The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Well, fighters abilities have great variety and as consequence there are of course fuckton of aspects we can consider like

most powerful ki? - Rose
best martial artist? - Chun
toughest? - probably Mika or Makoto
most athletic? - maybe Elena
most talented? - i guess Sakura

…and so on

But at the end of the day if we want a simple straight reply?

Rose defeated Bison once, she was essentially a less violent but not less powerful (or at least not by much) counterpart of the Boss

I don’t see other two -Chun and Juri- be in the position to claim somthing similar… again SF4 Juri thanks to tech was much more powerful than Chun, still she could do nothing to Bison.
Her whole gimmick in SF4 was try to use the power of the new Boss (Seth) against Bison, showing she did’nt consider herself powerful enough… and we’re talking about a char that did’nt feared fight 1 vs multiple opponents: Guile+Cammy, Dolls, Chun+Cammy

Of course i don’t consider Rose better at “everything” (no SF character is), but overall i think capcom made clear she was special
While at it Rose it’s also the only of the female group to be a “Master”, and SF have a soft spot for that category :smiley:

Narrative inconsitency, power scaling in narrative and endings. Why thing should be that.

Another interesting note again from KOF 99 and that many forgot to mention or probably isn’t aware or didn’t played it, KOF99 awesome some parts of it’s story in making the main popular protoganist in the side.

Since after I mention Rouwe of Galaxy Fight which is a direct Ryu inspiration that is a hidden boss. If Ryu would age there no wrong of him being inspired by Rouwe for being a direct reference and tribute than everchanging popular anime that isn’t a Ryu.

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KOF99 did it as well with KYO making him not in the select screen and an after challenge to Krizalid.

NAMCO also did it to Jin in Tekken 6 as a special challenge.

Ryu should not be the spotlight anymore, I mean I even had a SF2 fanfic that would cover Chun li instead of Ryu because I understand that Chun li is better flavorwise for thd timeline than Ryu.

Yet Ryu should always be the basic character doesn’t need to be somebody else or change to something else. All he needs is presentation and less complicated stuff.

If he would be like Jin in Tekken 6 or Kyo from 99, that can only be done once or making him stay there for the rest of the future games.

No Telekinetic Ryu or Ryu being powerful and stronger doing crazy feats like destroying stuff let those thing be for Akuma endings.

This is my kind of ending for Ryu

I know this was Alex ending but would also work for a Ryu Ending Template.

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If I was on Capcom, Im not gonna let this kind of endings slip for Ryu…

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Why im not gonna let those kinds endings for Ryu?

Reason Its only turning this stuff to the likes of Dragon Ball that has to many narrative inconsistency in battle problems in the narrative already that the power ceiling needs to set high continously.

Ryu doesn’t need this kind of progress of showing exageration, emphasis and elevation power and strenght.

When you create an ending like that people would expect more exagerated feat later on and higher than that. See people reaction towards that ending and it happens.

Ryu doesn’t need power display every endings. What he needs as an ending is understanding from each confrontation.

It’s more Akuma like Endings that always exciting power.

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Akuma endings also doesn’t even need to increase the power ceiling, but it can also just do the same of destroying and destroying something different else without making it bigger and bigger until it became something like in CFJ which istotatly meh.

I feel I going on the oposite for not liking the Ryu lifting huge rock with Oro but that not a good way of handling the narrative of SF especially for a default character like Ryu.

Ryu doesn’t need to be power up rank in narrative tier, What really people needs that dislike Ryu being the spotlight and having a major plot, I s making him a side character that new characters would idealize or learned from when they encountered, but not making him as rival or a fan of him(like sakura). The new characters should be the spotlight and were the newer plot revolve while keeping Ryu in the select screen without being OP character.

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And Rouwe is much cooler than Oro, I really that he was the one that they need to seek out rather than some seeking a character out. Ryu is better to be more Rouwe than Oro. I really dislike how Oro was written for really chasing Ryu.

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And Oro endings are terrible for a street fighter game, it’s very crossover a like that it’s should had been in Marvel.

Increase power scaling is terrible for a fighting game, specially for a default iconic character like Ryu gameplay wise and storywise.

It’s like Birdie Donut in SFV things that shouldn’t happened and presentation sucks because it destroys the rationalle.

I know many liked that Oro ending for nostalgia but it’s not good for the franchise that is a fighting game, I mean lets go back…

Some guys here saying Fatal Fury is a good world fighting… toss in those ideas like having a character doing similar to Oro ending riding a plane? Does it improve or get worst? It would be worst.

It doesn’t feel good and right for a non-crossover fighter that plays like a street fighter gameplay.

Truth is both positive and negative, sometimes it’s not agreeable by the many.

Power scaling and feats in Street Fighter should be lowered down and never be pushed up. AKUMA can destroy anything in the endings but the best is just him learning mew techniques like in SF4 and so does for a RYU ending.


It looks cool but it raise more questions and complication. So it not good.

But this one? The muscle power thing in cinematic mode. It works and it’s better.

This is why I am also advocating to expand muscle power that even made a whole fanfic about it than doing over the top feats to make tge character appealing that only complicate and confuse things.

Im more in diversity of specially abilities, power and skills like Gill is to Ressurection, Zeku is in Rejuvenation, Oro is in Telekinesis, Rose to Soul Power, Akuma is in SNH, Gouken is to MU and Bison is to Psycho Power…

I mean look how cliche Goku vs Jiren is that the story is more on unity(it’s like yugioh story) compare that to the story on Goku vs Hit that is more creative in attacks rather than another more stronger and more ki blastier things lol. Looke Jiren is stronger but It’s Hit fight and skills set that is more better in fighting game. So is there transition in DBFZ.

First think about this games narrative and what they did?

Look NRS even MK lowered the power scaling to make their narrative in-game work together. This explains why distancing power rank and tier are really a terrible idea for a fighting game story like in some SF ending like Oro.

A horrible fighting game story or a horrible character progression on a fighting is about making characters escalate far away from each other or by increasing then creating power tier and ranking,

That would not only alienate the character fans if it was everchanging for the next three games but the whole game environment instead.

If they want to find things that is appealing try simple thing. I mean even as simple as doing this for endings with like this.

Or this

Or as simple A3 Gen vs Akuma intro.

Those were more awesome for an SF endings than someone up the plane watching Ryu, someone lifting a huge bolder of rock or destroying a submarine.

Chun li having this ending for an SF is terrible even if you put some explaination to force it to happen.

I mean people here used to trivialize Chun li capabilities but theres a bunch of inconsistency there with her strenght and power in numerous endings and that is because they made her do stuff that are distance from her previous capabilities. Highering stuff too much is like a can of worms to many later inconsistency.

Endings and story that distance fighters from each other and even from there usual self to make them awesome should be retired. It’s the major cause of inconsistency and complication.

I know people here like them because being cool and other stuff but it’s not healthy for a fighting game. Being cool, fun and awesome itsn’t gonna make things always good other than complicate it. People here doesn’t want to talk bad of anything that looks cool, nostalgic tand awesome but the thing is it’s not good to a fighting game narrative and franchise that it only bring complication.l and confusion

Most of the trendy fanfic and most agreeable fanfic changes every decade and season along with their supporters and fanboys that just wants things to happen but doesn’t think heavily what in can do, some aren’t really fan of it even they claims so they just want to change things to the things that seems more better to them. This ever changing set of people cannot be please does not like best of sf in it’s prime either SF2 or SFZ because they want it to change regardless of there claims.. This is why the best spot of the reboot is the prime of the franchise then why are they want thing to be different and change be like other media or something else because the truth is they dodn’t like it, We have seen this happened to tons of franchise even in the likes of MK that tries to bandwagon the trends and ir becomes a disaster that they need to introduce timetravel to the plot.

They just post that they like this and that to convince that they cared but looking at the whole argument is about changing this to this because it’s much cooler and they are more of a fan of it than the one they pursue to be replace and change.

Some diehard fanboy care more of making thing over powered. Like Bison turning into a satan of sf universe despite the bery articifial in nature or Ryu having a huge separation on strenght. That I don’t want Ryu to be increase power rank, scaling and tier in narrative each game so is other SF characters, because I am un biased and love the whole franchise itself and I know it’s unhealthy to be done especially in a fighting game. A Ryu fan that isn’t BS and knows why this thing should be kept that way rather than complicate.

