The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

He was talking about Daemos.

The only thing my mods power persecutw and condemn is all the bots that hit this place like discarded Bison clones.


And nobody here claimed to have elements to measure pre-cancer Gen.

As for myself i only placed Gen (so the ill one we seen) in the highest group as in SFA even with cancer was able to hold his own vs Akuma, untill Akuma realized the disease will have influenced the outcome of the fight and stopped*

The problem here is you’re putting on same level canon stuff that happened outside our eye with not canon stuff that did’nt happened and will not happen, trying to sell all as same legitimacy because we have’nt seen both during Capcom narration

It’s not hard understand why it’s weak and absurd reasoning, either you’re trolling me or you’re gone in fan-religion mode :smiley:

*This was a nice tribute to HnK Toki vs Raoh, Toki used to be the one with best technique of the Hokuto group and had cancer due radiations, Raoh refuse to kill him in combat

So was checking some channels and came across the SF live action movie and it was where Deejay made that Microsoft joke.

Exactly and cestus too, both that suddenly create fanfic powerlevel tier list. That usually frown members and new account those that would bring those topic or ask.

We also dont know how powerful Ryu is after his training with Oro. Saying he belongs anywhere is just fanfiction.


Heres my power tier list:

  1. Goutetsu
  2. Dan
  3. Everyone else

I agree with this.

I personally cannot stand the idea of “Power Creep/Power Leveling” in context of Street Fighter except for extremely specific cases.

For example, if Ken is to get into a fight with… a suped-up Seth, G, or even Urien for example, then Ken should be able to do so in a way where he would have to change his approach, plan, learn/utilize a specific technique, or create a strategy.

Not because “oh, he has this power or he has more powers than this character does and he automatically wins, just cause.”

But, further down, the discussion of this goes on into more elaborate examples and ideas that could potentially do Street Fighter some favors in the narrative.


Yup, If Oro would help Ryu and improve himself, it should be more of improving the trajectory and angle of his projectile. Like in UMVC3 Ryu’s Denjin Mode. And better Ki management.

Or probably giving him more fancy projectiles

Not some increase of power level tier rank. That is meh.

And NO to Telekenitic Ryu or NO to a Ryu with Telekenesis that control rocks and random objects in mid air lol thats TRASH

Taka Hadouken

Yamcha’s Super projectile

Ryu should be considered at the highest we ever seen him, wich is SF3 (wich i guess it’s similar or a bit better than end SFV)

I don’t do much speculation about post-Oro Ryu as we don’t know how will be after the training… We don’t even know if he will complete It

Oro said It will take Ryu years and years of training, and i doubt capcom will lock him that much, if is some kind of hermit style training
They will have him break out to help friends in some new emergence

Or they will do it in a way more loose way, like few months away from society, then is allowed to return wander the world (so avaible as char for new games) experimenting Oro’s teachings

After all under Gouken he’s been allowed to travel and fight since SF1 days, yet it took till SF3 to be able to well replicate his Master ultimate moves

So more than a definitive Oro-training Ryu, is possible we will see multiple version of it

I think the problem here is people thinking SF canon should work in the way they like/find better rather than try to understand what Capcom want

Because what Capcom want is what become canon

The “power level” tiers thing is more a way to try understand where Capcom (not us) see that char in the food chain, wich usually dictate what they plan for him/her

Good example being Chun in SFV
Vocal minority got all upset at her not beating Bison in SFV
During ASF Capcom clearly expressed where they see her in the food chain (and still found a positive role for her in SFV ending, but this Is another story)

Here’s the thing, on SF Canon the influence is distributed like
100% Capcom opinion
0% Chun li fans opinion

The sooner people realize this, the sooner we can try to understand current canon and guess where it can go.
If not we will just keep see a bunch of different fan fictions based on personal preferences be sold as ideal way to go, only to see them wrecked against Capcom walls

See that list i did, and notice was made 0% on my preferences and all in try to read what Capcom gave us in the form of canon events.
Good example is me hating Akuma having to accept Capcom chosen he’s clearly higher than Bosses i prefer much more (Bison, Gill)

For the lulz on the Ken example you did

Start point is, i don’t think Ken is somebody that Capcom consider “Boss beater”, so next step is realize how they consider Seth, G and Urien

Seth - brand new big boss Seth as in early sf4? Capcom don’t let Ken take down that.
After sf4 Seth? Sure why not, at this point he’s been sold as more like sub-boss material
He’s entering the “Sagat rule” phase where plot shield does’nt keep the record safe anymore lol

G - he’s a giant question mark. As far we know seem to hold back a bit and still undefeated.
He’s future big boss material? Ken lose
He’s sub-boss material or “lower”/filler mini story villain? Ken’s chances switch from no to maybe

Urien - Well… as far we know at the moment, they already gave him an L to Chun, so maybe.

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Fun counterpart to HnK, SF Ken fit pretty much HnK Rei role

Match even with Kenshiro, long hair cooler/flashier counterpart of the serious protagonist, they team up as an equally dangerous duo, can be a serious treat to anybody…

But at the end of the day he’s sidekick at core, never destined to be the one that take down enemies like Raoh, Souther, Kaioh etc


Daemos is really doubling down on the Oni fanfiction huh

When it comes to hypothesis in regards to the Street Fighter canon and how the power levels would look like, I think Final Ryu and Final Bison are the best shots at actually figuring out “who’s the strongest” lore-wise.

