The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

SF3 starts taking place most probably a mere few months after SF5. Nobody is fucking retired. In fact, nobody is fucking dead either. People were just not invited to the Illuminati tournament.


Or they were and just not in the game?
SF6 has to be a retelling or side story for SF3. Guarantee there will be World Warriors and Alpha cast in there too. Hopefully that stops the stupid “so and so retired or died” in SF3 nonsense.

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I agree.

I want SF6 to be about a tournament that Ryu asks Ken to organize because he want’s to test the results of his training.

And Ryu is actually the final boss because he’s the final match of the tournament.

You forget where you are, partner. People gonna come up with 10 million story reasons for Capcom not dropping money for more OG characters in 3S.

You want to know how you do a Ryu final boss?

You have an actual final boss in the game as part of the tournament. Ryu is explicitly not in the tournament.

If you do well enough and beat the final boss you get your characters ending. Post ending “Here comes a new challenger!”

Ryu shows up

“I heard about how strong you are. Honor me with a match?” or somesuch

You then fight Ryu with super hard AI busting out parries and stylish stuff. Hell, go the real FGC fan-service route and have the Ryu be a Daigo-Ghost AI put together specifically for the game and include in the credits “Daigo as Ryu”

Ryu isn’t super amped or crazy DBZ-flashy. Just hard to beat and damn stylish in what he can do. Give him fist of the wind style crush counter/stun attack…but have the AI always use the first time it hits to step back and taunt “You’re doing well. Use your full strength!” while you’re in crumple-state instead of beating on you. After that first time though you get whaled on if he hits you with it again.

Ryu is the archetypical main-character character and he should fight you as a boss as if he were just a main character. Anything else is a betrayal of his concept…and just kinda lame.


Also wanted to add that Ryu’s “Parry” shouldn’t be a parry. It should be more like a side-step where the animation is just him slightly moving his body so your attack misses. That is how you show his mastery because it would be him “stepping” in and out of Mu-state. This also brings things full circle in a narrative manner as the former grandmaster Goutetsu was able to step in and out of Satsui No Hadou at will. Hell, name it “Instinctive Nothingness” or, better yet, “Moment of Mu” so the FGC can then talk about hype MoM set-ups and combos.


This is what it is starting to look like.

SFV:CE is more than like just barely a few months apart from each other. I find this to be wiser approach.

I love Ryu getting one day (not in SFV timeline) this kind of attention, but he DOES’NT need that kind of central role for this

I’m 110% for a tournament based main Chapter
Tournament is best setting by far, allow them to add variety of fighters and martial artists without need to stick to some “story” bullshit aesthetic/style/Powers instead give me world warriors style fighters

But give the Boss role to some usual new big bad villain as ever, not to Ryu
Ryu himself is too humble to put himself in that Champion spotlight position

A greatly improved Ryu (sf6, sf7?) can fit perfectly the HIDDEN Boss gimmick

Ideally i will like it to happen after the tournament

The char won all fights, Boss included, new Champion vibe…

…Just meet Ryu doing his wandering Ryu shit, who DID’NT entered this tournament.
And Ryu give you one-shot (can’t retry if lose) fight, that serve as humbling experience style

Ryu is’nt there to wreck you, Is more about teaching you the disciple path never ends
Motivational (as for Alex) experience essentially

…didn’t you just outline exactly what I wrote?

Tournament boss is a new boss.

Ryu just finds the player afterwards and challenges them to a friendly duel…?


I can only see Ryu as a boss in the way @YagamiFire described. A benevolent version of Akuma in ST.


Absolutely correct, did read It too fast on phone going to work and read “Final Boss” while evident missed THE key part about the meeting requirement lol :smiley:

100% on same vision then, i love also the focus on extra hard difficulty being more about him being hard af to hit rather than his offensive potential of wreck you in two combos… It show the spirit of that test

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So basically Ultra Instinct except Ryu is actually controlling his body movements

Future SF

SF 6 or the new SF game should go back to Alpha for a while as a team based game. Or at least a dreammatch that tells a story based on historical teams for each character teams.

So ending and team conposition are multiple and characters aren’t restricted to one dedicated team especially if they had past meeting and encounters with the characters their team are build upon rather than what if endings and joke endings.

That would flesh out important segments of SF history and those that weren’t canon anymore.

If it’s a game set iñ the future it should be set on the timeline within SF3 events but with mix of newer characters, past characters that never appeared in SF3 along with the iconic default characters that would return. Why? to explain their absence and why they are not part of SF3 stories. Like them being busy with another event.

Ryu again:

As for Ryu, Keep Ryu the same basic default player and iconic character the story should move on with new characters as the protoganist while Ryu wqs just there to inspire them.

Final Fantasy doesn’t need the same set of characters over and over in 90s they just milking on nostalgia nowadays. But new character can be the most flesh for each saga like KOF 90s does like Nest with K Dash.

Like I said before and what some also mentioned Ryu progression should be about learning new techniques gradually that can give flavor for a new supermoves and specials but not changing his entire gameplan than pushing the power level stuff and having defeat or victory.

