The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Headcanon: Bison was a young trucker, got sick of his daily routine, traveled the world, learned martial arts, lusted for power, ran over a bunch of hippies and learned psycho power. Prototpye psycho crusher utilized his Big Rig. it exploded when it killed his master, so he took the remains of the grill and made it his armor

jokes aside, my sister and I always loved and were so confused that Bison tried to kill Ryu with a big rig at the end of the movie. I wonder what was going through their minds when they came up with that one. It’s fantastic, don’t get me wrong, but I’d love to have listened in on the meeting where they settled on that lol.


Ryu does Shakunetsu Hadouken in previous iteration not just in SF2 but even in Zero and UMVC3.

Attacks Elementals has nothing to do with Ki colors in SF.

While then Denjin came out late that Ryu decided to swap it for a better version for being faster and still having better burning sensation.

So Gill with fire and ice isn’t about him having two ki colors. They are elementals.

Oro projectile is multiple color because it flashing, but it doesn’t mean his ki has multiple colors like a rainbow.

he mastery over ki is because he mix it with other skill and feats…

Like Telekinesis or Psychokinesis that he can used to manipulate not just Ki energies but also object like rock and stone.


I’ll be back for two weeks in March

The final battle.

Who will emerge victorious?!

Oro will emerge victorious and seal Bison for good.

So he wasn’t mentioned by anyone at SF3.

Just for the lulz

Cestus powerlevel bullshit upper tier list
Ones with * are those true potential seem impossible to guess properly, so dropping them where i guess they belong
Watch mostly the letter, order a bit indicative a bit random lol

Oro, Akuma, Gouken, Gill*, Bison, Gen, Urien, Ryu*

G*, Nash, Rose, Seth, Cody, Necalli*, Juri, Alex*, Q*

Ken, Guy, Zeku, Kolin, Dudley, Abigail, Gief, Hugo, Claw, Karin, Sim, Ed*, Rog

After It become a loong ass C list


S - God Tier, Beyond Everyone and Everything known in the Universe

Final Bison, Oni (or Final Akuma)


A+ - Most Powerful, Extremely Strong

Gill, Bison, Oro, Akuma, Gouken, Evil Ryu (Not Kage), Gen (Preleukemia), Ryu Final (Post-3S)


Urien, Gen (Leukemia), Juri (SF4), Necalli, G, Zeku, Ryu (SF5/SF3)

B+ - Very Powerful, Stronger Than Most

Sagat, Seth, Cody, Master Lee, Twelve, Rose, Nash (SF5), The Dolls (Together), Abigail, Alex


Ken, Vega, Guile, Nash (Alpha), Chun-Li, Guy, FANG, Haggar, Balrog, Dhalsim, Zangief, Karin, Rashid, Kolin, Ed, Juri (SF5), C.Viper


C+ - Powerful, Strong

C.Viper (without the suit), Cammy, Hugo, Rolento, Abel, Adon, T.Hawk, Necro, Dudley, Retsu, Sodom, Sakura, Falke, Lucia, Yun and Yang (Together)


R.Mika, E.Honda, Blanka, Eagle, Fei Long, Maki, Birdie, The Dolls (Separate)

D+ - Above Average, Moderately Strong

Hakan, Laura, Makoto, Geki


Yun and Yang (Separate), Ibuki, Elena, Dee Jay


E - Average

Remy, Poison, El Fuerte, Rufus, Sean, Dan

  • The differences within each tier rank are much more blurred and open to interpretation. Therefore the order of names displayed isn’t necessarily significant.
  • Even the weakest SF character is significantly stronger than the average human.
  • In line with tradition, I kept Q’s power tier a mystery.
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All this nonsensical talk about tiers stirs up fond memories of that time when all characters were in the same tier and everyone could believably beat everyone, full stop.
Now it’s all whining about “my main could NEVER lose, and if Capcom says the opposite then it means s/he had the flu”, or (even worse) “your main is so pathetic s/he couldn’t even win with an UZI projectile spam against my main bound and gagged”.


There was NEVER a time in SF’s history that all characters were the same tier (story or otherwise). Some of the oldest books from SF2 had attribute spider charts to explain a character’s power level.

Even SF1 clearly intended Sagat to be a tier head and shoulders above the rest at least.

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What is a “Final Bison” stronger than Oro, i doubt we ever seen one

Oni also is’nt canon either, technically is an hypothetical future “what if”

For the rest there are some imho bizzarre placements, but i will not argue over that lol :smiley:

I think till SF2 there was that vibe, i mean the 4 Kings where supposed to be the strongest in rising order, but images like Guile grabbing Bison’s neck or a winning Gief meeting in thailand the “Gorbaciov” coming down from the chopter felt legit as any other ending.
There was the feel of “open final” where the ending of the story depended on whatever char you picked
As far i know to this day it’s not so clear how SF2 canon story gone, if one exist lol :smiley:

I think SFA changed that, the idea of a main anime story took much stronger hold and with It characters got divided in roles to serve it

As today i think we can all agree there’s a gap between characters
Watch how below Ryu (who’s very strong himself) is from Oro, and at same time how same Ryu is above to Alex

Capcom took anime way with SF, without need DBZ power levels is evident that given the place on foodchain some fights have predictable outcome, and if not a reason is usually given

That’s why at this point when they don’t give one, seem bizzarre
Take Rog defeating Necalli, for the cast structure they built that fight felt random af lol

Final Bison here refers to the form of Bison that everyone and their mother knowingly or unknowingly tried to prevent from emerging in SF5 (including many villains). It’s a hypothetical character like Oni, Evil Ryu, and Ryu Final, but has been referenced or alluded to in the canon one way or another.

To get a final Bison, you need 2 things: Perfect Bison Host + World in Complete Chaos and Destruction. Bison in the perfect host body will then harness all the negative energy from the peoples of the world, becoming essentially a god. The closest we got to that was SF5 during ASF which wasn’t even close to the full potential of the character (14% going by the game). But there’s always a next time.

That’s the thing that frustrates me about tiers. Other than a few special cases with the way things are now, I like there to be the potential for people to win unexpectedly. Obviously Dan could never beat Gill, but I like that if in the right conditions and planning, someone, say Guile, could punch above his weightclass if someone didn’t take him seriously. I get we’ve got grandmasters and we’ve got slightly above normal peoples, but if we get too rigid with tiers, it gets boring, because then it falls into stat managing and completely robotic.

The Tekken 7 endings were NOT my favourite of the franchise, but the other day, I saw King’s and I liked the idea that after he was able to beat Jack 7 by drastically changing his fighting style and using moves from Armor King and Marduk.

In the Street Fighter Novel I’m always gabbing on about, even though Chun Li beat Elena, I like how they showed that she was having trouble and could have lost to her, despite the experience she has over her. Chun was caught off guard by how new and unusual Elena’s style was and she was letting herself get frustrated, but by holding it together and calming her mind, she was able to notice patterns in Elena’s style and win.

That’s much preferable to me than a “Why did Ken beat Blanka? Just because.” I’d prefer him having a challenge with such a bestial fighter, but ultimately winning due to Blanka’s inexperience in fighting high trained humans and maybe falling for a feint and punish by Ken.

Too often, people take tiers to be 100% gospel and I don’t think that’s right.


In my Street Fighter anime series fan project that I mentioned a while back, I had Ryu (albeit young Ryu) struggle a ton with Adon and built Sagat up as way above someone of that caliber. In turn, during their fight, Ryu decides to use a neat strategy of attacking primarly Sagat’s good eye with Tatsus, in order to completely blind him. The strategy works and Ryu prepares a final blow, a powerful Shoryuken… but Sagat noticed that technique during the fight with Adon and even blinded manages to block it (not by strenght, but by preparation). Sagat then proceeds to beat Ryu to a pulp, then que the SnH and a Metsu Shoryuken that Sagat tries to block the same way, but because of it’s killing nature, his guard is ineffective and ends up with the scar, almost on the brink of death.