This is coming from a real life Ryu fan. Im not just a guy with ryu av because of an active internet comments, or a guy with toys, i mean im almost everything other than cosplay, I mean I knew every each them even from the tiniest merch that uberknowst to many even from know once that posted by popular collectors.



Does anyone know if Capcom are done with the CFN character profiles? If so, I remember someone rendering the pics and uploading them somewhere, can I get the link?

I know Darth Ender knows the guy and it’s probably on TV tropes.

It’s definitely Rose -> Chun-Li -> Juri. Just because Juri is an evil, frightening bitch doesn’t automatically make her the strongest. She could only beat Chun-Li in HER (read: plot armor) OVA by means of manipulating her. Rose is still the strongest as she is actually everything Bison is and neither Chun-Li nor Juri could lay a finger on Bison.

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Hell yeah. Give me a character like Lady Butterfly from Sekiro.

I made an album of all the ones I have with the backgrounds removed.


Thanks. That’s what I was looking for. Is it the entire thing from the CFN website or no?

Well, EVERYBODY got plot armor as Capcom chose what will happen, they can’t win out capcom’s wish :smiley:

I disagree on she could only beat Chun by trick… she DID won in unfair way, but looked clearly too much for Chun there, the whole clash showed clear superiority

SF4 Juri was powerful af, specially for a female… she literally pass SF4 wrecking opponents, often 1vsMore

In that OVA she owns Chun, Guile, Cammy, Juni+Juli… and she shows superiority even before truly trigger FSE

Even the weaker version of SFV in ASF still consistently outperform Cammy, in their Juri>Vega>Cammy ASF love triangle

For the lulz, based on what we know a loose power food-chain ladder can be something like

Queen: Rose
Sub-boss material: SF4 Juri
Very strong: SFV Juri, C.Viper(with gadgets of course), possibly Kolin?*
Strong/very respected: Chun, Laura, Karin, Cammy, Sakura**
Good: Decapre, Falke, Poison?***
On the road to git gud: Makoto, Ibuki, Mika, Menat, Elena****
Free wins: Dolls

*in ASF Juri seem to hint her potential as a interessing opponent/better than Rashid. Hard guess because she does’nt fight much aside knock out Guile in her story

**Sakura seem to have “Karin’s number” but i still consider them mostly equal

***she use lot of tricks and weapons to be there

****Still manage to take a selfie with Akuma, showing not even onis are immune from high score hot ass

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The kid distracted her. You can clearly see that when she tells Cammy about him after the fight. Then again, that’s Chun-Li’s flaw; she is distracted easily as is also the case at the beginning of ASF against Bison. That’s one trait a warrior shouldn’t have. Still, that doesn’t mean she is a worse fighter than Juri.

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Since where talking of plot armor, this is why I didn’t like having power tier and rank talk, Since those things should be everchanging and evolving. It’s not something that should justified and concluded like many here that has double standard that claims to dislike it but creates their own version. This people condemn and persecute those noob poster that would ask something like this but if it makes their favorable fanfic fell apart they start doing a list. Lol

Yet Juri was on an even situation in SF4 OVA because it was the first time of the encounter and Juri confidence was overwhelming. So she can effectively over power Chun li that time.

We don’t know if Chun li is holding back or juat being unfamiliar with the situation. So leave that as an open interpretation.

So the next encounter probably say if there are a match or someone is even. I don’t think Juri is still the same after SFV.

We can always look back with Ryu vs Viper in ties within. It’s not that Viper can destroy Ryu it’s more that Ryu is surprised and confused with the situation.


It doesn’t even need Ryu to be in SNH or in Denjin to beat Viper, the thing is he lack focus. Like I said mental stability comes into place so is that if Psycho Drive is destroyed Bison loses his mental stability too.


Same goes that Ash will not destroy Orochi Iori in a regular basis even it had a record/history of beating him because he knows how to deal with the situation.

Same thing with Ken and Sakura against Bison in A3 or the same with Guy to Bison.



Agree late reply environment and situation comes into play an advantage. Something that I mentioned also on an earlier post why power and rank rier doesn’t work.

