The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That means Gill’s real name is Carlos Blanka?!


Like or not that’s exactly how canon works though
Outside that it’s fan fiction world

Tbh Oni it’s not canon -> never happened
Unlike Evil Ryu, who goes berserk under SnH, Akuma it’s still in full control of his actions… he’s corrupted on moral level, but it’s still lucid as he’s ever been

About Oni, it’s a "what if"scenario, one that still not happened and at the moment Akuma seem to even move in a different direction.
See how he speak to Kage (timestamped), who’s essentially a spiritual personification of SnH

Here Kage in SFV timeline still accuse Akuma to keep at bay SnH, and Akuma reply that for the power he’s seeking he need to go beyond SnH influence.
Essentially become “Oni” it’s not current Akuma goal, on contrary it will mean he failed at it

Want go “from being human, to beyond human, to beyond demon (ONI), to reach heaven”

Canon is from the start (SF1) up to the most advanced forward (SF3), it cover the whole SF universe we seen

Something capcom CAN do is retconnection, release a new statement that change what was canon before with a new version of the “truth” that fit more their current vision

But until a new version of facts is given, events as old as SF1 shit stay canon, so they contribute with elements used to build an approximate “tier list”

Overall i must say they managed to keep mostly coherent the characters game after game

Carlos Gill Jesus Blanka, i thought it was common known

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As an outside observer of the thread, trying to make up a tier list based in fanfiction characters kind of undermines the stenght of it. You bunch if cosplay nerds have the best collection of SF lore and characterization anywhere on the net. To the point where any info I dont read in this thread I am immediately suspicious of. Having fun with Daemos Bison infatuation aside, it just doesnt serve this thread too well to make up characters to discuss.

There are characters that exists through allusion. Zeku had a master, Goetetsu had a master, Ryu has parents, somebody created the Matsuda style, Sagat had a teacher of sorts. But trying to place them in power levels doesnt help bring up much discussion. What role they could/should have is probably a lot more interesting and fruitful in terms of discussion.

Just a 2 cent situation.



One thing being a bit overlooked is that Ryu doesn’t have to be stronger than Akuma to beat him.

Winning that war has little to do with strength and a lot more to do with the path and destination

Ryu and Akuma are both walking a path towards being the true martial artist

Ryu does NOT have to become more “strongererer” than Akuma to utterly beat him in that regard. Ryu Final already showed this to us years and years ago.

SF is like martial arts…it ain’t about breaking shit


Yeah, because if the whole point was about “Oh Ryu is strong. But Akuma is stronger now. But Ryu leveled up again. But…” you’re just creating DBZ levels of an arms race between two of the most prolific characters in the series, and that’s not something Street Fighter should be about story-wise


I’m very much of same @YagamiFire opinion, it should NOT be about Akuma can punch like an atomic bomb, Ryu now can punch like 2(!) atomic bombs

It’s a clash of ideals, two completely opposite ways to see martial arts… That for completely devoted fighters like them, equal to say opposite view of Life and being human

Akuma is sure to have found the answer (and he’s wrong) and he’s fully committed to it, regardless of the price (his humanity) and what It will take (opponents lives)

Ryu is far more humble and admit he does’nt know the answer yet, aside that “lie in the heart of battle”
Only thing he knows is that it can’t be Akuma’s path of destruction

When Ryu will find the answer, he will be ready to face Akuma
They ideals will clash, and Ryu will prove to be the one with the correct answer*

We got a taste in SFV Ryu vs Necalli, he did’nt developed more firepower, what changed was his Spirit/Mind

*For that reason i think not even Oro will give Ryu the answer, Oro to some extent it’s just another Akuma, just less destructive
Both chase an ascension to an higher divine status beyond human
Ryu answer will be about embrace humanity, not try to rise past it

PS: personally i will LOVE see Ryu go like

Showing how meet/know others enriched him as martial artist/human being compared to Akuma’s see them as progressively tougher targets to destroy

Raoh speaking of “strongest” shows he still don’t get it, it’s more or less how Akuma would react too


Honestly the “GOTCHA BITCH!” moment from the story when Ryu punched Necalli in the gut was fucking awesome


Here my techniques power tier list

  1. Any projectile
  2. Psycho Crusher

Any projectile and ki blast(including Dan) “>” Psycho Crusher

Okay since people are talking about Power Level Tierlist.

I wont join the bandwagon but would do this a tier level not regarding “people” but skills.

But that’s terrible so will go with

Something fresh and new that people avoid discussing because some would get offended or had a grudge,

It’s other elepant in the room that nobody want to talk about again or ignore. Lets talk about.

Ranking based on ki energy.

  1. BUSHINRYU “>” Psycho power

  2. MU “>” SNH

  3. SNH vs Psycho Power?

So far?

