The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

What I meant was he is not an evil incarnate and him as an evil incarnate in SF is an overstate comparing to other supernatural entities in SF like Oni Kage and Necali for he needs technology to so most of supernatural feats compare to those other mystical and mythological creature.

See? Did necali, oni and kage need those things no because they are manifestation or literal supernatural incarnate not someone needed scientist and tech to restore themselves.

See? He needs Psycho Drive to amplify his Psycho Power which can also destroy Bison body. Necali, Oni and Kage doesn’t need those things. It mean Psycho Power is something that Bison forces himself into.

No it’s not that why Bison needs a third party device(psycho drive) to help him.

No, your talking as if those things doesn’t come without a price and drawbacks lol.

Like I said it retcon, we knew it happened even in the likes of SVC and SFxT they were complimented in quotes. I know that was not canon but a tribute to retcon one that was even complimented by various sources not Udon that Akuma really can do a quick work with Bison in the past, that was really the conclusion of Bison, so he never was or mentioned to exist in SF3(this was before SF4) remember ST revival and even both HD remix and USF2.

It’s obvious and it doesn’t make it equally or even powerful fo what Gill is capable.


We’re taking for granted Gouken’s win, but we have no proof of it

Only hint we have is Akuma not taking Ryu, but that could be also the case in a draw scenario i guess, for this i’m more for stalemate/draw situation than any other

I’m sold that Akuma did’nt managed to strike throught Gouken’s MnK (the ending even show a bit of that), on other hand i’m not sold Gouken has been able to kick his ass either

To me untill proven otherwise has been a defense vs offense clash, and at that defense “won” in the sense that the attacker has not been able to do his thing, but i call it more a stalemate than a “victory”

That’s a stretch, for what SFV try to sell (wich i don’t like, but i did’nt write it) current Akuma seem to be a power well beyond Bison judging their SFV clashes with Ryu

That sound like SFEX Bison and Garuda, but current canon SF does’nt have Bison with this ability.
Close to Garuda (in fact part of his story is copied from there) in that sense is Necalli

Psycho Power sounds like one of the more dumbshit things in SF lore.


Don’t worry Bushinryu got it covered.



Read what I wrote. SF5 Bison at his peak which was before his fight with Ryu is on par with SF3 Akuma at least. Ryu did not beat SF5 Bison alone and could not have possibly done so arguably pre-Nash.

I think Urien and Gill are pretty much explicitly supposed to be equal in strength/power. Gill, however, is the superior tactician and leader…by a damn good margin.

Those things count for A LOT in a fight. Gill also has the broken AF Resurrection secret art so that is a huge feather in his cap

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Anything that’s not pure Ki in SF lore is dumbshit as hell.

Please, don’t make me do Akuma’s advocat, truly one of the last SFjobs i want :smiley:

The SFV Bison you speak of canon lost the round and got put on his knee by Nash, who will have possibly killed him if was’nt for the machine recharging Bison’s health just in time

Then is indeed true Ryu fought him after the Nash explosion, but he won without particular struggle, even tanking the last attack before destroy Bison

Again, i’m not the one writing it (my ideal was Nash+Guile+Chun, 3vs1) but it is what it is

On other hand you get Ryu who get completely one-side wrecked by Akuma

Given he keeps rising, SF3Akuma is even more powerful than SFVAkuma

We can dislike Akuma all we want (i will keep, i promise) but if we want to be objective i think it’s pretty clear where Capcom consider him and Bison in the food chain, and it’s not on the same step of the ladder

If helps villain wise i like the most Urien and i got great hopes for Necalli.
Former is inferior to Gill and lost some kind of fighting bet with Chun Li of all people, latter became walking joke culminating into be part-time job test for Rog-Urien lol, a job Rog won

Wish for Necalli-Rog there was a clear indication of Nec being heavy weakened, but they did’nt
Same for Urien-Chun

Capcom does what Capcom want

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Tbh i think Oro will say that PP is ki

He will tell you the sennin version of “different color, different name, same shit. Are all same shit.”


Psycho Power is psychic ability. It’s the Force. It’s wielded by freaks of nature.

Oro’s power is external universal ki. The ki of “nature”

Other ki used in the majority of the martial arts of SF (like to utilize the hadoken) is internal ki.

I’m fine with different energy sources. I dig the sci-fi stuff in fighters like SF and KOF


I’d like Akuma in SF5 more if he wasnt there to invalidate Ryu/Ken gameplay wise. Usually they do a good job of keeping all three characters different, but Woshige screwed that pooch to epic proportions.



I read that in Bison’s voice and lol’d

Btw, seeing the discussion between you and Shak earlier:

I thought it was interesting how Maki referred to Bison’s Psycho Power in that way.


The same scene in Japanese:

So you are “the Evil we ought to defeat”?
That was disappointing, you know?

Guy refers to Bison as 倒すべき悪 taosubeki aku “the Evil we ought to defeat” as well. No “power of evil incarnate”, although the same implication could be seen.


Urien: “DAEMOS!”

Urien: “… You SRK sewer rats are horribly misguided! I am the god chosen to rule this world! My brother is but a nuisance who seeks to build his realm on nonsensical theories and fake altruism. @Daemos. Come here so that I can reduce you to-”

M. Bison: “WORM!!”

Bison crashes down on Urien but the latter dodges in time to face his adversary

Urien: “You again?”

M. Bison: “You are disturbing my plan.”

Urien: “Your endgame is shit.”

M. Bison: “My plan is far too much for a fool to comprehend. Do you wish for me to torture you once more? Watching you suffer should generate some amusement.”

Urien: “Ah, the comedian dictator. I would enjoy a good laugh by grinding your head across the ground!”

M. Bison: “Then let the curtains rise. This fight will be going live.”

Bison outsmarts and overwhelms Urien once again. The mad, self-proclaimed god is taken by the cops. As Urien curses the name of Bison from afar, the dictator sits on his throne and ponders on his next move

M. Bison: “Hm. Not even a true martial artist. What a bother.”



Bison is just using psycho power or the power of evil incarnate? but his not evil incarnate himself.

His like Rugal’s relationship with the orochi power.

We always know that Daemos wants Bison to be a demon of evil but it’s too late most of his representation in Alpha saga was sòmeone that force Psycho Power to his body that cause hin problems

I mean would consider Ingrid not canon but it show the perpective of Capcom that Bison is just using that power.

Unlike the other supernatural like Kage and Necali that are really supernatural beings as by default.

Nash a Gill and Urien empowered soldier give Bison a hard time even having those moons almost complete. Making it easier for Ryu.

What more we could expect from Urien and Gill. Were just seeing a bit of percentage given to Nash against Bison which Daemos claims to be barely untouchable. We clearly see the difference there.

I dont know why Deamos insists that Bison is that powerful. Human Nash fought him, Akuma put all the hands on him in ST, he gotta fight girls to get over…

Sounds like a goofy ass chump tbh.


@Great_Dark_Hero that’s cute but we all know that Urien will beat Bison and actually create world peace somehow via a dictatorship.


^ Yagamifire approves of this message

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