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It’s almost a week and everyone’s still on about power levels.

My take on it is that power levels in SF or most media is fundamentally a bad thing because it limits the amount of possibilities and opportunities a character can have when interacting with other characters. When a character like Ryu or Chun-Li develops, it should be mental/emotional development rather than getting stronger. Strength is just an extra bonus. If Ryu does defeat Akuma, it’s not because he grew to Shonen protag levels of OPness but because his ideals and reasons to fight are superior to Akuma’s.


Also, it’s cringy AF to see all of you talk about this tired topic.


I AGREE on “The kid distracted her”, as in fact i said Juri won in unfair way
But again i invite you to watch the vid, and see how it was completely one-side up to that point too.
Takes all Chun’s offense easily and literally play with her, let alone how above she looks when actually trigger FSE

It’s no much controversy tbh, Capcom wanted portray Juri as big deal and so they did

They did same with Viper
Cammy interrupts Ryu v Viper clash, and Ryu literally scream “stop, she’s too strong for you!”
Cammy gets wrecked, with good peace for levels not existing

Chun is my favourite female SF char, but it is what it is

Personally outside trolling i don’t like the term “power levels” i like more food chain… feels less math (ever said are NOT exact science) and more loose and indicative as SF history proven to be… SF char getting a W versus a “above floor” opponent is far from uncommon.
Much much rare if we speak about “two floors” and usually come with a story explanation… they did many times

But thing i feel people are missing is, to me it’s not about opinion vs opinion on what i think it will be “better”

I keep see people say what they will prefer, as reply not to what I prefer (wich i did’nt said) but to what i see Capcom do
It’s hilarious asymmetrical argument

Again fan fictions and preferences mean zero on canon level
I will like SF fights to be more unpredictable/loose/struggle a la Kengan Ashura?

Idk i’m neither pro or against, i like current Capcom’s way but i think i will like KA style of suspence too… but what “i will like” have no relevance either

If people can’t split personal preference from observe what Capcom (the only canon source) clearly point at, it’s hard having a discussion lol

The thing is, when people have the bizzarre idea what they want is just as legit as Capcom want, you get Chun Li in ASF being treated coherently to Capcom’s vision -> legions of butthurt fans

Real reason this argument is hated is because you can hate the idea of it, but Capcom seems to not even hide much to reason in that way
SF narrative is deeply and clearly linked to an anime heritage(where this kind of “ladder” dynamic play HUGE role) that any objective observer can’t deny

I think if this get “fans” angry, they can switch to some other fictional universe, SF works that way

PS: i’m not even saying all this for some weird reality-bending fan agenda
Ryu is my fav SFer since elementary school lol, but i said multiple times personally i will have prefer him NOT be the final hero of ASF.
My vote was Nash, or even better Nash+Chun+Guile, with Nash as MVP

Ryu’s ASF run imho had good peak at final fight with Necalli(specially if Nec was better handled), have him strike down Bison too has been overkill while will have been more meaningful (and generous/fanservice if we want) let these others characters have their moment

But again, at canon level Cestus (and anybody else) preference is irrelevant, what they did it’s coeherent with how SF is


Diversity in fighting game is very important than having an absolute to anyone.

Finding and making an fixed absolute for characters being better than another is a no-no in a fighting game. It losses depth in both gameplay and story. This is another reason why declaring Dan as a fixed below is terrible choice and raise many conflicfs.

Finally heard something that is really good, than people trying hard to find a fixed conclusion and fixed judgement on things that are inconsistent in a fighting game. That is justifying powerlevel tiers and rank or making a list of it.

The mind and spirit is an important part of fighting same goes with environment. It not just ki blast and muscle.

This is why Abigail isn’t auto win to anyone. Like some believe to be.

People forgeting that even Bison needs to seperate the positive Ki which is known as Soul Power to make him capable of handling fully the Psycho Power.

Which are both deals also about spiritual and mental hence those terms.

Wait what.

Yet you declared her better when you said she is already superior than the other and created a tier classic cestus.

Wait you even made a power level tier list.

