so it loses as anything but novelty. His story costume is bad.

He’s just…bad all around. Cool attitude and cool attacks…but he’s demonstrably worse in design than literally every KOF boss and every previous SF boss.

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He don’t want be the god of Secret Society having to stick to their idea of it

He want be the god of earth in his own terms, without his actions being questioned

I mean this brother drama and dynamics, I think Gill is up to something that favors to Urien’s interest, but the Secret Society is not so probably his setting up something to change this.

I know people are jumping aŕound the Gill is a messed up brother to Urien thing, but probably this isn’t what really Gill wants willing to give it to Urien but in a way that everyone would agree.

That is also why he is searching a succesor like Alex or someone to take his place.

As elder brother and another of close friend is also an elder brother. We challenge our brothers to be better I myself open on teaching what he should do to win competition but my other friend that is an elder brother also does the other way around that makes his brother chased him to be better on anything since their younger days.

I mean we do that in competitive games and other hobbies. I mean may so called friend is someone I also mentored but we have different approach with are brothers. My brother is also a close friend of his.

You can also compare Gill to Heihachi and Urien to Kazuya in the earlier times before the thing goes a different story with eliminating the devil gene instead of wanting Kazuya to be stronger(tekken 2 and tekken ova).

The thing is we used to already concluded that Gill likes whatever he was in secret society. Thet he enjoy the spotlight and to rule and be known as the messiah.

But this Gill in SFV gives us Depth perspective in the relationship of the brothers in their character, we had seen Urien being like this or acting differently from what we used to knew him for the first time same as Gill.

Actually this is the first time were seeing this into Gill’s perspective instead pf Urien since most of the endings were Urien’s perspective since Second Impact.

I don’t think this is the usual evil thing by Capcom giving him depth of wanting to be free, that the first time we just heard.


About Gill’s look

As start, I LIKE the job they did, and usuallly i’m the first of call crap crap (alex, kage etc)… Gill was far from an easy task and i think they did good

Costume wise it’s either embrace his standard image (wich at the end is what we ever associated with him), or the Story alt

If you don’t like Standard, main problem with Story alt is being too fucking strong white, but color #2 does a decent job, eeven if ruin a bit the balance going on the blue side (still it’s what i set on my copy as Gill’s standard)

I wish they used something that linked more to SF3 intros, adapted to be more pratical for movements
immagine immagine
kinda like Urien’s halloween alt did

About hair i think will have been more elegant and easy choice go for normal hair down, like he got in most SF3 official artworks

They gone for dick-in-electric-socket haircut to replicate classic SF3 sprite silhuette, wich overall i think works kinda well, but of course looks a bit ridicolous when you focus on it


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