The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I think it’s a retcon, the same way Urien’s seemingly skin color changed when he is out of combat.

More so, I think his character story takes place in NG/2I, the very early parts of that story arc.

I disagree. I think the fact that it is still Seth with the same voice lends itself better to the character’s backstory and concept.


I found this very interesting as well. I do wonder what Gill wants after he gets his freedom. We know Urien wants conquest, but I wonder for Gill. Also, holy crap, when I saw G, I practically screamed. Gill unveiled himself to the world, got slightly annoyed with G’s obtuse ways, but also seems to recognize something about his philosophy. Iiiiiiiiiinteresting. Augh, I REALLY want another storymode now, there’s some interesting things coming.

Ooh, quotes! Thanks @Doctrine_Dark

Also interesting. In following tradition with Q, Gill has NO idea what G is about. He makes note that he doesn’t fit in with the prophecy. He says “is this person just a clown, or perhaps…”, he seems to notice something.

Interesting, so Gill’s card is the world, but Menat doesn’t feel right about that

Gill seems to see something in Ed’s future

Alex is looking for something in life. Purpose? Adventure? (Batman-esque dead parents?)

Gill knows Balrog wants more out of life, but doesn’t know if yet. Iiiinteresting.

Huh, Necalli is speaking in a full sentence!

Interesting that Zeku isn’t poetic.

Yooo wtf, in Gill’s SF3 ending Guile, Viper, Charlie?!, Dudley?

Dang I really want to know more, I NEEDS TO KNOW MORE!


I want to know how Urien and Gill would think about Seth and Seth with Urien and Gill?

  1. Will Seth mentioned that he has data from their attacks that is call back to his SF4 version?

  2. Will Gill and Urien see seth something of value to be need with Twelve and Eleven?

It can’t be a retcon when his job lists him as “Secret Society President” and his bio states that

“Aiming for the fulfillment of “prophecy” to bring the world closer to the ideal form A secret society president who has long ruled the world from behind. Has high charisma, strong will, and calm judgment.”

So his story has to be set during SF3 for him to actually be the Emperor.

It’s a retcon in the sense that Urien knows now of the position of Emperor. That position was secret, known only to the chairmen and President.

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I think until now, they left it ambiguous as to whether Seth was a robot, or a cyborg.

Now, it’s clear that he’s a robot, and likely always was one.

I don’t think that was ever actually confirmed anywhere though. That’s what people though, and made the most sense. But no canon source outright states that’s what he is.

I mean, his CFN profile even says his body was “constructed”. Not “grown” or “cloned”.

Oh, nevermind. That says the old Seths were born in a “Living Incubator program”. Which suggests they weren’t robots.

Also though, it says the new Seth was found in a ruined lab, which means the body ISN’T new.

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Urien eventually finds out about the Emperor when Gill reveals himself to be the Emperor. This meeting seems to have Gill already established as Emperor and Urien knowing fully about his position under Gill which makes me think this meeting should be well within the confines of SF3 or post SF3.

Its either an oversight, retcon, or placed within SF3 which I’m starting to think it is.


The win quotes make it seem like someone completely different was charged with writing/translating. A few characters sound off (odd word choice), and Zeku doesn’t have a haiku. I’ll have to see if the pattern continues with Seth.

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Urien’s psychological struggle is all about be recognized/respected as equal by Gill…

…who in return treat him as his dear unlucky mortal brother, who IS his brother yet at same time a totally different and inferior level of living being

As ironically It sounds Urien will have prefered Gill beating the living shit out of him ripping with violence and domination any possibile SS position (President, Emperor etc) from his hands

Instead Gill found the differences between them so obvious and great that there was no point at harm his inferior brother(Who DOES’NT hate)… so he took fake loss, gave him toy presidency and moved on on his true greatness path

Essentially negated Urien even the chance to try proof his not-inferiority

We covered this not many weeks ago, their interactions seem fit


Kinda lame the stage, wich seems just ASF shadaloo corridor stage with different angle and red lights lol… Hope they don’t waste rare stage coin on that shit lol :smiley:

I just caught something interesting. So Kolin sees that Gill will bring about a Utopia, but Gill’s response shows he doesn’t exactly see things that way. He basically gives a “yes…yes, that’s what YOU saw out of my idea.” and then states “Yes, there is nothing to worry about”. The wise will see what they want to see and the ignorant will see what they want to see. So everyone will get their hopes and dreams under Gill…but what does Gill want when the prophecy is done and he’s “FREE”

Somethings regarding G and Gill;

It’s an interesting reversal of G’s story in that a mysterious newcomer arrives and defeats a celebrity to establish themselves.

Kind of a big deal that Gill utilized G to unveil himself to the world. G vs Gill garnered 20,081 views

Also, despite G’s…weirdness. He seems to be somewhat aware of Gill. Look at how he refers to Gill. Usually he’s greeting a fellow earthling / citizen of earth. Here, he’s saying he finally revealed himself, yet Gill says he’s not part of the prophecy, which pretty much rules all that he does. He’s a curiosity that he wishes to evaluate.

Hmm, could G be a past Illuminati head that used the “resurrection to heal from near fatal” wounds but it left him kind of insane? It’s actually kind of creepy how Gill and no one else no anything about G, but G seems to know of him.


They should have renamed Seth as Cain. That way its kind of a new character but kind of not.

@Evil_Canadian is in Gill’s ending :hushed:


That stood out so much. It’s refreshing to learn new stuff about characters we’ve known for so long.

I still think that Gill wants to lead the “immature humanity” once they pass through his “gates of harmony”. Total power bottom if you ask me.


They went and rule 63’d Seth. Since S.I.N is now gone, it’ll be interesting to see how this Seth will act now and if they will tie in to Neo-Shadaloo.

I know this sounds unneeded considering the limits of CGI but Gill’s hair looks awful, it looks like horribly cooked spaghetti and I can’t over how it goofy it looks when he moves across the stage.

But his story is certainly interesting, I can see a possible team up between G and Gill with their similar goals and it was nice to see Gill interact with Urien other than “LoL, I’m Da ChOsEn WuN”. Going off Urien’s SFV arcade ending, it really sheds a light on how the two brother’s relationship was severely wounded by the Illuminati.


It’s like Gill real desire isn’t to be the what he is noe known in the seceret society ? And just doing what he sees as the greater cause which is what the secret society goal.

Sounds intersting that we may find higher and othwr figures of secret society that Gill is following someday?

Probably Gill is up to a plan for provoking and taunting Urien and entirely making him competitive to a certain level against him.

That was one of my theories too, let’s consider that going with illuminati rules

  • 23yo candidates are going to try take Presidency

  • previous President, currently 46 have to leave

  • The SS leadership* cycle is 23 years

We know Gill cover 1st, maybe G cover latter, he can fit 46yo

*I think apply to President, no idea about Emperor, but i doubt must follow same rules… have a Emperor is an exceptional event for SS, not the norm

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I used to think as a theory with G that he was expelled from the Secret Society and delete all his exisiting record as his punishment along with his exile, before Gill and Urien were born so they unaware of him existing.


Then why not make Gill like 3rd Strike Gill? Both sides face towards you…

Necalli to Gill: “Oh, this soul! It’s like the culmination of time eternal!”

See, Gill could fit into the Mortal Kombat universe. Necalli and Seth too for that matter.