One because of a particular manga and how Ryu is depicted there (as well as him being trained by Oro, and Oro doesn’t take random fools under his wing)
Other because of representation via a boss fight in Alpha 3 (I’d say a full-screen covering Psycho Crusher that instantly kills you is a pretty good indicator of Bison’s power)

Oni doesn’t exist outside of an in-game “what if” scenario, so there’s no basis to assume that how Akuma would look like were he to fully succumb to Satsui no Hado

pre-Cancer Gen is a whole 'nother subject simply because all we have might as well be hearsay - yes, he’s still hella fucking strong even with slowly developing Leukemia inside his body, but anything beyond that is a shot in the dark and a wild guess. Unless there’s canonical material that directly says something like “Gen could kill 5000 warriors with one finger” - trying to put him into S-tier of power rankings or whatever is plain stupid

P.S. Oh and yeah, sorry I haven’t been posting much around here - don’t worry I’m keeping up with the thread, just don’t have much to add about recent topics. I’m with you guys

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You can gauge some fighter’s power level by feats of strength or power they are able to perform.You don’t have to rely solely on who won which fight, after all Sagat lost to Dan at some point out of the pity in his heart.

There are dramatic ones like Akuma destroying a forest with a ground pound, or Chun-Li creating a crater the size of a football field. There are subtler ones like Gouken being able to change the course of a waterfall with a punch or Gen being able to literally keep cancer cells at bay by sheer will.

You can surmise from these feats in the context of the known canon where they all fit in.

When I make a claim that Bison - who normally can rip wormholes through the fabric of space time to travel - has a contextual power level that is potentially infinite. You can comfortably deduce from this that if Bison were to get what he wants, he would be at a God-tier level, able to bend any of the laws of nature to his will, something he can do right now to a lesser extent.

All power tier lists are what-if and are based on conjecture. They are based on potentials, possibilities, and probabilities derived loosely from an already loose canon, not on any hard facts. For example, when Akuma or Oro show respect to another fighter, you know they are on to something because these guys don’t show respect to anyone.

As far as potentials go, the highest potential characters in the story are Ryu, Bison, and Akuma. The story in the present leads us to conclude that they have the highest potential power ceiling. Oro likely already plateaued (a very high plateau if not the highest to date). Gill’s power is more contextual, and he lacks Ryu, Bison, and Akuma’s ambitions for being supreme fighters, he thinks he is already perfect. Gen is dead most likely, and Gouken will likely soon follow. Gill and G are more mysterious however, so there is more potential for some major power ups in the future I will admit that, but nothing as concrete as Ryu/Bison/Akuma.

So as much as @Cestus_II would like to paint my guesslist as a fanboy’s wetdream, its conjecture is based soundly on the actual canon, and I made it clear which versions of the characters I was referring to. Even in his tier list, he placed Bison and Akuma in the same tier, even though I don’t think Akuma could defeat ASF/Black Moon Bison in a fight to the death, but he could definitely give SF5 Bison a run for his money, and quite possibly defeat him if it were SF3 Akuma.

Sorry but I can’t agree with this as you’re not deducing things, you’re only making an assumption. That’s like if I said “well, see, Ryu can lift a boulder, that means in 10 years he’ll lift mountains if he were to get what he wants”. Both statements are just silly as we’re making shit up.

NO ONE can say what a character can/can not do at the abolute peak power without it being shown to us directly in canon media



Notice how Bison didn’t get a duck.

So much for power levels. Now we have to figure out what has SF5 been hiding about Blanka’s strength.


Blanka has very long hair. Gill has very long hair.
Coincidence? Think not!

In truth Blanka was Gill all along, merely playing the part of the savage man from the Amazons to spy on the participants of the various World Tournaments. By taking on Blanka’s identity Gill has been able to get closer and closer to Ryu, first by befriending Dan and then his would-be girlfriend Sakura. Indeed, Gill is able to use electricity too, he just decided to hide his ability in order to continue his spying activities, and it’s only a matter of time before his devious plans comes to fruition!

… Or maybe not, I don’t know.


For “S tier” i just dropped there all characters that seem to be at very top of the food chain

Even there you got differences, see i got there Akuma, Ryu and Gen… but in SFV Akuma goes without much effort throught both others two

Oro thinks it will take YEARS under his special training for Ryu to git gud

Still think it’s fair consider Gen very high
After all back to SFA we have him and Akuma trading strikes equally as special intro, and canon wise Akuma there respected Gen enough to consider the disease the game changer in a fight that could have been otherwise fair matched

I also think him and Ryu stands at the bottom in that group, but still i think deserved a seat there

Yeah, but on the other hand, what Capcom wants nowadays is money. If they believe it gets them more money to declare Evil Ryu the strongest, they will declare him the strongest. If they believe it is Dan, it will be Dan.

It doesn’t look like Capcom has any respect for Street Fighter legacy.
Take Akuma for example. His early design had him strong because he dominated his intent to kill.
He was capable of using it without having it dictating his moves. From a martial art perspective, that is the best you can hope: you don’t restraint yourself, but you are in control.
Now Akuma is the other way around, with Oni they want us to believe that he will be stronger if he succumbs to his intent to kill. It is the opposite of martial art philosophy, but it looks cool …

The fans have a bad influence on Street Fighter.
Bison was supposed to be a bump on the road for Ryu (and Ken), the success of SF2 have them revising his power again and again since more than 25 years, making him more powerful each time.

Establishing a tier list can only be done as of a certain game, and anything outside of the game, even other previous game must be taken with a lot of salt as Capcom opinion on the matter has certainly changed immensely between the different games.


Tbh i don’t feel the need to paint, when in front of my eyes i got your artistic works :smiley: