The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The way SF5 Urien plays killed any joy i could get from that character.

Throw him and Bison in the trash.

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I mean I believe that urien will outsmart Gill and not overpower him. Yet I like Urien more than Gill.

Daemos want Bison turned into the Devil of SF univers or somewhere like Mephisto or Dormamu of Sf universe. Jumping body to body and killing other characters to make him look badass in appeal.

But the thing is compared to the likes of Necali that withstood Ryu again and again and just

Necali being melted and disolve from Ryu attack but reformed easily. Compare to Bison.

Gill in Capcom Fighting Jam ending.

Look every other can character.

  1. Other character can teleport even without the psycho drive technology reaching a certain power.

  2. Other character can rejuvenate in seconds even without the psycho drive or using another scientist modified body.

  3. Other character can ressemble from being melted or disfigured from a very powerful attack and while other can ressurect in seconds without the need of those bunch of scientist and bulky incubator machines.

Bison so called supernatural capabilities compare to the likes of Necali, Kage and Oni is ARTIFICIAL because it heavily relies on worldly things and require condition rather than something that cames out naturally.

Necali is immortal and can be hit and recreate himself from Ryu.

Thank you Capcom for the most best sensei and master of all street fighter, the most coolest and chill sensei character of SFV.


Kage should merge already with Necali so they would became like Venom or Nightmare completely. Rather than seeing another Evil Ryu.

Bison should settle with Seth’s body worst thing is getting replace by a twelve clone by Urien to control Shadaloo resources.

The fact that you can’t fathom the extent of his power is proof of your ignorance not his weakness. Only through the Pax Bisonica will you and this wretched planet comprehend the inevitable doom that awaits all. Welcome oblivion, and despair!

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Bison is the rocks on the eternal shore, crash against him and it is you who will be broken!

Nash = dead x2
Seth = gangbanged
Juri = orphaned and blinded
Rose = coma
Akuma = impotent and retconned
Ryu = nerfed
Urien = Not president

The pattern, do you see it? This is true power!


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To be fair, I think the only time Akuma didn’t blow Ryu/Ken out of the water was in 3S. He was really damn good in Alpha and remained at worst high tier throughout SF4 even with USF4 E.Ryu in the game. ST isn’t even worth bringing up because he wasn’t balanced in that game.

He’s just really badly balanced by design compared to Ryu/Ken unless you start taking away options/system mechanics, like not having EX moves in 3S. They could have even tried the MvC3 approach of giving him bad normals so Ryu had a chance, but that would require giving Ryu better normals in the first place. There is no way to balance a “jack of all trades, master of everything” character unless you start nerfing one of those traits.


I don’t. It’s a cancer on SF’s otherwise amazing supernatural martial arts themes, and why Fatal Fury will always be the superior setting.

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If Akuma had Ken level life in 3S, he’d probably be better than both ken and ryu again.

If his thing was strictly air fireballs and this different approach to things, then he’d make more sense. But the dude has blown out other shotos in A3, SF4 and now SF5. Something has to give.


Bison needs incubator rest for months and years other rejuvenate and resurect in seconds without bulky machine and scientists.

Bunch of failed body clones that needs proper tuning.

And big bulky machine to keep his powers in- check.

Bison had a huge trouble manipulating and possessing bunch of (pre)teens that needed modified genes

Then compare to the likes of Kage that used to take over Ryu directly in some occasion and Necali that manage to take over a warriors that once disrupt a worldly balance of power. BISON isn’t an incarnate or a demon his a mortal being with a mortal spirit.

Take a look of this.

This is official, Capcoms answer to Nightmare Geese.

Thats no demon it’s a mere mortal spirit that needs desperately his bunch of scientist to manage to keep him into the mortal realm using technology from a bulky machine and science lol.

Urien: “Hah!! The SRK member speaks?! Kneel before me when in my PRESENCE! I am your god emperor! Your resistance and futile!”

M. Bison: “What are you babbling about this time?”

Urien: “So the comedian dictator appears before me?”

M. Bison: “I had a wonderful laugh watching you get hauled off by policemen waiting for their pensions…”

Urien: “And, the stand up continues. Come here, so that I may lay my mighty hands on you!”

M. Bison: “You still dare to challenge me? Worm…”

Urien: “Pitiful scum!”

M. Bison: “… Ack!”

Urien: “You are finished!”

M. Bison: “You really think I let you lay a finger on me?”

Bison self-destructs

Urien: “So be it. I will rule this world yet! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

@YagamiFire You got a early holiday gift


@Great_Dark_Hero This is beautiful! You know what, not only will I do a short Cammy/cat story for Christmas but I’ll plan a President Urien one for New Year’s.

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Ah, thanks! But, on a serious note, I legitimately like Bison and Urien because they operate well as villains in this setting. Plus, Urien himself is inspired by Thouzer from Hokuto no Ken and he reminds of him so much (Geese Howard is also implied to have been based on Thouzer based on some of his aesthetics and SNK’s way of doing things at the time).

There is even a part of me that wishes I actually knew how to play Urien correctly.

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Look, you guys already got the cosplay nerd stuff here and I accept it to conversate.

But fan fiction too.

Y’all are killing me here.


Oh, I don’t actually write fanfiction, this is just a yearly tradition that I’ve done. If I actually wrote fanfiction, my ancestors would give me 100 years bad juju for shaming the family name.

Color #11 still best Urien, good.
Give great mediterranean vibe and fit Urien classic skin/hair colors

Black vest Is awesome and olive suit is far more original than many other options
It sell me Urien as greek more than all others too

I can appreciate the Yakuza tribute of #13, but 11 is still best by wide margin, even better than standard #1

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But, yeah. It may come across as obnoxious, so I’ll tone it down.

Hahaha no way. This is you guys’ world, not mine. If this is the stuff y’all enjoy then keep doing it. Not about to have you all change your ways because of my nonsense.

But really,


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Never seen this ad before.

Neat and also fits into my headcanon that Bison loves driving.



Idk if i missed some canon lore piece, but i ever considered Oro to be an internal ki user, the best while at it

For how i see it Oro developed immense amount and control of his own ki, and he’s able to “change his inner frequency” making it take the same of different types of ki

Think like a radio that change frequency to tune in with different stations (SnH, MnK, others etc), but instead try to focus on one he let the signal move and switch free in a natural way, with the result his “type of ki” keeps changing… see his eye color kep switching from red to white to blue as possible way to symbolize it

I think is possible not a coincidence both Ryu and Gill (only two Oro considered interessing) showed to have potential/are gifted in develop opposite kind of ki
Ryu - “red” SnH “blue” Hado
Gill - “red” Fire “blue” Ice
Maybe Oro found this versatility an essential (and super rare) quality for a wannabe Sennin, who should be able to rise above the limitation of a single path

Oro believe in embrace ki in it’s full “multi-color” potential with the fighter/Sennin being a channel for it

Returning to your quote i think to find an “external” ki user, Illuminati and their elemental techniques are the best candidates.
Gill can generate fire/ice (Kolin the latter) out of thin air, Urien can generate elettromagnetism
More than anybody else G (who i think is connected to illuminati too) openly charge himself up from the connection with gaia/earth/ground*

That’s my impression

*this link directly with a greek myth, Antaeus

Interessing notice two elements of greek myth are key part of G concept (Gaia and Antaeus), considering greek myth link strong with Illuminati/SS

But this is another story :smiley: