The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Next boss should just be some uber powerful martial artist on the level of shin akuma weve never heard of before.

Shaolin Monk? Edit: could be a monk gone rogue after learning all the skills and then wants to test himself. Imagine Garou from OPM. A bit boring and cliched but better than robo bison

SF4 Juri is the most powerful female fighter in SF. But Rose comes second to her. By SF3 though, Chun-Li is definitely the strongest (assuming Rose did not become stronger as well which she probably did if she wakes up from her coma in time).

Effectively seems like Bengus left some space between Chun’s right leg and Poison

can definitely see one more girl of Lucia/Cammy artwork size get stuck there, it will actually keep the composition coherent

I still hope it’s NOT the 40th char, will prefer get one male char as closure of Season4 (even Seth) AND announcement of that new female as first of Season5

Will love Elena, but i know it’s more probably Rose/Makoto or even Viper

I know CE is supposed to have 40, but why not get a teaser of first DLC (even for new CE buyers)

To me it goes like

Rose > SF4 Juri > SFV Juri > Chun Li

Well Rose defeated Bison once back to SFA days, survived a fight with Akuma too

In comparision Juri in SF4 wanted none of Bison or even Seth, trying to get them in a deadly fight against each other and finish the very weakened survivor of the duel.
As soon Bison wrecked Seth without the effort/injuries Juri wished for, she dropped the plan

Idk, i like Urien and i find very possible guess if explained better that fight gone like some asshole bet on Urien side with stupid special conditions a la “hit me once and you win”

But consider this anything more than a pure guess/theory* will be very biased on my side, so i count it as an L on his record untill proven otherwise

It’s also possible even if SF6/SF? show us the dynamic of that event, it will be different than what SF3 guys had in mind back then… but whatever last version of canon is the only canon

*even if i sincerely believe it will be more coherent with everything we know of the characters

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I very like this

Pls not another highest tier from east Asia, that bus is already filled with them

India, Africa, North europe, Middle East, East europe, Russia, Latin America(necalliyouuselessfuck), whatever world is big
Don’t get (more) Grappler Baki disease pls

I do like the SFV concept idea of Gen’s disciple as one more kung fu guy, just not as boss
In SFV he was supposed to want revenge on Necalli, they can keep the same switching on Akuma (as he killed Gen in SFV)

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We still is not sure Gen is dead, let the Gen’s Korean like skinny disciple never happen. Look Leeroy is badass that Gen could have been.

I hope secret society, shadaloo, kanzukis or ken master foundation help and found a cure for Gen’s leukemia.

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Funnily enough they could go the Leroy smith route. What about Chuck Norris type character.

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This is why old master are awesome characters

An old female master we need.


(I always liked the idea of a mature African lady as a boss. Make her towering and cool like Grace Jones)


Grace Jones is a goddess. I strongly approve of the above post.


I dont follow the Tekken lore but is every tekken game set in some sort of tourment?

I remember watching that Conan movie when I was a kid and that actress left an impression on me. Her kinda androgynous look confused the hell out of me back then, I really dig it nowadays though.

She was even in a James Bond movie, I didn’t know that.


Pretty much. The Heihachi fight in Tekken 4 even took place in a cage fight in front of hundreds of people. The only Tekkens that didn’t have tournaments were 6 and most of 7.

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I don’t think Chun Li ever defeated Juri in SF4. Their rival fight seems to either not happen or be a quick skirmish at most. If we really want to take any conclusion from that rival fight, it would be that they animated that scene in a way that makes Chun Li look quite confident after losing to Juri the last time, so their power might be closer that they made it seem in the OVA for hype purposes (or they just thought of Chun Li as a retard like in SF5 where they made her charge Bison, Fang, Vega and Balrog…). Anyways, I think it seems clear that SF4 Juri > Chun, but I’m not sure by how much. In SF5 Juri still seems stronger than Cammy with her discount eye, but she’s not kicking everyone left and right.

About Rose, I’m not sure whether she’s supposed to be stupid strong or just some sort of specific counter to Bison’s power. Like, sure, she beat Bison in the Alpha series, but I would hesitate to put her necessarily above “regular” fighters like Sagat or Chun Li in a fight. I think she beat a Seth clone in SF4, but I’m not sure how much of a feat that is.

So, uhm… I don’t know?

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First thing that came to my mind when thinking the different martial art/nationality mix was more David Carradine in Kill Bill

Funny thing is it’s exactly there that SFV took inspiration of recent old Zeku’s look lol

On reality i will like a black character who does kung fu before Leeroy, since the dropped SF4 “King Kobra”

But tbh i will prefer him not be african-american with urban characterization, i ever like SF going more exotic with nationalities and the list of americans in SF it’s already endless

Make him actual african, maybe Nigerian.
Some ruthless and sharp mind warlord pretty into Kung Fu and all about Sun Tzu strategy, i can buy that as SF Boss, done well can feel like a black twice hardcore Geese Howard.
Sell me the Zasalamel vibe (specially the SC3 original one) and i can buy him being in the same tier of S masters, dude used to have insane dangerous aura


That’s the thing about SF and power levels is that people like to rank them in a tier list of sorts when that sort of method is just too broad for the Canon power of the characters.

Most people would consider Rose to be a strong fighter but I wouldn’t go as far to say that he fighting ability or skill is on par with Chun, she amplifies herself with a Psychic Power (Soul Power). I feel like she is almost like Dhalsim in terms of actual physical power I feel like they don’t have much and supplement that with their mystic power.

So saying that Rose is stronger than Chun would just be in one aspect of SF being ki manipulation.


Wild idea: Given Ed ages like a mofo what about an old man Ed. Redesign the playstyle.

He could be holding the tourney to see who joins neo shadow or just wants to have a good fight as hes about to die

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I think these clones/whatever of SF universe age fast untill reach their physical prime

Men - around 20something like Abel
Waifus- old enough for the body pillow crowd

Then they start age normally

Playable Ed in SFV looks 18-20 or anyway early 20s, i guess he can keep fast grow till let’s say 25, but he will not get “old” faster than rest of the cast

A Ed abilities redesign can happen if/when Bison take control of him, something that Bison likely already planned as hinted by story

Grace Jones was also the inspiration for Zafal Takié (or Zaphal Takié, her names’ transliterations vary) in Alita. Too bad she didn’t appear in the movie.