Power Rangers Ranger Ryu power up was neat and also Denjin Mode in UMVC3. But they needed just one new specials or variation of supers each new SF game.

This is a fighting game that is release once or twice every five years not an anime or a tv series that needs a complicated and controversial climax that needs attention to catch up ratings and competitors. People should stop with the starswars cliche that Ryu needs to be that to be better.

Ryu was on a better position since SF3s already so no need to complicate and push other cliche like other anime character or movie characters to make him great. Because it would only ruined him his a character of his own with his own experience and individuality.

Copying someone else storyline that is from a different franchise and genre because it popular so this should do it too, terrible for an establish character and an iconic that anyone with knowledge in writing and values that character knows its wrong.

Some people here like to used similarities on some panel on a film or anime panel storyboard to make it sounds it should be followed but by logic and knowledge with someone with experience knows it’s not visual is a very different things. It forcing using unrelated stuff as an argument to desperately convince.

Ryu was better in SF2 and sf3s when he doesn’t give a fuck and just a guy that encounter various warriors across the globe by his journey to be a better warrior. Not some kind of superhero to save the world or dedicated himaelf to cause, that what makes him help others is because they are part of his journey of betterment rather than being stuck to the conflicts of others.

Let the new protoganist and new generation of fighters be the spotlight while ryu becomes an ideal but uberknowst to many and unpopular. Not some kind of wreslting super star.

Im not some guy that just have a Ryu avatar in a fanfiction stuff and bandwagons SF because of art and SF4, Im know what im talking about and i understand the difference of different media and writing there purposes, Im also a Ryu fan that has a huge collection of his from vintage to modern.

That also join retro snes tournaments of console collectors(casuals) that reach 2nd and sometimes 3rd spot with Ryu among more than 30 participants.

I know some people here at the forum.knows me personally or have seen me. In regards for art opinions and gameplay mean I do this for living.

There are people wants this and that aren’t same people in the next 10 years that would demand and request something to this characters from other media that they like which they want this to be that. Those generation also had ever changing ideals of what is better according to trends, fad, hype and current events they are mostly influence or fan with.

By Capcom trying to compromise and please this people’s ideas and thoughts that are likely different to each other would just alienate the true fans and followers of that character they in the point prime and popularity.

This is why several 90s granchise went on a reboot and remake bexause of desperately trying to bring back the success formula of the characters and vibe they had that was thrown away for the sake of pleasing and everchanging seasonal consumers or either bandwagoning a fad.

I care about the story to make it flexible and make a character available everytime a new SF is about to happen. Rather than pulling a complicated event like a TV series or whatsoever people like to watch and read continuously just to raise attention and ratings.

Improving Ryu characterization without being overrated

Ryu is always a character of self perseverance because he is motivated and committed to seek self improvement and self-betterment, Ryu is a character that aged well and trained with a master like Gouken that treated him as his closest, His lifestyle is pure devotion to training and perfection for technique to improve himself unlike others that are divided in different areas.

His idea of self perseverance (SELF) does not make him selfish because it is about self improvement and self-betterment without risking and sacrificing others for his cause , His encounters are conflicted to his principles and morals because they are people that would endanger the life of others for their idea of self perseverance which are causes of self betterment and self improvement.

His resistance and hesitation to SNH is not just because of his traumatic experience after Gouken’s mistaken death at the hands of Gouki but rather it serves more of a reminder because SNH is conflicted to his master and surrogate parent ideals which is a more stronger influence to his character. His regretful to his former action that results to a victory by the use of SNH after knowing the mistaken death of his master ideals so he rather choose to better SNH by the ways and ideals of his master,

It serves as a reminder to him of his master’s desired path to him, Which is fruitful in SF3 timeline because Ryu did become stronger and better compared to SNH/Evil Ryu. Unlike other pop culture icons like Peter Parker and Bruce Wayne that is portrayed to practice emotion restraints to those responsible to the person to their cause. Ryu is different in fact his not out for vengeance to bring justice to his master and surrogate parent, His not also into a personal vendetta against the murderer because he show no resentments against Gouki.

Ryu is independent as a character so has no commitment to other things than his principles and morals. **Ryu is a protoganist but not a hero, **His not a character devoted to help the weak and oppress but he would help the weak and the oppress if he was into that situation and location but it will never change the course of his journey to self improvement and self-betterment. His is never the guy that would stay for the rest of his life to dedicate, protect, guard, stand, majority and fought a specific person, city, nation or an organization. Ryu is not motivated and committed to those ideas. Ryu is not also a “Crime Fighter” his a Street Fighter. What makes him help other people is because they are part of his journey to self improvement and self-betterment.

Ryu is committed and motivated to self-improvement and self-betterment but he ain’t selfish or will not betray others for the sake of those, His no Batman/Bruce Wayne that would stay up at night and patrol the city. His not a character committed to a cause of servitude like Superman and Spider-Man that will dedicate their life to a cause because their biological parents and adoptive parents told them so. Another thing Ryu is also not a character that is motivated by appreciation, recognition and attention .