It’s not about the winning argument or who’s right and wrong but it’s clearly how you stand with your opinions and how you twist it. You certainly a very trust worthy consistent fellow. lol

For someone who used to perscute and condemn others and noobs doing powerlevel tier list I am amaze how many you did this recent discussion while claiming to hate but coming up with a lot of them

It’s exactly you that claim your personal preferwnce as art direction, Hating character like Deejay claim it blocking kick fighter posiblity. Lol

For someone who does not like it but comes out with a lot of it in a single discussion lol. Typical lol

One is for the female and the other is for this.

If you don’t like it don’t make such thing things then say that you didnt like it, usual lol

I know you guys hated Zeku so much lol

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Shaku you need to chill with those long ass posts


Necalli was a rehearsal, he was the test to see if he is ready to fight Bison. Fighting Bison again was always his destiny.

I also don’t think Rose > SF4 Juri. Rose is extremely powerful, but the advantage she has against Bison that allowed her to defeat him is the same advantage Ryu had in ASF. Their ki nullifies his (Rose even comments on this in her ending). Most ki in the SF universe does not have this trait against Psycho Power. Even Gill’s best attempt at nullifying Psycho Power ultimately failed to destroy Bison, or even visibly harm him.

At best, Rose is equal to SF4 Juri. But SF4 Juri IMO is on another level, she was able to single-handedly take out all 11-12 Dolls simultaneously and suppressed Chun-Li, Guile, and Cammy almost effortlessly.

You must also consider that Bison kept getting stronger throughout the series like other fighters. SF4 Bison > Alpha 2 Bison. Rose could nab a surprise victory against Bison in the Alpha era, but she couldn’t lay a finger on him in SF4.

This has always been the case.

The battle between Bison/Akuma and Ryu is a philosophical one. A battle of ideals. It isn’t purely about strength.

Bison represents power at the expense of everything and for the sake of power; he shows us that such a view on the will to power could lead you to becoming the strongest, and it will, fast - but it is short-lived, and you will ultimately destroy yourself. Bison’s way of circumventing this inevitability is that he cheats death but coming back again and again, but he is doomed to be in this loop (Rose comments on this through Menat in Menat’s SFV character story and Bison responds).

Akuma is similar to Bison in this sense, with the exception that Bison is willing sacrifice not just his own humanity, but the humanity of others, bringing out the monster within everyone if it meant he would become strongest.

This difference is expressed clearly in how they both approach Ryu. Akuma and Bison both want Ryu to give in to the evil within, but Akuma is willing to mostly play the waiting game and keep his fingers crossed, because he is confident that Ryu will succumb on his own. Bison on the other hand takes no such chances, he is willing to orchestrate events and manipulate the world over just so he can bring Ryu to his knees and make him succumb (literally all of ASF was done by Bison for Ryu, including Necalli, not for “World Domination haha”).

Akuma is a self-contained hermit-like version of Bison, but they are equally ambitious and inhumane in their personal approach as fighters.

I feel like Necalli was really, really supposed to be SF’s Ogre (Tekken), down to the ultra form and everything, but they did him dirty so many times over:

  • Ogre was a big deal in Tekken because he outright killed a bunch of characters (and took their moves), including more relevant T2 characters like Jun. Necalli literally has the worst body count as of ASF, as his only kill was the warrior prophet and he didn’t even fight Shadowloo goons like the rest.

  • Ogre was also THE main villain in T3, with a lot of plots tying back into him. Not only is Necalli only supposedly relevant to 3 other characters that he never met before ASF, he doesn’t even have a big impact on them outside of being Ryu’s practice dummy.

  • The only villain Ogre has to share a stage with is Heihachi, and even then Hei is kind of in the background for most of it as “the guy who trained Jin to do Mishima stuff”. Necalli had to share the base game with freaking Bison, and Bison got most of the story anyway while Necalli slithered around looking for a fight he could win. Now Necalli is up against Akuma, G, Sagat, and Gill, and he doesn’t hold a candle to the actual boss characters.

I feel like Necalli could have really shined if Capcom allowed him to, but he seems to draw inspiration from a character far larger than the role he was intended to play.


I think many people forget that even after her defeat by Juri in the OVA, Chun-Li got her revenge by defeating her (according to her SFIV Fight Your Rival cutscene and ending win quote). But Juri retreated before Chun could apprehend her.