Yet it doesn’t ends there because it’s not just power and techniques like I said in the earlier comments.

Obviously people had been switching side and changing stand depending on what’s working for their interest, been here for years as a spectator that randomly drop info from obscure games that were discuss before. I have seen two generation here and probably a third someday.

Look how many ideas of a Ryu in far future we had from the same person but most ideas are just for the sake of making it cool, trendy or like this anime they likes…

Rather than making the flagship character still better as default character storywise and gameplay wise.

Fanboys are terrible and bias for those things that they like that they want to change the this popculture iconic character to another thing that they have seen and really like, besides from makig them terribly OP.

This is what pointing about it’s not a just about power and strenght, sometimes it’s mental stability, environment and situation can change the battle.

Agree, this was also something I also talk before in the past with @Shockdingo the issue why DBS reach gods and aliens already, that instead of making them more powerful and stronger, make them learn new techniques and special as a character development and growth rather than power levels rankings.

Yeah people should stop with wanting canon tier list for a fighting game.

Ryu levels up technique wise. His story is sort of about maturing and perfecting his craft rather than just grinding that XP. Think they purposefully keep his character a bit flat in order to appeal to everybody. I don’t think its that they want him to be boring, but that they don’t want him alienating people.


Yes, that’s the human way
If you think about it of the Big ones Gouken is the only that walked it, and Gouken is and will ever be Ryu’s role model

All others of the top club actively trascended human status either by ki related pratices (Oro, Akuma) or scientific upgrades (Gill, Bison).
Gen may be a bit the exception but it’s likely disease first and Akuma killing him after stopped him from further evolve… if not for that i think he may have tried to walk a path similar to Oro’s in next decades

Btw by some-capcom-guy words Ryu under Oro is essentially

So for that specific phase of training i guess there will be focus on his understanding of the ki inside himself and how let it flow in the best possible way.
Essentially try to express at 100% the inner potential he already have, something that to a lesser extent already does alone in SFV

Tbh i don’t consider Ryu flat even if i know is a popular opinion, i find a less in-your-face kind of characterization.
A lot depend on him incarnate more a martial arts concept/ideal (the eternal disciple) rather than an actual fictional character with more grounded personal traits like Ken or going much more characterized, Terry Bogard.
They’re basically keeping him “pure” as a kid wich at same time is the reason many find him boring/flat/uninteressing, but lore wise that’s also his biggest strenght as character.

His perfect learner character represent a white page yet to be written that attract essentially every powerful figure of SF universe:
Gouken train him, and clearly believe he will be his successor
Akuma want corrupt him to SnH (untill SFV) and turn him into his final death battle*
Bison to use him as perfect psycho power body host
Oro to make him Sennin able to continue the path after (Oro’s) death

All of them represent very different view, all of them want Ryu to embrace it
Of these the only different is Gouken that while he guided and protected Ryu, is’nt trying to “own” him… on contrary he trust him to take the right path (martial arts as a way to become a good human) by himself

It’s interessing how despite having so many “neutral” traits, Ryu’s character get deeper through how others interact with him

*fun thing, i believe even that’s not even Akuma’s true (or main) intention
I think it’s possible in some crazy/distorted way Akuma consider himself his master as the current “true Ansatsuken” lineal successor, having killed Goutetsu
Even the act of take Goutetsu’s prayer beads (huge ones he wear on the neck) i don’t think was much a “respect” gesture, but more like grabbing the crown after killing the king

Thinking in Akuma’s terms/martial code true Ansatsuken is an assassination technique and the succession have to happen like that.
It’s possible he WANT Ryu to become strong enough to kill him and be next Master of the true art (even more if as i suspect, Ryu will end up being his son) more than he want to win/survive himself that final death battle

Ryu will not defeat him by fist, he will defeat him (and break the circle) by refusing to kill him at the end


Urien and Birdie are cool
Also Sakura and Sim in the vid


Boss for SF6 should be Ryu final form after Oro’s training!!!

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No it should be Shin G or Godking Urien.

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I was being serious. Think about it from a story perspective…

So was I.

Would be kinda fun if, like in SF3’s Q hidden boss fight, this Final Boss G was in his story costume and presented as one of G’s lieutenants or something.

Gill’s quote against Cammy.

“If you’re tired, you should rest. There’s no shame in it. You fought well.”


Capcom using Gill’s win quotes to explain certain characters’ absence from SF3…


I know this isnt a serious post but it really annoys me when people treat the non playable cast of SF3 as immediately ‘retired’.
If there was a 4th revision of SF3 maybe we would have seen Cammy or Sakura.
They just weren’t playable in that game.
Honda was ‘retired’ until he was added into SFV.
These guys are peak human they can fight for as long as Capcom wants them to.