That’s how I envision Street Fighter fights, full of twist and turns that aren’t really possible to depict in gameplay. Well laid out strategy beating more power in some cases, techniques designed to counter specific techniques, state of mind playing a part (more specific in a Nash vs young Ken American Martial Arts final, where, despite Nash being the clearly superior fighter as shown trought the series, due to a distress signal related to Shadaloo just prior to the match he’s not fully in the fight and Ken manages to squeeze a win).

Sorry for going full fanfic, but @Midgardsorm’s post just had me itching to share these tidbits.


So it’s something that never happened and was’nt even not-canon-but-playable a la Oni

It’s like say “Apocalypse Necalli” who devoured Ryu, Sim, Bison, world… it’s borderline fanfiction :smiley:

This still happen in SF…

Nash had Bison with knee on the ground, then the machine recharged his health

Zangief completely owned Rog, something we will have never said before SFV

Just two recent examples coming to my mind

The underdog can win (or become “better” as SFV Gief) in SF, mostly is about do it right

Tiers in SF definitely exist, but are more something indicative rather than a rigid numbers game

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This piece is awesome


It’s absolutely not fanfiction when characters like FANG, Kolin, Bison and Rose refer to this outcome ingame. It’s like when Oro states that Ryu will be ready to give him a challenge in 15 years in his 3S ending, he’s referring to a future character that Capcom didn’t just throw in for shits and giggles.

Bison (Black Moons enhanced)>Alpha 3 Bison>SF4 Era Bison>SF2 Era Bison

Daemos, what’s your take on this Bison chart? Also, where would Alpha 2 Bison fit in? Wasn’t sure where he went.


Since IMHO A3 and SF2 occupy the same time period, it’s:

Black Moons/ASF Bison > SF5 Bison = Alpha3/SF2 Psycho Drive Bison > SF4 Era > Alpha 1/2

I make a distinction between two Bisons we see in SF5, the default pre-Black Moons Bison is still the strongest Bison to date - until he activates the PSAs and detonates the Black Moon over New York.

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Fatal Fury is superior because it has the best main character in any fighting game. Terry Bogard is the best fighting game main character by a mile.



Wait people here nowadays creating fanfic Power Levels and Tier List? Lol people.

I was on the beach today and suddenly some already shifted mindset supporting powerlevels and creating fanfic powerlist?

Are people offended with Bushinryu? Droping down Zeku and suddenly creating supporting tier argument nowadays…

My take on Bison and Guy… along with Cody.

And How I see it without jumping in powerlevels, powerlevels or story tier list are terrible. Thats why abaddon them early on.

I prefer diversity by counter abilities and skills so there would diversity in rank not someone who overrule everything. It gives DEPTH in narrative.

Agree. That’s why those two like Guy and Cody should never be level up because of spiritual and aura thing, but probably from resourcefulness, techniques, shrewdness and etc.

Guy could have a special ancient technique to counter the likes of Bison but it doesn’t mean his better in every aspect in combat and force. He might be better in deceptive style of combat practice and agility.

Something like a Kryptonite to the likes of Psycho Power user, because it doesn’t counter by power to power, force to force or strenght to strenght.


The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Look that dbz already doesn’t care about it. As someone that is knowledge on gauging analogy and data gathering.

The thing is in SF we cannot justify things in number and a singular DATA as an all out advantage and representation, because there are significant variations.

DBZ is a battle for force and SF isn’t just force and ki energy combined alone, SF is diverse from techniques, skills, agility and strength.


The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Why diversity of power and skills are better for the Depth it avoids the problem of having someone overule everyone and avoid the situation were DB anime inconsistency needs to go with Gods beings in narative.

It avoid narrowing the narrative match up and it doesn’t work for a game whoch meant things to be playable instead of being watch.

SF has some sort of DEPTH and diverse in counter reaction and encounters to each other which makes thing interesting not just in game play experienced unlike DBZ saga.

You cannot create anime fights with Goku against generic anime characters in the 90s because of power levels it becomes narrow and predictable. That’s why it always Superman (without kryptonite)

Unlike Ryu can go still give some sense of probablity in match up and what if.


The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Another example where an anime reference that was using and why it worked and explaining it below and why it does not work with SF and DBZ… and worked in that anime.

First of all it’s pointless to delve in powerlevel talk for a fighting game narrative especially to non-intended playable characters compare to an entertainment made to be watch not play. It worked on Seven Deadly Sins anime because it was done from the ground up.

Like I said earlier the diversion of skills, techniques, resourcefulness, deceptive, charisma and eloquence are not part of the so called or assumed power levels justified by numbers.

DBZ has even abandoned the idea long ago. It’s hard to make DBZ something as an example after he turned into a Super Saiyan.

If we want something that can see how power level is full integrated and a definitive part of the narrative (for now) as a measurement and also as a major concern that strongly affects the interaction in that story progression would be this anime…

Yet techniques and magical attacks that are tricks can change how the battle do work despite the power levels but not as a counter to counter.

The beauty of it’s narrative is the skills and techniques are defined and elaborated from consequences and technicalities like how the speed force is a plot device which is an actual system that has some rules in the DC universe unlike what Marvel had.

They work in Seven Deadly Sins anime because they were written and designed as a strong and important role as plot device in the narrative unlike DBZ that ended up temporary.

Another thing is type of categorizing isn’t about the uninspired power level… something more direct and interesting which is about “Class” rather than numbers used in Yuyu Hakusho Anime.

I think it’s more applicable to SF in narrative rather than what we are used to “label” things as power levels like DBZ which is even obsolete and long time abandoned in narrative.

What make it work as a plot device is it is introduced in the near end of the series conclusion so it will justify and cement whatever the series accomplish in following the protagonist journey of Yusuke… Not something to introduce a sequel or to expand a series.

Shonen Anime had this kind of usual problem because it all about raising everything at the same time without any narrative consistency, making things about just concluded with muscle advantage and ki blast advantage is meh in a well written narrative.

What Yuyu did made is more interesting in categorical design… than using numbers in data… it’s like comparing the life counter in Magic The Gathering and Yugioh that is more confusing. It even have leave a space for ambiguity for the sake of not easily anticipating a background and outcome of a battle.

In the end SF isn’t about just muscle, body mass, ingenuity, gears, weapons and Ki blast not even techniques like traditional anime we are accustomed in the past because even situation and environment do affect decision making because quick/critical thinking.

So what ever label of categorization won’t justify and conclude the advantage of a character to conquer another unless they are fully elaborated in narrative or cinematic like those ninjas that Bison beat or the dolls that Birdie beat.


For being the unbiased here with the fanfic thread i remain consistent and coherent for this ideas with counter abilities and skills that no-one overrule everyone. The anime YU YU Hakusho shows being a class S being isn’t an easy ticket for victory.

I want Ryu to be an ideal not with complicated narrative not some OP characters that gets the spotlight on every gameplot. Same to Bison is also my favorite boss but I like him killing every other character that has decent appeal to be love gameplay wise and storywise. Bison is okay being a normal ghost haunting people in Nightmare like Geese.

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It’s something that could have happened as hypothetical scenario but never did

I did’nt added Oni for the reason canon wise never existed and it has even been playable, Final Bison is some next level stretch

You did sneak “Final Bison” as something concrete to have the excuse to have a Bison on top lol :smiley:

No Bison in SF canon ever reached that stage, simple as that

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