I would like to use this video from Virtua Fighter Akira since it’s more akin to a Ryu we deserve than what other popular iteration gives.

This is the closest of a usual Ryu everyday life note somekind of saving the world thing.

As for that Ryu is not a good character as for promoting and organising a tournament or an events thats terrible for a charact written like him.

His okay for a secret challenger or a final boss also but not with weird OP animation of specials.

If Ryu would be a secret challenger he would be one of my favorite character in galaxy fight.



His the best and the most relative Ryu to be pictured in an old aged. The good thing I like here is people thought of him be gone…

It could even start with this one or end with something like this.




Why ROUWE works as a basis of Old Ryu? because his designed to parody Ryu but in an aged persons and Ryu is not trying to be Rouwe because Rouwe is Ryu tribute but as an aged person.

Rouwe is even more relative to Ryu’s character than any anime or martial artist that influence some of Ryu design on the drawing board. Because Rouwe is a direct reference to Ryu.

I mean thats the Ryu should be if featured to be an aged fighter if a time skip would happen… and the difference from Akuma that seek out the strongest, Ryu should be the one to be seek out by new generations.

If I were with Capcom and would create a plot for timeskip Ryu. This would be it.

*Like a plot of having Mel seekout the man named Ryu that was the friend of his father, to train him be better and save his father from those abducted him. *

Making Ryu a character that doesn’t like training someone but the circumstances and situation forced him to. I hate Ryu to be like Oro or Akuma that seekout someone. It should be Ryu that people trying to seekout. So Ryu is the default real end battle for Mel while the rest are just having him as a battle for what if. I mean this is the only Ryu aged that i would put into consideration.

If there going to do a Timeskip Ryu it would be boring of there doing it twice or more that Ryu is a the last character. That’s why i would still prefer the Ryu as a normal default character that is just in the side and meet by nee protoganist that make them realize something to improve themselves like Alex in 3s not some conplicated stories.

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Man’s writing Wikipedia articles out there


But why WOULDN’T Ryu be in the tournament? He goes to them all the time.

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Btw of the two Ken it’s much more the tournament guy


Stfu, Im out for 2 days missing discussion and I post out as a summary to catch up, compare that to cestus doing long and multiple post that you turn a blind eye. Just read the whole two weeks of his posting and activity.

Yeah i get it, fanboys here hates me for bursting fanfic bubbles for pointing out the errors and mistakes that can complicate things even more instead of making things work together.

Back in topic,

I mean were in a fighting game so the priority is tha availability, if people being tired of Ryu being the way he is. The story of a newer game should be centered with newer characters rather than Ryu vs Akuma or Ryu vs Bison, all over again.

Actually people wanting Ryu to something else every game are those that really want a different interesting character instead or find him boring so changing him over and over as a result would just make him worst and alienate his core fans

The solution is to make every game had a new character that is trendy and relatable for a certain generation as the spotlight of the game. Rather than returning Ryu to have internal conflict to sell him out to edgy and angst teens.

Ryu in his prime of being popular and likable was SF2 Ryu and that’s its. If people doesn’t find it an appealing Ryu they are not into Ryu at all.

His a fighting game character in a fighting game. Flexibility in narative and Accessibility in gameplay is default icon in a fighting game should be.

He cannot be as interesting like Terry Bogard too, Why? Because Ryu had SNH issue that is redundantly tackled and having the saving the world from a undead wizard multiple times…

Terry doesn’t have those he is matured and doesn’t need validation to other fighters, he doesn’t have the stigma of fighting game protoganist trying to be something else like a anime or a comic book protoganist. He is his own character and that was Ryu in SF2.

Yet Ryu is not as boring like Ryo or meh as Kyo and Jin Kazama.

Looking Haohmaru is badass than the rest of them in his own. Why? it’s because of his character motivation and goal.

Same as why ST Akuma is badass because he didn’t chase anyone or cared of someone in game.


Even Haohmaru with an edge lord clone doesn’t make him less appealing because ot wasn’t him in the first place and doesn’t change his character. The acts and activity of Rasetmaru isn’t Haohmaru losing control to himself.

Thats why Capcom did a good job with Ryu by on separating Kage or the SNH manifestation as his own being and an independent entity than edge lord clone Evil Ryu all over again.

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Ultra Instinct and Mu are the same thing, so kinda yes.

So who would be stronger between Juri, Chun Li and Rose? I know Juri defeated Chun Li in her OVA, but Thunder Thighs apparently defeated her in her story in SF IV. And Juri’s Feng Shui Engine prototype is supposedly not as powerful as her old one, so… shrugs.

Rose has the Soul Power, positive energy version of Psycho Power, but other than that, I don’t think she’s done or has anything else going for her.

And Chun Li apparently defeated Urien in SF III, who’s pretty close to Gill in terms of power. Though whether or not he threw the fight is unknown to me at least.

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Here’s part 2 of Guile vs Winter Soldier